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 Leaving Sungakure

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Leaving Sungakure Empty
PostSubject: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 1:34 am

Artemis left the Front Gates of Sungakure, By his side was his newly appointed teammate Sephiroth and The old man Sano. He knew that they were on a low grade mission but they had to stay alert and cautious at all times to Protect The Old Bridge maker. As Artemis was known as the little village Genius he had already mapped out a perfect root to The grass village, and he had a great attack strategy planned for if they were ambushed. Little Arty Wore a cloak over his usual clothes with a strange looking backpack he wore with extra tools and weapons hidden inside. But it seemed to wear out arty faster, he had broken out in a heavy sweat and the sun just doubled their problems ahead. As Arty let out a swift sigh he hung his head down and he stopped in his tracks waiting for Sano And Sephiroth to catch up. The young Genin Reached down quickly into his pocked pulling out the scroll a final time, he looked over it well before it puffed. The mission seemed to be important and some what valuable to Sungakure, so they had put a timer on the Scroll. Artemis thought for a moment as he waited, "hmm this mision seems to be some importants to the kazekage. There could be trouble...." The little genin stayed motionlessness only acting for a moment to turn and say a few words to Sephiroth. "Sephiroth, you should stay close to the Bridge builder, and i will do the same. We should stay on the look for any missing nin as well."


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Leaving Sungakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 1:44 am

Sephiroth was looking at Art with a pissed off look. "I dont care." He said. Sephiroth looked all around the place. He did not care for what the place looked like but it was hot. well to Art. Sephiroths clan was all fire and he can withstand the heat. "How much longer untill we get there? Im wanting to get this done and over with as soon as i can." Sephiroth said. Sephiroth was always the killing person but did not want to kill Art. He felt like he was one of his one clan members. He was like the last one left of his clan but him and would let nothing happen to him. Sephiroth would stop at nothing to keep his only friend alive. Sephiroth mite act like a dick to him. But he thinks that Art is a cool guy to hand out with. Sephiroth looked at the bridge builder. "Ok you better not get in the way. You got that?" Sephiroth said. he looked back at Art and walked up to him. "So, how long untill we get to the um...what was the place called? the...Grass. Thats right." Sephiroth said. He was hoping that somone would show and he needed to kill somthing or somone. Sephiroth looked over at the old guy that was with him then terned away. Sephiroth now waits to see what Art will say.
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PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 2:11 am

Artemis kept walking along the sandy Dune as he listened to Sephiroth, It seemed it was a natural thing for sephiroth to talk down at Artemis in fact it happened everyday. As he kept up his pace Artemis Answered back quickly, " No we still have a long way to go before we Reach the Grass village...." Although Artemis dint like Seph all the time he thought of him as a brother and they seemed to be really close. As the young genin slid down one of the piles of sand he pulled up his hood, laying over his head attempting to keep the sun from burning up his head. Artemis glanced over at the bridge maker for a moment to make sure he was holding up well, then he turned heading out into the open desert of the Sand village. As Artemis's Eyes raced over the dead lands before them he saw, nothing but sand and just by a accidental look He saw out of the corner of his eye a few trees in the distance. "hmmm that must be where we are headed," he thought as he pulled his Sand headband around his neck, letting it hang loosely. He said nothing as the hot sun Beat down and mirrored of the hot sand, Artemis paused for a moment reaching for his canteen. He grasped the hot metal the held his water, slipping the lid off as he quickly slurped a few gulps away, he snapped the lid back on almost instantly placing it back in his bag.
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Leaving Sungakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 1:04 pm

Sephiroth looked at the trees and looked at the sun. "well now, if there are some trees. that must mean that somone is in there waiting for us." Sephiroth said with an evil smile. He made his way to the trees and put his hand on it. He could feel the bark that was on it and he riped a chunck of it off. Sephiroth looked at the bark for some time now. He could see bugs on it. Sephiroth burned it to ashes. Sephiroth now had a pile of ash in his hand. Sephiroth droped the ash and looked back at Art. "So, if it's the grass village and were found trees, then we have to be some what close." Sephiroth said. He smiled at the ground in hope that somone would stop them and he can kill them. Sephiroth did not care if it was the kazakage himself, he just wanted to killl. Sephiroth looked up at the sky. He was going to have some fun. He walked into the place a little more and there was grass under him. Sephiroth went from the feel of sand to the feel of grass. Sephiroth looked at Art and waits for him to do or say somthing.
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The Fallen Angel
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Leaving Sungakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 3:47 pm

Menori ran through the grass avoiding the trees trying to find the two people who were supposed to be with the bridge builder. Menori planned to attack them and take him in for his reward but he wanted to make sure that they were out of sight from anyone else so no one would know that he attacked them. He left his grass village headband at home to prevent them from knowing which village he was from. He began to run faster thinking he didn't time the interception right and really wanted to stop them at the border between the sand and grass village. Menori finally caught sight of the ninjas menori being surprised it was two people instead of just one but he still thought he could handle it. Menori jumping into a tree and letting out an evil laugh before jumping out of the tree.

"Give the me the bridge builder! Couldn't you have asked nicer then that? I can't believe that we are doing this."

Menori stood look at the two shinobi both of them probably very confused about menori arguing with himself but they wouldn't get past him without a fight either way.
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Leaving Sungakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 4:06 pm

Artemis walked along the tree line staying close to the bridge builder, as he caught up with Seph, he said nothing only noticing the presence of someone new. "if you haven't" noticed it by now some one is coming be alert and ready." Artemis said to sephiroth. As the unknown ninja appeared Little arty looked him over wondering, as he saw the opponent speak to himself and even start to argue he couldn't help but think " crazy". Artemis spoke quickly to Seph, " kill him, ill stay back with the bridge builder and give you support with my shadow......" The genin paused to hear the opponent speak, but Artemis did not reply he only squatted and formed a single hand seal. It was obviously The nara clan Shadow imitation. Art's shadow Shot up the tree and twisted around the branch to where the opponent could not see. And the shadow twisted around and darted for his shadow only inches away.... Artemis yelled to Seph "Go! now attack him....." As The genin waited he cringed and feared what if they fail the mission... but reassuring him self quickly he thought, "theres no way we can loose to this guy me and Seph are the top genin of the sand...."

Jutsu used:


Last edited by Artemis on Sat 12 Sep 2009, 4:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Leaving Sungakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 4:10 pm

Sephiroth looked at him and walked up to him. He was about five feet away from him. "You picked the wrong day to come here." Sephiroht said and put his hand out. a Ball of fire showed up and he shot the ball at him and the fire was gree the 2nd hotest fire there is. Sephiroth jumped back and looked at Art. "Stay with the old guy." Sephiroth said. "I got the punk over here." Sephiroth laughed insanly to the guy and his right leg was on fire. Sephiroth ran after the guy with the grass under him terning to flames. Sephiroth went for a kick to the side with his leg of fire. Sephiroth knows that at the end of the fight, his thirst for blood would be quenched. i will kill all who are in my way. Sephiroth thinks to himself. this guy better be strong or i'll kill him nice and slow for him being so weak. Sephiroth laughed a little more after thinking that.
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The Fallen Angel
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Legendary Swordsman
The Fallen Angel

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Leaving Sungakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 4:20 pm

Menori back flipped to avoid fireball and ducked to avoid the kick. Menori noticing the shadow in that spot he now knew that he had to fight a nara and some crazy hot head and knew he would have to bring out his other personalities. Menori unraveled the puppets on his back and touched both of them turning into two different people. The man in red growled at the guy that used fire and then laughed

"You weakling don't tell me your gonna beat me i'll cut you in half and light you on fire."

The man in red carried a large sword on his back that he pulled off and pointed at the man with fire. Menori carried a very large ninja star that he jumped up and threw at the man it flying at a high speed. The last person had two blades on his back running back to a farther distance to prevent the shadow from touching the man in red following him.
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Leaving Sungakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 4:55 pm

Sephiroth looked at the one with a sword and moved out of the way. Sephiroth looked at the big star that was going to him and grabed the ring inside of it. "You think that the weak attacks that your doing is going to stop me?" [/color] Sephiroth said and used his power of fire to get the star to over heat the star. Sephiroth threw the star back at him with it as hot as it is, Its going to hert like hell and looked at the one with the sword. [color=darkblue]"I'll kill you and rip your head off with my bare hands." Sephiroth said. he ran after him with now both legs on fire and he droped to the ground and was now spining. The fire on his legs left him and spred to the man in red. Sephiroth knows that it would hert like hell to be hit by that. Sephiroth then jumped back and put his hand on a tree. He looked back at Art. "Look, i need you to stay as close as you can. I'm going to do something and you can get burned in by it so watch out." Sephiroth said and made the tree that he had his hand on berst into flames. Sephiroth then had the fire spred to all of the other trees. Sephiroth now has the uper hand here. All that was around them was fire. Sephiroth had small fires shoot at each person about 20 to each one. They were coming from all points and the man had about a 1% chance of geting out of the attack unharmed. But that was not going to happen. Sephiroth's right arm was now covered in fire and it had clawas about five inches big. Sephiroth ran after the first one that show and knows that if he hits him that the other would most likely fall.
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PostSubject: Re: Leaving Sungakure   Leaving Sungakure Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 5:17 pm

The genin Arty took a deep breath and began to think, As he did he immediately extended his shadow, by using a near by tree. As his shadow shot from the tree it broke off into three separate streams of shadow, each shadow darted at a different opponent. The first stream went after Menori reaching only a few inches away from connecting with his shadow, the second Shot racing across the ground reaching only a few feet away from The man in red. And last but not least the final stream wrapped around another tree and used its shadow to further its reach again, but this time the shadow slowly creep behind all three of there opponents, as they were so busy worrying about the other shadows and Seph they would never see this attack coming. Artemis slowly moved and quickly formed a different hand sign, and as his shadow grew once more it created a a large shadow hand that grew from the ground as was able to become three dimensional. this technique seems to be the first time ever used by any nara member , and its surprising to see it be used by such a young shinobi. although he was just a Genin, Artemis seemed to be very skilled in his clan jutsu and also a amazing strategist.

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