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 Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)

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Lord Vizer
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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeFri 13 Nov 2009, 7:37 pm

General Information:
Akio Hawk Nobagashi, Jaden Yoshinaru, Hiro Yukanshi (He cant remember his real name)

Nickname/Alias: Anberlin

Weight: 198lbs

Height: 5\"7



Him Now
He has green hair, with black hilights. He is natuarlly dark skinned because of his parents being from the Thunder village. This is not his true appearance however. This is the appearance that he had taken on after being "sapposedly" killed by Gaiden Tifa. He however, has since then been working for villages. Until he had found a way to get back into akatsuki to his surprise. He has purple eyes. He is black, signifying his birth in the Cloud Village.

Personality: He is cool and tactical. He leaves himself brief, and he is very easy to anger. Besides that however he is able to keep his cool. He rearly tends to argue back with the others and he has no interest in gaining power, although he has great confidence in his abilities, and despises being looked down upon.When he tastes blood however he is a little more inhuman, crazy and fargone.

He is responsible for the great star village massacre, after his time of mastering the Iron Jutsus. He is very, creepy in cannibal mode once asking his teammate, who at the time was zeroshin hakura, to make his a salad of flesh and rotting mold with a hint of a childs blood for sauce. Jaden can be calm and tactical when he is normal due to his skitsofrenia. He only trusts the Haitian.

He has it to where, now that he is now akatsuki again. He does not really go out of his way to kill his opponent unless absolutely needed. Thus, he is often scolded by his teammate, because he does not possess the mentality to kill of his agressors. However there have been times where he has taken the secondary option, and caused his opponents great torture with his powers. He is not one to rush into things.
Clan Information

Clan Name: Tokidoki Sakana Benkyooshimasen (The Sometimes Learning Fish.)

Kekei Genkai: He has mental control of the acid which flows from his bloodline, it is able to be used from his fibered skin, and is able to spray out this acidic gas, from his orfices. They can spray this acid outward in front of him to up to five meters. The gas, is concentrated, so that the acidic spray acts almost like an intensified version of mustard gas. Because of this body function, the spray that the can secrete, or plays out is thick. Like a smog almost. Depending on the type of attack they are able to do. Seeing that the acidic smog ranges from being as thin as propane gas(causing little damage) or as thick as a fog(causing severe melting of body parts to the enemy. The acid, is poisonous, and is able to make the opponent become delusional. He cant use water jutus, traditionally, because his bloodline allows the ion composistion of the water to augment into an acid compound similar to flurosulfuric acid, which he can manipulate with mind.

Clan Symbol: Triangle with Sphere in it.

Clan History: This clan was used as the Main Hunter Nins of the Star Village. However after the Betrayal of the Kage Most Clans fled out of the Known Naruto Countries and went into Hiding. They would be compared to the Uchiha clan in size and power. However with deathwave dead, and his eyes fusing with Nogoza\'s then the power of the clans eyes have gone beserk. No member of the clan has this form.

Rank Information:

Village: Mist

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty:
Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Pure Chakra (Resists Chakra Poison) Like Earth, Water if i have to have a element

Special Characteristics: Extremely Large near insane Chakra Pools. He is naturally blind, but can see the chakra outlines of his opponent, like a hyuuga but minus the chakra point shit. He can tell which is his opponent cause there chakra is purple, clones and summons have green, and multiple enemies are labeled with other colors.

Kenjutsus's of Kekkai Genkai
Name: Aqua Ray
Rank: B
Element: Ninjutsu
Description: This is a combo that happens if you are touched by the acid orb/stream from his mouth. He spits a lake of water near the enemy from which water eel come out and force the enemy up, then jumps up and slashes the opponent back into the lake, where they are devoured by the eel. (If you are hit by the Water orb.)

Name: Aqua Lazar
Rank: A
Element: Ninjutsu
Description: His jutsu allows the user to create a torrent of acid. Besides that, the user will be turned into acid and lead his or her opponent into drowning.

Name: Aqua Field
Rank: A
Element: Ninjutsu
Description: After spitting out a great volume of acid from his mouth, which would then turn into acid seconds later, the enemy is swallowed up by this advancing surge and crushed. The user can ride the acid, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet, without fear of counter-attacks. When used with Jaden's enormous chakra, even dry wastelands will turn into an acid ocean. Afterwards, the excess acid can presumably be used for additional acid release jutsu.

Name: Aqua Ottoman
Rank: B
Element: Ninjutsu
Description: The user puts his hand on the surface of a body of acid and a acid eel comes out of each finger to strike the opponent in five consecutive attacks.

Name: Aqua Gold Flower
Rank: B
Element: Ninjutsu
Description: Jaden slashes a body of acid, creating a pillar of acid that launches the enemy into the air. He then releases five acid eels that attack the enemy until one devours them before imploding, launching the enemy into the air. The remaining acid eels surround the enemy and force them under acid where they implode in on the enemy.


Appears to be a Giant Golden Claw. Capable of slashing through metal.

Name: Six Bars
Properties: Lead
Description: Six Lead Bars that he can fire from his Arm Attachment that are made from lead. The wll spin and rotate around him at high speeds. The cause no damage to anyone who hits them. Though being lead it does have a important role in his

Name: Strap
Properties: Granite
Description: Sixteen Granite sabers that he can summon from his Arm Attachment and will spin and connect untill they make a long and dense pillar of blades that rotate and spin around DW.

Name: Bullet
Properties: Shrapnal
Description: Six-hundred metal Bullets that he can fire from his Arm Attachment machine-gun style. Takes one turn to load. The explode on contact and are able to rip holes into flesh. He gains ammo by touching anything metal.

Same as above but Silver.

Name: Bullet
Properties: Shrapnal
Description: Six-hundred metal Bullets that he can fire from his Arm Attachment machine-gun style. Takes one turn to load. The explode on contact and are able to rip holes into flesh. He gains ammo by touching anything metal.

Name: Six Bars
Properties: Lead
Description: Six Lead Bars that he can fire from his Arm Attachment that are made from lead. The wll spin and rotate around him at high speeds. The cause no damage to anyone who hits them. Though being lead it does have a important role in his aresnal.

Name: Strap
Properties: Granite
Description: Sixteen Granite sabers that he can summon from his Arm Attachment and will spin and connect until they make a long and dense pillar of blades that rotate and spin around DW.


Name: Trial of Acid
Rank: A
Element: Acid
Description:This jutsu is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of acid. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. Clones can be used in place of the actual person, provided that the clone is the one that performed the technique. This jutsu can't be performed without a sufficiently large body of water to supply the water for it.

Name: Acid Clone
Rank: C
Description: Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body. Additionally, water clones only have one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert back to normal water. However due to the KKG, this clone will explode with acid.

Name: The Great Acid Barrage of the Eel King Hornimi
Rank: S
Description: Jaden summons a acid eel to force the enemy underwater where jaden releases an orb of acid that releases countless acid eels to strike the enemy before causing a massive implosion.

Name: C2
Rank: A
Description: This jutsu allows the user to summon a large amount of acid. The acid then transforms itself into the shape of a snake and crashes down on their enemy, literally swallowing them. After it has swallowed them it turns into a acid river that carries their enemy away.

Name: Ryumyaku
Rank: A
Description:By flowing one\'s chakra into the Dragon Veins (龍脈, Ryūmyaku) flowing underground, one can tear the earth apart, creating large chasms. The length, width, direction, and curve of the chasm are all up to the user. Manipulating the Dragon Veins requires fine chakra control, but if one has such skill, they can use this technique to divide the space between the enemy and their own team in two, destroy enemy camps or defenses, and even to attack.

Name: Kuhori
Rank: B
Description: It allows the user to become invisible and then move in and out of rock. This jutsu can be used to avoid earth techniques, such as the Earth Release: Bedrock Coffin.

Name: Dao
Rank: A
Description:This jutsu allows the user to control multiple sections of rock and move them around their opponent. The user then forms two gigantic sections that crush the opponent. Basically meaning that he can make rock sharks circle around his opponent, and as they leap into the air to attack, the expand in size, roughly to the size of a boulder.

Name: Earth Swap Inserection
Rank: S
Description:This technique is called the ultimate earth-element resuscitation technique. It resurrects a large numbers of slain people seemingly continuously, but with none of their rationality, physical prowess, or technique at their disposal and are fairly easy to destroy. If the technique is deactivated, the summonings will immediately turn to dust.

Name: Grawai
Rank: B
Description:This technique causes a cave-in by destroying the equilibrium that holds the cave together. Just removing a single vital stone throws off the balance of the cave, making it unexpectedly fragile and causing a domino effect that destroys the entire cave. The shinobi from Iwagakure use this technique in their pride tactic, luring several enemies into a cave and using this technique to destroy them all at once

Name: Shoji
Rank: B
Description:This jutsu creates a large amount of rock pillars from under ground. They can then be controlled to surround their opponent and create a bamboo-like thicket of wood.

Name: Shelru
Rank: B
Description: This jutsu creates a circle of crushing acid spikes around the opponent. It is very difficult to evade, however it will also require a sufficient acid source nearby the target, preferably right below it.

Name: Bao Hihi
Rank: Kekkai Genkai
Description: This technique allows the user to make a spiraling vortex of water from the moisture in the air. The vortex then proceeds to explode from the top in the form of a wave. The user can control the direction the wave goes. However, seconds after it is formed, it turns into an acidic substance. Which is stronger than most of the other Acid Jutsus that are used by Anberlin.

Name: Hihikaru
Rank: B
Description: This technique causes the ground surrounding the enemy to spiral inwards on itself, burying them alive or crushing them. This technique is much more damaging if used in rocky mountainous areas, or inside a cave.

Name: Muddy Gurado
Rank: S
Description: Summons a giant Bird that can be used for riding, and allowing Nogoza to preform air attacks and raids. This bird is surprisingly resistance to winds, and strong gusts or vortexes cant phase it. The bird is able to give off no explosion, however can fly at speeds that would make it nearly impossible for him to be hit by a kunai attack aimed at him.

Name: Kylipso
Rank: C
Description: Makes the area rip over him and his opponents, causing a cave to be created. The cave is actually, the inside of this cave, is from the giant boulder that he made.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:

First Arc
History, What History. Why would it matter where he came from, what he has done. Bathed his history in blood. He never will stop his cold hearted quest for revenge. He was born in cloud, and raised in the Star village, born in harsh conditions before the star was even created. He went to the ninja academy at the tender age of three. Passing his classes in a slightly more advance manner than the other girls and boys. When the meteor from space landed in the star village, it had been used to amp the strength of the five year old ninja. He was soon taking on A ranked missions as a Jonin by the age of 9.

Jonin Arc
He had went on a mission to the village hidden in the leafs, the small group that he would have had contained taijutsu users, and ninjutsu users. He being the only genjutsu user from that village at that time. He had been left by himself to capture the target because his group had been trying to make sure there would be no escape routes for his opponents. This is when his bloodline was birthed. As the fire missing ninja made his way to dish out a taijutsu fire based attack to Nogoza, he simply made eye contact with the man, and caused him to trip out, due to the acid spray to the face. The missing nin, broke down, and had gone mentally insane. It was enough for him to go so berserk, that the ninja had killed himself. With this power at Nogozas disposal, it had come into his attention that he would need to be the one who would change the way that he acted in battle. He was stronger than ever.

Zera Arc
He was no powerful ninja however, he basically used his malice and intent to take out anyone who got in the way of his goals. Until he meet a young female named Zera. Zera had been his lover from the time he meet her. She was one of the best ninjas in the village, and her powers over taijutsu only attracted the man further into being in love with her. He however, did not know that there where harsh punishments for treason. It turned out that the Hoshikage was doing illegal dealings, and because of this Zera\'s entire family was filled with resistance members. Naturally he joined to help her out.

His bloodline came in handy when he raided the stone and star villages. Who where in a partnership for the duration of that time. But soon he would return to his own village, and arrive to see his lovers entire family be wiped out. It was completely shocking to the man. His lover however,had Betrayed him and her own family. Allowing the Star Anbu to go and attack him. Desperate, he unleashed all his power and obliterated them. He then was found by the seven swords where he served as a member until the day that a fellow member named ira had killed him. He admired her attempt at this, as he had already used a jutsus to swap his soul into a nearby dead guy. Taking over this dead guy, who had been a leaf jonin backfired however. Now the bloodline is in the new guys body, but all of the memories from both beings where erased. Now he serves as a leaf Jonin.

As a Jonin, he had done enough things to catch the attention of the Haitian. With that he was able to become a missing-nin, but only recently. He does things that Haitian tells him, but only rarely. He is more of disrecpectful partner to the Haitian and constantly challenges the Haitians goals and motives. Because it is only by the will of his Clan that peace and order, and perfection can be brought to the world, he tends to allighn himself with anyone who has the goal to make a change or the goal to create Chaos. Jaden is truly impartial to such actions. Nothing that transpires from this point on matters. If he where to die, he would die happy, knowing he is serving the cause to his dying breath. Now, being a full fledged missing-nin, and living up to the legacy that his father left for him. He had made sure to never slow down, never back down, and to basically pick his fights according to pre-battle information gathering.


Last edited by Anberlin on Sat 02 Jan 2010, 2:22 am; edited 8 times in total
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeFri 13 Nov 2009, 9:29 pm

Add just a bit more to your history, personality and looks. Since this is a high-ranking profile. The staff will have to look for good profile.

In your special characteristics. Remove the Gate of time thing..or the large chakra pools. A little OP to have.

Name:Chakra Release: Black Disaster
Rank: A
Element: Kekkei Genkai
Description: This move is the ability to manipulate pressurized Chakra to repulse matter away from the user, with such force that it can easily shatter stone. By using this technique as a defensive measure, most, if not all, attacks directed to the user will be deflected, no matter the size or mass. The only downside to this technique is that there is a short period when it is unusable after being used, though only for roughly five seconds. If one is sufficiently rooted to the ground, the repulsive forces can be resisted. It can also be used on a large scale for massive destruction. Making a Giant Dave over an object and firing a giant blast of pressurized chakra at the intended target.

Name: Chakra Clone Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: Creates a solid clone that is able to explode on command.

Name:Chakra Release: Kami Garviga
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: After the Hand-Signs his mouth opens wide and begins to collect energy. He then is able to fire out a massive beam of pure compressed chakra that eradicates,erases,and desimates any and everything in its path. It can only be dodged for the beam would kill whoever was caught in it. He can use this twice.

Name: Chakra Release: Graviga Garvirai
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: Charges a massive blast of energy in his palm. When fired outward and it collides with an area, in a 20 mile radius the pressure of the area is increased to a point hat whoever is in that area at the time of impact would be floored to the ground. This is easily dodged.

(Non-Battle Jutsu)
Name: Chakra Release: Laser Travel Jutsu
Element: None
Description: Allows him to basically go into a System of Charka strings that he connects in any area he has been in. Thus he is able to travel threw these Chakra strings instantly.

--Remove...your clan doesn't have the ability to manipulate chakra.

Name: Dao
Rank: C
Description:This jutsu allows the user to control multiple sections of rock and move them around their opponent. The user then forms two gigantic sections that crush the opponent.

----Add more info and this would be much more powerful then C rank. This is more A rank
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeSat 14 Nov 2009, 12:04 am

Looks ok to has my approval. Now another approval.
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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeSat 14 Nov 2009, 1:07 am

Im not sure about the Mud stuff but Approved
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Naiko Aburame
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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeSat 14 Nov 2009, 8:02 am

Actually haven't you guys looked at his Kekkai Genkai jutsus?

It says there that it functions as Mangekyou.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeSat 14 Nov 2009, 12:48 pm

Yea I saw them...but they don't do the same thing. But mostly like it said. So I don't expect them to do the same thing.
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Revy Izumi
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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeMon 16 Nov 2009, 11:58 pm

near limitless chakra is to OP, sorry, but with that, a battle could almost never end until its your victory
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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 5:16 pm

I did not see limitless chakra when i read it over, Remove it.

And his Dojutsu Ability can Function on the same level As Mangekyo,

So Maybe we should discuss draw backs then.

He shouldn't be able to Control other bodies like the rinnegan, and also have the Advanced Dojutsu that Casts Gen.

So i would make a choice between one or the other. and when it comes to the clay or mudd stuff someone else must deal with that.
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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 1:44 am

Hahahahaha, you people and your toys.

And his Dojutsu Ability can Function on the same level As Mangekyo,

That mange thing is not an ability. IT means that my gens are stronger, as if it was the same power as a mange. Its not even close, however, to the mange in power. Becuase the mange is a time/space bullshitty fire move genjutsus thinger. Anyway, by mange i mean its the final form that the clan can have. Basically

near limitless chakra is to OP, sorry, but with that, a battle could almost never end until its your victory

The near limitless chakra is not op. Hyuugas seal chakra gates wit there power, I can be stopped like that. Also just cause i have it near limitless does not mean shit. A bijuu is thought to have limitless energy.

So. it says i have extremely large chakra pools. According to how this site does its battles, this isnt a problem in the slightest. The amount of chakra you have does not sway the tide of battle. SKills do that.

He shouldn't be able to Control other bodies like the rinnegan, and also have the Advanced Dojutsu that Casts Gen.

Elaborate? If its what i think it is, then:
I dont control other bodies. Think of me as a long range fighter. As in extremly long range, in which this body

Overall, the entire deal on my app is pretentious. Akatsuki members have odd strong powers. Based on some of the shit ive seen, this is mild. However to spare future arguments, and so that your feelings are spared. I shall remove the near limitless chakra, though that wont change much anyway.

Ill say that the mud shit was not up for discussion based on the previous posts, so i dont know why that was mentioned.

However, before reading only a small section of the app and denying it, how about we take our time to look at the app, so that we can notice that with the doujutsu, there was the drawback of being completely blind.
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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeSat 02 Jan 2010, 2:25 am

Anyway most of this shizz is edited
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PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeSat 02 Jan 2010, 3:01 am

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Kessen Kaitou
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Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitimeSat 02 Jan 2010, 6:24 am

Wait wait, Insanely Large Chakra Pools?

Dont god mod with that one.

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PostSubject: Re: Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done)   Deathwaves Son, the second form of Deathwave(Not Done) Icon_minitime

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