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Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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 Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)

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PostSubject: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 1:51 pm

Sephiroth was walking in the sands of the village and was looking all around him. Sephiroth was in the mood to fight. He was going to kill who ever got in his way. Sephiroth walked out of the village and looked at all that was around. All there was is sand and heat. Sephiroth liked the heat. It made him stronger. Sephiroth had a plan. He was going to make people remember his name. The akira clan. A clan of fire and will burn down all that looked down to him and thought nothing would come from him. Well they were wrong. Sephiroth looked up at the sky and took a deep breath and when he breathed out, fire came out of his mouth about five inches away from him. Sephiroth poped his neck and wrists. Sephiroth put his hand in the air and shot fire. The fire would make somone show no matter what. And if no one would dare to show, he would burn down the village and all in it. Sephiroth was now siting on the ground and grabed some sand. Thats all this place was, sand. Sephiroth hated the fact that people only new him as a monster and no one wanted a part of him. Sephiroth would show all what this monster can do. He was going to burn down all of the villages. He was going to burn all the people in the villages alive. no matter what he had to do. Sephiroth looked up and got back to his feet. Sephiroth smiled an evil smile and he Poped his back. "COME ON OUT YOU GUYS!!! I'LL KILL WHO EVER SHOWS THERE FACE!" Sephiroth said. He now waits to see if someone would show or not.

Last edited by Sephiroth on Sun 13 Sep 2009, 11:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 2:19 pm

Artemis Sat atop the Large Sand village Wall, the wall was build strong and was used to protect Sungakure from powerful sand storms, But today was a particularly beautiful day The sun was blocked out by clouds which lowered the heat greatly. The young Genin looked over the waste land just outside the village, it seemed that life was unable to exist out side these great walls, But knowing well that they had the only spring fed water for miles around. No one could make it long in the desert long before dieing of dehydration, Artemis sat deep in thought as he felt a great amount of chakra surge behind him in the village. He popped up almost instantly looking around quickly, as he glanced over Sephiroth, he couldn't really make out what he was up too but he knew that's where the powerful chakra was coming from, so Artemis decided to take a closer look. Leaping off the wall Artemis soared threw the air landing on a building that hung just above Seph, as he was able to look down at The other genin, he noticed that Seph's temper had escalated and if someone dint act soon the whole village would be in flames and Seph would eventually end up Dead. Jumping off the tall building Artemis glided through the hot atmosphere, as he landed on the ground in front of seph Artemis placed his hand on His fellow Genin's shoulder, As he did he looked Seph in the eyes and said " Cool down..... Before you start trouble." He spoke Sternly and with great concern for Sephiroth's Safety.
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PostSubject: Re: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 2:34 pm

Sephiroth looked at Art and poped his neck again. "You'll be the first one to go." Sephiroth said and shook his hand off of his shoulder. Sephiroth jumped back and was about ten feet away from Art. "Come at me with all you got and don't hold back. Or you'll die." Sephiroth said. Even though him and art were like brothers, If he killed Art that would show all of the the people that he was going to take down the hole village. Sephiroth's right arm was covered in fire and he had claws on him. Sephiroth ran after Art with all his speed. The fire on his arm was red,green, and bule. All forms of fire. Sephiroth pulled his fist back and went for a punch in the gut. That would most likely kill Art if it hit him in one spot. Sephiroth laughed insanly. He was blinded by rage and wanted to kill all who got in his way. Sephiroth smiled. I will kill all who stand in my way even you. Sephiroth thinks to himself and waitst to see what will happen next
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PostSubject: Re: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 2:55 pm

Artemis watched as his closed friend threatened him, But staying silent Little Arty looked into Seph's Deep lifeless eyes. Deep down He knew that seph was good and he wanted to show everyone that he could change, and become a better person. So he watched as Seph jumped back and he saw his powerful fire chakra form around his hand, Artemis thought " So this is the true power of the akira clan......." Artemis sighed as Seph charged at him, Little Arty waited till the last second and then he swiftly dodged the fiery punch. As he slid out of the way his shirt caught fire, Patting off the fire quickly Artemis looked down only to see a hole in his shirt.... Artemis then looked back over to Seph and Spoke with Heart Piercing Words,
" Sephiroth, I will Be Your Cage." As he did The little Genin backed up to the large village wall, as he leaned back against the strong wall he squatted forming a single hand sign. The hand symbol was strange but is seemed to be the regular style of the Nara Clan member techniques, As he stayed motionlessness and speechless Artemis's shadow Grew swiftly As it did it shot a thick streak of shadow across the ground, the shadow twisted around the surface of the ground reaching only a few feet away from Seph's shadow. Artemis started to sweat horridly as his nerves were on a razors edge, knowing he might have to injure his closest friend.

Jutsu Used:

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PostSubject: Re: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 3:09 pm

Sephiroth looked at Art's shadow moving to him. Sephiroth knows all to well about the nara clan. Sephiroth jumped back untill the shadow could no longer get to him. Sephiroth looked at him with no life but all you could see in his eyes was hate. "You can be what you want but at the end of this fight, only one of us is going to walk away." Sephiroth said. He pulled out a kunai and useing his powers of fire heated up the kunai untill it terned red. Sephiroth smiled and threw the kunai at him. Sephiroth laughed insanly more and more. He pulled his hand back and swung it to Art and a blast of fire was going to him. The fire was about ten feet wide. With the power that he was useing, Sephiroth mite even be some what chunnin. He was going to have fun with this fight. Sephiroth thought of this as that fight with Naruto and His friend. It was just like that. He heared about the two of them.sasuke was the other ones name. They were best friends yet also hated one another. That was what Sephiroth was feeling right now. He was fighing his best friend. Sephiroth was going to show the hole world what he can do. Sephiroth looked at the sun. "The sun is what gives me my power." Sephiroth said. he now waits to see what He will do.
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PostSubject: Re: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 3:37 pm

Artemis quickly dispersed his shadow, he clinched his fists as he knew this wasn't going to be a easy fight. The genin listened to his opponent, As he did he thought "hmm he may know my technique but i have plenty of surprises for him." Artemis sucked a large amount of air into his lungs and stuck his chest and stomach out, as he did he quickly performed a string of articulate hand signs. "Water Gun Technique" he then released a wave of water from his mouth that had the strength of a waterfall, it totally canceled out all of his opponents attacks, It stopped the wave of fire and the heated kunai, As Artemis finished he started to look over Seph, as he did he spoke softly "i understand now......" Artemis quickly disappeared and flashed behind Sephiroth... Arty raised both of his arms releasing a mass of Steel wire from both of his sleeves, the wire that swarmed around Seph from all directions, as Artemis tugged against the fine wire it closed in on his opponent, and if he touched a single strand he would be put in the Nara clan shadow imitation jutsu, Since the strings were apart of his shadow....
Artemis kept his silence and composure as he did not want to kill his friend but it might come down to that..

Weapons used:


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PostSubject: Re: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeSat 12 Sep 2009, 3:52 pm

Sephiroth looked at Art as he used water to get his attack down. Sephiroth then saw that he was coming with Steel wire and was going to rap around him. "You think that you have me? AHHH!" Sephiroth said and fire left from all parts of his body. The fire was so hot that it melted the wires. Sephiroth jumped up and away from the shadow that Art was trying to get on to him. Sephiroth put his hand in the air and all of the fire that was on his body went to his hand. Sephiroth laughed. "I must ask you. What do you understand?" He asked. Sephiroth did not know why he said that. There was nothing to understand about him. All that Sephiroth was is fire and the power to burn things to ashes. Sephiroth did not like the fact that people tryed to understand him. Sephiroth hated it People try to help him but he does not need help. He wants to kill the rain shinobi that killed his clan and dad right in front of him. sephiroth shot the fire at Art. With the power that he was useing Art could be killed in one hit but this fire if it even hit his arm by him loseing so much blood. Sephiroth now waits to see what will happen next.
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PostSubject: Re: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitimeTue 22 Sep 2009, 6:01 pm

not to sound like a punk but i'm going to quit all the fights im in because i have other things to work on
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PostSubject: Re: Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg)   Sephiroth vs Art (off rpg) Icon_minitime

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