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 Nathan Uchiha

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Nathan Uchiha
Nathan Uchiha

Posts : 15
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Nathan Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 9:50 am

General Information:

Name:Nathan Uchiha






Like everyone, Nathan once possessed the innocence of a
child. Solid black eyes were wide with the hope of a bright future. From a
young age he tried to dress like a future shinobi, even wearing bandages and band-aids to show the fact that he was able to get covered in scars. His hair, like always, was unkempt, long and spiky. As he as grown it has only gotten longer, but even in his younger years it as able to spike both up and down, even covering his eyes to some extent, though to an extent far lesser then in other places. He had an imitation of a Leaf headband made from a raggedy old handkerchief that was black in color to distinguish itself from his very unique red hair. The backend of this headdress was far to large for it to look normal, and the tie it was in left so much of the cloth uncovered that it would protrude past Nathan's hair. Back then Nathan wore a sleeveless black shirt that had thick trimming around all of its holes. The collar of this shirt was hidden beneath a large, thick scarf that was hung loose around Nathan's shoulders. Nathan's pants were also black, and baggy like they are now.
However, back in these days Nathan wore suspenders that had far too large straps, causing them to hand loosely around his shoulders. Furthermore, these pants were too short on the misfit, and his ankles would show at the bottom. His shoes were large boots with built in sock like rims. He had black wristbands on his arms along with bandages on his left bicep, or at least as much as a bicep this skinny boy used to have.
Nathan Uchiha L_a11a827e7bf09df112dfc6b7d5c5aa40

Nathan's appearance is anything but average. Although Nathan's
body type is nothing special, for looks almost as through malnourished being as skinny as he is, his body it features many differences from normal individuals. His canine teeth, of both his upper and lower jaw, have been replaced with hollow serpent fangs that correspond to venom sacks that have developed in his jaw. Like in his younger hears, Nathan's hair is very long and unkempt, and of coarse it is an odd shade of red being roughly spiked with some points of it extending below his chin. Nathan stands at about 5'10", through the spikes of his hair making him seem taller. His face has a very monotone appearance, which is only deepened by his sold black eyes that come off as being numb to
some people. Nathan wears all black garbs. His shirt is a light gray that looks something like a faded shade of black. This shirt features a collar that extends up to cover about half of his neck, and its long sleeves cover his entire arm. Nathan wears loose, black shozoku pants that allow for excellent movement. Unlike most ninja, Nathan does not wear open two shinobi sandals, but instead he wears black boots that have metal cuffs across the top of the shoe to protect his feet within. Over his upper body, Nathan dawns a black, tattered leather vest, which has two main pockets in the front, and extra protection around the shoulders. On the back of this leather vest there is the symbol of the Uchiha clan. Nathan also carries two black and white ninjaken katanas on his back that he utilizes as his primary close-range weapons. The swords are one of the only things he has to remember his clan, and the black sheaths of them feature a white serpent design. On his backside, attached to his belt, Nathan carries a small shuriken and kunai holster, around which is wrapped his Manriki-gusari chain. Furthermore, Nathan has two hooks to either side of his belt that he uses to hold his Serpent Fang Chains. Finally, Nathan's headband is worn on his forehead, with the leaf symbol visible through the unkempt spiky hair.
Nathan Uchiha L_f7f0b9a50cee10e85e5302d834b5762b

In the time spent in seclusion, Nathan grew quite a bit. He now stands at 6'2", and that is without taking into consideration the extra 5 inches he gets from the mass quantity of messy red hair that is even more spiked now then before. Like always, Nathan wears his Konoha headband
proudly on his forehead, keeping his spiky hair, which spikes out in all directions including down, clear enough for the leaf symbol to be seen. Nathan's physical appearance has changed slightly as well. He is still lanky, and rather skinny compared to most, but his muscle tone is more defined then in his younger years, or even during his time as a Genin. His black eyes appear more piercing, which is probably because their serious tone combined with Nathan's mostly covered face give off a harsh tone. Within his mouth, Nathan's hollow serpent fangs that had replaced his normal canine teeth, have fully developed, complete with his own modified saliva to create powerful venom that has a paralyzing effect of its targets. However, to hide these larger fangs, the Uchiha has taken to wearing a black mask, which connects to the skintight black
leather sleeveless shirt that he sports. On his left hand Nathan has marked himself with a symbol of his clan that he modified to also appear as a leaf, making a leaf shape snake design by permanently burning it into his flesh. On his forearms, Nathan wears white bandages, which is about the only thing of his outfit that is not black. While his black shirt is far more revealing then his Genin clothing, he wears atop of this skintight garb a black, loose, long sleeve black layered garb, which has very loose and wide sleeves that hand down from where they rest on Nathan's hands. The front for of this upper kimono like garb is covered with a fully strapped, black shinobi vest that resembles the green vest most other Chuunin and Jounin wear. Like before, Nathan wears baggier pants to provide excellent movement, modeling these new black pants off of the tattered shozoku pants he wear years ago. These pants again become tight around his ankles, with a high cut that leaves his ankles covered only by more white bandages. Finally, Nathan wears boots instead of open two sandals. His pants have a built on kunai holster on his left side, which goes along with the weapons holster attached to his thigh guard on his right thigh. Furthermore, there is an additional weapons pouch on his back, this one being circular in nature. Nathan has replaced his Blades of the Uchiha with a rather large, pointed broadsword that measures 7 foot in length from the tip of the blade to the end of the large handle.

Nathan Uchiha L_ac698e1451b9ae867f83fb7e9e18be65

Nathan has not grown in height, still standing at 6'2", though his body has finally filled out so that he does not look lanky to the point where he was practically malnourished. Instead, his body is now very muscular, with very refined details that almost look sculpted. He now weighs 168 lbs, little of it being body fat. However, one thing that has changed is that his body is usually cold to the touch, regardless of what he has been doing, this stemming from the ghostly aspects, though it does give him a good deal of resistance to things such as hot and cold environment. Though his hair is still relatively unkempt, it has been trimmed. The hair no longer
shoots out far above his skull but is now rather short compared with how he had forgone such concern during his earlier years of seclusion. However, the blood red hair is still spiky, but no longer reached down in front of his eyes, only getting longer in the back. He has a series look to this eyes, but is somewhat concerned or more accurately focused. However, since his time in the former Amegakure, Nathan's solid black eyes have taken on Sharingan, shards of blood red found with them giving him more of a demonic piercing expression. Within his mouth, Nathan's hollow serpent fangs that had replaced his normal canine
teeth, have fully developed, complete with his own modified saliva to create powerful venom that has a paralyzing effect of its targets. On his left arm, Nathan wears the mark of the ANBU, but instead of a tattoo he has permanently marked his skin using Katon chakra to burn the leaf like symbol in his flesh, giving it a special touch to make the simple look like coiling snakes if seen at the proper angle Nathan no longer wears a mask, or even a traditional shinobi flack jacket. Instead, Nathan has finally added color into his outfit. His shirt is mostly white in the front, and is thicker then most normal fabric. The color of the garb rises at the shoulders, giving him a loose area around his neck that is not covered by anything. On this color there is a decorative red design that then leads to the right, a solid red strip following along the right side of the shirt that goes all the way down to the end of the shirt. On the right side, this garb ends at around the knee level, while it cuts off around the waist at the right. On the left side there is no sleeve, but cuts off from being white and then turns to a blood red strip before becoming white once more. On the back of this shirt is the design of a red-coiled snake, the symbol of his clan. The right side of the shirt features a blood red sleeve that extends past his hand and is very loose to work with his technique. This sleeve as a lightly visible red design upon it, along with a half-moon shaped white part at the very end of the sleeve. A similar sleeve is worn on the left arm, but is strapped to him at the elbow level, leaving his bicep exposed. At his right shoulder is a three-sectioned padded piece of leather that can work as a light guard. His left forearm has a glove that takes on a fishnet appearance except for on the leathery top of the arm, but then turns into a solid black glove around the wrist. This glove has only three complete fingers, the index,middle, and pinky fingers being covered, leaving the thumb and ring finger exposed. A similar glove is worn on his right hand, but lacks the same fishnet or leathery part of the forearm. Nathan wears a dark red pair of shozoku pants that are loose to provide good movement, but tighten around the ankle revealing black bandages that cover his ankle before they terminate into a black pair of boots. Around his waist is a wrap that is the same color as his pants, but this garb is usually only seen on the right side. Mostly this sash is covered with a blood red colored sash that wraps from his lower right waist to his upper left. Attached to this blood red sash is a black garb that serves as a partial cover around his left leg, traveling all the way around his backside, terminating before covering the white part of his shirt on the right side. On the black piece is a decorative, serpentine design. Nathan wears large equipment pouches on the back of his two sashes, and on his right side of the hip. Furthermore, his Serpent Fang Chains are, as always, clipped around his waist for easy access. Nathan usually does not wear his headband on his head anymore, but instead has had the metal piece stitched into front of the blood red sash on his waist. In his pocket he carries the crest of the Generals of Fire, but the real visible symbol is found on the sash he wears draped across his sash, hung on the left shoulder down to the right side of his waist. This sash has blood red flame patter on its side, and carries with it the cret of the Generals of Fire in the middle of the front.

Nathan Uchiha L_84afd7b7ebc84703a6668afc7af87000

Personality:Nathan is a very calm, reserved individual that does not embrace sudden unnecessary outburst of bullheadedness. Being raised as an orphan Nathan grew to accept solitude and does not mind being separated form other for long periods of time, frequently finding enjoyment in the tranquility of silence. Though a loner by nature, Nathan can be quite sociable when necessary, but usually withholds such an attitude for those he honors and trusts. Despite his reserved attitude, Nathan can be known to have a vicious streak that is only unleashed in the most stressful of situations, and usually only on those that Nathan holds with disgust and hatred. Above all other things, Nathan despises individuals that prey on the weak and helpless. Nathan is typically very attuned with his surroundings, being able to since when something is troubling those around him. Due to his kind hearted nature, he cannot help but try to help those that he gets close to, but he is usually very strategic about how he approaches other, since he does not want to miss any details that may factor into how an individual is feeling.

Strengths: Konjutsu| Konjutsu, or Spirit Techniques, are abilities that stem spiritual realm. Nathan has created many
custom takes on the manipulation of spirits.
Ninjutsu | Nathan is highly specialized in the ninja arts, and has mastered many forms of ninjutsu, anywhere from his elemental manipulation of Katon [Fire], Fuuton [Wind], and [Combustion] natured chakra, to general knowledge of the other categories. Although not an expert at Fuuinjutsu, Nathan’s
understanding of Ninjutsu allows for limited access to this more
specialized ninjutsu art, though this is usually only in the form of spiritual manipulation.

Clan Information

Clan Name:Uchiha

Kekei Genkai:Sharingan

Clan Symbol:

Clan History:

Rank Information:

Rank:[/b[ Special Jounin

[b]Village:[/b Leaf village

[b]Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Ability to see the dead

Elemental Affinity:Fire,wind,Combustion

Special Characteristics:

JutsuCreating thing will have


History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:History/bio: Nathan has been an orphan from birth, as the a crazed cult kidnap him and killed off all other members of his family but his mom as a means of getting the power within the newborn’s body and if it was not for ninja unknown to him they would have kill him as well. Nathan and his mom was left without protection from the hordes of power crazed
shinobi seeking to turn the child into a weapon for their country. Had Nathan not been claimed by the shinobi of Kumogakure he would have surely been raised to be nothing more then a tool to be used in warfare. However, this was not the case. Nathan mom raised him, and while he did not have dad to always be there for him, he had a good life. The ceremony that the cult try to performed was in a temple in Osaka, and so the people of the Village Hidden in the cloud had no grudge against the child. Almost all of the villages, including Nathan, had no knowledge of what kind of beast slumbered inside the child, as it was a well-kept secret of the shinobi that knew the truth. Allowed to train in the ninja academy, Nathan aspired to become a great ninja of Kumogakure as a means of repaying the village that had raised him. At the age of 12 Nathan became a Genin and graduated from the ninja academy, though his was to the dismay of some ninja that feared what he might become if the demon inside of him ever was released. Nathan could not explain why some shinobi gave him spiteful glances as he trained to become stronger, and to his dismay some attempted to sway him from his chosen path. However, Nathan never gave up, and he made it his Nindo to follow his dreams and become an excellent ninja.

[/font]When Nathan began his journey his goal was simply to get
back to Konoha without trouble, known that trouble was bad. While he was fighting the forest in a match that pitted him without any weapons other then what he could muster from his own body and the nature around him, the Uchiha was also fighting himself, hearing whispers from his Snakes in his ear. Nathan took a strategic approach as best as he could, using a stone to mark tries so he could know where he had been as he travels south from the Valley of the End. However, when the stone crumbled, he continued on, starving until he came across a bandit attempting to rob a young girl. As it would turn out, the old bandit was actually the girls grandfather, and Nathan had fallen right into their trap. Tanzo, the old man that Nathan left face down on the ground, and
his granddaughter Ayame attempt to steal the last weapons Nathan had, his family's swords. However, Nathan managed to hunt them down and regain his swords, but instead of seeking revenge, he actually shared a meal of rat misso soup with his would be attackers. However, while the moment was awkward to say the least, he had to continue down his lost path so to finish the exam. Having been given directions in the form of a riddle. Nathan set out from the small camp sight only to be met with the sight of his own dead body. He would not know this, but
when he had sneezed before meeting his attackers, he had actually stepped into] the spirit world, meaning of coarse, that Tanzo and Ayame were dead! However, that is one mystery he shall never now the truth of.

After some thought, the genius of the Uchiha deciphered his clue, and he began to head south, following the light of the phoenix constellation, the Vermillion Bird of the South. Nathan continued on his path, attempting to much on a root he had ripped form the ground instead of stopping to eat. However, he would stop, or at least he would be stopped, for the Uchiha fell into a trap set in the forest, a literal pit of snakes. He was safe, of coarse, for the snakes knew that he was a far larger and more dangerous snake. Still though, he did meet on friendly serpent, a king cobra he took with him as he scaled the Genjutsu laden darkness of the cave. The snake he would later call Hebimaru, but only after fighting against three, Chuunin level missing-nin from Amegakure. While he was outmatched, the Uchiha was able to use his enemy's
weaknesses against them, and eventually they all died, not by Nathan's hands, but by their own arrogance.

Rp Sample:In my next post

Last edited by Nathan Uchiha on Sat 07 Nov 2009, 12:02 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Nathan Uchiha
Nathan Uchiha

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Nathan Uchiha Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 9:59 am

My long Sannin sample:The Uchiha clan member was feeling that a group of chakra levels were approaching. They were probably four days away from the gates of Kumogakure. They had great destructive Chakra levels. Nathan even would have a hard time beating these guys. He would have to train his head off before these people would come. The Uchiha clan member looked at the sky, it was getting darker rapidly, even though it still was morning. The darkest sky was in the center of the Cloud Village, something was happening over there. He jumped from the Kumoga gates, where he had been sitting and raced forward to the Raikage’s Faces. As he came closer the energy became darker and darker. He then arrived at the center and saw some kind of rip in the air. From the rip came all kind of weird creatures.

He had never seen things like this before. He hadn’t seen monsters like this in his wildest nightmares. The creatures probably only had one goal, tearing down everything in Kumoga. The Uchiha clan member walked closer to the rip and saw that it was red, the color of blood. He put his hand through the portal and then a stinging pain went through his whole arm. The pain kept increasing, his hand was stuck. Nathan made several hand signs and then exclaimed, “Hand of Hell.” The portal became bigger and Nathan’s hand was free. His entire arm was covered in blood. Nathan ripped away his right arm’s sleeve and looked at his arm. It was worse than he had thought, it was broken in several places and bones were sticking out of his arm. He had to get help now or else he would be a goner.

He then felt a presence behind him and turned around. It was a Jounin class kunoichi. The kunoichi said, “I know that you are from the Rain village but you can help us defeat this thing. So I will heal your arm.” Nathan let the kunoichi touch his arm. From the kunoichi’s palms came a green light. The green light kind of tickle. It felt really weird, because he could feel his muscles reconnecting to each other. Then his arm was ready, better than ever before. He thanked the Kunoichi and started looking at the rip in the sky. He threw a kunai in it and then it suddenly came back double the speed. Nathan caught the kunai and put it back in his weapon pocket. He had no idea what he was supposed to do for he had never seen anything like this before. Suddenly a creature that stood on four legs, had two horns, had long sharp teeth and a dark fur jumped on top of Nathan.

The Rain Shinobi was caught be surprise and fell to the ground. He kicked the creature off of him and then kicked it against a building. The creature easily dodged all of the attacks. Nathan made a couple of hand signs and then a blue orb appeared in his hand. Nathan then said, “Hand of Hell!!” void appeared around the orb. Nathan then activated his three Tome Sharingan and raced at the creature. He trusted his arm forwards releasing it and striked the creature in the face. The creature let go of a short cry and then exploded. Nathan said, “Damn it, there are so many monsters and I can only use the Hand of hell technique one more time for the entire day.” He then got an idea, he formed a series of hand signs for about thirty seconds. He then put his hand on the ground and mumbled, “Summoning Jutsu: Head Vulture Nenshou.”

The Rain Shinobi then all of a sudden stood on top of the great vulture Nenshou. Nenshou looked around, almost shaking Nathan off of him. Nenshou said, “What has happened here?” Nathan said, “I have no idea, but we have to stop it.” Nenshou made a weird noise which Nathan probably thought was Nenshou giggling. Nenshou said, “Don’t make me laugh. You are an Rain Shinobi, why would you fight along the Cloud Village?” Nathan said, “These things are a threat to everyone, including you and me. We have to destroy them before they destroy us.” Nenshou nodded and opened his mouth. Suddenly a multi coloured blast came out of the vulture’s mouth. The blast easily vanquished the creatures, that was what Nathan at least thought… Nenshou kept firing his mighty attack until there was not a single one left. The sky was still dark and the rip was still there. Nathan said, “What?! The rip is still there!” Nenshou said sarcastically, “Oh really!? I haven’t noticed yet.”Nathan ignored this comment and looked around, everything was so peaceful and quiet, but the rip was still there.

Nathan jumped off of Nenshou’s head and looked around. Then suddenly more creatures started appearing. There were thousands of them in every direction you could look. All were marching towards Nathan. Nathan looked around to see where Nenshou was, but he was gone. Nathan said, “Damn it!” What was all of this, was it some kind of sick game. Nathan made a hand sign, the only thing he could do now was to rely on his own raw power. The Rain Shinobi then noticed a giant lake nearby. Nathan did a hand sign and said, “Kuuki Genkotsu! Take that!!” Suddenly from the air came a giant, fist. The fist went high into the air and then slammed into most of the creatures. This probably hadn’t killed them, but it would keep them back. Nathan then kept charging his chakra.

The Uchiha clan member kept concentrating on this so badly that his chakra started flaring around him. He then did another hand sign. He exclaimed, “Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.” He made ten Shadow clones that started kicking, punching, elbowing, kneeing, and using jutsus in every direction. The real Nathan raced at one of the creatures and tried to kick it away. The creature hang on to Nathan’s leg with its sharp claws. Nathan screamed it out as the claws went through his left leg. He then grabbed a kunai knife and stabbed the creature till it was death. Nathan could not handle all of this alone. It was like fighting against an army alone.

Part 2
Nathan was looking up in the air, the air had turned very ugly gray now. He then looked in front of him again and saw another wave of creatures heading towards him. He looked around and saw that all of his Shadow Clones had been defeated. He made another ten Shadow Clones and started the fighting again. It looked like the battle carried on for years, but they were actually only hours. Nathan jumped into the air as one of those monsters tried to push their claw into his back. He threw a shuriken into that creature’s face. This would probably make that creature unconscious. Nathan looked around and saw more coming towards him. Why was he the only ninja fighting. Where were all of Kumoga’s ninja? The Rain Shinobi kicked and punched around himself.

Then he had defeated one wave, he quickly took out a sandwich from his bag and started eating it. He would have to eat it quickly before another wave would come. But the enemies stopped coming in. What had just happened? Had he just won this endless war. He walked towards the lake and washed his face. He also washed away the blood that was on his body. The Rain ninja took off his mask and put it next to him. His vision slowly started fading away and he fell in the water… He was falling deeper and deeper into the water. He had already closed his eyes by now.

Nathan saw all kind of visions flashing in front of him. The first one started with his mother saying, “Protect your brother with your life. Make me proud, Nathan Uchiha.” Nathan said in his head, “I have failed you mother. I killed my brother for my own lust of power. And look at me now. I am wanted in al of the Five Great Nations, and if that isn’t enough: I kill for my own satisfaction…” Nathan then saw a vision of his brother without his eyes. Hate for his past slowly went through him. Nathan slowly tried to open his eyes, but it was a failed attempt, he then mumbled, “I have failed you all, mother, brother, father…”

------------------------Real World----------------------

Then he suddenly heard a voice. The voice said, “Nathan! Get up, or else you will drown!” He recognized the voice, it was Pein. Nathan opened his eyes in an instant and immediately went to the surface. He coughed water and blood from his mouth and slowly got up from the water. He looked around where he was. The sky was still black and the red rip looked like it had gotten at least two meters bigger. The Uchiha clan member then saw Nenshou standing near the water. Nathan got out of the water and exclaimed, “Where were you when I needed you the most!!” Nenshou said, “Calm down, I was at the Kumoga gate keeping those pesky monsters out. Do you have any idea why they kept attacking?” Nathan said, “No.” The Uchiha clan member did a couple of hand signs and then Nenshou disappeared into thin air. He walked over to buildings near him. He went inside and to his surprise he saw that everyone in the village had turned into stone.

The Rain ninja member walked into the Raikage’s office and saw the kage frozen in his chair. Nathan went outside and went stood on the Raikage’s Faces. He stood on top of the Raikage’s head, looking over the quiet village. He felt like he was the only man on the Earth. He then suddenly saw a giant creature forming in the sky. It had a giant scythe that was several signs on it that were glowing. Nathan looked up in the air. The creature had a red skin color and two red horns on his forehead. The creature had a black robe like what the Grim Reaper wears. The creature screamed from the air, “NATHAN UCHIHA!!!! YOU HAVE DEFEATED MY ARMY OF SUPER STRONG MONSTERS, BUT YOU CAN’T STOP MY PLANS. I WILL KILL YOU EVEN IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO! COME TO THE TEMPLE OF THE HIDDEN POWER AND FIGHT ME AND MY MINIONS!!!!!” Nathan almost fell on the ground. That voice was so loud and it was almost causing a giant earthquake. The monster leader then disappeared.

Nathan had received the message. He would have to go to the temple of the Hidden Power and defeat him. If he defeated him, then he could probably return everyone to normal, including: Deidera, Itachi, Sasuke, and Kakuzu. He didn’t really care much about the other part of the village. Nathan then said, “Oh damn it.” He had forgotten his mask outside, but who cares anyway. Everyone in the village had been turned into stone. It was a long and dangerous road to the Temple of the Hidden Power. All kinds of dangerous and prehistoric creatures were on that path. He would have to be on full power if he even wanted to come near the temple. That’s why he decided to train before he went on his journey. But before he even went training, he had to pack food for the journey. He jumped off of the Raikage’s building. He landed on his feet and started towards Ramen place. Right there he saw the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki, Nathan could have taken him with him, but more important things were happening. Nathan took some Instant Ramen and put it in a bag. He took everything he could take with him. He then went to the barbeque restaurant next door. He packed as much pork and other meat as he could carry. Then he was ready to get going with his training.

The Uchiha clan member then headed over to the Training Fields to get ready for his training session. He was still thinking about how he could get to max power quickly enough before that evil demon would get impatient and come to fight him.
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Nathan Uchiha
Nathan Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 10:00 am

Part 3

The Uchiha clan member then had an idea. He did a series of hand signs. As he did the hand signs he said them out loud. He them put his hand on the ground. His palm facing the dust. Nathan then said, “Summoning Jutsu: Great Fire Vulture Gogyou.” A couple of yards ahead a hole appeared in the ground. A giant wave of lava came above. Then the lava was gone in a whirlwind. Gogyou the Fire Vulture then roared into the air. Gogyou asked as he put his head down, “What are thy biddings my master?” Nathan said, “Some weird demon has taken over the Hidden Cloud Village. I have to train before I face this madman. I need you to fight me. Not a fight to the death, but a normal spar. The vulture raised his head and said, “Yes, master.” The vulture pointed its head towards the sky. The great vulture then spit a giant blast of fire at him.

Nathan jumped over the fire and did a flying kick over at the vulture’s throat. The attack didn’t affect the mighty vulture at all. Gogyou grabbed Nathan’s leg and smashed him into the ground. Nathan was hit by the attack and screamed it out in the pain. Blood was all over his body. If that same attack were used on him a couple of more times this spar would be over in no time. The Uchiha clan member jumped up and jumped into the air. Once in the air he exclaimed, “Enjuu Taikyokuken!” The jutsu hit the giant vulture’s nose. Gogyou roared and then moved his head wildly, causing Nathan to fall off of Gogyou’s head. Nathan then slowly got up, he looked up at the giant vulture in front of him. He threw a shuriken at the vulture and then he used the Shunkan Idou a.k.a Instantaneous Movement to appear on the vulture. Nathan then pulled his elbow backwards. Then his fist shot forward onto the giant vulture face. The vulture was hit by the attack and took several steps backwards.

Nathan then jumped off of the vulture and braced himself for what would come next. Suddenly Gogyou fired a blast of fire at Nathan.. The Rain member jumped into the air and said, “That’s enough, Gogyou.” The Rain member than did a single hand sign causing the vulture to disappear. Nathan said to himself that he would have to train a little more before he could face that demon. Uchiha Nathan went over to a lake and washed the blood from his body. He then went right back to the Training Field and made ten clones. All of the clones then raced at him with full speed. Nathan duck under one punch and then grabbed that clone’s arm and threw it into another clone. Nathan then turned around and did a back flip, just in time to dodge a kunai slash of one Shadow Clone. The Uchiha clan member than grabbed a kunai knife of his own and did several slashes at the Shadow Clone. The Shadow Clone matched Nathan’s slashes. The Rain Shinobi then did a kick at the clone’s gut. The Shadow Clone then dispersed.

Nathan then saw several other clones race at him. The Rain Shinobi than made six other clones to defeat the ones that were already there. Nathan the closed his eyes to calm down his mind. If he would want to survive his trip to the Temple of the Hidden Power he would have to run as fast as possible and sleep the smallest time possible. He then opened his eyes and reached out for his bag. The Uchiha clan member put the bag on his back. He then disappeared and reappeared back in front of the Kumo Gate. He walked through the gates. He then took a glance back towards the village and the people that were turned into stone.

The Uchiha ran on the road until a group of bandits appeared in front of him. The bandits said, “Give me your yen or the beating you will take that we would give you anyways will be a lot worse!” Nathan said, “Get out of my way, or else you will learn the wrath of the Sharingan.” Nathan already knew their answer and he didn’t want to waste any time, so he made ten Shadow Clones. The Shadow Clones activated their Sharingan and started fighting the weak bandits. Nathan then started running again towards the Temple of the Hidden Power.

He was probably running for half a day now already. His body told him to stop running, but his soul said that he would have to continue if he would want to reach it in three more days. After another hour of pure torture he stopped to get some air. Suddenly he felt eyes digging into his back( Not literally) He turned around and saw the same bandits that tried to take his money before. Nathan sighed and said, “Looks like I underestimated you. Now I will fight you guys personally!” The Uchiha clan member activated his Three Tome Sharingan. He then made three normal clones. All three of them stood next to him. Nathan then raced forward towards the bandits. As he came closer one of the clones suddenly dispersed.

Nathan saw that the bandits he was running at were only dummies. He then looked at a tree and saw the real bandits. All of the bandits threw at least five shuriken at him. Nathan made five Shadow Clones. The Shadow Clones stood in front of him, taking the blows. Nathan then jumped into the air, exclaiming, (“Enjuu Taikyokuken!!”) A red orb appeared in his hand. He then shoved the attack into one’s gut. All of the bandits were standing close enough to each other that they all were shocked by the attack. All of the bandits fell on the ground. Some were near to death, and some of them were even dead. And others were only unconscious.

Nathan said as he walked away, “That’s the price you have o pay if you mess with Uchiha Nathan”

Part 4
The Uchiha Warrior looked around, it soon would be night and he knew that at night all sorts of weird creatures would come out from their lairs. He would have to make a camp on a spot where no creature would attack him in his or steal his food. Nathan would eat about 1/10 of the pork that he had packed. That was more than a normal meal that anyone would eat, but Nathan hadn’t eaten all day. He would have to get used to this for the coming days. He then went to sleep. He lay down on the ground, then he felt another presence coming close to him. He jumped out of his bed and looked outside. He saw a baby wolf standing outside. The wolf was growling very hard and had long sharp teeth. Suddenly more wolves appeared all of them were growling and had large teeth.

Nathan would have to take his advantage and attack first. He saw a nearby lake and said, “Kuuki Genkotsu.” A giant wind fist came smashing into the wolves.They probably were unconscious or near dead. The Uchiha would be in some big problems if he would just stay there. He grabbed his bag, gathered his stuff in the camp and continued to run. He kept running and running for miles. He did not know how many hours he was running, but something told him to continue. Then h suddenly saw a rip in the sky, just like the one in Kumo Weird monsters could come out of it any time now. This time he would be ready. He put his mask on and got into his fighting position. Then it happened, hundreds of monsters came swarming towards him. He made a hand sign and ten Shadow Clones appeared.

The Uchiha warrior saw that these were different than which he had seen before. These monsters looked like normal Humans, but there pupils were only red, they had claws instead of nails, and they had some kind of demonic glare. Nathan could see that these monsters were also stronger than those others, but Nathan also had become stronger than the creatures that he had fought before. Nathan then remembered that he had seen these monsters before. These monsters were called ‘Demi-Humans.’ They were half Human, half Demon. One of the Demi-Humans raced at Nathan with great speed and started slashing at the Uchiha’s body. Nathan grabbed a kunai and matched all of the slashes with his kunai knife.

He then jumped backwards. After that, Uchiha Nathan jumped in the air, he pulled his elbow backwards and exclaimed, “Enjuu Taikyokuken!”The attack hit the Demi-Human in the chest. Nathan looked around and saw that all of his clones were defeated. He did a couple of hand signs and then said, “Summoning Jutsu: The Fire Vulture Gogyou!” The Fire Vulture Gogyou appeared and unleashed his fiery wrath upon the evil Demi-Humans. Nathan then raced forward to the ones that were still alive and killed them with a kunai knife. Nathan then thought that everything was over so he dismissed Gogyou, but he was wrong… Hundreds more of Demi-Humans appeared. All of them had that evil smile on their face. The Uchiha clan warrior was getting tired of all this fighting, but he would have to continue if he would want to survive.

The Uchiha clan raced forward with great speed. He slammed his fist into one their gut. The impact came so hard that his fist went through the gut. Nathan threw that one to the side, he then went on to the next one and kicked him to the neck, breaking it. The Spirit of the Warrior was shining in Nathan. He then went on to the next one and threw that one through a tree. The Uchiha then jumped into the air and made a Shadow Clone. He grabbed the Shadow Clone’s legs and held him above his head. He then threw the Shadow Clone into a Demi-Human. Nathan raced at one of the Demi-Humans and did a knee to their chin. He then did an uppercut to his chin.

The Uchiha clan warrior then grabbed that Demi-Human’s legs and started doing front flips. He then smashed the Demi-Human into the ground. Nathan then looked around and saw that all of the Demi-Humans were gone. Their Demon leader had probably told them to stop or something like that. Nathan grabbed his bag and started running again.

Nathan had to stop for just a few minutes. That battle that just had happened had taken too much of his Stamina and Chakra. He went to sit down ate some meat and meditated. He then completely calmed down his mind of the bloody images of the battle that just had happened. He then thought to himself, “My power is growing by the hour…” He then opened his Uchiha black eyes. The Uchiha warrior reached for his bag and put it on his back.

Nathan then started running on the road. The road was long and had all kind of curves in it. There were many bloody tracks and footprints on the road. The he suddenly felt a strange sensation in his body. He was there. A crooked grin appeared across his face, as he wanted to enter. Right before the entrance he suddenly saw a ninja. The ninja said, “I am Z and I was send to destroy you before you could reach my boss.” Nathan’s face returned to his normal face. He said, “So, if I defeat you I can fight your boss?” Z said, “Yeah, pretties much. But there are several of his minions that will fight you after me. The first minion is me: Z. The second minion is: Ze. The third minion is: Zet. And our boss which you won’t reach anyway is: Zeth.” Nathan started laughing and said, “Isn’t that both ironic and funny!” Z said annoyed, “What’s so funny about our names!?”

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Nathan Uchiha
Nathan Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 10:02 am

Part 5

The Uchiha warrior didn’t reply to Z’s stupid question. Instead, Nathan jumped backwards and got into his fighting position. Z raced over to Nathan and tried a charged punch at his chest. Nathan leaned backwards with ease. The Uchiha clan member then did a knee into Z’s gut. Z was send into the air by Nathan’s knee. The ninja regained balance in mid-air and then did a flying punch. Nathan grabbed Z’s arm and threw him into the temple. Z did not get send into the temple, because he pushed himself away seconds before he crashed into it. Z did a couple of hand signs and said, “Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!” Z blew fire out of his mouth towards Nathan.

Nathan wanted to copy the technique, but he did not have his Sharingan activated, so he was hit by the technique and was send into a tree. Nathan then slowly got up and blew some ash from his armour. He then looked at Z and raced towards him. Nathan slammed his fist into Z’s face. Z quickly dodged the attack and did a kick to the side of Nathan’s ribs. Nathan grabbed Z’s foot and twisted it. Z fell on the ground in pain. Z quickly jumped up and Nathan raced after him. He exclaimed, “Enjuu Taikyokuken!” The attack hit Z’s gut. The ninja warrior screamed it out in pain of agony. Nathan then did a back flip and looked over at Z. Z was lying on the ground, his whole breast was soaked with blood and he also was coughing up blood.

Nathan said as he kicked Z away, “I’ll let you live this time.” He then walked away. Just a the Uchiha Warrior walked away, Z grabbed his leg and said, “I won’t let you enter the temple! Hidden Snake Jutsu!” From Z’s sleeve flew five snakes. All of them bit into Nathan’s leg. Nathan jumped into the air of pain when the snake bit through his leg. He grabbed several things from his bag and put it on his wounds. Nathan’s leg was now numbed. It would only get harder from now on with his leg hurting this badly. Nathan went inside, it was very dark an he couldn’t see a thing.

He kept walking and walking, but then suddenly the lights went on. A ninja was standing in front of him. The ninja had a scar that was formed like an x on his cheek. The ninja had a shirt with many holes in it. And also shorts with holes in t. The ninja had blue eyes and had a lightly tanned skin. He had a giant Demon Windmill Shuriken on his back and a zanbatou in his hands. The ninja said, “You must be Uchiha Nathan, I am Ze and I was…” Nathan interrupted him and said, “Blah blah blah I know, you were send by your boss, next people I will have to fight are Zet, and your leader Zeth…” Ze said, “Guess you already know. Well then let’s get this fight started!!” Ze rushed at Nathan with his zanbatou raised in the air. Ze then smashed his giant sword into Nathan. Nathan was hit and split into two. At least that would’ve happened if Nathan would just have stood there idly.

Instead, he grabbed the sword with one hand and threw it to the side. He then did a knee into Ze’s gut and a kick to his neck. Ze easily dodged all of the attacks and then did a two-handed smash to the side of Nathan’s head. Nathan quickly duck under the attack and did a kick to his chin. Ze was send into the air and hit a wall. Ze quickly got up and raced back at Nathan, kicking him in the gut Nathan was hit by the attack and quickly reached for his stomach. He then slowly got up and tried a kick at Ze’s ribs. Ze jumped backwards dodging the attack, he then grabbed the giant Demon Windmill Shuriken on his back and tossed it at Uchiha Nathan. Nathan grabbed Ze’s Zanbatou which was lying on the ground. He hit the giant shuriken straight back at Ze. The Demon Windmill Shuriken hit Ze in the chest. Ze screamed it out in pain as he took the shuriken out of his body.

The Uchiha warrior then raced at Ze with the Zanbatou in one hand. He then tried to hit Ze on the ribs with the giant blade. Ze stopped the zanbatou with one finger and punched Nathan to the face. Nathan was send flying backwards and the blade fell out of his hands. The giant blade went right into Ze, for he did not see it coming. Ze then fell to the ground, he said, “Nathan Uchiha, come closer.” Something told Nathan to come closer to Ze. Ze said, “Uchiha Natahn, you are the only one that can defeat Zet and Zeth. He is Zeth is an evil demon… You have to stop…” Someone suddenly walked into the room. It was Zeth! It was the giant demon that Nathan had seen before!

Zeth grabbed the zanbatou that was in Ze’s back and pushed it all the way through him. Zeth said in a demonic voice, “ENOUGH WITH THIS TRAITORSHIP! ZET WAS TO COWARDICE TO PROTECT ME SO I KILLED HIM! AND NOW ZE EVEN BETRAYS ME!!” Zeth’s voice made the entire building shake. Zeth then said in a calmer voice, but still pretty loud, “Uchiha Nathan, it’s time for you to die.” Zeth raced over at Nathan with his giant scythe and slashed Nathan from his left hip all the way to his right shoulder. Nathan screamed it out as the scythe went into his body. Nathan heard Ze whispering, “Nathan, take the Uchiha pill from my pocket.” Nathan did as Ze said and put the pill in his own pocket. He then raced over to Zeth and tried five kicks to his gut. Zeth took the attacks and started laughing. “Do you really think you can beat me!?” The demon kicked Nathan once in the gut, causing him to slam into a pillar.

The Uchiha closed his eyes for a second and said, “Darn it. This is the end of the road for me…” Then, something from inside gave him the power to keep fighting. He raced at Zeth and gave him a kick in the stomach. The kick was hard enough that Zeth took several steps backwards. Zeth exclaimed, “Now I will kill you!” Zeth’s scythe started shining, he held it high into the air and wanted to smash it into Nathan. Just a second before it would hit Nathan, the demon turned around. Ze was standing and had hit Zeth with his zanbatou. Ze screamed at Nathan, “Finish it!” Zeth pushed his scythe through Ze, killing him. Zeth then turned around just in time to see Nathan pushing a Enjuu Taikyokuken through his heart. Zeth started screaming and became bigger and bigger. Nathan started running away, out of the temple. Zeth had exploded inside the temple and was destroyed… finally.

Nathan took the Uchiha Pill Ze had given him and ran back to Kumo. He stopped before the Village Gate and saw that everyone had turned back to normal.
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Revy Izumi
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 10:06 am

- Sannin isn't a rank you can just apply for. Currently we are only accepting up to Chuunin.

-Skill specialty is what you master in, and whats your sub. (ex. Master: Ninjutsu, Sub: Taijutsu) you can only have 2.

-Magma is only obtainable out of having the 4th Bijuu Yonbi. He is the only one capable of using it, so remove magma.
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 3:49 pm

Depending on the village you may obtain a higher rank, then again you may not..o.0

I like the app so far though, I'd approve you as a high rank if I were a kage.
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeSat 07 Nov 2009, 10:36 am

ok what do I need now
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeSat 07 Nov 2009, 11:57 am

Aw your, Strength you can only have two, and you may add more as you grow in strength threw rp. Sorry so choose two.
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeSat 07 Nov 2009, 12:04 pm

Approved. Unless another mod/Admin says otherwise
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeSat 07 Nov 2009, 2:39 pm

Unapproved...your profile has questionable plagiarized material. Remove the stuff that is not yours. Or do not add anything that is also not yours.
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Nathan Uchiha
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeTue 19 Jan 2010, 10:35 pm

That bat thing been delete long ago
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitimeWed 20 Jan 2010, 6:48 am

What are your skill specialty? Ninjutsu Kenjutsu etc.

And put your history in Arcs.
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan Uchiha   Nathan Uchiha Icon_minitime

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