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PostSubject: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeTue 01 Dec 2009, 11:00 pm

General Information:

Name: Takeo Mastudo.

Nickname/Alias: Demon of Sunagakure.

Weight: 40.2 kg

Height: 148.1cm

Age: 17

Gender: Male.

Looks: Takeo. 386px-Maqui2

A head sandy Blond choppy hair that falls down the side of his face, partially covering blue, eyes would be an easy thing to see in Takeo, the hair color it’s self is anything but natural, the days of training under the beating sun and the bijuu’s influence have made the boys hair extremely light compare how it was at birth. His crystal blue eyes stand out deeply against his slightly tanned skin.

The boy’s physic makes wearing his purple and black wind breaker a difficult task as iut does anything but hug Takeo’s lean build. Following down his body, next is a pair of green camouflage styled baggy pants with leather dirt brown weapon holders on both sides. Also upon his head is an updated version of his orange tinted goggles that hug his head in a rather complex manner.


Takeo is a rather shy and serious person that focuses mainly on his training and controlling the beast with in. He himself loses his confidence rather quickly but will fight as hard as possible to retain his safety and defense. Takeo is not exactly sound of mind as he will easily gain a twisted attitude the moment he gains the upper hand. The once energetic child has became reclusive as the beast slowly began to eat away at his mind, becoming shyer, not so sure what part of the personality belonged to him. The rapid personality is also due to the deprivation of sleep. Overall a confident child, who enjoys other people put has lost some of his outgoing personality due to the beast within.

Clan Information

Clan Name: N/A

Kekei Genkai: N/A

Clan Symbol: N/A

Clan History: N/A

Rank Information:

Rank: Genin.

Village: Sunagakure No Sato.

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu, Kanjutsu (applied to hammers0

Elemental Affinity: Earth/ Sand

Special Characteristics: First Tailed Jinchūriki.


Non elemental:

Name: Body flicker technique.
Rank: D
Element: none
Description: This jutsu is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and their intended destination.

Name: Clone technique.
Rank: E
Element: none
Description: This technique creates intangible copies of the user. The clones are simply illusions and will dissipate when they come into contact with something. The illusions can be seen through by the Byakugan and the Sharingan. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original, since the clones will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).

Name: Transformation technique
Rank: E
Element: none
Description: his jutsu allows the user to assume the appearance of another person, animal, or object. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Ninja Academy. Fundamentally, all ninja know this jutsu. The transformation technique is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques, since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts much mental strain on the inexperienced ninja.

Name: Replacement technique
Rank: E
Element: none
Description: This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with another nearby object, such as a plant (normally a section of a log), an animal, or even another person within reach, leaving the opponent open to a counter-attack. Exploding tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. Fundamentally, all ninja know this technique.

Sand Release:

Name: Sand Binding coffin (Sabaku Kyū)
Rank: C
Element: Sand.
Description: With his ability to control sand, Takeo encases his opponents in a large amount of the special chakra-infused sand kept inside his gourd, immobilizing them. It can be used to suffocate an opponent or in preparation for a deadlier technique, the Sand Waterfall Funeral. This appears to be Takeo's signature technique.

Name: Sand Waterfall Funeral (Sabaku Sōsō)
Rank: B
Element: Sand.
Description: After wrapping an opponent with sand, Takeo will cause the sand to implode and crush whatever is within. When used to kill a person, the death is so quick that there isn't even time to feel pain. The pressure also produces a sizable fountain of blood. Takeo can control the pressure used in the attack, which allows him to either break bones or completely liquefy an opponent.

Name: Shield of Sand (Suna no Tate)
Rank: B
Element: Sand.
Description: Whenever Takeo is about to come to harm, a shield of sand will automatically surround and protect him. The sand will react regardless of Takeo's will, even protecting him from self-inflicted injuries. The shield is capable of withstanding considerably strong attacks and projectiles, and can be hardened to a point where it's stronger than steel. It can be defeated by avoiding it completely with extremely high-speed attacks, or merely overcoming the shield with incredible brute force.

Name: Armor of Sand (Suna no Yoroi)
Rank: C
Element: Sand.
Description: Using this jutsu, Takeo can cover himself in a compacted layer of sand, providing an additional defense should his Shield of Sand fail. Though quite effective, maintaining the armor requires a large amount of chakra and stamina. Furthermore, it is nowhere as resilient as the Shield of Sand, since it easily breaks away upon impact, meaning that the sole purpose of the armor is to absorb impact channeled unto Takeo's body during battle. Another weakness is the additional weight of the sand means a decrease of speed and mobility.

Name: Third Eye (Daisan no Me)
Rank: C
Element: Sand.
Description: This jutsu creates a floating eyeball out of sand that is connected to Takeo's optic nerves. Takeo can control the size of the eye depending on its use. Its main purpose is spying, since it can form and disperse in any location on command. He also uses it while within his Sphere of Sand so he can see what's happening outside.

Name: Sphere of Sand (Suna no Tama)
Rank: B
Element: Sand.
Description: Takeo surrounds himself with his Shield of Sand to guard against attacks. He then uses the Third Eye to watch his opponents' movements and control sand as necessary to battle them. In addition to being extremely dense, this sand-sphere can form spikes from its surface to spear any would-be attacker. Takeo can also use this technique to shield himself from his opponent long enough to perform his transformation into the One-Tailed Shukaku. With sufficient force, such as a A ranked Lightning Technique, this defense can be broken through.

Name: Prison Sand Burial (Gokusa Maisō)
Rank: B
Element: Sand.
Description: Using his ability to manipulate sand, Takeo will loosen the ground below his targets and cause them to sink two hundred meters into the earth. By being imprisoned at this depth, the pressure will completely nullify their ability to move. Also, the pressure resulting from being buried at such an extreme depth would surely kill any normal human, if not from suffocation, although Kimimaro did survive the experience because of his bone strength.

Name: Quicksand In the Style of a Waterfall (Ryūsa Bakuryū)
Rank: A
Element: Sand.
Description: This jutsu sends a massive amount of sand towards an opponent in the form of a wave, covering and "drowning" them in an ocean of sand. In addition to the wave effect of the jutsu, Takeo can control the sand, allowing him to attack his opponent while they attempt to outrun the wave. When Takeo used it, he shown that the technique can be so powerful as to change the landscape, as takeo turned acres of forest land into nothing but a desert with occasional trees. This appears to be the only one of Takeo's moves that requires hand seals, It is usually followed by an area crushing technique to kill the opponent.

Name: Sand clone Technique (Suna Bunshin no Jutsu)
Rank: C
Element: Sand.
Description: Takeo creates a copy of himself out of sand, although it lacks color and is immediately recognizable as sand. This means that it is almost useless as a decoy. Unlike most bunshinjutsu, the clone still retains its shape after it is struck, and can even ensnare whatever comes into contact with it.

Name: Sand Drizzle (Suna Shigure)
Rank: C
Element: Sand.
Description: An alternative to Sand Coffin, Takeo simply gathers sand from the earth and makes it come down like a rain, targeting his opponents from above. To make sure the rain hits its mark, it can be combined with Sand Binding Coffin to immobilize the target.

Name: Sand Shuriken (Suna Shuriken)
Rank: D
Element: Sand.
Description: Once Takeo begins transforming into Shukaku, or just making use of his preexisting sand he can launch shuriken made from sand. Unlike regular shuriken, these are merely fast-moving balls of sand that cause blunt trauma, not actual wounds. They are thrown much faster than regular shuriken; therefore, the pain caused can be considerable.

Name: Sand Waterfall Imperial Funeral (Sabaku Taisō)
Rank: B
Element: Sand.
Description: Following the Quicksand in the Style of a Waterfall, Takeo slams both hands palm down into the sand, creating powerful shock waves that compress the sand. Anything buried in the sand is subsequently crushed. The compressions also creates massive earthquakes.

Name: Sky Sand Protective Wall (Kūsa Bōheki)
Rank: A
Element: Sand.
Description: This air defense technique creates a giant shield of sand that is suspended in mid-air by raising a great amount of sand from the ground. By gathering the best possible mineral-rich sand, the hardness of the shield is considered to be very high. Furthermore, the sand has its defensive strength raised by flowing chakra through it.

Name: Ultimately Hard Absolute Attack: Spear of Shukaku (Shukaku no Hoko)
Rank: A
Element: Sand.
Description: The Spear of Shukaku is the attack variant of the Shield of Shukaku. Like the shield, Takeo crushes the hardest materials from the ground, this time in the form of a Halberd, in the shape of the Shukaku's arm. Just like the shield which has yet to find anything that could break its defense, the halberd has yet to find a defense that it can't break through.

Name: Ultimately Hard Absolute Defense: Shield of Shukaku (Shukaku no Tate)
Rank: A
Element: Sand.
Description: This defensive technique is formed by Takeo to create a toy-like replica of the Shukaku that is roughly twice the size of himself. Because the replica is formed under extreme pressure and is built of the strongest minerals it is virtually indestructible, having yet to be penetrated by any force. The attack variant of the Shield of Shukaku is the Ultimately Hard Absolute Attack: Spear of Shukaku.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:

Childhood: Takeo was born on the outskirts of the Sand village, he was born to the Parents Haro Mastudo and Kirin Nero. Keeping there child a secret Haro and Kirin were feared for there lives as the village would shame them and desert at the first sign of weakness. Having a baby in there teen years could end one's Shinobi Career and in those times the Sand Had different methods of eliminating problems, it could be said it was a different place back then... And so they cast the boy aside letting him Be raised at the orphanage, But when the boy was just a few months old and Suna had Recently Captured Shikaku and they looked to find a host. Try after try the host failed, Shikaku was too much for many willing shinobi to carry. He was much like a burden some wanted him for revenge some for there own self worth. But as many had tried and failed risking there lives for a worthless dream, there came along a boy no one new who he was. After countless lives lost The kazekage turned to the orphanage as a last resort, but as the head grounds keeper denied him excess the kazekage became outraged demanding he have the boys. But no the man persisted, and so the kazekage turned to his loyal and trusting shinobi, and like pawns they moved in killing everyone who stopped him form his goal. After a few more months of trying Shikaku found a perfect host someone weak unlikely out of the ordinary someone no one would of picked.. His name was Takeo, he definatly looked to be the most fragile out of all the Orphans but no the less Shikaku saw something that suprised him, the boy had the will to live.

Academy: As the years seemed to pass quickly the boy found the ability to harness chakra on his own, and so he was pushed into the academy by the kazekage. Everyone noticed early that he had a great talent for ninjutsu being able to harness sand and slowly unlock hidden talents Shikaku layed out for him. And so the boy carried on only spending about 4 years in the academy he easily graduated top of his class, but one day a man came to visit which was out of the ordinary. He exclaimed how he was Takeo's father and how he wanted to take him away from all this, but takeo turned him down telling the man that his place was here and if he was truly his father he would of came along time ago. Shortly the boy Graduated becoming a genin awaiting many adventures to come.


As a genin, Takeo was trained to the extreme by his kage to be able to function using his bijuu so he was not a living target for Akatsuki. After 3 years worth of training the young genin competed in the chuunin exams and eventually passes wit many hardships, his body damaged but his mind was strengthened as he entered the next stage of his life.

Rp Sample:

Last edited by Kaiju on Wed 02 Dec 2009, 2:50 am; edited 7 times in total
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Takeo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeTue 01 Dec 2009, 11:21 pm

When i Accumulate enough posts i will use this Account.

Genkou Said i Was allowed Shikaku.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Takeo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeTue 01 Dec 2009, 11:33 pm

True..but since your a Genin..some of those techs cannot be used. Also rank them.
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Revy Izumi
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Takeo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 12:35 am

Are you freezing Artemis for this character?
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PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 12:45 am

Yes Artemis is locked.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Takeo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 1:29 am

You can only have 1 element at Genin
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 1:36 am

Ok, you have my approval. But wait for one more approval, since you have a Bijuu
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Takeo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 2:54 am

You got Tamekaze Approval. And because of the Sand Element.
I'll Shall Train you my young Genin.
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Takeo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeFri 04 Dec 2009, 8:15 pm

Since i cannot have two characters, im closing Takeo Mastudo. So with Genkou's permission someone else may take Shikaku.
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Takeo. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitimeFri 18 Dec 2009, 2:20 am

Yea someone was supposed to take controll over this character... so im just going to make a new one..
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PostSubject: Re: Takeo.   Takeo. Icon_minitime

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