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 Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]

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PostSubject: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 5:28 pm

Kitaro descended from his mountain home. He had spent his last night building 3 new houses next to his. One was very small and with a basement of the same size. There was just a simple bedroom there with a bathroom connected and a large room in the middle. The basement was just an open space. This house was for whoever needed the least luxury of the three people that would be living up in the mountains now. The next house was enormous. A luxury house for 1 basically. No one would be allowed in except for the 5 of them living in the mountains. This Luxury house had everything of modern technology to make everyone inside comphortable but there was no where in the house of extra space and it was so huge it would be difficult to find anyone inside. This was for the one who wanted to live the most comphortably. The next house was a medium house. It had no windows but 3 floors if you counted the basement. The top floor was 3 bedrooms connected and a bathroom. The middle floor was an open room with a kitchen to the side. The basement was completely empty save for some training equipment. The final house was a long stretching 1 floor house. It had a kitchen bathroom bedroom and training room. Kitaro marveled at the work he could do in such a short period of time.

Kitaro now stood at the base of the mountain in Kumo. He awaited the people that he had personally requested to come to the mountain. For some reason the closer he was to his home the more sane he was. It was like his mind didn't want to go on the farther it was from his memory house. It was interesting and needed to be looked into. But standing at the base of the mountain Kitaro could think. He wanted to meet them here simply because it would represent there home and it would mean he was perfectly sane while introducing them to eachother and in some occassions to himself. These people are the future of the mountain. If and when I die they will continue the process and replace me in my memory house. Kitaro sighed and looked down at his robes. It was about the time he expected the first of them to show up.

Kitaro made sure he had no weapons out but still he covered his hands in front of him using the folds of his robes. In case one of them didn't take the offer seriously Kitaro wanted to be sure they died quickly and left the other 3 or 2 or maybe 1 to continue with the beginning of this newly forming alliance in the mountains. That was what mattered right now. Not the opinions of one but the formation of 5. So because of this Kitaro sat at the base of his mountain waiting for someone to come so not only could he warn them of the traps he set up on the base of the mountain in case someone decided to move up the mountain at him who wasn't worth his time and to welcome them to his company. So it was there that Kitaro now stood...Waiting.

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Last edited by Kitaro on Mon 07 Sep 2009, 11:00 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 5:42 pm

Tenshin walked with his sword on his back wearing his normal clothing with his hair in his left eye way. Tenshin then looked down the mountain for he was standing on top of it. " Hum either i am early or wrong location, I better Check." Tenshin then jumped of the side of the mountain When he was close to impact he Took out a Blue sword and spun it around creating a wirlwind under him he then landed in front of A man. It was Kitaro. Tenshin placed his sword back on his back. " Hello Sempai Kitaro." Tenshin says looking at him Calmly. Tenshin stood there looking at him calm and normal, not trying to provoke a fight between them so he just awaited on Kitaro to speak.

((Short I know sorry))
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 6:41 pm

Ryo smiled as he hiked up the rocky and winding trail that lead to the base of the Mountains of Kumogakure. He was born into a place where rocks were like grass to him, so climbing a mountain was nothing in his eyes. Today he was ten years old, with a bo-staff on his back, and hook swords on his waist. Around his ankles, though no one would see it due to his long pant legs, he wore fifty pound weights. With a cheerful wave, he greeted the two men that he would find when he reached the end of the trail. He bowed to them, his head tilted up slightly and his eyes on them at all times as a matter of respect. "Naginata Ryo, at your service." He said cheerfully.
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 10:39 pm

Kitaro welcomed the two of them but was expectant of a third and fourth visiter. Perhaps though that one would come later. Kitaro ignored the fact that the last two would be needed or at least would relieve some inconvieniences later. He smiled and greeted the two new mountain goers with a nod of the head and a welcoming arm gesture. He stepped back a step changing his balance and now slightly crooked on the mountain. Watching them.

"You two have been brought here either due to potential that has been seen in you while I was people watching or legends of power about you. Maybe both. Ill never tell. Anyways I have called you both here plain and simple for the reason of asking you to live near the peak of this mountain with me. We will form the Yotobi which will be an organization meant for watching the people throughout the land and making sure things do not go amiss or astray according to us and not a specific set of morals or values or maybe even the logical path. It is our path and we shape the world that way.

I offer you now this one pathway up the mountain before I seal it off with more traps. I also offer you a pathway down the way you came from directly behind you. If you turn now and leave the chances are you will never be offered this chance again. You probably in the future will hear of the Yotobi and there deeds whether they are viewed as infamous or famous. Its all your choices now so please designate your path by making a move towards it"

Kitaro stepped back again revealing the starting point of the path up the mountain. Kitaro also waved at the pathway behind the two ninja leading back towards the so called civilized lands. Kitaro made guesswork on which of the four available houses the two of them would choose and out of them which of the four houses Kitaro would burn into ash and cast down the mountain sealing off a fourth and fifth member of the organization forever unless another showed up.

Last edited by Kitaro on Mon 07 Sep 2009, 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeMon 07 Sep 2009, 10:54 pm

Tenshin walked forwards towars the path up the mountain. " Ill met ya up there." Tenshin then sprinted up the mountain at a quick paste. Tenshin arrived at the top a few min. Later with out breaking a sweat. " Hum, wonder what taking those losers so long." He thought in his head. Tenshin then layed down and awaited on Kitaro to come up. Tenshin took a quick nap and just waited.

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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 10:30 am

Ryo smiled and nodded, turning to begin his trek up the mountains. Being the kind of man to enjoy taking things slowly, he didn't sprint up the trail like the hot-headed kage that was before him. Ryo had seen the two new arrivals before, or at least heard of them in legend. So I am surrounded by three kage...please tell me the fifth member will be a lower rank, I feel so little... He thought to himself as he walked along the path.

To make himself feel better about who he was in the group, he activated a quick hand seal. Using the only ninjutsu he knew, he jumped forward about twelve years. Smiling, he pushed his- now much longer- hair back out of his eyes, as it bugged him a great deal. His deep brown eyes scanned the wildlife on either side of the trail as he walked, looking upon them with a loving gaze. A squirrel skittered past him along the trail, stopping in the middle of it to look up at him before running away.

Smiling once again, he continued along the winding path of the mountain. It took him a surprisingly small amount of time to reach the houses that himself and four others would be living in. His eyes moved directly to the smallest of the houses, as it seemed it would have the littlest amount of luxury. Suits me fine... He thought to himself as he turned to look down the path and see who was following him.
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 8:16 pm

Kitaro sighed and kneeled down to finish placing his trap along the edge of the mountain. Now no one could enter without suffering an attack from this trap line and alerting everyone in the Yotobi Organization. Kitaro figured someone with extreme talent and skill and potential would come eventually. But for now Kitaro knew of no one that he hadn't already asked that would fit the position. So Kitaro turned and headed up the pathway towards his mountain home.

Kitaro after a minute or so using his incredible speed powers reached the top. He spied Ryo looking at the house of needs. A momentary smile crossed Kitaro's face but then fled almost as quickly as it came. Kitaro then looked over at Tenshin who was sleeping. "So unproffessional." Kitaro walked up to him and kicked him hard in the side. "Take a house and ill give you the key. But if you wait to long ill be gone into my house and youll have to wait for me to come out again."

Kitaro walked over to Ryo the youngest Yotobi now and probably going to be the youngest Yotobi ever. Kitaro smiled at him and looked at the house he chose. It was the house of needs. The house of the bare necessity. Obviously this one doesn't require comphort to function well. He likes a challenge and can live with a constant thorn in his side like discomphort. Tolerant probably. Kitaro thought to himself while he slipped the key to the house in Ryo's hand.

"Last chance Tenshin to pick a house to live in. If not ill just throw a key at you randomly. I'm not gonna make you sit out in the rain and wind out here to erode like a rock up here. However you got a few seconds left and that is until I reach the door of my house. Once I touch that door knob you no longer get a choice of houses." Kitaro said as he began walking to his house. The house of memory.
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 10:11 pm

Tenshin grabbed his leg and pushed off of it as Kitaro atempted to kick him. " Dum ass i want sleep." Tenshin said siliently looking at him. Tenshin then signed. " I want the biggest house you got." Tenshin then awaitedon kitaro to throw him the key. " So what now you going to give me the kety or sit there and keep walking away." Tenshin said looking at Kitaro. Tenshin then just stood there making no move and relaxing as he wait for Kitaro to speak or give him his key.
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeTue 08 Sep 2009, 11:01 pm

"Hmph" Kitaro said throwing the key to the Luxury house to Tenshin. These two are complete opposites in there habits and there methods for training. Ryo obviously wants to be skilled a lot more than Tenshin does. Tenshin and power go together well however. Well well this will be a fun alliance. To bad we don't have that quiet one here to spice things up even more. That would have been quite hilarious in my opinion.

Kitaro turned and walked towards his house. Since Tenshin said he wasn't sleeping he didn't need to be told where to go and when to go there if he wanted to stay in the Yotobi organization and still be recognized as a Yotobi member. Sooner or Later though everything would be explained to them. It would be in the house of Memory when they arrived there after getting situated.

It was at this point that Kitaro realized he had locked someone out. Someone who probably got a little mssed up and so he walked back down the mountain. The two of them would probably go to here houses and check it out or maybe converse with eachother about Yotobi. Since the information had not yet been given Kitaro would accept a late coming member to the organization as long as it was only 1 late coming member that probably did just get a little messed up coming.

Kitaro stood at the base of the mountain waiting. He knew they were coming to see him and he knew they would be there soon. But it was fairly a race against time to beat the other two members to the house of memory where Kitaro lived and worked all his life away writing down everything that has happened in the past 800 years since he has been alive. But perhaps someone older could come and inscribe for him another time and age. Perhaps but not likely.
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeWed 09 Sep 2009, 2:39 pm

Ryo sighed as he walked up to the smallest house. He knew that Kitaro had seen him eying the house, and had given him the key to that house. Obviously Ryo would have never asked for a house, he would sooner sleep in the rain and wind of the mountains like the man had talked about earlier. However, since it was given to him he felt he could not turn it down. Sliding the key into the lock, he could practically hear the tumblers moving to fit in with the ridges of the key. With a twist of the key and the doorknob alike, he pushed the door open and walked into his new home.

He smiled at the large room, and what could only be the bedroom which was separated from the large room by a folding screen that was often found in japanese homes. Pushing the screen aside, he walked removed his boots and stepped onto the padding that would be his bed. Finding it sufficiently big for him no matter what age he would become, he nodded and moved back to the large room. Seeing a flight of stairs, he walked toward them. Following them downward, he entered the large empty basement. Placing his weapons against the wall, he turned and breathed in the damp cool air of the basement. "Home sweet home." He mumbled, turning to go back up the stairs. He would put his boots back on and leave the house to see what he had to do next.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeWed 09 Sep 2009, 7:53 pm

Already transformed into his pessimistic and blood-thirsty feral form, Malcheezar, the Arch-Druid that has lived for a near five-thousand years quickly hurtled a mere one hundred feet in the matter of 3-4 seconds. Spiraling through trees, sprinting through bushes, and quickly leaning to dodge large rocks in his path, he stumbled upon the group who had just admittably let him join a group known as the Yotobi, whom were said to be protectors of a great and powerful Mountain.

Finishing his hasted manner, the energy he drew from the world around him replenished, as he took his humanoid form once again. A brown cloak draped over his entire body, masking his face, only leaving that of a blue glimmer as an eye - Which is all could be seen in a virtual term. Two blades held at his side, looking extremely ancient, yet seemed to glow with the utmost in pristine colors. The first, 'Cata', a blade with the ability to manipulate the very sounds that all shall hear, providing massive blasting waves capable of blowing his enemies away, or deafening them with sense jarring screeches. The second, 'Clysm', another blade with the ability to manipulate the very reality that surrounds all human and mankind, giving him the ability to have his Senjutsu chakra channeled to its most pushed limit, literally shifting the world in his favor.

He looked at the fellow members of whom he would share a partnership, no less, acquaintance, with. He spoke with a wise and glooming tone, his darkened habits taking their toll as his razor sharp teeth exposed themselves lightly as his lips glided over them. "Hello.. I am Malcheezar. The Arch-Druid."
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeThu 10 Sep 2009, 3:34 am

Tenshin grabbed the key out the air then looked at Kitaro with no emotion at all. Tenshin was relaxed and as soon as he started to walka new member showed his face. Tenshin tunrned around looking at the new guy or late guy. " Malcheezar, Hum nice name kid." Tenshin said calmly in a deep voice lifting his left hand up placing it infront of his chin under his right eye. Tenshin still had an emotion look on his face a he watched this new guy and was thinking. Tenshin white hair then blew in the wind showing the tattoo under his eye for a glimps second. He then turned around and continued to walk to a rock as he did so he placed the key on it and fell into the mountain landing in his house and arriving inside the mountain. Tenshin checked out his new place then threw his bags in his room and walked back out the mountain by going threw a small rotal and walked back on the side of Kitaro. " So whats next Kitaro-senpai?" Tenshin ask in a low calm voice still refering to Kitaro as his sensei since he was his sensei a total of ten years ago. He awaited on him to speak as he stood emotionless lookin at all his partners.
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PostSubject: Re: Final Preparations [Invitation Only People]   Final Preparations [Invitation Only People] Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 1:22 am

[everyone post in your houses and then when your done looking around. Come to Kitaro's house of Memory and post there saying your ready for the meeting]
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