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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeThu 05 Nov 2009, 4:08 pm

Kaga walked to his favorite training. When slicing a couple of trees he found a rabbit laying in the grass in shock. See he chance he scoped the rabbit up and practiced unlocking its memories. This rabbit had had a bad day. Its seems he had been hopping along to his favorite clover patch. He had been eating he suddenly he had been substituted by a ninja. Luckily the letter bomb that was thrown at the ninja had been poorly aimed and the rabbit had simple been blown here in to kaga training field. Kaga emerged from the rabbits memories. He got to his feet and locked the rabbits memories and sent it on its way. I wonder if that ninjas still fighting kaga wondered maybe I can slip in on the fight.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 12:07 pm

"That was unforgivable using such a jutsu to hurt a defenceless creature" Shion yelled,
while holding his hands in the sign of the tiger with a wire in his mouth. ill make sure your never able to do that again.
"Why would i care about something like that, all that matters in this world is winning, I wont lose" the man scoffed."don't be so stupid if your a ninja you will have to harden your heart. Things that don't help you will only hold you back this is what were taught in the hidden mist village," the ninja preached tryning to free himself from the wire that bound him to the tree.

"Whoever taught you that is a fool every life is precious, but If you really believe that then your no better than a bully. You have desocrated the sanctity of this land, you attacked me, and your ruthless killing methods. For your crimes to the ninja world I will send you to oblivion, Fire style guiding flame jutsu".
"it dosent matter now" the ninja dropped his arms and awaited death. "I accept the concequences besides my mission is now over and the start of the rain can begin the rain of the mitzuikage. as he spoke the fire rushed the wire and was set to incinerate this man.
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 6:33 pm

Kaga watch the seen play out. What a dope getting him self caught in the wire like that. But hes from my village maybe I should rescue him. Although this guy sounded very stupid and weak. Kaga looked up at the trees trying to decide. Then he heard the woosh of flames. Oops kaga thought as he saw the incineration of the ninja. Oh well better take revenge on him.

Kaga jumped from his view point and landed in front of the animal lover. “hi I’m kaga I’ll be taking revenge on you today. Its nothing personal but you can just go around killing other ninja. Please stand still and take your punishment like a man. Kaga then threw a letter bomb at the animal lover.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 8:07 pm

"You take me for a fool" he asked ignoring the paper bomb and clashing kunais with the ninja behind him "Why would you stick up for a guy like this". the kunais scraped and scratched together making sparks as Shion tried to make sence of this. Then his eyes were directed to his headband. There handbands are the same he thought. "I see so youre from the village in the mist too am i to assume you've come to start a war then". He gripped his kunai tighter while having a staring contest with this mysterious man.
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeSat 07 Nov 2009, 12:34 am

“What you’re the one whos gonna start a war. I will punish you as self proclaimed avenger of this idiot don’t ever forget my name. kaga noko. And iv never lost at this so bring it on.” Kaga said about to look the animal rights wacko in the eye. He quickly thought better of it and decide a direct approach was better. “Now prepare to feel pain.” He said.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeSat 07 Nov 2009, 12:51 am

"Two cowards in the same day both attack with a lame diversion and then the silent kill technique this makes me think you are probally weak at hand to hand combat". He threw a kunai at the man. Using his free hand he blocked it but his reaction time was slow.Shion then appeared from his blind side and delivered a staggering kick to his ribs."tell me" he asked " Why have you come to my vilage if not to start a war one ambush attack was enough but 2 makes a guy curious" he studied the look on his face he looked puzzled.
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 09 Nov 2009, 10:10 am

( did you just make me bock a kunia or was it the other guy. Who did you hit me or him im so confused. Oh well I'll will do what I always do.)

“Seriously.” kaga said. “enough talking im bored and I want to fight.” “you attack first. I think? Well it doesn’t matter. Now die” kaga said as his body flickered and he appeared behind the ARW ( animal rights wacko. Sorry I couldn’t think of a better name) with his key blade drawn. He thrust at the ARW’s shoulder and at the same time reached out his palm to touch the ARW’s head.
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 09 Nov 2009, 2:41 pm

ooc haha the other guys dead and we can fight this out still you just need to understand that its not happening at the moment this will have to have taken place a few days ago.

Noticing yet another silent kill technique Shion was prepared. He spun around and the four blade assault flew out of his shirt and into his palm he knocked away the keyblade stab." Ha you sora wanna be now take this" he attempted to slash his face. but he didnt see the second attack untill it hit the man pushed shions head however this only gave his slash more power as he forced his body to turn quicker. Its over he thought as the blade came closer to his victem.
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeSun 15 Nov 2009, 7:20 pm

Yikes thought kaga as the blade came closer. But he had time to make a few quick hand signs. The blade sliced into kagas neck but it but it was no longer his neck. It had turned in to a log. Kaga was in the trees. When the ARW hit the ground. I need a distraction kaga thought. Then he saw a squirrel. The squirrel was stupid and let him catch it. he then flung the squirrel at the AWR’s face. Accessing the trap in the handle of his key blade. A small glass like key ( its almost as hard as a diamond) sprang out of the back end of the handle of the key chain it was pointed at the ARW. ( I hope this name doesn’t offend you I just can think of a better one.) the key was nearly invisible in the shade of the forest it would not reflect the light. Kaga didn’t like the idea of killing so he aimed at the youths shoulder. He would just have to disable him a little.

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement Technique)
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeSun 15 Nov 2009, 8:22 pm

"A replacement" Shion quickly rised to action ducking the flying squirel. He seen the blade pointing at him and a serious look in kaga eyes this man is surely playing for keeps he thought as he threw 2 kunai attached to a paper bomb one at his weapon and one stuck the branch he was standing on."dont get me wrong youtr concealment was almost flawless but your own mericless throwing of the squirel gave your position away"
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Zenjirou Tankou
Zenjirou Tankou

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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 3:26 am

As Kyou was walking through the streets as he heard a great explosion. For his curiousness, he went to the place where the sounds coming from. He heard two people arguing, " I really hate noisy people .. " . As he was getting closer, he found two ninjas fighting with their basic attacks. " From Konoha and from Kiri .. And I'm from Suna .. what a coincedence .. " He just sit on a branch of a tree and watch .. " May I join your party ?" . He smiled while getting the saying that. He has no bad intentions of what he said, he just want to enjoy himself.
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 3:32 am

"who are you" shion asked. Well whoever he is maybe he will distract kaga long enough for the bompbs to work there magic.
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Zenjirou Tankou
Zenjirou Tankou

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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 3:37 am

Kyou stands on the branch he is sitting and said "I'm Kyou of the Sunagakure .. I'm just interested on making a battle (since this is my first RPing in the site) .. I love your battle cause you don't too much elemental techniques and it's my favorite concept of a battle .. so .. can you spend some time ? .. ". Kyou was smiling but he mean what he said. Kyou just wait for the Konoha ninja's reply.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 4:28 am

Whats going on here there was 2 mist ninjas and now a sand one. "hmmm Well whos side are you on if youve come here to kill me i promise it wont be easy."
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 10:00 am

( shotty you are like the third person to completely ignore my attack. the glass key is flying at you its sharp and can cut and its almost invisible. and it should be in your shoulder )
( kyou how did you get to be chuunin so darn fast. )

kaga jumped down from the branch. "ohh your chuunin." kaga said. "if i fight with you it will be un fair cause it just be tooo easy to kill the ARW.if you fight with him it will still be unfair."
"how about you try and take both of us on. "
unless you can get some one else to join.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 10:11 am

(Sorry kaga u explained your attack horribly i thought it was still in your blade plese be more specific next time. k so as it stands your attack pierced my shoulder but i managed to dodge it just enough that it grazed me instead of a serious injury.You have paper bombs heading for your weapon and one stuck the tree. so if ur saying your attack went through then i guess only my one paper bomb stuck the branch.and your attack ripped the other one apart.Shion stared at kaga as the scene got hotter. "what the hell was that" he asked as his shoulder started bleeding."My paper bomb was obliterated".
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 7:36 pm

((sorry your kinda right about that. i will try to be more desciptive.))
darn! kaga thought. i missed. jumping off the branch. the second his foot left the branch it exploded. this sent kaga flying. he broke his fall by rolling. "your annoying." kaga said. and you don't attack much. and you love animals way to much. your waaaaaay to weak at heart. ill bet you got a weak soul to match. well im bored attack so ill let you have a turn." with this final remark kaga took a defensive stances. holding his key blade point down to the ground at arms length.
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 7:50 pm

A turn shion said i have no will to fight you but if your that intent on hurting the innocent you will share the same fate.wait a turn does he think of this as a game "have you only attacked me as part of sum game"well then lets see how you feel about this Ninja art of beat mimicry all 4s jutsu"Shions body transformed into that of a beast making him faster now fire style Mythical Fire Phoenix!!!. he shot a series of fireballs and disapeared through them attempting to punch kaga in the face with blinding speed.

All fours jutsu
type ninjutsu
rank d
descript.Ninja will change their physical properties to that of a more animalistic quality.increasing almost doubling their speed and attack power.

2.Housenka no Jutsu - Mythical Fire Phoenix Technique
Rank: C
Type: Attack
description: a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals and then emits a series of small fire balls. The ninja can also hurl a projectile which is covered in these same flames. To the opponent the attack appears to be only the balls of flame, they do not see the hidden threat within the flames. Meaning that even if the flames are put out, the projectiles still converge on the target. The flames can be used to cover different projectiles like shuriken or kunai.
effect:lasts one post
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Zenjirou Tankou
Zenjirou Tankou

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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 1:35 am

(Sorry for the very late post)

Kyou saw the two fighting by using some basic and normal attacks. A person appeared on the branch next to Kyou. Kyou smiled and said " Ohh .. two of you against me ? Sure .. Why not ? I'm a very sporty ninja for that .. " . Due to their battle,the guy with the black suit jump and then explode. Kyou made a fast way of escaping by using a basic technique. The two person fought whilt they didn't pay attention to Kyou. "Hey .. Don't forget about me !" . Kyou made a sign on his palms and then summon 10 kunai (5 in each hand with 2 exploding tags in each kunai) and throws it to the boy with black suit in a expert way. Kyou then again summon a windmill with a lot of exploding tags art it right after he threw the kunai. He threw it to the person with violet hair by controlling it wires.

(Since you two are Genin, I will not use jutsu above C as a respect)

Name: Summoning: Tool Flash Draw
Rank: C
Description: This is a kind of "ninja tool summon" that, by sealing ninja tools like swords or kunai into, for instance, a scroll or one's clothes beforehand, allows them to be called upon when needed. The greatest advantage of this technique is that the time between "taking out" a ninja tool, taking the right "stance" and actually "throwing" it is greatly reduced. The ninja tools are thrown with the actual speed of a "flash of lightning," ruining the opponent's outset of the battle, and snatching away the initiative. Furthermore, because the summonable ninja tools can remain hidden until right before they are used, if this technique is mastered, there are an exceptional number of possible tactics.

Name: Advanced Shuriken Throw
Rank: D
Description: This skill is used by weaponry master. The user is able to throw a shuriken in a rapid speed that is hard to dodge by normal speed. The user may also use multiple weapons at a time with rapid speed and great accurancy which is hard to dodge.

Name:Windmill Explosion
Rank: C
Type: Weaponry
Element: N/A
Description: After throwing the windmill to the opponent,the windmill will explode as it comes in contact to something whether that be the opponent or land or anything. As it blows it will cover about a 10ft radius. This windmill is covered with exploding tags and can be controlled by wires.
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 4:20 pm

All of this had been kaga’s plan. When he had missed beast guy with the trap in the back of his sword it had hit the earth in a soft spot. He controlled the string with his chakra. The key was hard to lift off ground with the string so kaga simple wrapped it around one of his legs instead of trying to stab him in the back of the neck.. He had made tree turns around his leg before beast guy was done talking. When he started to make signs kaga jumped. the fire ball missed his foot by six inches. He swung his foot back and latch on to a tree. Holding the string taught he weaved some signs and held the string up to his mouth breathing flame down the wire to consume the beast guys leg. and then he saw the letter bombs coming. oh dear. thought kaga i shouldnt have ignored him. he quickly focused his chakra to his feet and jumped from the tree to another.

Name: Katon: Ryuka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique)
Type: C-rank
Description: The user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object. While the technique is shown in the anime to be even larger and more devastating than Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique (and being able to melt rock), in the manga it is shown to be nothing more than a small burst of flame running along a line of wire. Also in the anime it is shown that it can used seperately without an object to travel along.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 7:34 pm

Shion rushed the tree with blinding force his fireballs set the leaves a blaze kaga was hiding in causing a forest fire than He punched him accros the face making him fly out of the tree.he flew out of the tree with him kind of saving him from the paper bombs that were coming were even now. he growled.I say we take this guy out first than we can finish our problem
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my first battle since i died Empty
PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 8:22 pm

( O.O you auto hit me.bad beast boy bad. and you ignored my attack. but thats okay sense im fighting with you now. )

"hey dont hit me if you gonna fight with me." kaga said. " fine sense im pretty sure im smarter i get to call the shots. first step you go in sense your faster, and ill cover you." kaga took five kunias with wires attached to them. "take these and hit him in a joint. preferable the shoulder or leg." kaga drew several kunai also with wires attached to them. " this will be a piece of cake."
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeTue 17 Nov 2009, 11:00 pm

i didnt ignore the attack but since i was already flying at you theres no way your attack could have hit.And i didnt autohit i said i was set to hit you and since you didnt address it.the attack went through.

Fine ill take your lead but you better not lead us wrong`shion grabbed the weapons and flew at kyou.Doing handseals he used the normal clone jutsu then threw the kunais he had been given since there were now 3 shions kyou couldnt know which attack was the real kunais.they all threw 4.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 4:17 pm

kaga threw two senbuns on the left side of the chuunin, and two more on his right side. if he managed to doge the kunais the needle would get him. then kaga realized he had for got to cover the top. h threw two more above the chuunin. if he jumped the needs would only hit his leg or foot if he was fast. all of the senbons had strings attached. once we finish the chuunin i can teach this beast guy some manners.
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PostSubject: Re: my first battle since i died   my first battle since i died Icon_minitimeFri 20 Nov 2009, 8:10 pm

if he dosent repond in one day im going to assume we hit
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