Name:Earth quick sand
Description:Using earth element danzo will make the needed hand sings which then will make where ever his opponent is standing turn into quick sand and will suck them into the ground.
Name:Harden earth
Description:Danzo will only be able to use this jutsu after he uses Earth quick sand. So once he uses that jutsu he will be able to use this one while his opponent is already sunk into the ground. Danzo will make the needed hand signs then quickly slam both of his hands onto the ground which will cause the quick sand to become hard and crush his opponent instantly.
Name:Rain Technique
Description:once Danzo has made the hand signs the sky will be covered in dark gray clouds. Then will start to rain, danzo then will be able to use any of his other water jutsu, and will be able to tell who is around with in a 2 mile radius.