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 Karei has retired

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Karei has retired Empty
PostSubject: Karei has retired   Karei has retired Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 4:36 pm

General Information:
Name: Naginata Ryo

Nickname/Alias: Naginata no Iwagakure/"The Halberd of the Hidden Stone" and Ageless

Weight: Differs

Height: Differs

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Karei has retired Mitorusaru
Ryo's age is generally anywhere between seventeen and thirty-four. However, no matter how old he looks a few things remain the same. For instance, the way he dresses remains the same. He always wears a red or black t-shirt with some form of mist symbol design, or sometimes his clan symbol on it. Ryo enjoys wearing hoodies, even on extremely warm days. The hoodies are generally baggy, black in color, and having various designs including kanji symbols on the back and pinstripes. Ryo's hair is a rich brown color, though at the younger ages it seems to be a lighter shade than during his middle-age stages. Ryo's eyes a light brown color as well, his features changing with his age to be either more childish or more masculine. He has a scar on his right arm that reaches from his elbow to his shoulder which doesn't go away no matter what age he jumps to. He enjoys wearing jeans, and has a wide array of skinny-jeans that come in various colors, color combination, and patterns.

Karei has retired Warrior-4
When he is preparing for Combat Ryo will dress differently. The main difference, however, is that he will only make his age around 20-29 because that is when he is the most physically fit. He will wear a tight-fitting, sleeveless black shirt, over which he will equip himself with a light but sturdy chest plate that covers his ribs and leaves his stomach exposed, to leave room for him to bend over and roll. He will also wear a thick and large cloth collar, which he can pull over his face if faced with a poisonous mist or similar attack. One his legs he wears baggy canvas pants, attaching flexible metal plates over the legs with a special joint at the knee that allows him full flexibility. On his feet he wears combat boots. He is usually found with his Halberd strapped to his back or in his hand.

The ideal Panther is a Thinker. Preferably high IQ, possibly good broad based higher education, a person who is deeply interested in the martial arts. Some Panther Stylist lack the patience to become a Panther and go through life as a bitsa-master (bits of this and bits of that) without really having anything. A Shaolin Panther Stylist will spend some time on each focus, enough to make them as much as a Master before they move on to the next. The principle problems of a Panther are sometimes a lack of reliability, inability to get things done and an expectations that some things will just happen 'magically' for them. Sometimes they are to uninvolved and fence sitters. On the upside, they have the ability of Sharp Insight, Recognition of the Situation, High IQ and EQ coupled with a good ability to research and plan. They are happiest when they are the center of everything with out having to do anything. Ryo is the ideal panther. He is manipulative, strategic, intelligent, and very interested in learning all he can revolving around martial arts.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Naginata

Kekei Genkai:
Fukyuu allows the users of the kekkei genkei to cause their bodies to age, or even reverse and become younger at an extremely rapid pace. The technique is very good for spying and similar missions, as any records of a clan member would be of their most common age. All they would have to do is age themselves forward or backward far enough that they looked different enough to pass by. Aging does not reverse the effects of jutsu or damage done to the body. If they are cut and reverse their aging effect to jump back ten years, they are still cut. Because of this they can't get rid of scars either, leaving them identifiable by any odd scars. This ability is with them from birth, but not controlled until they learn to control their chakra usage, so at genin level. Before then they will jump between ages whenever they feel scared or upset, or excited as it produces an extra burst of chakra.

No one really knows exactly how this kekkei genkei works, not even the clan members. They will activate it using chakra, possibly a medical technique that either reverses cell growth to a point where they begin to lose cell mass and literally reverse their age, or it is quite possible that their chakra has a special property that reverses time itself. If the latter were true however, someone would have most likely found a way to do more than just reverse their age. Another theory is that the jutsu creates an invisible seal on the user, changing their age and sealing them from aging past that state until the seal is morphed.

In actuality, it is the third option. The user's chakra has a special property which can create invisible seals on the user. These seals can revert them back to any age they have already been or will become, and keep them in that age down to the second that they chose. The seal cannot and will not break until the user of the kekkei genkei changes it to a different age. In theory, a master of Fuuinjutsu would be able to copy their kekkei genkei and use it, though if anyone outside of the clan were to attempt it it would take a massive amount of chakra, as only members of the clan have the special chakra property that allows them to make such a seal with ease.

Clan Symbol: N/A

Clan History:
From the beginning of time man has been obsessed with immortality, eternal youth, and cheating time itself. Because of this and many mythological tales from history involving men who could change their age or live eternally, it is theorized that the Naginata's ability has been around for thousands of years. However, this is mere speculation. The date of the creation of the clan is not written down, though it is certain that they were created only shortly after the creation of the village hidden in the mist. This is known because the second kage is said to have held counsel with a former elder of the clan. The clan is said to have participated in nearly every battle of every war that the Mist participated in.

They became a regal and well-known family within the mist village, powerful and large. However, they rarely ever revealed the secrets of the kekkei genkei, forcing themselves to age slightly every few years to keep it a secret. This was during the time of the great massacre of those with bloodlines within the mist. Entire clans were wiped out, and the Naginata clan was not about to be one of them. When the massacre reached its peak, the clan evacuated the Mist village, fleeing to a solitary island not far from the coast. They claimed that they needed more space for their growing clan, and were able to escape without suspicion. From this island they still helped plan strategic maneuvers and help with war efforts of their village because they considered themselves shinobi of the mist.

When the massacre finally ended and the village became at peace with the concept of kekkei genkei, some shinobi elected to move back to the village. However, the main body of the clan wanted to stay on the island that they had made their home. They didn't want to have to move again after having put so much time and effort into the island. So they made it a tradition that once every year a large amount of the clan members would return to the Mist village and hold a festival to celebrate the bond between their clan and the village itself. The clan payed for this festival itself every year, from the money they got from resources on the island, as well as their shinobi pay for missions they did through the mist. In this way they learned to live in harmony with the Mist village. The clan became a clan of shinobi reminiscent of shaolin monks. They were peaceful, strong, morally pure, and trained in martial arts as a way of exercise as opposed to a way of violence.

Rank Information:
Rank: Genin

Village: Stone

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Taijutsu/Weaponry

Elemental Affinity: N/A

Special Characteristics: Can jump between ages, Scar running from elbow to shoulder-blade



History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:

Rp Sample:
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Karei has retired Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karei has retired   Karei has retired Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 4:37 pm

Ryo was born to the village of hidden mist. His father was a veteran shinobi who beat his mother and spent all of their money on sake and 'cheap entertainment'. Ryo never quite understood why his mother could never look straight at him, or why she screamed in the middle of the night and ran from his father. He spent his life in the basement of a home with little food and no idea of what was going on. It was there that he discovered art. In the basement there was a large storage of clay from when Ryo's mother had once been a sculpture. He began to sculpt statues of clay, making everything he could think of. He would make animals he saw through the small window to the basement, chairs, boxes, once he even made his own foot. Ryo was given the honor of being able to see his grandparents once a month, that was the only time he left the basement except for when his father was so drunk he couldn't make his own instant ramen. Ryo would grow to hate that word, 'honor'. His father used it all the time, for anything that he let Ryo do. It was an honor to live under his house, to eat his food, to be called his son, to see his family. Ryo hated honor. He found nothing pleasing about it. This was how he lived the first ten years of his life, the neglect stunting his growth immensely. One day, he decided to run like hell. He opened the window, crawled out, and ran. He ran past the borders of the village and continued onward. Tripping on the edge of a canyon, he fell down and blacked out. When he woke up he remembered nothing, not even why he randomly jumped between ages or his own name. He was soon discovered by a traveling sage who healed him and sent him to the hidden mist village. During the time it took for him to come back his father had died of a heart attack three days after he beat his wife to death. Ryo wouldn't learn this, the only thing that this meant to him was that he wasn't going to be claimed.

Joining the Genin:
Ryo entered the ninja academy around the same age as most graduated because of his unfortunate history. Luckily, he was developed to the point where he was able to pass the exam and learn everything he had to rather quickly. He passed and was placed in a team with genin who were all younger than him by three years. However, due to his past neglect, he looked younger than them. He had learned to control his aging, but preferred to keep with the age he really was. They got along well, helping each other to grow and feel welcomed and accepted. This was especially important to Ryo who had no family or friends before this. He had kept quiet and alone all through the academy, so he didn't make friends there. The only friend he had before his squad was the sage who had saved him and disappeared randomly. They began to do missions even higher than a genin team should, and were very successful. Due to the newly discovered Panther Style that Ryo had learned to use, their team was nearly unstoppable. It was around then that he discovered his love for strategy. He began to grow and mature, finding his love for all beauty and peace of mind. He knew he didn't need to grow any stronger or climb the ranks because he was fine the way he was.
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PostSubject: Re: Karei has retired   Karei has retired Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 4:38 pm

Name: No Shadow Kick
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: This taijutsu is said to be so fast when mastered that the leg doesn't even have a shadow. Essentially it is just an extremely fast kick to the opponent that is very hard to dodge.

Name: Monkey Kick
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Description: This taijutsu skill begins with a fighting stance. The user will suddenly drop down onto one hand, kicking one leg out over the other at the opponent. This kick will aim for their kneecap, causing them to fall forward if hit.

Name: Handstand side kick
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Description: This technique is generally used in combination with the monkey kick. The user will throw all of their weight onto one arm, kicking out at the opponent with one leg in an arching fashion. If used in conjunction with the monkey kick, it is a sure-fire hit that will generally connect with the opponent's jaw or neck.
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Karei has retired Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karei has retired   Karei has retired Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 4:42 pm


Name: Panther Style
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: A
Element: N/A
Description: In a Martial Art sense you will develop unusual technique, focus on strategies such as hit-and-run coupled with techniques that confound the mind and sense of the attacker. You do not need to be particularly strong as Panther Stylist, nor do you need to be very quick; agility needs not be your strength and not precision. You are a bit of a jack-of-all-trades as far as your skills and abilities and well versed in the usage of techniques, not specializing in any but comfortable in knowing and being able to using most.

Name: Hook Blades
Rank: C
Special Abilities: N/A
Origin: These blades were given to Ryo by his Sensei, the same man who taught him the Panther style as a gift for becoming a Genin.

Name: Bamboo staff
Rank: C
Special Abilities: N/a
Origin: This staff was crafted for Ryo as a Genin.

Name: Weights
Rank: E
Special Abilities: These weights can be swapped out to become heavier or lighter. They can be anywhere between fifty pounds and two hundred.
Origin: Given for Panther Training.
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Posts : 290
Points : 430
Join date : 2009-06-27
Age : 31
Location : Around the corner...getting beaten up by Ryusaki.

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Hidden Sand Village, Sunagakure

Karei has retired Empty
PostSubject: Re: Karei has retired   Karei has retired Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 5:22 pm

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