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 Nathan jutsus

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Nathan Uchiha
Nathan Uchiha

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Nathan jutsus Empty
PostSubject: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 11:13 pm

Name: Seirei Ryoushi Fuuin [Spirit Hunter Seal]
Rank: C
Range: Close Range (0-5m) – All Range Tracking
Jutsu Type: Fuuinjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -

Description: This is a unique style of seal developed by Nathan that works in conjunction with his ability to see the spirit energy of all beings. Forming a few hand-signs an collecting a small portion of chakra into the tips of his first and middle finger of the designated hand to perform this technique, Nathan with write the kanji symbols of the target’s name, leaving no visible sign of a seal being formed other then to his eyes. While no physical seal is formed, this technique marks the targets soul rather then his or her body. Once this seal is formed, Nathan will be able to track the target baring this marking using his eyes, allowing him to locate the target near anywhere, even from great lengths away. While this seal can be broken, though only by those that can see it, Nathan can differentiate between all the individuals he places this seal upon, using concentration to sort out the defining marks upon the target he is tracking. This level of concentration requires that Nathan be familiar with the target in some means, so as to be able to visually focus upon the target in his mind.

Name: Bachiatari Omoide [Accursed Memories]
Rank: B
Range: Close Range (0-5m)
Jutsu Type: Genjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -

This is a konjutsu, or spirit technique, but because of its effects it
also qualifies as a Genjutsu, or illusionary technique. This technique
uses the chakra in order to manipulate wandering souls of the dead, though in a way far different from other konjutsu moves Nathan has devised thus far. this technique require a short string of hand-signs to perform. Whereas most Genjutsu aim at directly implanting chakra into the target, this technique first implants a small amount of the chakra into a wandering soul, causing the soul to react somewhat emotionally, as though its former personality were being revived in a spiritual sense. Once this is done, Nathan will mold the chakra in such a way to draw out a specific emotion form the former life of the wandering soul, causing the chosen emotion throughout the entire life to condense down to one potent sense of metaphysical powers that is then implanted into the opponent thought the soul being manipulated temporarily around the body of the target. The target will then be overcome with the selected emotion, whether it is the raw sense of fear collected over a lifetime all expressed at once, or even the relief brought on by unbound happiness. As the feelings created by this technique are actually being drawn from a separate soul, normal mods of Genjutsu release can only lessen the effects of this technique though not fully nullify it. If released by normal means, the lingering feeling of the emotion will remain with the victim for roughly another five minutes.

Name: Kagairiki [Unholy Strength]
Rank: B
Range: Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
This technique is similar to the Gaouwan [Strong Arm] technique, but
lacks the subtle nature of the similar move. This technique greatly
enhances the strength of the user through chakra control and molding.
However, the strength behind this technique is slightly sloppier for
the fact that it is not obtained through near perfect chakra control,
but rather through the influx of a massive amount of chakra within the
system. Instead of careful control, this massive increase in strength
stems from the intense chakra that is used for this technique, leading Nathan to label this strength as unholy. This strength is sustained until the chakra within the system is released in the case of strikes, channeling the store of chakra straight through his body in an instant at the point of impact, being strong enough to rip apart the earth into rubble as it shocks through the area of impact. In the cases were the chakra is not being released all at once through the form of a strike, this strength increase stays with Nathan until eventually fading away with time. At his Jounin level, this technique can produce strength comparable to Tsunade, even able to condence the enhances strength within a single finger.

Name: Kokuhebi Taifuu [Black Snake Typhoon]
Rank: B
Range: Close-Mid Range (0-10m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
This technique draws on the chakra being manifest
within a serpentine attack. After performing several hand-signs, the
last of which is the serpent symbol, black chakra orbs will become
visible around Nathan's fist as he chambers back each arm as through to
throw two forward facing punches at once, sending force from this
trusting motion a black ether-like snake. The form of this snake is a
black cloudike exterior with a distinct slicing spin around its body.
The eyes and mouth of this beast appear as a blaring yellow similar to
the yellow glow of the eyes of the demon. If an impact is made the user
can push back the opponent, or potentially launch them into the air by
guiding them on the nose of the snake upwards while causing a good deal
of blunt force damage. However, to truly devastate the opponent the
user will aim to consume their target within the blazing yellow mouth
of the creature, preventing the opponent from escaping the vortex
within until the technique dies down. Nathan is able to manipulate the
shape of this serpentine demonic attack, but maintaining the technique
takes a constant release of chakra.

Name: Reikon no Tate [Shield of Spirits]
Rank: A
Range: Close-Long Range (0-30m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
This is an advanced konjutsu, or spirit technique, that enables for an
ultimate defense. This technique requires series of hand-signs is required by Nathan in order to use his own chakra. By using the chakra and the little control over the spirit world, Nathan will summon forth from the surrounding area wandering spirits of the dead. The number of the souls that are used in this technique depends on the number that Nathan has available to him, and this technique is most effective in locations where great tragedies have claimed the lives of many. Through a constant channeling of the demonic chakra, Nathan is able to give to these souls physical attributes making them appear as grayish black spiritual outlines with no real distinguishing features of their former lives. These revitalized souls are physical in nature and can absorb damage in order to protect Nathan. These souls will rapidly circle around Nathan, through the
completeness of this protection largely depends on the number of souls
involved. So long as the souls are active, as in not within the ghostly
fog resting state, they must remain in constant motion, or else they
will fade back into a purely spiritual form. Since the souls must
remain in motion, usually taking circular paths around Nathan, there
can be gaps in the defense if there are not enough souls to create a
full dome of protection, though even in doing this the chakra cost
becomes a rapidly growing expenditure for having so many souls under
his control at once. Even when blocking physical attacks, such as most
Ninjutsu and Taijutsu, remnants of the attacks can break though the
defense, as the soul blocking them will continue its path immediately
after taking the hit. In a more common sense, this is more likely to
create gaps in defense when two attacks are coming at Nathan
consecutively at the same location, for the soul will block the first
and continue on its path, potentially letting the second attack
through. However, even if there are not enough souls to provide near
complete protection Nathan can control the path of these souls through
careful chakra control. This ability to control the souls can also be
used offensively, usually requiring Nathan to use his arm motions in
order to better direct the chakra being used to manipulate these dead.
In attacking the opponent these souls can either cause blunt force
damage on impact, or can cause residual damage by passing through the
physical forms of the targets, attacking the opponents spirit and
removing some of the chakra of the opponent. If there is no further
need for these spirits, but Nathan does not yet wish to disperse them,
he can collect these souls around his feet, creating a somewhat ghostly
fog just around his lower legs that he can draw the souls out of when
needed, through maintaining this fog also takes a constant cost of

Name: Tenshi no Shikyo [Angel of Death]
Rank: A
Range: Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
This is an advanced spirit technique, that manifests souls
of the wandering death within the physical world through a spiritual
attachment of Nathan's own soul. This technique uses the dark chakra over the spirit world, and when Nathan is under the direct influence of his demon no hand-signs are required to perform this technique, though he can use a series of hand-signs along with the use of his own chakra to help mold that of the demon in order to perform this technique an any point in time. This technique uses at a minimum two souls of the wandering dead, channeling dark chakra into them to not only make them fully spiritual, but also distort their original forms, binding the souls to
Nathan temporarily at the shoulder blades. This technique causes
ghostly apparitions of angelic, gray wings to appear on Nathan's back,
wings that can be used as though they were a part of him. The wings can
be used for sustained flight, and can even shield Nathan against some
techniques, covering over his body to absorb the blunt force of
techniques, though not entirely protecting Nathan. Furthermore, the
sharp outer edge of these wings can be used to slice at the opponent.
These wings are sustained through a constant channeling of demonic
chakra into them, though the cost to sustain the wings is less then the
cost to initially form them. The initial attachment of these wings
actually causes Nathan pain, but not more then he can endure through.
The use of more souls in this technique results in more wings, but at
an extra chakra cost.

Name: Jyutping no Jutsu [Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow Technique]
Rank: B
Range: Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -

Description: This is an advanced spirit technique, that allows Nathan to transcend the bounds of the physical world. After performing several hand-signs, Nathan will channel dark chakra. This technique uses the command over the spirit world as a means of attracting spiritual energy from dead souls all around Nathan, literally attaching collections of souls all around Nathan’s body. While this technique does take more time in places where there are not may wandering souls in the area, it does not take long for this technique to take effect. Nathan’s body will seemingly take on a ghostly form before he disappears completely from view, taking on all the natures of the spirits he has collected around him. Nathan will become completely invisible to almost all doujutsu, let along normal eyes, unless of course they have the same style of eye technique as Nathan, namely the ability to see souls. Furthermore, like the ghost themselves, Nathan will not be able to make a sound, save for a possible ghostly wale he can produce to relay a very small message by coating his vocal cords in his own chakra. Reversely, if he were to hear anything from the physical world Nathan would have to send his own chakra into his ears to filter out eh muffled noises of the living, through with his Yomigan active he will not be impaired greatly in sight. Only when his natural chakra is sent to his throat or ears can those particular potions of his body appear visible to such chakra viewing doujutsus as the Byakugan. While in this state the physical world and all within it does not apply to Nathan, though this also means that he cannot interact with any physical objects. However, what Nathan can interact with is the spiritual world, even going so far as to speak with the dead, though since the wandering dead have a fleeting grasp of things not much can be taken from them, unless if they are recent additions to the spiritual realm. This technique is useful for infiltration as Nathan cannot be seen, heard, or felt when in this state; through maintaining it takes a constant cost of chakra. All rules of the physical world do not apply, but similarly he cannot use this technique to affect the physical world, making this technique primarily for stealth and infiltration purposes.

Name: Karite Souhou [Reaper’s Touch]
Rank: A
Range: Close Range (0-5m) - Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Taijutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -

Description: This is an advanced spirit technique. This technique requires performing several hand-signs This technique, using chakra to rapidly decays organic material Nathan’s skin come in contact with. Any organic matter that Nathan touches with this technique activated rapidly decays, withering down to an ashy like substance. This technique adds a deadly effect to Taijutsu, as even a second’s touch begins the process of decay, causing the opponent’s body to become weaker to the point where selective parts of the opponent’s body literally die through a sustained grip, or multiple strikes to that portion of the body.

Name: Mukei Yaiba no Jutsu [Spiritual Blade Technique]
Rank: A
Range: Close Range (0-5m) - Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Kenjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
This is a deadly spirit technique, used to create a blade
that can be used in both the spiritual and physical world. This
technique uses dark chakra and a series of hand-signs along with the use
of his own chakra can be used to perform this technique at any time.
Once performed, this technique causes a soul of the wandering dead to
swirl around Nathan's wrist before forming into a bladed extension of
spiritual energy. This blade is sharp, and usually extends about four
feet from the wrist, unless if one soul is divided between the two
wrists instead of just one. The blade itself is attached to Nathan's
wrist so that his hands are not burdened with holding it, meaning that
he can still perform hand-signs if needed. If left within the
metaphysical world, this blade will remain invisible, even to the
Byakugan, and can only be used to slash away at the opponents spiritual
essence, ripping away the targets chakra, causing no physical damage
through potentially causing chaotic damage to the opponent's chakra
system, even severing the flow of chakra within the portions of the
body that are struck with this blade. When used in this manner, the
blade itself can become self-sustaining by feeding from the chakra it
drains. However, Nathan can also opt to form this blade within the
physical world, causing the slashing surface to deal physical harm,
though also causing the blade itself to appear as a ghostly gray
extension from his body.

Name: Teisei no Yomi [Whispers from the Shadowy Land of the Dead]
Rank: [Jounin Level]
Range: Close-Far Range (0-30m) - Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
This is an extension of the Yomigan abilities, though one that does not
require Nathans particular eye filters to be covering is eyes. Instead,
this ability is a passive trait, requiring no chakra to the point where
it is always active, even against Nathans will. This sensation began as
a result of the extended use of the Yomigan, thus making it somewhat of
an additional curse as well as a potential tool. Within a 30m field
around his body, Nathan is able to sense the presence of all souls that
are within range, whether these souls be from the living or the dead.
Subconsciously Nathan distinguishes between living and dead souls, so
there is not a sense of confusion between the two. This technique
allows Nathan to know of the presence of other even before he sets eyes
upon them. Furthermore, when actually looking upon a person, Nathan is
able to subconsciously range the relative chakra level of the target,
potentially distinguishing the rank of the individual along with other
traits such as chakra nature and even emotional state.

Name: Dokton: Nai Byouki [Poison Release: Necrosis]
Rank: A
Range: Close Range (0-5m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: Dokton :: Poison
Clan: -
Description: This is a special poison technique that is transmitted through touch, adding a deadly effect to Taijutsu. After performing several hand-signs, and collecting Dokton chakra upon the skin, either locally or all over, this technique will transmit a particular kind of poison at the area of contact, remaining in effect until the chakra used wears out, or the technique is canceled. This technique causes necrosis at the area of contact, causing the cells in the localized area to unnaturally die. This sensation begins with cell swelling, chromatin digestion, disruption of the plasma membrane and organelle membranes in the immediate area on the target’s body. These early effects, which cause the area to swell and experience extreme pain, are followed by extensive DNA hydrolysis, vacuolation of the endoplasmic reticulum, organelle break down, and cell lysis. The pain of this technique seemingly disappear shortly after the infection has begun, but this is only because of the death of the nerve cells that would otherwise transmit the sensation of pain. This infect does not stop at the area of contact, as it is the result of a disorganized chain reaction, and one hit from this technique can cause the localized area with five inches around the center contact point to be infected, potentially making the area infect vestigial. The area of the infection is visible, as the skin around it turns green. This damage this technique does not heal, and even medical techniques can only stop the spread of this technique, as this disease usually slowly spread beyond the initial level of effectiveness. Without stopping the infection, the usual cure for this infection becomes amputation, though this is usually only an option if the area infected is a limb. Instead, this technique can prove fatal if an area such as the chest is infected to destroy the heart and lungs, the throat is infected to cut off breathing, or the skull is infected to destroy the brain.

Name: Karite no Seisoku [Reaper of the Living]
Rank: A
Range: Close-Far Range (0-30m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -

Description: This is an advanced konjutsu, or spirit technique, that targets the spiritual essence of the opponent with the use of wandering souls of the dead. This technique uses the dark chakra. he will perform this technique with a string of several hand-signs along with the use of his own chakra. By channeling chakra into the wandering souls taken from the surrounding area, Nathan is able to control the paths of these spirits and latch them onto the opponent, turning them into spiritual leeches, quickly draining the opponent of their spiritual energy, and thusly there chakra. These souls remain metaphysical entities, and cannot be attacked through means of chakra or physical objects, as they will pass through any object until such a time as they find living soul to latch onto. However, these starving souls will be patricianly visible, appearing as ghostly outlines of spirits. Though visible, they are still hard to keep track of because they are translucent, appearing as gray figures that are almost entirely unnoticeable at night or when visibility is already low. Furthermore, without true chakra to them, Byakugan eyes cannot clearly see the souls any better then other eyes, as the Byakugan will only be able to see that Nathan has expelled chakra from his body, the chakra then being transmitted to the spiritual plain, meaning that the spiritual energy within the souls that composes them is not any more clearly noticeable. These souls target the metaphysical essences, and are usually only detected by an unexplained since of being drained of their chakra by the opponent, though the true reason remaining a mystery. Once attached these souls become self-sustaining in their siphoning, feeding off of the spiritual energy they drain from the opponent’s body. The more souls attached to a single target the faster the chakra is drained from the body, but relatively this is a fast pace assault to begin with. It is possible to kill with this technique, but not as a result of the technique itself. Instead, and opponent that forcefully tries to mold chakra they do not have because of the lack of spiritual energy could potentially kill or injure themselves, having pushed their body farther then it can withstand, not having spiritual energy to compromise along with physical energy.

As the draining sensation occurs, the target is left with all of the physical energy, still being perfectly able to fight so long as they can do so without the use of chakra, as half of what composes chakra will be drained from their body. Before a complete drain has occurred, the target will be able to must what chakra they will still be able to produce, but doing so only aids in eliminating the mount of spiritual energy they have left within them. One soul can completely drain a Genin level user in 2 posts of it being attacked, a Chuunin in 3, a Jounin in 5, and a Kage in 6. Additionally, by the time a target is completely drained, the soul will, for the most part, be full on the amount of spiritual energy it can contain. After draining a Kage or a Jounin level opponent, the soul will immediately have to detach itself from the target, not being able to hold on to siphon any more spiritual energy. As for Chuunin and Genin, the time in which the soul remains attached it dictated by their actions with the soul attached to them. For ever one post that goes by after the complete drain as occurred, a Genin will gain enough spiritual energy to produce the levels of chakra needed for 2 C ranked techniques, while a Chuunin will gain enough for a single 1 B ranked technique. If the Genin or Chuunin chooses to use the technique they now have chakra for in the post they regain the energy in, then the soul will remain attached to them, still not having absorbed enough spiritual energy to become full. However, if the targets do not use their regained spiritual energy, then that energy will be absorbed into the soul. The soul will then detach from the user when full, remaining on a Genin for 4 posts in which no chakra requiring techniques have been performed, and remaining on a Chuunin for an additional 2 post that the target had not used chakra for. The amount of time it is latch on can flux depending on how the opponent reacts, the shortest amount of time the soul is attached being when the opponent does not use any chakra, the longest being when they continually, or occasionally use a chakra based attack, thusly using up spiritual energy that could feed the hungry soul attached to their own. As for Jounin and Kage, they do not automatically regain the spiritual energy, but it replenishes slowly, though without the treat of it being stolen by a soul that is still attached to them. On average, if a Jounin were to go an additional 5 posts without using chakra, they would have regained the same amount of spiritual energy they had before the soul was attached, and if a Kage were to do so they would regain their spiritual energy in 3 posts.

Name: Ariya Magga no Baxian [Noble Eightfold Path of Immortality]
Rank: S
Range: Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Fuuinjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -

Description: This is an advanced fuuinjutsu, but because of the corrupt nature of the technique it is classified as a Kinjutsu. This technique uses the chakra In performing this technique hand-signs are required, through to do so he must first utilize his own chakra in order to help mold that of the gem that he wear around his neck, requiring first a complex string of hand-signs.

This technique claims the soul of the opponent, sealing it within Nathan’s own body. Once this technique is performed a black, spiritual form of a snake will extend out of Nathan’s heart. With the striking speed of a viper, this serpent, still attached to Nathan’s heart, will not only enter the opponents’ body, but also their soul, clinching down upon the heart of the target in order to cause an extreme amount of pain both physically and spiritually to the opponent. Once attached this demonic serpent will claim its sacrifice by ripping the complete soul of the opponent out of the physical vessel it belongs to, and sealing it within Nathan as the snakehead recedes back within Nathan’s own body. Ripping the opponent’s soul from their body can take as little as one minute, through it can take longer if the opponent resists. However, even when the opponent attempt to hold their soul within their body, the constant pain caused to their body will limit their ability to fight off this technique and it is unlikely that they will escape, let alone escape to such an extent to be well enough to stand without proper medical treatment. Once their soul is extracted the opponent will not be dead, but they will be completely unable to move, essentially trapped within their own body, unable to speak, think, or ever truly enter the afterlife. The merciful thing to do at this point would be to kill the opponent before they die of starvation.

As for the soul of the opponent, it becomes trapped within Nathan’s body, symbolically being held within the mouth of the snake that extracted it. At a base level the soul within Nathan increases his natural chakra supply by the normal amount of chakra possessed by the individual the soul once belonged to, though this increased amount of chakra cannot be converted to Nathan’s elemental chakra unless if the soul within him possessed the elemental affinity that Nathan is attempting to manifest. However, in a more broader sense, Nathan is capable of flooding this soul through his entire being, taking on all the attributes of the soul of the former owner. In order to use the affinities of this soul to the fullest extent, Nathan will have to form a meditation sign with his hands. Nathan will have to hold this sign for no less then a minute, though he will still be able to move the rest of his body. While holding this meditation, Nathan must concentrate on the desired soul within him, and he will not be able to maintain any active techniques as to not create friction between his own soul and the one he is attempted to overlay in his body. By doing this, the soul contained within him will become the dominant source of affinity until Nathan uses the hand-sign again in order to subdue the soul to rest within him once more. When under the influence of a soul other then his own, Nathan’s personality will take on some traits of the person Nathan took the soul from. However, with an alternate dominant soul within him Nathan will be able to utilize all the elements his fallen opponent once possessed, through he will not have any of their jutsu available to him unless if he has learned it after claiming their soul, since he does not draw any knowledge of techniques when removing the opponents’ soul. Nathan’s mastery of the alternate soul within him is similar to normal training, as though the soul was not foreign within his body. Through training he will be able to broaden his abilities with the alternate soul, even going to far as to unlock the component elements of advanced element uses, or even combine base elements into advanced ones from basic element possessors. However, Nathan is never fully able to repress his own soul when overlapping a foreign soul over his own so he maintains some of his natural affinity. Still, he will not be able to perform anything over a C-ranked elemental technique of his own affinity unless if the soul he is using shared an elemental type with his own. Reversely, being that Nathan’s own soul is not fully repressed, he is unable to master S-Ranked techniques of an elemental affinity other than his own. Even though he is able to access the elemental affinities of his own soul, doing so too often or too much when overlaying a different soul in his body creates friction between the metaphysical entities, and thusly he could potentially repress the desired soul, other then his own, through attempted too much interaction between them. While taking on alternate elements is the most common advantage gained through this technique, other features of the foreign souls can be taken on depending on the soul extracted.

Having multiple souls within his body gives to Nathan a degree of immortality, and indeed this technique takes its name from the Eight Immortals of legend along with the noble path of Buddhist teachings. The more souls within him, the slower Nathan will age, seemingly having stolen the youth of his opponents to add to his own longevity. However, his immortality goes beyond that, for in the cases where he has been mortally wounded, Nathan is able to sacrifice a stored soul in order to not only save his life, but also completely heal his physical and spiritual form. By doing this it is a symbolic clenching of the demonic mouth holding the soul within Nathan, and while Nathan will live on the soul sacrificed in this manner is lost to him forever, finally able to rest. Nathan can have at maximum eight foreign souls within his body. In order to claim more than eight souls he will have to sacrifice a previously claimed soul in order to create the spiritual void for the new soul to inhabit. This method of spiritual extraction is strong enough to work on another Bijuu, ripping the demon from the other jinchuuriki while leaving the jinchuuriki untouched, sever a Bijuu tie to a jinchuuriki without killing the host. In doing this it takes a massively great deal less time to extract the Bijuu then normal means since Nathanalready has the sheer chakra level to overpower a Bijuu.. extract a Bijuu taking no more then two hours and no less then ten minutes, depending on the relative strength of the demon within the immobilized jinchuuriki. However, the exception to this rule is the Kyuubi, being the only demom. In order to extract the Kyuubi, it would take a full day of undisturbed concentration in order to remove the Kyuubi demon. If this technique is used to remove a Bijuu from the host, Nathan can seal the spirit of the demon within his body or, Nathan use chakra to extract the Bijuu, but also diminish it, holding the Bijuu’s essence outside of his body as the snake head tears away at it, killing the extracted Bijuu permanently.

[As a result of the strain that is put on Nathan's body and mind form the shift of the personality and soul within Nathan, and because of the danger that could present itself from having a different soul in command of Nathan’s body, Nathan can only maintain a different soul within his body for a maximum of 8 posts, after which he will be unable to perform any jutsu above a D ranked technique for an additional 4 posts. He can choose to switch out of the different soul before reaching the 8 posts limit. Doing so reduces the amount of time he is restricted proportionally, 6 posts followed by 3 of rest, 4 posts followed by 2 of rest, and 2 posts followed by 1 of rest. For odd number of postings, the number of resting post is taken from the even number one number above the post, so that having a different soul in his body for 3 posts would be followed by 2 posts of rest, during which nothing more then E-D ranked techniques can be performed. Additionally, the amount of time a different soul can remain dominant within his body is reduced by 1 post every time a A ranked technique is used while he has a different soul commanding his body.]
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Nathan Uchiha
Nathan Uchiha

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Join date : 2009-11-05

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Nathan jutsus Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 11:16 pm

Fin: Name: Hando Makai [Hand of Hell]
Rank: S
Range: Close Range (0-5m) - Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
Sharingan: 3 tomes
This is an advanced spirit technique, that involves a
physical manifestation of both chakra and spirits. This technique uses
dark chakra. When performing this technique required a short string of hand-signs. This technique uses both speed and chakra to create a technique so powerful and fast that it cannot only be used for single shot assassinations, but also to obliterate the area at the point of contact. Once begun an extremely large amount of chakra, will become collected in Nathan's hand, the fingers of which will seemingly begin to clutch down upon the chakra, which is so powerful in nature that it takes on a physical manifestation of black demonic chakra. The chakra, which becomes self-sustaining, begins to pulse as it releases a gray fog like formation displaying the displacement of
the spiritual world around Nathan hand, which by this point becomes so
unstable that Nathan will usually use his other hand to stabilize the
attacking arm. To Nathan's ears this powerful manifestation of charka
releases a screeching, ghostly howl. However, this noise is only heard
to him, a curse from his particular alignment to the spiritual world.
Once formed, this self-sustaining pulse of ghostly, demonic chakra is
released in a single fast pace strike, though as it travels it rips
through the physical world it is swept by. The damage created by this
technique is more then just physical, as it also creates around the
point of contract a spiritual void, in which souls cannot exist. At the
point of contact his outwardly explosive physical force can destroy
nearly anything in its path with the potential to kill the target if a
direct hit is landed. However, in a more deadly sense, even as this
technique explodes outwardly in the physical world, it implodes within
the spiritual world, drawing in the souls around the area, and draining
the world itself of spiritual energy in the area of damage. Even if the
opponent survives with their life, their soul will be completely
destroyed, their life becoming that of an empty vessel, unable to move
or ever muster chakra again. Furthermore, the natural surroundings will
be drained, organic life decaying to the point where life will never
again grow at the location of the attack. Even if this technique is not
all released at once, the maintained pulse of demonic chakra will
displace the spiritual world it is held on, potentially eliminating
spiritual energy at its location. This technique remains until either
unleashed or dispelled, in the latter case returning some of the unused
chakra into Nathan's body. However, if unleashed the field within which
the spiritual energy is drained from is roughly five meters around the
point of impact in all direction, potentially eliminating multiple
nearby targets by attacking a single one.

Name: Kakera no Rosuto [Shards of the Forgotten]
Rank: B
Range: Close-Mid Range (0-10m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -

Description: This is a konjutsu, or spirit technique. Nathan requires a short string of hand-signs along with the use of his dark chakra. This technique uses existing wondering souls in the area to attack the target. The number of souls present dictates the size of this technique, and it is most effective in locations where great tragedies have claimed the lives of many. However, it is rare to find a location in which no wandering dead are present, and it is fair enough to say that when this technique is performed. By using dark chakra, this technique breaks apart souls of the dead into hundreds of sharpened shards usually only slightly larger then normal senbon. These shards are infused with a small amount of the spiritual energy, thus giving them some physical characteristics, though not to such an extent as becoming visible in a ghostly since, and only eyes that can see either souls, or in the cases of the Byakugan, the chakra being used for the technique can pick up on the existence of these multiple shards, which are commanded by how Nathan manipulates the dark’s chakra within them. The shards will surround Nathan, either all facing one direction, or facing multiple directions at once, and with another small burst of chakra and they will shoot out as a rapidly fast pace, piercing and cutting physical objects as they progress. If a hit is landed on the opponent, not only will these shards draw blood, but they will also cut away a small amount of chakra from the user’s body by damaging the spiritual energy of the opponent by the amount they penetrate into both their physical and spiritual forms.

Name: Rikugan no Makai [Legion of Hell]
Rank: A
Range: Close-Far Range (0-40m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu :: Kinjutsu :: Konjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -

Description: This is an extremely advanced konjutsu, or spirit techniques, that summons forth souls of the wandering dead to fight once more in the world of the living. This technique uses dark chakra. The level of chakra required for this technique depends on the number of souls used. Nathan require a series of hand-signs along with the user of his own chakra. This technique works quicker when the souls being used are readily nearby, though if spread out across a large area this technique will first work as a spiritual magnet until the souls are lose enough that they can rapidly receive dark chakra. Much like Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, the chakra used for this technique is evenly divided between multiple bodies or in this case multiple souls. The dark chakra is used to manifest these spirits of the dead within the physical world, causing these souls to appear to the unaided eye as ghostly forms of their previous lives, often times appear decayed, more so for the longer the souls have been among the dead. These gray formations of souls can even make noises, though in large numbers they usually only release a ghostly howl as they progress across the battlefield. Whiles these spirits are once again visible within the physical world, they attack in much of the same way as many other konjutsu techniques, though in a massive swarm.

Nathan can control these souls anywhere within a 40m radius around his body, but it is usually safer for him to keep these souls close to his body for protection. Being dead, these spirits cannot be killed, and physical attacks will pass right through them as they absorb any spiritual energy within the attacks to feed themselves off of, usually this will distorting their forms for a brief time. However, the true strength of these souls is that as they pass through organic material they rapidly decay whatever they touch, draining chakra from the area in order to feed their ranks as they progress. Because of this effect, the souls are able to negate more energy based attacks from elements that lack true sustenance, though physical attacks can still pass through them towards Nathan. The exception to physical attacks is that the more spiritual energy these souls absorb from the area, the more physical they become in appearance and form, and thusly sustenance attacks can eventually be absorbed in the manner of a shield, though at such a time the soul will be dispersed from the technique having sacrifices itself. This technique requires concentration to maintain, and while this technique can be used to desecrate an entire battlefield, only Nathan is immune to their decaying effect, and thusly he must be careful as to now expose any allies to these souls. He is able to control the paths of these souls, which can part like water around non-targets, but to control them as this requires concentration. Using this technique with more then 8 active souls prevent Nathan from using any other chakra requires techniques. Furthermore, if too many souls in use severely weakens Nathan, eventually requiring him to remain motionless in order to maintain these souls. Nathan will have to remain motionless with any more then 15 souls active at once, and the maximum number of souls he can maintain at once is 30, his body usually going into a state of shock is this many souls are being used. In order to cancel this technique, the opponents must either focus their attacks on Nathan, and with each attack he receives he looses some of the souls being used, or continually force the souls to absorb their attacks until such a time as they become full on spiritual energy. For each attack Nathan receives, one soul will be lost. If Nathan does not receive an attack, these souls can maintain themselves for 10 posts if left unaffected from opponent’s attacks, or if little spiritual energy is taken from around them. If these souls are receiving a constant feed from victims being consumed, or a constant feed from attacks being consumed, then they will be maintained for less, this number of post usually being around 5 posts, though this varies depending on the relative strength level of attacks, higher attacks causing a more rapid absorption of spiritual energy then lower attacks.
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Nathan Uchiha
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 11:24 pm

Name: Chakra no Akujinn [Evil God's Chakra]
Range: N/A
Jutsu Type: Supplementary / Kinjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: N/A

Description: Chakra no Akujinn is a forbidden technique. This technique was classified and made forbidden because of the ultimate power the user can recieve. It was viewed as something that would become the very beginning of the end of everything. As such it's teachings were sealed by the gods and hidden in a place thought to be unreachable to any normal ninja.

The Teachings of The Akujinn are not strictly set on Jutsu. The principle behind it isn't far removed from the teachings of the Sage. However the method behind it blinds the user to reality. Slowly they begin to believe they are messengers of their great god. Or at it's worst the very god himself. They take actions on their own, and take things for their own. The teachings seem to great express one of the great 7 sins within the student. If one is filled with rage, then they use their newfound power to destroy the lands. They use their powers to get what they want to feel fulfilled. However their thirst is far from ever being that.

The Akujinn teaching is much easier to learn then Sage teachings. However the reason behind this is because while Sage training teaches one to gather nature chakra and add it to their own, mostly through what they call Sage Mode. The Akujinn take a much more direct method. Sage mode takes time and much practice to learn and make useful in battle. With some shinobi it could take them their whole life to even get close to that. Akujinn is a far more severe take on Sage training. Those that discovered this Teaching believed that Sage training, even as hard as it was to even begin was far to complex and needed far too much time to perfect. What they wanted was rather a similar style that could be used within a short period of time, as well can be used by any of those taught it.

They found what they wanted in Akujinn. However it was not without it's downsides. One of these downsides was that one could not charge their Akujinn chakra into their whole body and keep it there for a period of time. It was discovered that the chakra when charged could only be used once, then it would have to be gathered again. However the gathering time isn't very long. Another downside, which is much more severe then the former. Is that the body hardens where the Akujinn chakra is placed. An example being that if one charges the Akujinn into their arm, after use their arm begins to become a little hevier and harder to use. If used too much on a single area the part will become like carrying a stone version of it. In the case such as an arm, the muscles will become useless, and the skin will harden and lines will appear upon the top of the skin. The arm will be nothing more then a limp limb at the shinobi's side. However there is a way to make the limb useful, however this means gathering more Akujinn chakra into the arm. However there is no fact that this will work.

Like stated before. Akujinn chakra is much like Sage chakra. It can increase the power of a shinobi or their Jutsu. Or it can be used to create a massively powerful Jutsu. There is an advantage of having this chakra. It was named for this powerful ability. One can peform Akujinn jutsu without the need for hand seals. One can only envision a mere human summoning the very elements with only a wave of his hand, and destroying a village and think only of a god.

In short
Akujinn equal to Sage Chakra Power and Usability.
Use if it hardens the body part used as the medium to gather it.
No Need of handseals.
S Jounin Rank to Learn.
it can act as a amplifiers for other jutsu
Have to be learn by Nathan Uchiha.
Forbidden Teaching.

Migite no Akujinn [Evil God's Right Hand] Takes an extra post, as it has to break down and reconstruct the item.

[Just a tid bit here. the jutsu below are short, because their use is pretty basic in my mind. And I know the first thing that you will say is. "Where are the downsides?" Simply put the downsides don't exist for the jutsu. Now the Chakra itself there is downsides as describe. These jutsu don't use anyother Chakra aside from the Akujinn Chakra. So they don't take chakra from the user

Name: Tettsui no Akujinn [Evil God's Hammer]
Range: 1 Mile Radius
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu / Kinjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Raiton
Clan: N/A

Description: Tettsui no Akujinn is a jutsu fit for a god. It is a jutsu that's sole purpose is to punish those that have disobeyed or fallen from enlightenment. Given that this jusu is used through the power of the Akujinn chakra it requires no handseals. The jutsu is can be simply described as a tunder bolt. But on a massive scale. The meer size of the main thunderbolt and the bolts that spark off it's sides cover a impressive 1 mile of terrian. It is suffice to say that anything caught within the bolt will be turned to nothing less then ash in a fraction of a second. The bolt is formed high in the sky by the power of Akujinn.

Name: Migime no Akujinn [Evil God's Right Eye]
Rank: B
Range: 0-20m
Jutsu Type: Fuuinjutsu / Kinjutsu
Elemental Affinity: N/A
Clan: N/A

Description: Migime no Akujinn is a jutsu that is very surprising and impossible to counter if not known about. Channeling their Akujinn chakra into their right eye, the user focuses on an object/person within thier eye sight. Upon focusing on the target, they release their Akujin chakra and within seconds what they were focusing on is instantly sealed away into another dimension. The target is permently sealed away. The target however must be stationary or have a large mass to focus on. The size of the object/person matters not, however the largeer the object the more Akujinn Chakra is needed which offers a increase effect on the eye.

Name: Harai no Akujinn [God's Purification]
Range: 0-10m
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu / Kinjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Katon [Fire]
Clan: N/A

Description: Harai no Akujinn is a greatly powerful katon technique. It's very similar to the style of the Grand Fireball. The user breaths in forming katon chakra into their throat. However when expelled the size of the attack is clearly different. Releasing the flames easily cover a range of 10m infront of the user. The height of the flames can stand taller then most shinobi, and suffice to say thier skin would begin to char within moments of being in contact with the flames. Anything left in the flames for to long will easily be turned to ash. The after effect of the Akujinn Chakra can be shown within the throat of the user. Well seen isn't the right term, however one can tell it's effects on the throat as the user's voice will become more harsh. Of course if used to much the person can completely loose thier voice, then function of their throat.
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitimeFri 06 Nov 2009, 11:30 pm

Name: Chakra Poisoning
Rank: B rank
Range: -
Jutsu Type: Supplementary
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This is the passive ability of the Dark Chakra, its truest secret. Once it makes contact with the enemy it will seep a deadly poison into them. Almost immediately the target will being to lose their vision and then their hearing, all the while their motor functions are being stripped from them. As it continues the opponent will begin lose strength, drawing from their chakra reserves to keep the technique going. The best way to stop this, in fact what might be the only way without wasting chakra is to have a medic remove the viral substance from the body altogether.

Name: Hovering Darkness
Range: Long (10meters+)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness/Wind/some form of water have to be in the area
Description: Like usual, Nathan will exert dark chakra out of his chakra pores and into the air; however this dark chakra will form into somewhat of a diamond shape that is no longer than 2 inches. But due to the fact that these dark chakra diamonds are small a mass amount can be produced, possibly enough to blot out the sun and make it seem like the opponent is surrounded in complete darkness itself. Now, using his wind affinity he is able to launch these diamonds at the enemy at an insanely quick speed, nearly untraceable speed. If these hit the opponent's body they can easily cut through all of the enemy's flesh, tissue, muscle, and bone. leaving a 2-inch hole in the spot of which the diamond hit. Now adding the water affinity to this Jutsu each diamond is able to sap some of the opponent's blood or any type of liquid as it passes through the opponent. Nathan can control these diamonds as a whole or one by one.

Name: Yang-Symbol
Range: (0-100meters)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This Jutsu takes up an extremely wide range. first, Nathan goes to the opposite side of the opponent and forms a long chain of quick hand seals, then Nathan uses his dark chakra over a large range. Nathan's dark chakra will cover up and make a sort of immense thick barrier around the wide range so no one can escape and then fill the sort of dome with dark chakra. The chakra forms a sort of a yang symbol and whoever is Note, while inside of the dome the opponent will slowly deteriorate. Chakra, stamina, speed, strength, awareness, agility, etc. Will drain at a quick rate while still trapped in the dome. Depending on the amount of chakra available the effect of this technique will be much stronger. As for the chakra focus of this The only real focus there is molding it into the large area, and molding the sides as a barrier of the dome, mainly, just to first using chakra focus make sure the barrier is sealed and then the dark chakra will filter in. The dome may be collapsed onto an opponent to crush them. as well as explode into a gigantic explosion of immense dark chakra. Dependent upon how much dark chakra was put in there in the first place. While this technique is so large it is without a doubt the last resort for Nathan and leaves him almost useless. However, it can kill anyone it catches, making it perfect for taking a large area.

Name: Black Plague Infection
Rank: B
Range: (0~40m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: A Jutsu of which requires a chain of hand seals, which are done at a quick rate. Once finished Nathan will convert some of the dark chakra in his body into a gas state. Then when enough has been charged the gas is all released within a 40m radius at once. If the opponent is to breathe in any of this dark chakra gas, it will go to their lungs and stay there. Now this gas will be inside of the opponent and Nathan can now manipulate the opponent to produce dark chakra. But only the amount of gas they have consumed. But Nathan is the one who controls that dark chakra they can now seep out of their chakra pores. not the opponent. Note, depends on how much gas is inhaled. Having them produce chakra can give him almost an unimaginable amount of the substance to work with. However, after the target has created dark chakra they will inevitably die. So, Nathan does not use this technique unless around enemies of River.

Name: Dark Chakra Infestation
Rank: A rank
Range: (0~20m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This Jutsu no longer requires a long chain of hand seals. and can now be used with any form of dark chakra to penetrate the opponent's body. Nathan may use any type of dark chakra and at a high speed, will allow it to penetrate through the opponent's chakra pores and into their body. Once inside the dark chakra may move around freely in the opponent's body it may begin to take down the opponent's vital organs and such. For example, if it goes to their heart, then Nathan can make their heart stop beating, therefore killing the opponent. If on the lungs, it will corrupt them and they won't be able to breathe. Nathan can vary the effects of how badly this can hurt the opponent, and how much he wishes to torture them. To be effective Nathan must give this chakra constant energy, and it too can be overpowered by the enemy's chakra.

Name: Dark Chakra Puddle
Rank: C rank
Range: Used on user
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: An effective technique that allows Nathan to turn into a puddle of dark chakra on the ground, and easily glide around in this puddle form as well as go through the earth and reform elsewhere. This form will only last for 3 minutes tops but in that time he can be very sneaky as this slick, toxic puddle. Stepping in it will also leave you infected with the poison it carries.

Name: Corrupt Kage Bunshin
Rank: B
Range: (0-25m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This Jutsu is almost exactly similar to the regular Kage Bunshin, except Nathan will infuse his dark chakra into the Kage Bunshin when it is formed. Therefore once the clone is struck with a hard enough force or Nathan commands it to. it will sort of explode into dark chakra that will stick onto the opponent's body and drain the chakra at a fast rate. besides that some of the dark chakra will enter the opponent's body through their chakra pores. From that point the poisonous chakra will take effect and begin weakening the enemy from the vision to the motor functions. Then, the draining will begin anew. Once again the only way to stop this process without wasting chakra is have it removed. These Bunshin do not have the knowledge transfer ability of the regular Shadow Clone, but they are powerful nonetheless.

Name: Dark Chakra Phasing
Rank: S rank
Range: Used on Nathan
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This technique is very powerful one relying on the Dark Chakra. Because Nathan's body is so infused with the dark chakra, he can use it to rebuild his body. If he were to take damage he would use the dark chakra to piece back together the wound. For instance if he were struck by a kunai, Nathan could pull out the kunai and then piece back together his flesh using dark chakra. This is very consuming and very hard to complete but it can keep Nathan fighting for quite some time. He can heal like this up to 6 times in one fight at this point without any problems. After that however he will not have any chakra left o allocate. In addition, he can transform a portion of his body into dark chakra with this technique, which will send a projectile flying through him. This dual-purpose technique is very important to his success.

Name: Dark Chakra Shield
Rank: B
Range: Used directly on user
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This Jutsu requires no hand seals. Just like the name, the Jutsu will effectively make somewhat of a shield made of dark chakra on the area that is necessary to block. For example, If there are several shuriken coming at Nathan from the front. The dark chakra will seep out of Nathan's dark chakra pores and form a shield around the designated point or area. This defense is strong and can easily stand up against projectiles and weaker elemental attacks.

Name: Dark Chakra Clouds
Rank: A rank
Range: 0~27m
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: Dark Chakra will form into the sky in only seconds, and will form several to a few large clouds made of pure dark chakra into the sky. These clouds will then began to heavily rain senbon made of pure dark chakra. It will heavily rain to the point where if it was normal rain then you would be soaked head to toe in only a couple minutes. These dark chakra senbon now have the ability to pierce and go through the opponent's flesh. It will continue to rain or drizzle dark chakra senbon until it runs out of dark chakra or Nathan calls it off. Nathan can vary the intensity of how much the dark chakra senbon will hurt, but the more control he exerts the more it will drain him.

Name: Dark Chakra Squeeze
Rank: B
Range: Used directly on Nathan's dark chakra
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This Jutsu requires no hand seals at all, but instead, requires that there be dark chakra out on the battlefield. What this will do, is basically squeeze and condense the dark chakra, extremely tightly. Nathan squeezes it by condensing the dark chakra and tightening it around whatever. Nathan can easily break through flesh and bone from the intensity of the squeeze now, to the point where the bones that he crushed become nothing but small shattered fragments. This technique is straining however, and is only used when it does not have to create more dark chakra, merely used left over amounts from other techniques.

Name: Dark Chakra Aura
Rank: A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This technique fills the air with dark chakra. Though it is less concentrated so it only slowly dissolves the strength of the enemy and effects the slowly. If they were to travel in it for a few moments and then exit they would still be effected for a few minutes after until it was purged by their own chakra. This being known, stepping into the technique is extremely hazardous and can leave you immobile and useless for a few minutes. Though it requires a great deal of chakra, and is only used sparingly.

Name: Hitaki
Rank: C
Range: Close (0-5meters)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This Jutsu requires no hand seals, but instead will require Nathan to concentrate a dense and good amount of dark chakra into his hand. Eventually his hand will be covered in a dense dark chakra that may rip through the opponent if hit, although Nathan can vary the damage a bit if he is just sparring. The dark chakra condensed on his hand will not go away unless it comes into contact with another object, or Nathan forces it away. This dark chakra can easily rip through the opponent's flesh, bones, tissue, and muscles easily as though it was scissors and the opponent was paper. Also, if this attack gets close enough to the opponent then it may dissolve some or the skin of the opponent that went too close to it.

Name: Dark Chakra Coffin
Rank: A
Range: (0~10m)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This Jutsu after hand signs begins to mold a sphere of death around the enemy. It is nearly indescribable once in place, even though it is rather slow. Once he in places it will constrict and crush the enemy into nothingness. And, even if it were to miss for the most part and only graze the enemy, they would then be poisoned by the evil chakra. However, to use this technique requires quite a bit of chakra, and it can only be used a few times.

Name: Dark Chakra Molding
Rank: B rank
Range: Medium (5-10meters)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This is one of the staple techniques of Nathan's style of combat. He will create a transient weapon out of Dark Chakra. This weapon can take many forms from Giant Shuriken to a Sword. However, being that it is transient, if the weapon leaves the range of the technique it will dissipate into nothingness. A plus of the technique is the Dark Chakra itself, which poisons the target through its dastardly design. So, while this technique is highly effective it is a constant strain once it has been used. And besides, the toxin itself can kill you if you use it too much.

Name: Depth of a Black Hole
Rank: C
Range: (0~20m)
Jutsu Type: Genjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: On eye contact Nathan can activate this semi-advanced Genjutsu. The defender of this Jutsu will seem as though their eyesight slowly begins to blur. and in an instant the defender's mind will get tricked into thinking they fell into a hole that appeared out of the ground. a deep black hole. As they fall through this deep black endless hole. their worst memories will come to life. as their breathing gets harder and harder to breathe. This technique works off the Dark Chakra, but it is much easier to break out of than the other techniques.

Name: Poison Illusion
Rank: C
Range: (0~20m)
Jutsu Type: Genjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This is a Genjutsu, which requires no hand seals. Instead all it requires is for Nathan to look at an opponent directly in the eye. Note, if he cannot look them directly in the eye then it will not work. This Genjutsu enables Nathan to make the opponent think that there is a poison inside of them. This Genjutsu will trick their brain into thinking there really is a poison inside them and will cause the normal effects of a good poison. Their 5 senses(Touch, hear, smell, see, taste) will all start to go down and slow down. And parts of their body will slowly begin to feel numb. The longer this Genjutsu is in effect the worse the symptoms will get. It is also rather hard to detect this is a Genjutsu, because it only makes their body think there is a poison in it. not any normal illusion that would lead the opponent into thinking its a Genjutsu. However once realized this technique is simple to dispel, but it will have most likely bought enough time to escape.

Name: Dark Chakra Flicker
Rank: C
Range: ~
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Darkness
Description: A similar jutsu to that off the body flicker. The process is similar to the body flicker as well, yet this is a slightly more advanced version of it. Instead of just applying normal chakra to the joints and muscles for a short burst of energy; Nathan will apply dark chakra to those supposed joints and muscles. With a while of experience of with dark chakra itself; Nathan has been able to concentrate a large mass of dark chakra into a small proportion. Dark chakra also being slightly stronger than regular chakra will also add to the extra energy/burst of this move. The dark chakra amounts Nathan can squeeze into his leg muscles joints allows him to go nearly as quick as he wishes.

The normal body flicker is limited on its speed because, if the use goes too fast then he may be injured from the rushing winds..but if this were in Nathan’s case he could easily use the dark chakra phasing to allow the wind to merley pass through him as if it were nothing; therby allowing him to go as quick as he wishes/is capable of with no injuries. This technique is basically a combination of dark chakra, dark chakra phasing, and the body flicker.

Last edited by Nathan Uchiha on Sat 07 Nov 2009, 2:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitimeSat 07 Nov 2009, 10:39 am

Name: Ibitsuiki [Distorted Purity]
Rank: A
Range: Supplementary
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: -
Clan: -
Description: This is a powerful technique that is one of the hardest jutsu to master, as it is the result of pure chakra manipulation at an intense level, with refined chakra control. This jutsu requires no hand-signs, and is performed with a single hand, taking its bases on other chakra based techniques of similar natures, such as the Mystical Palms, the Chakra Scalpel, and even such moves as the Rasengan. However, this technique is more then the result of creating a constant flow of chakra through the entire open hand, which must be done so as to allow no waste to the chakra used, but its main strength stems from a unique aspect to manipulation: rotational chakra points [Ji-Tenketsu]. In order to perform this technique, the use must learn to spin chakra around their entire hand, creating a swirling current, which begins its formation within the chakra points of the hand. By forcing chakra from the hand on either side, the use is able to create a clockwise, or counter-clockwise direction spin to the chakra that envelops the entire hand.

Once the spin is master, the user must combine both aspects of this technique, the intensity of the chakra concentration, and the spinning nature of the chakra. The resulting effects is a focused cyclone of chakra that comes to a pinpoint at the end of the user's middle finger, fanning out like a drill of pure chakra until it reaches the wrist. This technique in its final form is devastating, with a rotation force that can greatly damage what it is focused upon. The spiraling chakra can be sustained indefinitely, not wasting any chakra until the jutsu actually strikes the target as the technique becomes self-sustaining once fully formed. This also means that the jutsu can be deactivated with minimal lost of chakra, becoming a great advantage to the user's chakra supply.

The drilling force of chakra spins with enough intensity to easily create holes in practically any solid objects. However, the denser or more refined the object is, the longer it takes to drill through it, and in cases of denser objects, such as refined metal or diamonds, the technique will have minimal effects. Since the technique is conical in nature, it starts with a miniscule hole that then explains outward into the diameter of just over the palm of the user. This can be particularly deadly when targeting the opponent, as the chakra will easily pass through the body of the target, potentially killing if target at a vital point such as the heart or other crucial organ.
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Lord Vizer
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitimeSat 07 Nov 2009, 1:44 pm

Name: Dark Chakra Teleport
Rank: B
Range: Long (10meters+)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Darkness
Clan: None
Description: This Jutsu requires no hand seals, and is used to sort of teleport Nathan out of sticky situations or just teleport him around. When Nathan feels like he must use this Jutsu, he will sort of disperse into dark chakra and then reform himself out of dark chakra in a different location of his choice Though this technique is powerful, he can easily move over 30 miles with it at once, but no more

Remove Teleporting. After that is done. Approved.
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Nathan Uchiha
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitimeTue 19 Jan 2010, 10:36 pm

Will do
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitimeWed 20 Jan 2010, 6:51 am

UNAPPROVED, till you fixed your app.

And that doesnt mean there arent any problems with this set of jutsu. I will reveal them when you fix your app.
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PostSubject: Re: Nathan jutsus   Nathan jutsus Icon_minitime

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