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 Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP)

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Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP)   Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 31 Aug 2009, 7:52 pm

General Information:
Name: Setoshi & Tenoshi Futakongo

Nickname/Alias: The Demon Brothers


• Setoshi: 82 lbs

• Tenoshi: 83 lbs

• Combined Weight: 165 lbs


• Tenoshi: 5'9

• Setoshi: 5'7

• Combined Height: 6'2

Age: 15

Gender: Male


Setoshi & Tenoshi: (Coming Soon to RPG Sites Near you)


Tenoshi: Tenoshi is the out going type, the football type Jock if that's what you want to call it. Using pure strength to get most of everything they have, yet he lacks the ability to control his rage. Once provoked, Tenoshi becomes a wrecking ball of destruction, not listening to anyone, but Setoshi, and turning anyone into a possible enemy even if it is his own comrade. In this Berserk Rage Stage, Tenoshi will forcefully split Setoshi and himself apart to ensure the safety of his brother in-case something where to happen. Although he is shown using pure strength he does have a gentler side that needs to be viewed.

Setoshi: Setoshi is the quiet type, usually he's not up to splitting apart, but will do it if that's what makes his brother happy. Seeing as Tenoshi is the strength of the two, Setoshi is the brains and speed, usually when both are fused together he is feeding Tenoshi information so that he can function on the level of a superb ninja. Even when separated Setoshi stays out of the way or will only assist at the end of the battle, usually he is lending cover.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Futakongo

Kekei Genkai: This artificial Bloodline limit is exclusive to twins only, one twin acts as a host while the other one sleeps or rest deep inside the host's body, this makes the host's body to be the only one visible while the guest's body is invisible to the human normal eye, making this one a great surprise attack. Due to the experimental issues this Bloodline limit is still imperfect and that's the reason of why the twins cannot stand being split during more time than their limit because they take the risk of making the experiment to reverse their effects and making it impossible once again to form one body.

People with this artificial Bloodline limit are capable of having a unique clever fighting style. Because there are two of them and not just one, the combination's that they both can use when in battle are very useful. While being inside the other twin's body that twin is known as the "Guest" while the one hosting their twin is known to be the "Host." The guest can separate from the host's body and attack independently, this bloodline limit's main ability but at a great cost. The guest tires out easily because it is not used to moving on its own and they can only remain separate for so long until it becomes permanent.

Like twins they have a strong bond with each-other at birth, causing them to aid each other and stick near each other at all times. It is a rare occasion when the twins begin to open up themselves to outside people and let them form some sort of friendship together. Since they have such an abnormal physical feature they have high standards for anyone else who is having their own internal issues. From birth they were fused together and have to remain that way or they will separate forever, possibly losing that strong bond that they have as well.

With this kekkei genkai, the Host and the Guest are able to merge with the bodies of others. The Guest generally uses this ability to remain within the Host's body where he can then bring out some of his body parts to aid the Host in blocking or attacking. They are able to reconstruct their body on a molecular level and enter another person's body. At that point the Guest is able to alter the cells and proteins of his target at will, effectively killing them, and then leaving them to reconstruct his own body again. This technique, however, has the disadvantage of him taking the same damage as the body he has invaded, so the Guest has to be quite careful in this state. However this ability also allows them to regenerate faster, though at the cost of a lot of chakra.

Clan Symbol: N/A

Clan History: The Futakongo clan was based off of a tested experimental procedure that allowed a human to alter their molecules in such a way to change their physical characteristic of their body, at first this was used for medical purposes but as the time passed and as the medics began to see some positive results in their work more people began to gain interest into this research, although it was strictly for medical research people managed to get their hands into this project once it was finished, those people began to use this one for their own egotistical business and some of them were people who wanted to create a whole new army of shinobi, there the creation of the clan.

At first the researches used their experiment on animals but they noticed that those animals weren't strong enough to resist all the procedures the experiment needed, that's why the decided to experiment on twins, the researchers began to notice that people began to lose control of their own cells until they collapsed to death, that's the reason of why they began to work on twins, due to the high DNA relation they both have they could transfer some cells from the healthy one to the experimental one, at first they experimented with normal grown up twins, but as the time passed they discovered that the youngest the children were better their body would accept the experiment.

The reason why was because their body defenses were not fully grown up and the experiment was more difficult to get used to the hosts' body. It took several failed tries before they decided to use the experiment on embryos, it was used on a pair of twins in a mother's stomach, thus granting them the ability at birth to be connected as one and later diffused into two without harming themselves for a short period of time. The result was a success, however they noticed that the experiment was not a perfect one and that the twins had a time limit before they should "Fuse" once again or they all will lose the experiments benefits.

Although this was first used with a medical purpose some shinobi wanted their babies to have this unique ability and with this unique ability, it allowed the research facility and the shinobi to have a whole new way of battling in combat since it became apparent that two heads are greater then one. Not many are born with this unique ability due the dangerous process, but the ties became clearly obvious that most born within the clan have an understanding and devotion to them-self and they have a strong bond with each other naturally. They are inseparable as they literally live off of each other and watch each other's back. Only one of them can be the host of the body at a time, the other is usually resting within the body.

Rank Information:
Rank: Genin

Village: Hidden Sound Village

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty:
• Tenoshi
Main: Taijutsu
Sub: Ninjutsu

• Setoshi
Main: Taijutsu
Sub: Chakra Control

• Combined Talents
Main: Taijutsu
Sub: Chakra Control

Elemental Affinity:
Main: Lightning
Sub: Earth (Will Learn Later)

Main: Fire
Sub: Wind (Will Learn Later)

Special Characteristics: Kekkei Genkai, Large Chakra Reserves, Curse Seal

Jutsu In Another post

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: Another Post

Rp Sample:
• Tenoshi: ( Look Threw all my post as Tenshin )

• Setoshi:

Last edited by Tenshin Nara on Mon 31 Aug 2009, 8:03 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP)   Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 31 Aug 2009, 7:53 pm

* Embodied Separation
Rank: "D" "C" " B" "A"
Type: NinJutsu
Effect: This is the start of all techniques for the techniques within the Futakongo Bloodlimit. Since all children born within the Futakongo bloodlimit are born somewhat like Siamese twins, this enables the two twins the capability to be separate, to be apart and attack as two. The larger the rank the user gets into this technique the longer the brothers/sisters can be separated before dire consequences are made.
Special: ---
Drawback: Depending on which rank, if the brothers/sisters stay separated longer then it is stated, the brothers/sisters will never be capable of joining together ever again.
Description: This technique with all brothers/sisters when together are born as if they were back and forth, this means that there are two heads but one body. This technique allows the users to separate their chakra, to push forth using their ability of their body molecules to where the users gain the ability of separating apart. When first learned, the D Rank, it enables the brothers/sisers the capability of being separated for up to one hour. C Rank enables them to be separated for Two hours. B Rank enables them to be separated for Three Hours. A Rank enables them to be separated for Four Hours.
Limit: Must be part of the Futakongo bloodlimit.

* Embodied Movement
Rank: "D" "C" "B" "A"
Type: NinJutsu/TaiJutsu
Effect: This enables for the two bodies to move as one. This means that the Host could use one Guest's hand, or leg in order to push out of the Host's body to create a block, or create a punch like form. This technique however is limited to what rank the user knows.
Special: ---
Drawback: Depending on what rank the user is only capable of using one or more limbs at the same time. Another Drawback is that a user can not keep their limbs out for to long. It may only last for one post.
Description: When first learned the user is capable of moving one limb at a time in and out of the whole body. This means that the Host could use one Guest's hand, or leg in order to push out of the Host's body to create a block, or create a punch like form. This technique however is limited to what rank the user knows. The limb can not be pushed off to far, only the lower half of the limb may be moved. When first learned the user is only capable of moving one Limb. C Rank Enables the user to push out two limbs at the same time. B Rank enables the user to use Three Limbs at the same time, A Rank enables to move four limbs at the same time.
Limit: Must have knowledge of the Embodied Separation "D" Rank before the user is capable of going into this technique.

* Tarenken, ‘½˜AŒ, (Multiple Connecting Punches)
Rank: "C"
Type: TaiJutsu
Effect: Using their kekkei genkai to combine their arms at the elbows, the Host can punch an opponent with both the Host and Guest's force.
Special: ---
Description: Using their kekkei genkai to combine their arms at the elbows, the Host can punch an opponent with both the Host and Guest's force. The way this technique looks is as if the user is punching at high speeds. By using this concept this can create hurtful manners towards the opponent especially when this technique somewhat crushes through rock.
Limit: Must have knowledge of Embodied Movement and Embodied Separation "D" Rank Version. Must be part of the Futakongo Bloodlimit

* Tarenkyaku, ‘½˜A‹r, (Multiple Connecting Kicks)
Rank: "C"
Type: TaiJutsu
Effect: Using their kekkei genkai to combine their legs at the knees, the Host can kick an opponent with both the Host and Guest's force.
Special: ---
Description: Using their kekkei genkai to combine their legs at the knees, the Host can kick an opponent with both the Host and Guest's force. The way this technique looks is as if the user is kicking at high speeds. By using this concept this can create hurtful manners towards the opponent especially when this technique somewhat crushes through rock.
Limit: Must have knowledge of Embodied Movement and Embodied Separation "D" Rank Version. Must be part of the Futakongo Bloodlimit

* Kisei Kikai no Jutsu, Šñ¶‹S‰ó‚̏p, literally (Parasite Demon Demolition Technique)
Rank: A Rank
Type: NinJutsu
Special: "Hand seals"
Drawback: Any injury received when you are in this state is transferred to the user as well. Can only be used by one Futakongo at a time.
Description: The user gains the capability to fuse with their opponent as they normally do with each other. After fusing with an opponent, they can destroy their host's cells one by one, slowly killing them. The one weakness of this jutsu is that any injury the host receives is transferred to the user as well. This jutsu does not work on non-living matter, such as puppets.
Limit: Must have knowledge of Embodied Separation "A" Rank Version, Embodied Movement "B" Rank.

Techniques created by Kamanachi

* Cellular Control
Rank: C
Skill: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu, Passive.
Effect: Allows the twins to control their cells in a whole new level.
Special: ---
Drawback: ---
Description: After being part of an experiment and got used to it, the twins have gained control of their cells and their twin's cells. This allows the users to be able to expand them through their body(ies) of through another living body (I.E.: Another shinobi)
Limit: Must be part of the Futakongo Bloodlimit.

* Cellular Recovery
Rank: C, B, A
Skill: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu, Passive.
Effect: Makes the Host's cells to help the Guest's cells into regeneration cells, making it quick for the Guest to recover from injuries.
Special: ---
Drawback: The twins must be acting as a Host and Guest for each other. Depending on rank depends the recovery rate. Lowers the Host's resistance.
Description: Being inside the Host's body and sharing their cells, the Guest's body recovery rate increases, however this is not for free due to the fact that the Host has not all their cells his/her body has a greater lower on defenses. The C Rank of this technique allows the Guest to recover D injuries into 2 turns and decreases the host's defenses by one, this means that any injury deat to the Host will count as two (1 D Rank will count as 2 D Rank attacks). The B Rank of this technique allows the guest to recover C or lower injuries into 2 turns (1 D Rank will count as 2 D Rank attacks. The B Rank of this technique allows the guest to recover B or lower injuries into 2 turns (1 D Rank will count as 2 D Rank attacks. Each rank higher the user has over the injury the time is reduced by one turn, being 1 turn as the minimum amount needed for a total recovery. This means that having the A Ranked technique lets the guest to recover from a C or lower injury in one turn. The Ranks values applies for this ( 1 S = 2 A = 4 B = 8 C = 16 D = 32 E).
Limit: Must know Embodied Separation "B" Rank. Cellular Control.

* Cellular Resistance.
Rank: B
Skill: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu, Passive.
Effect: Makes both twins to share their cells making it difficult for a outside factor to inflict damage to the host.
Special: ---
Drawback: The twins must be acting as a Host and Guest for each other.
Description: As long as the twins remain as one they both share their cells making their internal defenses stronger than a normal one. Any kind of external factor that would try to deal damage to the user's internal structure will last half or take twice amount of time to take effect (depends of the external factor). This is applied to poisons, sickness, etc...
Limit: Must know Embodied Separation "B" Rank. Must know Cellular Resistance. Cellular Control.

* Great Parasite Absorption
Rank: A
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Absorbs the opponent's cells recovering from some injuries the user could have.
Special: ---
Drawback: The twins must be acting as a Host and Guest for each other. Must hold the opponent for one turn before the technique starts.
Description: Using the same basic of the Parasite Demon Demolition Technique but this time using it backwards, instead of fusing one with the opponent the opponent will be the one fused with the twins. Due to the fact that the opponent is an external factor and maybe not used to the artificial Bloodlimit of the twins, the twins' cells will began to destroy the opponent slowly on a cellular level and absorb their cells. The twins must hold the opponent while being one twin inside the other one, after that turn have passed the technique will take effect and each turn passed after the second one will cause the opponent a C Rank damage and will make the twins to regain strength of an amount equal to a D Rank (This only applies to one twin per turn).
Limit: Parasite Demon Demolition Technique. Cellular Control.

* Body Paralysis.
Rank: B
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Paralyzes the opponent along with one Twin.
Special: ---
Drawback: The twin fused with the opponent cannot move. The twin fused with the opponent will receive the same amount of damage as the opponent (Host's body).
Description: Fusing one twin with an opponent, that twin can control the opponent's body, although not to a complete level, the twin is only allowed to stop the opponent's movement using this technique, however any harm dealt to the opponent )host's body) will be dealt to the twin as well. This technique doesn't gives the twin full control of the body, enough control only to stop the opponent's movement, this is because the opponent's body isn't used to the twin's body inside themselves causing a natural reaction in the body, which in this case is paralysis. This technique can only last up to three (3) turns before the opponent's body get used to the twins cells allowing his/her movement even though the twin is still inside. Two turns have to pass once the twin left the host's body before it can work once again in the same body.
Limit: Embodied Separation "B" Rank Version, Embodied Movement "C" Rank. Cellular Control.

* Futakongo Clone.
Rank: B
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: Creates a clone out of both twins cells.
Special: "Handseals"
Drawback: The clone has no chakra system. The twins must be acting as a Host and Guest for each other.
Description: After performing the needed hand seals both twins uses their chakra and makes their cells to combine and come out of their body creating a whole new twin, although this twin has no chakra system this doesn't mean it cannot use Taijutsu moves. Due to the fact that this twin is "imperfect" it can only stand up to a "B" Rank jutsu before being destroyed. Although it seems to be a normal bunshin, this one has a particular ability, due to the fact of being formed by cells it has the ability to split itself once (although it will lower its resistance and power by the half) creating another twin but as they two share the cells the bunshins will appear to be kids (or at least half the age the real twin's). The bunshin can stand up to a B Rank but if used the split ability there will be two instead of one and those two will seem to be kids and each one can stand up to a C Rank technique.
Limit: Cellular Control.

These Techniques were Created by Genbu

* Embodied Extension
Rank: "B"
Skill: Ninjutsu
Effect: This enables the dormant brother to prolong the amount of time he can allow limbs to remain protruding from the main body. The dormant twin is able to remain extended for three additional turns before having to retreat for rest upon learning. Additional B-ranked training can increase the number of turns available to four, although this is the maximum.
Special: - - -
Drawback: A C-rank amount of chakra is used every turn after the first turn in order to maintain the body extension. Also, however many turns the dormant twin keeps his extra limb(s) extended determines how long he remains inactive. This inactivity triggers immediately after the extra extension's turn is over. This means that if the dormant twin keeps his limb(s) extended for two turns, he will be inactive for one turn immediately afterward. This number increases with each turn that passes going up to four turns (for five turns of usage). This technique can only be used at it's highest capacity (4-5 turns) once per thread. Afterward the dormant brother may only remain extended for up to three turns.
Description: A Futakongo learns very early in life that his most loyal comrade will always be his attached sibling. As a result, they will go to extreme measures to ensure their body isn't injured. If an attacker is relentless with pressure, the dormant brother will maintain his embodied movement in order to prevent an attack from connecting.
Limit: Must be part of the Futakongo bloodlimit.
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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP)   Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 31 Aug 2009, 7:54 pm

Pre-Academy Arc: Not much is known about the parents that gave birth to Tenoshi and Setoshi, all that is known is that they where found, floating down the river with flowers masked in the basket that they laid in. They where only, but two weeks old when they where found, a young couple from the Sound Village took them in. When first brought out of the basket the wife nearly screamed as she saw one boy, but as she turned him around a squeal came from the back end. When she lifted the hair another head lay resting peacefully, when she spoke to her husband about it he only wanted them until they could look after there own selves.

Over the next course of Five years the two, Tenoshi & Setoshi, learned about there heritage from nearby merchants and books they had found within Otogakure. They learned many of there clans jutsu, yet seeing as they had no one to teach them they had to learn on themselves. They learned how to merge themselves with others and how to break apart, but Setoshi always felt to weak to even move. This brought chaos to ever being separated, yet the two learned to grow on each other and since have been best friends and teammates.

Academy Arc: The two boys started the academy at the age of nine, unlock most though they had to be taught by private tutors because the Teacher's didn't want conflict to rise between the students. This brought much rage into the life of Tenoshi, yet Setoshi was always there willingly to calm him down. Over the next course of years the boys graduate the Academy at the age of twelve, finally learning the basics of becoming a ninja.

Destruction in the Sound Arc: As the two boys laid asleep in there peaceful cottage a series of chants and loud blows echoed all around them. As they woke up to see what it was all about they started to see a army rolling over the hills, a Giant Snake leading the pack followed by four Ninja backing it up. The boys made there escape from there village trying to get picked up by any and everyone that would aid them and provide any means of transportation . Alas there journey ended in the Village Hidden in Leaves.

There they seeked out the Hokage and begged to stay within the village, he allowed, but made them promise that they would continue there life as a ninja swearing to protect this village. The two agreed, but there real intentions to one day travel back and meet the group of people that had raided there village.
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PostSubject: Re: Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP)   Tenshin Nara & Legend Slayer's Second Character. ((The Demon Brothers)) (WIP) Icon_minitimeMon 31 Aug 2009, 7:57 pm

Setoshi's Jutsu

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