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» Memories
Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

» Revy is a faggot
Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

» Anyone alive out there?
Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirth of Slumbering Fire
Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirthing a spirit
Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

» Naruto :: Shattered Dreams
Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

» Update regarding Naruto-X Sequel [8/10/12]
Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

» Searching Without a Trace
Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

Naruto X Staff
Nocturne Revy Masahiro


 Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave

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Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Empty
PostSubject: Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave   Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeSun 05 Jul 2009, 5:28 pm

Revy sat on a tree branch waiting for her opponent to show up, her 2 doll ninjas Altier and Kyubo wernt with her this time, they had stayed behind in Konoha, she was alone. The battle field was a wide open grassy field with just a few trees around and a few boulders. a strange flameing chakra leaked off of Revy, the chakra was white thou, it began to burn the tree branch little by little, she continued to sit there and wait.
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Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave   Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeSun 05 Jul 2009, 5:42 pm

"Blah" Akio had walked about this area for some time. He looked at the soil which was rather and uneasy. The grass was complimented by small mounds of earth as Akio walked further into this area. A tee, was on fire a bit. He noticed a fimilular face off in the distance. twas Revy, who challanged him to the death, He hated being looked down upon by worthless people. "So get down from there lets do this." He wiated as he chewed on a stalk of grass.
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PostSubject: Re: Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave   Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeSun 05 Jul 2009, 5:48 pm

Revy out her hands up and did a few seals while she was sitting, it began to rain storms, Revy leaned back and fell off the back of the branch, she dissapeard as she fell, she was now hidden in the area, she did a few more jutsus and black fog began to come out of the ground, she had activated her Kouuton • Satsukiyami (Rain Release • Dark Night in the Rainy Season) the entire area that was raining is affected by this jutsu, Deathwave lost all 3 of his major sences, sight, hearing, and smell, the only thing he hears in the background is the sound of rain as if it was raining, to him it wasnt raining but to enyone un-affected by this illusion it was still raining. Revy secretly doppleganged herself 8 times, they remained hidden and watched as DeathWave was traped in this illusion.

Name: Kouu Bunshin no Jutsu (Rain Doppleganger Technique)
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: Only usable while raining, this jutsu is a weaker version of the Mizu Bunshin. It can attack, but is far weaker than its creator and dissipates in one hit, or when the rain stops.

Name: Kouuton • Satsukiyami (Rain Release • Dark Night in the Rainy Season)
Rank: S
Element: Water, Earth
Description: Essentially this is the same as Kouuton: Jinkoukouu, with one major difference. This technique also envelopes the area in darkness with a Earth/Water technique. To the victim, the area becomes too dark to see properly, as if it were night. Added with the sound of the rain around, this effectively takes away three senses (sight, sound, smell). The victim cannot see well, cannot hear well, and the rain washes away odors, making smell useless for finding the enemy. Lasts for 10 Posts.

Name: Kouuton • Jinkoukouu (Rain Release • Artificial Rain)
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: Simply put, this jutsu makes it rain. The rain is normal and not increased in any way. Thus, it costs an unnoticeable portion of chakra. Rains for thirty Posts.
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Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave   Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeSun 05 Jul 2009, 6:17 pm

Rain? That was her power, she was able to utalize the powers of water in battle. This would mean that without this water there would be no logical way for her to use her rain jutsus. If this rain had the ability to make his vision blur his smell gone and his hearing drown out then that means it has to be made of chakra. He could feel the wind however, the wind here always blew in the southern direction. He new the tree was infront of him. However without his site he would be screwed. He began to breath inward. Building up a minor amount of chakra as he worked on his handsigns. He then muttered his words."Chakra Release: White Disaster". With that all of the rain in his nearby location began to swirl around his body not touching him at all. His eyes opened as he fixed on her previous location. He then had a clear view of his surroundings, Seeing how there was no one around he did his handisigns quickly Fire this next jutsu off in random locations that where close but barely close enough to prevent the enemy of reaching him. "Chakra Release: Graviga Garvirai." He was now protected from all sides. Only ninjutsus could hurt him now. He then repulsed all the rain that was hitting him. It flew off in every direction.

Name:Chakra Release: White Disaster
Rank: A
Element: Kekkei Genkai
Description: This move is the ability to manipulate pressurized Chakra to repulse matter away from the user, with such force that it can easily shatter stone. By using this technique as a defensive measure, most, if not all, attacks directed to the user will be deflected, no matter the size or mass. The only downside to this technique is that there is a short period when it is unusable after being used, though only for roughly five seconds. If one is sufficiently rooted to the ground, the repulsive forces can be resisted.

Name: Chakra Release: Graviga Garvirai
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: Charges a massive blast of energy in his palm. When fired outward and it collides with an area, in a 20 mile radius the pressure of the area is increased to a point hat whoever is in that area at the time of impact would be floored to the ground. This is easily dodged.
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Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave   Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeSun 05 Jul 2009, 6:56 pm

As the illusion began to re-apear as the rain did, the real revy remained hidden, one of the hidden clones used black rain jutsu, it began to rain oil instead of rain the oil coverd the top of tree, coverd the entire ground, everything was coverd in oul, but Deathwave wouldnt know considering his sight is gone and the oul didnt touch him so he wouldnt be able to feal its thickness, or hear it, it coverd the entire ground, trees and piled up very fast, the clone of revy stoped it once it coverd everything, it began to rain normaly, before the rain picked up, the real Revy wich was actualy above all the clouds un affected by enything going on threw a kunai down about 5 ft away from DeathWave, it had a explosive tag on it and blew up first thing it made contact, the entire area blew up igniteing in flames, DeathWave was at the base of the explosion so he would be the most affected by enything, it destroyed the clone Revys and blew the whole area up, Deathwaves main sences are gone so he would have no clue whats comeing his way.

"This battle is over..." Revy said as she watched the explosion.

Name: Water Element; Black Rain
Rank: A
Element: Water
Description: The most unique water elemental technique in that it doesn't actually use water. Instead it alters the chemical makeup of rain to turn it into black oil. After a large amount of water has turned into oil (which takes one post), it falls to the ground like rain. The oil in itself does little more then smell bad and cause people to slip, but when lit the resulting fire can be devastating. (Lasts until rain end, or is canceld by user)
Still in affect
2 More Posts

Name: Kouuton • Satsukiyami (Rain Release • Dark Night in the Rainy Season)
Rank: S
Element: Water, Earth
Description: Essentially this is the same as Kouuton: Jinkoukouu, with one major difference. This technique also envelopes the area in darkness with a Earth/Water technique. To the victim, the area becomes too dark to see properly, as if it were night. Added with the sound of the rain around, this effectively takes away three senses (sight, sound, smell). The victim cannot see well, cannot hear well, and the rain washes away odors, making smell useless for finding the enemy. Lasts for 10 Posts.
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Posts : 84
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Join date : 2009-06-22
Age : 35

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Village: Ex-Star Village

Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Empty
PostSubject: Re: Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave   Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitimeSun 05 Jul 2009, 7:29 pm

The body blew up. He had lost, Lost because of his own laziness to actually do something. The signal was sent to Akio. Akio was pleased with the information that he had gathered on his opponent. He chuckled a bit as he looked out the window sipping his tea. Maybe this one would be different. Maybe this girl would be the one he needed to find afterall. He stood up and walked out of the door. Vanishing into the nothingness that had hid him for so long. It was time to gather the material.

(Winner is Revy, For now.)
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PostSubject: Re: Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave   Revy Izumi vs. DeathWave Icon_minitime

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