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» Memories
going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

» Revy is a faggot
going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

» Anyone alive out there?
going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirth of Slumbering Fire
going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirthing a spirit
going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

» Naruto :: Shattered Dreams
going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only)

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Posts : 189
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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Empty
PostSubject: going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only)   going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeSun 08 Nov 2009, 7:41 pm

The day was hot. Nothing was realy going on. Sephiroth had on his ANBU mask and was walking around the sand village. He just got done with helping the kazekage and was going home. Sephiroth opened the door and walked in. He looked around with his mask still on. Sephiroth took his cloke off and put it on his chair. Sephiroth sat down and looked up. He was bored. Nothing was going on. He closed his eyes. Sephiroth went into a dream of when him and his dad were fighting. "Come on Sephiroth. show me your fire. Show me your power." His dad said. Sephiroth put his hand out and then a small ball of fire was in his hand. Sephiroth's dad put his hand in the way and stoped the fire. His dad crushed the ball and the fire was gone. Sephiroth looked at him and started to cry. "I'll never get it right." Sephiroth said. His dad walked up to him and put his hand on Sephiroth's shoulder. "You will." He said. Sephiroth looked at him and stoped crying. He smiled and so did his dad. Sephiroth huged his dad and then he woke up. Sephiroth looked around and put on his cloke, swords, and his scythe. He walked just out of the sand and looked at were his clan once stood. Sephiroth sighed and walked into it. He poped his neck and looked at his old house. Sephiroth opened the door and looked around. It looked the same as it did when he last walked into it. He has not been in here in over six years. Sephiroth left the door open and walked into his dads room. All the doors that he walked in was open. He looked at a picture of him and his dad. Sephiroth smiled.
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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only)   going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeSun 08 Nov 2009, 8:34 pm

Artemis had been Traveling around Suna for sometime now heading down a familiar street he glanced up looking over at the house of a old friend, Stopping abruptly The Jonin Remembered as how he and Sephiroth had once played here as boys. But now He stood Grown up, a man and not just physically Artemis had put all childish things in the past letting a new Persona emerge, remembering how he was Stand offish at there last meeting he decided to stop by and see his old friend. Coming up to the door Arty pounded against the sand Molded Frame, waiting for the door to open The jonin Adjusted his head band securing it over his right eye keeping his Sharingan benith the Sand Symbol. With his left eye Arty Gazed over the door hoping his friend was home. A swift wind blew through sporadically adding on to the great heat of the dessert, Shifting his weight he leaned over to his left side sliding his hands down into his pockets.
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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only)   going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeSun 08 Nov 2009, 8:56 pm

Sephiroth heared a knock on the door and knows who it is. "Come on in Art." Sephiroth said. He opened the door. "I know it's weird to be in the place that i once lived but i just wanted to think about my past." Sephiroth said. He moved out of the way. "Come in." He said. Sephiroth walked away knowing that art was following him. Sephiroth had his swords and scythe still on him and his mask was on his shoulder. Sephiroth looked back and smiled. "So, it's true. You did Kill the hokage. Then took his eye." Sephiroth said. He terned around and smiled. "I won't hold it against you." Sephiroth said. "People love power and will kill for it." Sephiroth said. "I've changed with power though. I'm still a crazy killing person but i don't do it to people that did nothing to me." Sephiroth said. He put his hand on his fathers sword and took it off his side. Sephiroth looked at it. "I've done so much with this." Sephiroth said. "I've had this sword for over seven years. Killed meny people with it. My fathers sword." Sephiroth said. He looked back at Art.
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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only)   going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeSun 08 Nov 2009, 9:14 pm

As the door Swung open He looked over Sephiroth as the two locked eyes many memories raced through his mind, Seph being the first to talk Artemis simply walked forward entering his house. " Sephiroth i came to talk to you about something important. . . But first i have to get something out of the way. Im sorry. . . I know i shouldn't have left it was childish and now i regret it. . I had to leave i had to change. . ." Listening to seph some more Artemis replied back again " yes.. . The hokage. . . I cant explain to you what happened, when your consumed with rage and hate you only see one thing. . Revenge. ." Hanging his head down The jonin let his light grey hair fall down in his face, " i known seph you have changed as well"
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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only)   going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeSun 08 Nov 2009, 10:17 pm

Sephiroth looked over at Art and smiled. "Yes i know that feeling. That one thing that happend that makes your life hell. You want to kill who did it. Well, i heared about the people who killed my clan. They have died and now, the only thing that gives me rage is..." Sephiroth closed his eyes and put his dad's sword to Art. "This. I want you to have it. I can't hold on my fathers sword. It brings back things i don't want." Sephiroth said. He had a smile. Not a crazy smile like he always has. He had a friendly smile. He loves his dad but knowing him, Sephiroth's dad would want him to get rid of his sword. "It is a strong blade. just about nothing can break it. It is the best sword." He said. "I love this sword with all my heart. Don't let a thing happen to it." Sephiroth told him. "It's one of the few things i have left of this place." Sephiroth looked away and down a the floor. Sephiroth He looked back over at Art. "Now, what is it that you have to talk to me about?" He asked.
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going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only)   going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeMon 09 Nov 2009, 8:01 pm

As the sword was being passed over Artemis raised his eyebrow looking down onto the Katana, " I couldnt. . Seph.." But as sephiroth persisted The jonin took the blade. But feeling guilty in a strange way Arty threw the weapon over his shoulder quickly bringing up His kunsagi Blade, With a sigh he handed the blade over. . . " My most prize possesion, is now yours. . ." As a smile arose from his face The jonin Spoke once more. " i want things to be as we were Kids.."

Last edited by Artemis on Mon 09 Nov 2009, 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 189
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Join date : 2009-09-11
Age : 29

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Ninja Rank: S rank
Village: Cloud

going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only)   going to his old home (Sephiroth and Art only) Icon_minitimeMon 09 Nov 2009, 8:11 pm

Sephiroth smiled. "And we still are. We have our hole life a head of us." Sephiroth said and took the blade. Sephiroth put it were his dads blade once was. Sephiroth smiled. "And now, tell me what you wanted to talk to me about." Sephiroth said. He made his way to a chair and pulled it out for Art. Sephiroth sat down on the one across from it. "Please sit." Sephiroth said and put his hand out to were the seat was. Sephiroth put his hands on the desk that was there and then his hand held his head up from falling down. Sephiroth poped his neck and then looked in Arts eyes. Sephiroth smiled. "I hope that we can do something. I'm geting bored in the sand. All i do is stand next to the kazekage all day and then nothing." Sephiroth said. "It drives me crazy." Sephiroth said he looked over at the sword and pulled it out. He set it on his dest. Sephiroth looked at it. "Were did you get this? I've never seen it before." Sephiroth said. He put his hand on the blade and felt the steel it was made out of. "It is nice." Sephiroth said. "I'll never let this sword away from me. Now we each have something of the others." Sephiroth said. He smiled and waits for Art to tell him what he needs to tell him.
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