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 akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi)

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akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi) Empty
PostSubject: akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi)   akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi) Icon_minitimeThu 08 Oct 2009, 11:39 pm

General Information:

Name: Akumu Kouhai

Nickname/Alias: Nightmare


Height: 6'1

Age: 23

Gender: male

Looks: akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi) Neko-4

Personality: Akumu is a straight to the point type of guy. He values time and beleives its very prescious and shouldn't be wasted. When it comes to fighting he fights in cold blood, and thats usually what ends up on him. He's loyal to whatever group he's in and does great alone as well. In his spare time he likes to be alone with his dogs and howl to the moon. He loves the full moon, beleiving that it's very beautiful and should be recognized for that. He's a very nice guy, and can be real mean when the time comes.

Clan Information


Kekei Genkai: The members of this clan can have the choice of what blood should they be injected with. The blood in which they are injected with is from the beast inwhich they choose to be infused with. There are only three colors of blood they can be injected with that are susstainable, (not saying that they would die from it but they would have no effect from others.
The three colors represent the three kinds of animals that are allowed, there is Purple, Yellow, and White. Purple- The blood from a reptile no matter what it is as long as it is a reptile......Yellow- The blood from a cat or feoline, which includes bigger cats such as lions, and tigers.......... White- The blood that is extracted froma wolf/ werewolf.... Now were they inject is the most important, due to the fact that there is to kinds of infusements The user may be injected into the arm or wrist which gives them the infusement powers of a Shihan, or they may be injected in the vain in your neck which is way more painful then The Shihan injection, the shot in the neck gives them the infusement power of the Shuhan. Shihan (instructor)- The user must be injected in the wrist or arm to hold the powers of the Shihan, this power gives you some certain aspects of the animal you are infused with (Ex: if you are infused with cat you may have wiskers, and cat eyes.) The user may have 15 to 20 animals of there infusement type and use them in war, there abilities is up to the Shihan. These animals are used for battleing purposes, and friends. Shuhan (leader)- The user must be painfully injected in the neck for this ability, The shuhan have both a human stage and a animal stage, there animal stage is absolutely stronger and way more powerful they pretty much become there animal but they are still standing up and still have some human aspects such as talking and stances, The Shuhan may have three beasts of there choice as long as they are in the same subdivision of animals. (Note: the shihan do use 20% chakra for there infusement powers, and Shuhan use 35% chakra to become there beast.

Clan Symbol:

Clan History: This clan had history way back. The history dates back to mayan, and egyption times. These people were mutations of there time, and still are to this date. They were known as lone warriors, there army ranging from 100 too 100,000. They could not be beaten by the strongest of mortal armies, and were looked up to as god's. They could have mercy if they pleased but they perferred being very ruthless and unmercifull. On walls of egyption temples they were drawn on to, either having the shape of a dog, large cat, or reptile. Then the clan simply slipped away from sight and memory, going into hiding away from people having there share of merciless blood shed

Rank Information:

Rank: Yotobi

Village: Earth

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Tai, Nin, Weaponry.

Elemental Affinity: Earth

Special Characteristics: None

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
ACADEMY STUDENT: Akumu absolutely hated his class mates, he was very smart just hated his class mates. Akumu would walk around and be teased that he didn't have a father. His father abandoned Akumu when he was at the tender age of 2. Everybody around the academy would say stuff such as "Your father didn't want you, why do you think we do" and etc. Akumu hated that but toughed it out withstanding every harsh comment and bullying. Then one day he had enough when one boy walked up makeing fun of him, Akumu took a step back cocked his hand and fired a hailmarry punch, that completely decked the kid knocking him out cold. Akumu walked away from the kid stepping over him as his blood dripped all over the floor. The kid was then later helped out by medical ninjas later on, and no one knew who was the person who knocked him out. Akumu then walked home after school to his hard working mother, it was a long dirt road that felt like it never ended. Akumu hated it until one day while he was walking home he found a small dog, Akumu kneeled down sticking his hand out as the small puppy that resembled a wolf licked his fingers. Akumu was happy with that and started walking looking back to see the puppy following. Akumu stopped and picked up the small puppy figureing that the puppy had probably already did enough walking. Akumu brought him to his house, Akumu's moms first words where "get that dog out of here" Akumu then was mad telling her that it was his only friend. So his mother allowed him to have the puppy. Akumu would go to the academy every day anxious to get out and get to see his puppy. Everyday he walked back home the dog would meet him in the same exact spot. Akumu then thought that the dog had been with them for a while now and he needed a good name instead of calling him pup every day, so Akumu named him Tero.

GENNIN ARC: Akumu became a gennin and was asigned a team with two girls. Lucky for Akumu everything such as bullying cleared up and him and the two girls made good friends. Akumu was great at weaponry but not really good at anything else. Akumu went home one day pretty sad with his dog at his side. WHen he asked his mother "why don't i have anything special like the other Gennins" his mother then paused and realized it was about that time to make him apart of the clan in which she was in and his dad was in. Whe he heard about it he immediately knew he wanted to beinjected with a white vile and become a animaru shuhan. This gave him the power to become pretty much a werewolf but they needed a white vile. Thats when Akumu's mother said that we need to extract the blood from Tero for everything to work out good. AKumu agreed, and got the blood extracted from tero with ease and no trouble at all. The worst part was yet to come, because The shuhan had to get an ejection in ther neck when on the other hand the shihan got a simple prick in the wrist. So Akumu stood perfectly still as his mother carefully shoved the large needle in his neck, causeing Akumu excrusiating pain. Now he has done the transformation of just a regular gennin to a clan member.

CHUUNIN ARC: Instead of chuunin exams the Tsuchikage sent them on a mission, knowing that Akumu just got his clan skills. Akumu's new found clan skills worked out when him and his team was sent on the mission.The mission was to go outside of the village and kill annother group of harmful intruders. When they finally found them they had a great war the girls made good enough to take out 1 of the three harmful ninjas, when they couldn't go anymore Akumu got them to a safe spot and made sure they were out of harms way, Akumu's job was crystal clear get rid of the last two. AKumu began turning into a large werewolf like beast attacking with full force throwing a barrage of Kunais at first with one explosive Kunai trailing. The two men were able to dodge the barrage except the explosive kunai wich hit one of the men dead smack in the chest exploding knocking the other ninja away. Akumu chased down the other ninja that just unsheathed a large sword, Akumu knew he had to do something quick and smart. Akumu began uprooting a tree slaming it on the ninja, the ninja stuck his large sword in the tree letting it take the blow. But thats exactly what Akumu wanted, with the sword now in the tree it was stuck not letting the ninja move thats when Akumu struck decking the ninja smack dab in the face killing him instantly. Akumu then re found the two others and brought them back to base turning back into human form.

Jounin Arc: Now a jounin being granted that rank by the Tsuchikage for outstanding performance. He was no longer in the group,then a catastrophe struck. Everybody looked at Akumu as a monster. They thought of him as a loose trigger. They didnt no much because Akumu had full control of whatever he did. Every day he would get dirty looks from everybody even the store owners around the village. Akumu felt like he was reliveing his academy days. When everyday he was bullied. No longer was Akumu bullied but was treated with immese hatred. Akumu was dumbfounded. He just saved the village from an attack and now is looked down apon. Akumu felt like he was now hated and planned to stay that way. So he went to his mother telling her that he was leaving and that he had to leave. His mother was not happy whatsoever and absolutely didnt like the idea of him leaving. His mother felt like Akumu should just stick everything out, and everything would be fine. So akumu did, and waited for a good 4 months until he could not take it anymore, and walked up to the tsuchikages office walking through the doors as the wind blew on his face. He walked through the halls everybody looking at him with disrespect, Akumu then walked on and on until he reached the Tsuchikages doors. He knocked on the door hearing a scratchy voice mumble the words "come in".

Yotobi arc: Akumu walked in to the Tsuchikages office and stood infront of the desk, just standing with no expression. "sit down" said the Tsuchikage". " NO!" Akumu said as he slammed his hands down on the tsuchikages desk. " i have been treated with disrespect from everybody here, the academy students even look down apon me, I've tried to stick this out but i can't take this anymore" Akumu said as he turned his back to the Tsuchikage " Im leaving" Akumu said with a slight smirk of hatred. He ran to his house telling his mom that he was leaving for good, the mom didnothing but begin to tear and nod her head. "i want you to keep tero, let him be your rock" Akumu said as he walked out of his house rubbing the dogs head. Akumu then took to the gates of the village, when guards began to try and stop him, Akumu sent them all flying and took off never seen again. When he was out for his long time he heard about the yotobi, He felt like he had a knew family when he did join it. Every yotobi member treated him with respect and not duisgust. Akumu knew that this was going to be his life, and thats what he would give for his new family the yotobi.

Rp Sample: Null walked up to the bar his cloak swinging swiftly behind him brushing his ankles with every gentle footstep. Null's head was down as he opened the bar door a cold breeze brushed his face and left as quickly as it came. Null began walking the people who were standing up and shoving everybody else trying to start something null began sliding through open holes in the massive barrage of people. He then stopped looking up at the empty bar seeing one of the bartenders cleaning off some glasses, and the other sleeping on the bar drooling all over the place. Null walked over to sit down right infront of the sleeping bartender Null looked down to see the drool slugishly seeping towards him. Null pushed the sleeping bartender off of the bar table watching him fall to the floor creating a large thud, then a sound of snoreing from the passed out bartender. Null then saw the drool begin to stop its movement before seeping to the very tip of the edge, Null looked up to see the other bartender beginning to walk over to Null stepping over the other man stopping dead infront of Null shoulders high as he began to lift up his left hand. Null didn't move but was wondering what the bartender was going to do when he saw that the hand stopped rising and gently tugged a hand towel off of his shoulder dropping it on the drool sucking it all up like a sponge. Null loked at the mans face as he began to smile. " what would you like to drink, sir?" the bartender said throwing the drool filled hand towel on the sleeping bartender that was snoring on the floor. "I'll take a nice cold beer" Null said as he looked to his left seeing that there were many open bar stools hoping that he would have some company that night. Null began to look all the way down with more then 15 open barstools and at the very end one was laying down on the floor, when all of a sudden there was a slam in front of Null from his beer with tiny splashes of cold beer hitting his face. It scared the crap out of Null but Null stayed calm trying not to showhis fear. The bartender smiled at Null " heres one ice cold beer", "yeah one ice cold beer that almost turned me ice cold from fear" Null chuckled as the bartender began to walk away. Null then took a swig of his beer as he looked back towards the vacant barstools once again hoping that he would be greeted by someone elses company.
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akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi)   akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi) Icon_minitimeThu 08 Oct 2009, 11:48 pm

Approved , but you prolly need yotobi leader to look it over
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akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi) Empty
PostSubject: Re: akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi)   akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi) Icon_minitimeFri 09 Oct 2009, 1:01 am

I Looked over it, but I make my Descion in a week if Kitaro dont post.
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PostSubject: Re: akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi)   akumu Kouhai ( new yotobi) Icon_minitime

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