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 Destruction of Kumogakure

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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeSun 03 Jan 2010, 3:24 am

Tenshin walked threw the gates of Kumo. A small cold breeze went by moving Tenshin hair to the side. He then seen that the village was doing there normal daily activity. Tenshin then had a clone of himself step out from behind him and with that. He smiled at it, He nodded at the clone then the clone vanished. Tenshin then waited like Ten Second before he seen a big explosion. When he seen that he walk forward and then drew his sword. Tenshin then ran past three people and and then his blood was dripping with blood. With that the people he ran past died cut in two. He then smiled and then one by one killed the villages. Tenshin then walk into a shop with his new bloody clothing. He changed his clothing into new cleaner ones. With that he walk out the shop whistling as his blade rested on hi shoulder. Shining as it began to ran down on the village he smiled. Thunder clouds moved in and made it much more dramatic.

Tenshin wore a mask over the left half of his face. The mask is a plain white, with a black cross where his eye would be. Over this mask and the other eye, he also wore a pair of rimless glasses. Tenshin wears his crimson hair long and straight, the bangs going down to his chin, and the rest going just below his shoulder blades. Tenshin was in a formal outfit, with a nice shirt, vest, jacket, and tie. This suit is generally in neutral colors such as gray and white. Tenshin's eyes are a duller version of the burning crimson of his hair, which appears again in both his eyebrows and the thin soul patch found just below his lower lip. He is also wearing white gloves over his hands, like a true gentleman, so he won't get his hands dirty. Tenshin suit is finished off with a pair of black dress shoes.

Tenshin then seen his clothing became wet and just didn't care and just continued to walk. He walk to the gates as his clone killed off the other people. He sat down by the gtates and waited for his partne to show up so they could start this party early. So in the time being he sat wih his hands in his pocket as it rained. Tenshin was waiting on a battle to go down. He was ready to kill whoever walk in his path and tried to stop him from achieveing his goal to destroy Kumogakure once and for all.
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Kaze Daizaemon

Kaze Daizaemon

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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeSun 03 Jan 2010, 4:21 am

Kaze clenched his fists as he came up walking through the path of blood. In front of him yet still far enough away to be completely safe from the blast Kaze witnessed a large explosion at the base of the Cloud village. His new ally Tenshin Nara was what the cloud used to be to him. That mattered not. There were 4 of them working together in some form or fashion now. So Kaze sighed and simply continued walking seeing a small boy running up to him and punching him in the gut. However the small child was not strong enough to hurt the man known as Kaze. Kaze laughed and grabbed the kid by the hair. Picking him up and staring at him in the face allowing the kid to take in his new appearance.

Kaze's own hair covered most of his face now. A slight dye of his hair had transformed it from dark black into a brownish coloring. His clothing consisted of simply white cloth wrapped around him over and over again to provide maximum ability and comfort for battles up close and for being torn apart because these clothes were easily replaceable. The kid tried to take it all in. Kaze in the meantime turned his head sideways looking at the kid. "The Baby wants to be badass like me ha!" Kaze spit right in the kids face getting some in his eye and then still holding him up to his 6 foot 5 height Kaze used his raw muscle mass to spin in a complete circle finally throwing the kid age 12 or so into the air. The boy rose into the air because of Kaze's immense power in physical attributes but that didn't matter. He wouldn't die by way of splat. Kaze simply spoke one last time for the kid to hear him as he said. "Boom Chika If you didn't wanna die a virgin don't hit someone stronger than you in the gut when your still a kid." Kaze removed his blade from his back and slashed across at the ground under the kid. Right as he fell before he hit the ground and broke his bones the water rose and froze into a solid ball of ice. The kid trapped inside barely alive if so at all. Kaze then smiled and ran over to the ice with his speed and strength combined he punched the ball after sheathing his blade on his back and shattering the ball of ice causing the shards to fly off and stab many random people.

Kaze next continued walking down the path of destruction after the child was killed and came to another man. A jounin of the village who had decided to run away. Mistake to run from your loyalties. Once you chose a path running was not an option. Switching maybe depending on the circumstances but not running from it. Kaze Jumped in front of this man towering above him as he fearfully ran into him. Kaze laughed and punched one hand into his fist staring at the small jounin male standing about 14 inches or 15 inches shorter than himself. Kaze then punched this man in the gut his body opening to his blow and allowing Kaze's hand to enter his body. After entering Kaze fished around for what he was looking for. Pulling out the man's stomach from his body and laughing at the man. Kaze took from his pocket the one extra thing he brought on this endeavor. A salt shaker and threw most of it into the man's gaping intestinal and stomach wounds causing him to agaonize and fall apart on the ground in raw pain. Kaze laughed as he put his bare foot on the man's head when he got more still than when he was writing about the salt. Kaze then pressed down keeping just back from crushing his head and said "Don't eat so much salt. Terrible for you diet." Kaze then took a single knife and gave it a single lick from his wet tongue and sliced the man's head off. Before the blood stopped Kaze threw the head into the air and with another Kunai threw it with immense power and basically nailed the head to the wall of some female chunin rank ninja's house.

Kaze knew the female Chunin was the owner of the house because that is who screamed and ran outside and attacked him by a barrage of Kunai knives. Kaze swung his blade simply and the water that landed in front of him formed around the knives and turned them into a giant icy ball. Kaze kicked the ball in the female's direction and it exploded into many knives as it flew at her. THe shards and knives destroyed most of the female's body but just to be a douche Kaze took out his kunai knife and carved a giant hole in her 'private parts'. Removing them from her body and placing them to the side of her. Kaze then carved into what was left of her belly and chest the following statements. In the name of God, Stop being a whore. Kaze then turned a paper bomb over and wrote on it If only she read her body sooner. he then placed it on her body and left. As soon as people would read it and a crowd would gather in case some survived this massacre Kaze would detonate the note and cause a large explosion taking out everyone reading about the female that Kaze determined was a whore because she simply came at him and didn't use everything she had to attack someone stronger than her. It was a stupid move. Really if she knew he was stronger which she obviously did because of his size and the way that he killed someone higher ranked than her the only way she wouldn't have come at him with everything is if she was trying to lose. So she did and the cost of her dominance fetish for men to beat her in battle was death and to have her body desecrated and viewed as a whore.

Kaze next decided to massacre a civilian fat cat building. He never cared about politics until it came to war and tactics and combat. However now that he did care about politics he cared about exactly those things but with the politicians themselves. Breaking into the building where the people who made the decisions of which ninja lived and which died was Kaze's next mission on this raid. Kaze entered and 20 men stared at him most in fear but a few in defiance. Kaze took a knife from his pouch and said. "Fuckers lets dance. You decide who died in war and I decide which of you die and in what order." The men turned to eachother and yelled for help. A few ninja could be hear outside yelling up at them running from Tenshin's attacks saying. "Do it yourself fuckin politician war machines." Kaze made a tsk tsk noise before throwing his knife at the closest of them who was one who was in defiance at least in appearance. His knife pierced the man's testicles and before he knew what was going on Kaze was under him and taking his blade and cutting upwards cutting the man in half and covering his white rags in blood. Kaze then turned to the rest. He spoke to them again. "Oh the irony of me coming in and killing you all personally. I don't think that you really have a chance against me personally. However I am not so arrogant that I will not allow you to have a chance. So come and hit me with whatever you got. I will stand completely still while each of you take your turn." The first ten ran at him at once attacking with fists and kicks and headbutts and sweeps each taking no damage on the body built Kaze Daizaemon. Kaze simply laughed and spun around flailing his arms causing them to fly off of him and 2 of them out the windows. Kaze then took his hand claws and ran at the 9 that had not attacked them and did the following.

"1,2,4,5,6,7 and a 8 and number 9." Were the words that came from the mouth of Kaze Daizaemon as he slaughtered these 9 men. To number 1 he punched right in the face nice and simple and deadly because of his power causing his skull to break and pierce his brain. The second Kaze didn't move from his position and kicked up at the man's nose and it went up and into his brain because of Kaze's powerful kick. Kaze then turned around and grabbed two of them and slammed them into eachother so hard in their heads that they basically entered eachothers brains. With their own. Next Kaze aimed a kick into the crotch of a man while with his other hand he took a knife and stabbed it into the chest of the man who just had his testicles broken by a boot. Kaze then grabbed the next man and jumped up with him in his arms slamming him against the ceiling while at the same time stabbing him in the back of the head. Kaze then dropped back and grabbed the eigth man and palmed his head and held him out the window and like a rug slammed his body against the side of the building in front of the people running and trying to escape burning buildings. All they saw was a bloody mess fall to the ground with a crack. And finally the ninth of these men was killed by Kaze grabbed his head and squeezing fairly hard as he spoke "and number nine" and his head crushed in his hands. Kaze laughed as he was now basically all covered in blood. Even his hair had caught some of the slaughter. There was no 3 inch area that he was not covered in blood.

Turning back to the 9 who attacked him Kaze arranged them in a cirlce. He was growing more and more bored of such antics and drew his blade. He then spoke to them. "I will allow you to leave if you stay still for 2 full slashes of my blade. After these 2 I will stand back and say leave give you 5 seconds before I leave myself." Kaze then slashed and water covered all of the men but all but 1 stayed still. The one ran away out the door. Kaze then slashed again immediatly causing the water to rise up into a ball of ice. Kaze then whistled as he picked up the large ball of basically dead politicians and threw it out the door at the finaly man causing it to crush his body udner the weight and power of an icy ball made of 8 other men who shared his fate.

Finally Kaze decided to come and see Tenshin. Tenshin Nara his partner in crime basically at this point. Kaze laughed aloud at this point and walked grabbing a running by man by the chest and flinging him into the fire. Kaze walked back to the gates of the village where his partner was waiting. It seemeed in the heat of the moment Kaze had gotten himself carried away and walked away from the whole mess of things that he was supposed to wait for Tenshin to start. However he had destroyed and lit some buildings on fire so he himself must have backtracked some to meet him. However he didn't know how he passed Tenshin. Maybe he had come back while he was killing someone. Oh well it mattered not what was happening. So finally arriving Kaze turned his head around to see a little kid throw senbon at him. It hit his clothes because he hadn't seen it coming until it was very close. Kaze turned around and pulled the senbon from his cloth and stabbed the senbon into the kids eye after catching his running ass immediatly. Kaze then pulled his eye out of his head and while the kid screamed in pain Kaze licked his lips at the eyeball as he wrapped the string like thing on the end of it up like spaghetti on a fork and then finally when the kid opened his mouth again the scream Kaze rammed his own eyeball into his mouth and forced him to chew and swallow. Kaze laughed and knocked the unbalanced kid on his ass and watched him run from the village. Allowing this one kid to escape but with more pain that a lot of people he killed already. Finally turning to Tenshin Kaze spoke. "So you ready for Saruno and his guard?"
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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeSun 03 Jan 2010, 8:17 pm

Zento walk walking around the cloud village felt something was odd. He jumped in the air and was hiding. He pulled out his puppet and the strings on it were unseen and he was having the puppet walk to were the place he felt was bad to go to. He looked at them. It was Kaze and some other guy. He walked up to it. "Hello. I don't think we had the time to meet. my name Zento." He said. "I am of your old rank Jounin." He smiled. He walked up to Kaze and pulled out his kunai. He shot it at him and Was flying at him and he ran at him with a vary fast speed. He jumped in the air and did not pull out his scrolls because they were not the real scrolls for his puppets. They were on the real one. He did know why they were doing this and what they wanted. He smiled as he was hiding and knows that this puppet is a fake and that he could destroy it in a second. He smiled and waits to see what he will do.

(sorry i was lazy)
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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 04 Jan 2010, 8:16 pm

A small hurry of wind shifted through the area, a blast of a small, if not tiny sphere of blackish chakra swirling through the currents of wind and down towards the Nine beginning to fight down below. It swirled and curled downwards and over towards the ground, and to the middle of the ranks of nine. It began to spark in hundreds of thousands of sparks, being of a small size was nearly intensive, but noticeable by the amount of power being released, but not totally released from it. It was a smaller, yet more condensed version of the Kage Raikou. It was released only moments earlier from the very top of the Raikage tower in the middle of the village. It was launched from the very point of the window of the office, and only very few Jounin, including Kaze and a couple others knew of his techniques and could try and dodge it. But it was inevitable.

It was starting to glow slightly from the motions of energy around it, and what was condensed inside of it, but it would end the same, in a big-ass explosion. Only a small image of the Raikage was shown at the window of his office window, on the very top of the Building. He wanted to know what the idiots below him could do, but it was a price to pay in case the explosion was too far and explosive for his Jounin to move. He needed to get rid of this, 'Yotobi' Problem. He's known about them for months.

[Short as f***ing hell.]]
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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeWed 06 Jan 2010, 9:11 pm

((Kinda Meta Gamed there because only known Yotobi is Tenshin Nara, but I'll post anyway. Just don't do it again. Also You never posted what Jutsu you did so I going to void it. Also this post is lame and I hate what i just posted. I need to get back into this somehow. Rping beganing to bore me.))

Tenshin Nara look at The unknown jounin that walk up to the group. This man seem to have been wearing all red with a crazy look on his face. A look of bloodlust. His ht was tip over his face. Shadowing his eyes out of the view point of Tenshin and Kaze himself. He then watched As tis jounin spoke. Then Tenshin drew his sword." My name is a bit confusing it means many thins when you hear it. Depends on alot of things." He then watch the man ignore him and go and striked Kaze. Tenshin then stabbed his sword into the ground. " Why does every strike that man first." He said in a low voice low enough so only his sword heard. He then began to lean against his sword. Tenshin then look up into the air. The rain seem to be coming down harder. He then smiled and Thought how usefull this would be for him in battle. He then closed his eyes and as soon as he did lighting came down and struck the floor on the side o him creating a crater in the ground. Tenshin then opened his eyes and placed his sword on his shoulder after ripping it out the ground. He smiled and looked at The Raikage office as it began to light up with joy. He then thought to himself for a few seconds beofre speaking to Kaze. " A look it seems the Raikage has woken up to that exploding alarm clock i sent him. I glad he woke up. Know maybe the fun can began. I grow bored standing around. Watching you kill people. Don't get me wrong it is really relaxing watching you kill. It makes me smile, as well as learn new killing styles you kids seem to use these days. You kids really found new ways to kill people faster i do say. It very injoyable too watch. " Tenshin said as he started to clap his hands given Kaze his probs. He then stood in the rain and awaited for someone or something to show.

((Not in the mood also I'll be away for a while school. ))
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Kaze Daizaemon

Kaze Daizaemon

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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeWed 06 Jan 2010, 9:51 pm

OOC: Tenshin I think is requesting we continue ignoring him but not attacking him. Pretend he is just a spectator.

Kaze stood there watching. He had very little to do as far as actually defending himself. He spotted the small dot of lightning emerging from the towering Raikage's tower and as it came closer Kaze began a string of handseals. As for this Jounin who had spoken so rudely and unofficial as far as the combat situation went. However he could not be blamed because if Kaze blamed him he would be a definate hypocrit and therefore would be unable to face this man in the face. That was however not the true meaning of this fight. So Kaze just ignored his rude speech and waited. From behind this jounin came a bright sphere and Kaze was going to use the unfortunate match up of attacks from the raikage and this jounin coming at him.

As the ball came at him at the same time the Jounin did Kaze immediatly sunk to the ground in an not unlike kneeling position however this had a difference purpose than the actual goal of prostrating himself. He slammed his hands on the ground creating a solid wall of earth that came up from the ground. The jounin that called himself Zento would run into this wall however that would do nothing on its own. The fast moving attack of the jounin's apparent partner in this battle for they both had the same goal in the end would come right about to where the Jounin would be enevitably because of his rushing attack.

At the point when this ball arrived and detonated Kaze would be protected by two lines in the way of fire instead of just his earth wall that would probably take the blast and simply dissapear beacuse of the structural damage. However Zento being a close combat kind of person and running into Kaze and hitting the wall in front of him would be in the direct line of the ball exploding and even if he began to move away the detonation would still be so close to him and with the lightning powered explosion enhanced in power and range most likely destroying the Jounin on the spot incinerating him. Kaze laughed as he watched this and as his wall went down after taking the damage that would get through the wall went down as Kaze took a step forward and stared forward at where he expected the Raikage to show himself at Kaze put a finger to his mouth and pretended to be a small innocent girl and spoke in a sarcastic tone because he knew the raikage was listening to him.

"Awwwwweeeee I don't tink dat was apposed to appen to dat guy." Kaze cracked up slapping his knee in the matter that would describe he thought it was hilarious. However he was still involved in the combat situation. He changed into a deeper tone that commanded an authoratative tone as well as just the air of raw power and dignity above the world around him and spoke. "HONESTLY DO YOU THINK THAT KIND OF CRAP IS GOING TO EVEN GET NEAR ME." Kaze knew that this Raikage man was not going his all and he would be an idiot if he assumed a single ball of lightning was his best. However the Raikage had to realize that he had no hope of victory and that was why he was hiding away in his tower. Kaze gave a sad face and went back to his little innocent girl voice. "OH no dat towa is too tall for little old me. I don't think I could EVER! climb to the top of that giant tower. oooooo" Kaze just laughed at the irony of his words and waited for another response or another attack from Saruno Kazura.

Name: Doton Doroku Gaeshi
Rank: C
Element: Earth
Description: A skill where the user slams there hands onto the ground, flipping up an area of earth to form a wall able to protect him from incoming attacks. Capable of deflecting metallic objects and various jutsu.
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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeThu 07 Jan 2010, 12:33 am

Zento looked at the attacks coming to his puppet and then let all of them hit. The puppet was in peaces and then he let out some blood from parts he had so that it looked real. He then had the puppet get back together and then with peaces of him all over he looked messed up. He noded his head at the man and walked away. The puppet was gone and back at the scroll Zento had. He made it look like he was dead. He left the village without any one seeing him leave. He left and went to the yotobi base or he was not with them.
(Exit sorry it's so short.)
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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeThu 07 Jan 2010, 4:08 pm

Zento wrote:
Zento looked at the attacks coming to his puppet and then let all of them hit. The puppet was in peaces and then he let out some blood from parts he had so that it looked real. He then had the puppet get back together and then with peaces of him all over he looked messed up. He noded his head at the man and walked away. The puppet was gone and back at the scroll Zento had. He made it look like he was dead. He left the village without any one seeing him leave. He left and went to the yotobi base or he was not with them.
(Exit sorry it's so short.)

(sorry i forgot to add that i dropped a smoke bomb so my puppet was unseen)
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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeFri 08 Jan 2010, 8:30 pm

A strike of lightning pounded through the area as Saruno himself had taken over any and all clouds and thunderheads around the village, himself stepping onto the roof of his large building, his cloak flowing violently with the ever passing wind across the top. It was windy when it got higher in the air, and it got more violent even higher up. His hair brushed past his eyes and face, covering it some as a black aura covered nearly half of the village. He was pissed, he was angry at the ones who have killed within his village. Neutral while being attacked? Who would be so cowardly, who would be so foolish? His blood red eyes were sparkling with a dark vibe, as if being able to be seen 80 stories below, his wings unfolding as he reached the top step, then the top of the building, his feet standing firm on the top of the tower. Not hearing the dumbass remarks below him, his arms reaching outwards around him, a powerful surge of lightning pounding against his left palm, and letting it surge across his being, and back into the sky. "You've trespassed into my Village, you have slaughtered innocent lives, you all are Yotobi." his dark, stern voice began to say, the wind carrying it's sound waves down to the shinobi below him, and around the entire village. It would usually shock if not scare anyone that would hear his voice, as his right palm raised towards the sky, along with his left.

A powerful motion of his chakra filled the air as it began to condense into a large-ass sphere above him, a few thunder waves blasting it's sound all across the village. A lightning strike blasted from the clouds all around him as they all hurled themselves into the sphere, making it far bigger, but condensing it as it went along. The lightning ceased after a while as he glared down to the few below him, his wings unfolding and aiming outwards in an elegant, god-like stance, his arms held above him. "Do not mock your god." he said quietly, but still audible. Power raged through the area, blasting the air with almost scary amounts of excess chakra, shaking the ground, and even the tower below him. He wasn't a force to be messed with. Not at all.
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Kaze Daizaemon

Kaze Daizaemon

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Destruction of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Destruction of Kumogakure   Destruction of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeSun 10 Jan 2010, 12:37 am

Kaze looked up into the air and stared at Saruno and his giant forming lightning ball. He didn't fire it at him and that was a plus for the most part. Kaze would have to attack back if the giant lightning ball attacked him. THat would not be a pleasent experience for Saruno much more than with Kaze. Kaze sighed and called up to the Raikage and laughed while speaking. "Your precious pronounced sweet heart Ryu has been taken captive by my associates. Please Mr. Raikage go save her and deal with me later in your godlyness. Follow the ones known as Cocaine and Zento. THey have her." Kaze laughed and turned around beginning to leave the city. He would turn and attack if he himself was attacked.

[exit if im not attacked]
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