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 Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy

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PostSubject: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeMon 02 Nov 2009, 7:33 am


Yes, Naiko Aburame (my second character) is controlled by me as a NPC.

Kitsuke was suppose to meet his former mentor and friend Tenshin, he was going to ask him if he could train a little student of his... Naiko Aburame. Naiko was really eager to train and become useful to Sunagakure just like his sensei. Kitsuke is a little busy this past few days, and knew that he wont be able to look after his student. Therefore he needs to intrust him to a guy he knew like a brother and treated like a brother. They were both walking in a secret meeting grounds of Sunagakure, both of them wore a suit that hides they're identity and protects them from the harsh weather of Sunagakure. " Tenshin's a great man, Naiko no need to be afraid.." Kitsuke said to Naiko as they were slowly walking. Naiko replied, " I know master, I trust you, but I hardly know this guy.. and besides being the former Kazekage who went missing.... I'm quiet terrified,... I don't know if I can meet up to his standards... " Naiko expressed and spoke what he thinks about this guy Tenshin Nara. Kitsuke continued, " Hey, I know Tenshin.. he maybe harsh.. but he'll teach you quite well that after a few months you'd be ten times stronger than before kid.. " Kitsuke has a passion on calling his students " kid ". Naiko spoke again, " What if he wont like to train someone like me sensei?... " Kitsuke replied, " That's ridiculous, if I ask Ten something... I know he wont say no to my request... hundred percent sure... just stay calm and be excited just like I was when I was his student Hahaha " Kitsuke still laughs even though he knew Tenshin had changed after this past few years. Both of them took a stairs that leads them into a large basements. Kitsuke switched on the lights, giving the impression that he was already here for many times. " Take a sit Naiko, and lets wait patiently for Tenshin... " Kitsuke spoke and then proceed to take a sit on a small chair, in the middle there was a not so huge table suitable for about 5-6 peoples with enough chair. Naiko took a sit beside Kitsuke, and as for Kitsuke's observation, Naiko is really serious about being terrified of Tenshin... he was sweating. With that Kitsuke has nothing to say but to chuckle silently to his chair. They both waited for Tenshin in that nice, secret, well ventilated , underground basement.
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PostSubject: Re: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeMon 02 Nov 2009, 11:40 am

Tenshin got a letter from Kitsuke to meet him in there old little meeting place that was located underground of Sunagakure. Tenshin walk to a sand patch, and seen the Symbol of Sunagakure as he kicked the sand up. " Aw here we go the old secret base. Been so long since i been in here." Tenshin then open a hachet and droped down in after creating a clone. The clone just cover the symbol and then left. Tenshin then walked down the hallway. " I gues Kitsuke already here the lights is on. " Tenshin continued to walk with his hands in his pockets. Tenshin was walking his normal paste. Then Kitsuke and Naiko could here a clicking noice coming from Tenshin shoes. It got louder and louder. Tenshin then got to the door way and look at the old meeting hall and then he seen Kitsuke sitting there with his student. " Aw Kitsuke why do you bring me to this old place. I haven't been here since me and you was partners in crime. Physicaly speaking." He then smiled. " Hello Kitsuke glad to see you still on your feet, and look you even got a student, you been teaching the kid everything i tought you." He says still smiling. Then the smile went to a emotionless look. " Now enough talk, what is it that brought me here. " He said in a cold voice a his personality just changed. Tenshin does that alot he goes froma excited guy to a dull and serious one and sometimes he goes insane but only a few like Kitsuke know about the insane side and it only comes out when Tenshin becomes pissed off. Tenshin then look at Kitsuek seriously. He sat down in a chair across from Kitsuke and his student. " Shall this meeting began. I have important stuff to do." He said in a calm tone as he look at Kitsuke with a emotionless look, that was often mistaken for an angry look.
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Naiko Aburame
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PostSubject: Re: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeWed 11 Nov 2009, 10:55 am

Kitsuke looked deeply at Tenshin's emotionless face,... '" How facinating to see an old friend back down here? " That was the words Kitsuke first uttered upon seeing Tenshin Nara again. Just like Tenshin said, they need to get down to the bussiness as soon as possible. Kitsuke took a glance into Naiko who was seating beside him and looked tensed before facing Tenshin again and telling him why the hell did Kitsuke asked them to see Tenshin. " Ahm, you see my friend... Naiko here is a great student, and I believe that in your hands he will be able to unlock his true potentials..." Kitsuke was asking someone like Tenshin to have an apprentice? Unusual things. Kitsuke was a little past few days and knew that he needed to see someone who can continue his training with Naiko and the best guy is of course Tenshin Nara. Naiko sat down silently on his chair listening to his sensei Kitsuke's words. Naiko can feel the dark aura coming out of Tenshin's body, what a scary man indeed. Naiko is well known of who is Tenshin Nara in Sunagakure, Kitsuke doesn't only train Naiko physically but mentally. Naiko has a pass to Sunagakure's top-secret library. A library where almost all of the information about Sunagakure is available. There he studies all day, and reads information about different legends in Sunagakure. What he knew is that Tenshin was once a kazekage, and a very very close friend of his sensei Kitsuke. And he knew how powerful Tenshin is, a man of integrity. While Kitsuke sat, waiting for Tenshin's reply.
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PostSubject: Re: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeSat 21 Nov 2009, 2:23 am

The room was cold nd the hals was dark. The only light sorce was the one coming from the meeting rom. Or training room since Kitsuke and Tenshin used this area for both back then when they was both Jounin, well real Tenshin was Anbu and Kitsulke Jounin. Tenshin was ot making a move or a sad he stood and watched the kid then back at Kitsuke. " He wants me to teach him." Tenshin said in his head those words continue to run thru his head along with the words, "Why?" Tenshin was lost in thought wondering.

" If I teach this kid he becomes a legend and also, he learns all my weaknesses and moves. Then at the same time iknow all his moves and weakness for i taught it to him. The mater at hand is why does kitsuke want me to teach him, by the looks of it this child fears me already and i haven't even spoken a word to him. By the time i get done with him he be like the son i always wanted. He be strong, powerful, and have a burning pasion to kill, if not protect his village. Even if he walks in my path he be lik me and always watch over Sunagakure like the shaodwof the village. " Tenshin thought in his head looking at the kid deeply into his eyes, with a look that said. " Are you strong enough to walk the path to becoming a man, and slaughter if not protecting all you know." Tenshin eyes said that with even speaking to the boy.

He then glanced at Kitsuke Maru. " I got a few question for you. Why? Why do you want me to train this kid. Is there something about him or inside of him that lerks and has the power to maybe surpass you, and maybe even me." He said in a deep tone calm and relaxed Tenshin was. Tenshin then walk towards he kid and then got on one knee. " Kid are you up to the task at hand. Do you think you can with stand the hard and powerful Knowllege I shall teach you. If so then speak now or forver hold your peace and you can train alone and try to surpass me with all your powers, but can i tell you this i been living for a long time now and i know alot more about this world then you and maybe anyone eles." Tenshin then walk away from the kid after sanding up he then look at Kitsuke once more, and back at the child. " So shall you wo peak and answer me now or, was this meeting a waist of my time." He said sounding a bit harsh but Kitsuke should have known his reason for rushing this meeting, its only because Tenshin had unfinished stuff to attend to. To make sure all ran accurding to planed. Teshin then stood and waited for them to speak once agin or forever hold there peace.

(Sorry for the spelling errors if there is any.)
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PostSubject: Re: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeFri 11 Dec 2009, 7:34 pm

" Ahm, my good friend, this kid here needs a true sensei that can train him... and since your out of the village and I'm left to guard it.. .I'm a little bit busy for the moment..." Kitsuke smiled as he told Tenshin why does he want him to train Naiko. Naiko was now better than moments ago, he wasnt shivering anymore but still he had some fear issues with Tenshin Nara infront of him. Kitsuke asked Tenshin again, " So are you willing to take someone under your wing again like you trained me?..."

(Yeah its short)
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PostSubject: Re: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeSat 12 Dec 2009, 3:18 am

Tenshin look at Kitsuke thinkin aboutwhat he said. Tenshin then placed his hands over his left side of his face revieling the mask under his crimson hair. This said mask is a plain white, with a black cross where his eye would be. Over this mask and the other eye, he also wore a pair of rimless glasses. Tenshin then smiled and look at Kitsuke. " I got a question? What elements does this Kid have?" Tenshin said in a deep demonic like voice. He then towards a wall and punched it with this he created whole in it. Tenshin then stood there and waited for his question to be answered.

(Short sorry. I can't think)
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PostSubject: Re: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeSun 27 Dec 2009, 10:11 pm

" You really have an attitude Tenshin,..." Kitsuke chuckled afterwards seeing Tenshin punched to the wall. " But... yeah this kid's element is Fire and Lightning... it wouldnt be coincidence that you have the same elements as well.." Kitsuke had a big smile on his face. At this rate he knew Tenshin can no longer say no on training this shinobi.

(Short as ever)
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PostSubject: Re: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeTue 29 Dec 2009, 1:14 am

Tenshin and look at Kitsuke. His hair began to fall onto his face one strand at a time. Making it look like a follow river of crimson blood going a cross his face. " No attitude my friend. Just simply redesigning things." He said as his hair cover his pale white mask that cover the left side of his face. Hiding it from the face of the earth. He the look at the child. " You have my elements and soon you well have my strength the question is do child. Well you allow a man like me teach you? Well you leave Sunagakure and stay be my side until your training is complete and your old enough to walk this world with no problem at all. If so then Go with Kitsuke and gather your stuff. Kitsuke well know how to find me when your ready. " He said in a deep tone that almost sounded like anger.

He then glanced a Kitsuke, laughing at his new look but at the same time liking it. " When did you start wearing robes that looks almost a bit like Tamekaze of the Sand robes, but with a white background and different trim to it." He then laughed remember Tamekaze, Kitsuke and himself at the bar one night relaxing the day away. He soon awoke from that memory and look at Kirsuke again. " Kitsuke You know where to find me, I'll wait for you in the kid later, but before I go any, you have any last words you wish to show me." He said in a calm tone now.
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PostSubject: Re: Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy   Two Teachers and A Student - Two Legends and a Legacy Icon_minitimeSun 03 Jan 2010, 3:00 am

Before even Tenshin can leave Naiko talked, " I want to be your student!, I want you to be my sensei, I am not afraid to leave Sunagakure..." Naiko said with pride, as if he wasnt terrified at Tenshin. He knew he only had one chance and he needs to take this chance's now. Naiko came forward to Tenshin, removing his forehead protector and putting it in Kitsuke's hands and saying " Take this sensei... take care of it, after I'm finished training I'll take it back from you..." Kitsuke took the forehead protector and gave a look at Naiko, " If you say so... best of luck to you..." Kitsuke looked at Tenshin again, " I guess you have Naiko's side Ten, take care of him and train him well which I know you would.." Kitsuke chuckled afterwards. " But before you leave we must talk about something really important, It'll be quick, " In the middle of the conversation Kitsuke looked at Naiko " Leave us for now, wait for Tenshin outside.." Naiko followed Kitsuke's command and walked upstairs leaving the 2 man alone.

Kitsuke walked towards Tenshin, his robes swaying along in with the wind breeze inside the room. " You know, I thought a little bit of change is good..." Kitsuke was definitely talking about his robes and seals that lay along his shoulders. " The thing I want to say is,... I know about the organization your in... and I know its a very secret thing.." Kitsuke started walking back and forth. " And I know that the war is scaling to new levels..., and I need your organization's side to protect it... the deal would be... I'll be your secret member and would be a spy for other country, they completely trust me... I'll be able to enter grounds you cant enter and meet people you cant meet peacefully, and in return... " Yotobi " would grant Sunagakure protection... " Kitsuke sighed afterwards waiting for Tenshin's reply.
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