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Nocturne Revy Masahiro


 Second Char: Mai

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Posts : 114
Points : 285
Join date : 2009-09-20

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank:
Village: Iwagakure

Second Char: Mai Empty
PostSubject: Second Char: Mai   Second Char: Mai Icon_minitimeSat 03 Oct 2009, 6:10 pm

General Information:

Name: Valentine Kaguya (Full Name: Mai Valentine no Kaguya)

Nickname/Alias: Mai.

Weight: ?

Height: ?

Age: 12-13

Gender: Female

Looks: Second Char: Mai Youngkimimaro
This pragmatic kunoichi is mildly short and has a graceful build. Her beady eyes are gunmetal-gray with pristine outlets of cyan hues. She has straight, silverlined and white hair worn in a style that resembles a fashionable ninja. Her outfits are practical and include a set of armbands.

She uses a complex form of martial arts that emphasizes turning an opponents' strength against them and using intellectual knowledge of preminition to overcome her opponents. Her preferred weapons are unusual for the most part. She is skilled in lying and veterinary care.

Personality: Loyal - which unconciously conceals being dull. Intrigued, but many mistake it for being apprehensive. Antisocial and humble, aside from when she speaks to her twin brother Kai, she always poses most of her decisions out of combat on him. Somber and comely on the surface, but inspired and driven underneath.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Kaguya

Kekkei Genkai: The main capabilities of Shikotsumyaku is allowing the user to manipulate their bones' growth. This allows them to create weapons of bones that can either protrude from any part of the body, or pulled out and used like hand held weapons. They can even fire pieces of their bones as long-ranged projectiles. Any bone that they remove from the body immediately regenerates, as does the skin that is damaged when the bones are removed. Users can increase the density of the created bones, making them stronger than steel. This not only makes the created weapons very powerful, but also makes their bodies virtually indestructible.

From what the only known user of this ability, Kimimaro, has shown, most of the techniques are named after flowers. Most of them are also taijutsu-based sword dances, which are used for close combat and defense. However, as Kimimaro demonstrated, the bones can also be forced to grow from the ground, as a form of a ninjutsu, and that he can emerge from any of these bones.

Clan Symbol: Honorable Facial Marks Above Eye Brows.

Clan History: The Kaguya clan (かぐや一族, Kaguya Ichizoku) was a (now extinct) clan, known to have been very barbaric. Select few, namely Kimimaro, possessed the Kekkei Genkai Shikotsumyaku. With the exception of Kimimaro, the clan was killed off when attacking Kirigakure. The clan was very savage and had no tactics when going to battle. Kimimaro would for years live as the last member of the Kaguya clan, but eventually died of a terminal disease.

Apparently, at least the members who possess the Shikotsumyaku abilities have a different bodily structure, as when Kimimaro was fatally ill, Kabuto Yakushi claimed there had been too little information on his body to give any medical treatment.

Rank Information:

Rank: Genin

Village: Grass Country

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Taijutsu, Medical Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Main: Raiton (Lightning)
Sub: Suiton (Water)
Combined: Ranton (Storm)

Special Characteristics: Storm Element. Bone Manipulation. Cursed Seal of Earth. Fraternal Twin Sibling, Kai Kaguya.


History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
Life Arc: The Kaguya clan have been know for many years As The Hidden power of the mist village With their destructive taijutsu they can conquer most opponents, But to the naked eye the Clan looks flawless and untouched by Destruction. But deep down in the true kaguya clan a War raged between the clan and Kirikage itself.. But as the secret battle raged on some Kaguya left the village and dispersed through the land. And A perticular Family made up of Kai and Mai Kaguya two Ferturnal twins. They left the Mist only to start a new life in the grass village, As they slowly inter graded in Little Mai and Kai were welcomed with open arms, but as they were the last of a dieng line of powerfull Shinobi they sparked the interests of a certain Sannin by the name of Orochimaru As he killed off their parrents with ease he was able to inflict a curse seal upon each of their tiny fragile bodies. As they were quick to adapt To the new upgrade they were able to use its power at a very young age setting them apart form the regular ninja. Soon after the two where put in a orphanage and slowly they made their way up throught the ninja ranks, but as Orochimaru died they where forgoten left to lead their lives in Kusakagure.

Rp Sample: Shingai stands five feet and ten inches tall, weighing approximately one hundred sixty-seven pounds. His build is rather athletic he has good muscle tone that covers his body. He works hard to keep that slim appearance allowing him to be quick on his feet and yet very strong in hand to hand situations. It also hides his strength well, giving him quite the advantage when needed. He wears a tight black upper body piece of clothing. It is a long sleeved full neck piece, being able to pull it up over his head hiding his hair within it and when wearing a mask he can hide his appearance completely. He wears loose fitting black pants that seem formal. On top of the tight upper body piece, he wears the formal (Name Here) that is a dark navy blue color. He wears black gloves over his hands and black boots.

He has several scars on his chest and back from the fights he has gotten himself into. But along with those memorable scars he has memorable tattoos that fit his life style. He has several, the largest is on his back, it’s the first tattoo he received, he earned it shortly after he left the Stone Village. While staying in the Capital of that Country. The tattoo is the kanji for Death. Symbolizing his past, present and future. After that tattoo when he had stayed in the Land of Fang he earned two more tattoos, they reside on the backs of his hands. On the back of his right hand is the Kanji for Assassin, and on the back of his left hand is the Kanji for Sin. His final tattoo is on the back of his neck, the tattoo has less meaning to it compared to the others, but it’s a symbol none the less.

He wears the protective mesh underneath all of his clothing on his chest to hide it well. He keeps his main pouch in the middle of the back of his waist. His second large pouch is also along the back of his waist but this favors more over his right butt cheek. These are kept secure to his body for the majority of the time, he also keeps the shut securely even during fights, to avoid anyone being able to pick his pockets so to speak.

Parts of his old personality can at times resurface out through his cold exterior. But for the most part it is gone, lost in the darkness that had molded the monster that was unleashed approximately one year again. He now serves Mikuru and no one else. The only person he trusts and listens to is Mikuru. She is his love and his master, he has given her everything he has and intends to keep it that way.

Over the past year his spirit and soul had been broken and destroyed leaving the empty shell of a once caring individual. The demon of Shingai had fully taken over, taking on the new lifestyle serving his love and killing those who mock or dare to stand in his way. Shingai was once a cold killer, now he doesn’t even compare, his soul is as cold as the polar ice caps. He holds no remorse for those who die, whether they were innocent or not.

He's a quite and cool mysterious character when you interact with him. He doesn't like to talk much, and when you do his voice is quiet and a bit raspy as if he had been smoking for many years of his life. When he smiles it's always just a slight grin. He seems to never be looking right at you but through you attempting to read your next move.
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