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 Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure

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Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 3:50 pm

Kitaro arrived at his house on his lightning dragon lv 1 and his new little friend. A Or E Cen Tell Uh. Or Aori Centella depending on how used you were to saying the name. Just like Kitaro and Keetawo. The dragon landed and dissapated and Kitaro stood there holding a 10 year old girl. He took her into his house and made her some soup simply because Kitaro knew she was hungry.

Kitaro planned on eating then sleeping then beginning an intense training and living course that through 1 year of which would turn this 10 year old genius girl into an S rank ninja capable of killing almost any enemy as well as helping hundreds of people with just 1 hand. Of course the girl would end up being about 20 years old maybe 18 if they were lucky by the time that the training was over.

Kitaro sat at the table and slowly began to eat his soup and he watched the girl intentently trying to see if she knew about food. That would mean that at some point she had human interaction before. "Aori come and eat your dinner. Tell me what worldly elements, you know like the lightning in the sky, to the fires across the ground to the ground itself, the water that covers the earth, you know those kinds of things. Which of those do you think you are most associated with Aori Centella."
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 4:05 pm

Being carried into the home, she smiled. It looked rather comfortable inside despite the rocky and wooden exterior. She liked the mountains for they were peaceful solidified and isolated from the rest of the world. As she scurried upon the eating corridor, Kitaro had quickly prepared a soup for her to eat, and so - Seeing him pat a seat as she looked at him, she jumped up on the chair and began to chow down, eating the soup with haste. She certainly had never had anything that tasted quite this good before. This new life was worth 10 years of pain and loneliness.

As she once again listened intently to his questions, she pointed out the fact that she knew how to eat by properly using a spoon, and eventually about 5 minutes after use, she 'mastered' how to use chopsticks. Elements.. Lightning.. Fires.. She thought. The words echoed inside of her mind. Finishing her soup, she picked the boul up and slurped the rest of the broth down her throat. She stood up, and walked to the front of the house, outside - nudging her head for Kitaro to follow her. "Fowwow me Keetawo." She says, cutely. Then, as she stood there she formed 3 hand seals extremely quick, her hands blurred. Suddenly, barrowing out from nothing - a bird-like creature that was created of pure lightning began to appear, and multiplied into an array of about 5 or 6. They surrounded her and she looked at Kitaro, smiling wide. "I knu wightning.." She says, then as she made the ravens go up, she waved her arms in slow circles, finishing the seal by placing one hand above her hand in a rat-symbol, and one hand just below her tummy, the same symbol. Suddenly, she kicked the ground and spun her body in a quick circular motion, like that of Neji. As she spun, the flames spread in every direction, slowly deminishing as it kindled among the rock exterior of the mountains she stood upon. ".. Fy-uw.." She said, smiling again. Then creating the seal of the dragon a clone of Aori appeared beside her and oddly enough, they both smiled and quirked their heads in a tilted manner to the left. Then as they both spoke, their voices set a simultaenous tone to them. "Und wind."
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PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 4:16 pm

Kitaro reached into his pocket and pulled out a 7 inch object. It was a small gun and he aimed it at the girl. he hoped she would understand why he had to do to this and hopefully this would give Kitaro an idea of how much the girl could stand in the training. Kitaro shot the gun at the girl. [The gun does whatever the person hit thinks it will do basically in a genjutsu way].

Kitaro was interested that she already knew some things. Lightning Fire and Wind. Kitaro was an expert in Lightning and Fire but wind was his weakest field. She would probably have to find another sensei to train for Wind or go into the training world and practice with wind for a long time and determine and dedicate herself to wind to master it. If only she had said Lightning fire and water.

Kitaro started talking again. "Tell me Aori right now what is happening to you. This is kind of heavy to hold so im gonna put it away but while im doing that and whatever is going on tell me what you see and what kind of emotions you are feeling in there. It will help me teach you what I know later." Kitaro asked her this while he put the 200 gun away back into his pocket brushing his sword as he put the gun back into his pocket. Kitaro waited for a response.

Name- Mafna Gun
Height- 6" barrel, with a 1' bayonet
Effect- This wepon mafs your na.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 5:32 pm

As he pointed the gun at her she got slightly frightened, for she had never seen that type of mechanism before. At he pulled the trigger she stumbled back as an array of bullet-like creations flew in her direction. Fear struck her as she began to swirl into a dimension she would've never thought possible of happening to her. Suddenly, as the bleak darkness arose from the grounds beneath her it seemed as though she was weightless; yet extremely frightened due to the captivity of the shadows that were held before her. She had no clue what was going on, better yet not even know why Kitaro would have done this to her. As she stood completely stiff and still, her mind drew pictures of her former mother, Reidou - and the pack she lead with all of her "brothers, and sisters." She was happy. Once again, her mother had come and rescued her from the darkness and destruction. Suddenly from an unseen area, a kunai had been thrown at high speeds and pierced through the neck of the pack leader. She fell with a loud growl in an attempt to call for help. From the shadows multiple Uchiha ninja began to swarm the pack, and they fought with all of their might to stay content and victorious. Yet, in the end - The pack had fallen and as Aori ran towards her family, it seemed the further she got, the further they got from her. She began to cry and weep as though her heart had been broken once again.

As she still heard Kitaro's voice, in reality - She dropped to her knees. "REIDOU!! DAILI! KAIZA!!" She screamed fiercely, and this was not the voice she had once possessed - for this was darkened and evil. It was an essence of the hate the Centella clan had for the Uchiha. All around the small figure, electricity splurges occured, sending miniature shockwaves throughout the area as well as being able to hear small booming sounds. Her chakra became visible as her anger and hatred grew within her heart. Her chakra was not in a bubbling-spiritual form at all, rather - Lightning. The bolts exerted from around her body and her hidden power began to leak out. Her eyes became pitch black and small electric distortion occured from her body if looking at her, making the entire mountain seem blurry. "Ah......" She couldn't even speak, her body was not ready for such massive power; it needed more time. Her voice was broken, and her heart had been filled with hate.
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PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 5:48 pm

Kitaro went over to her and scooped her up into his arms again. He had no intention of starting the training right now so he took the girl into his house. He knew that he would have to do something or she would need some time and some rest before she would be ready to do anything even remotely called training. So Kitaro took her to a small guest bedroom in his house. The only room where Kitaro had not etched writings of his past in the wall.

Kitaro began to work again on the girl. Kitaro had a wierd way of doing this but he thought this may work. Kitaro created a water clone next to him which then shrank into an almost invisible speck. Kitaro then inserted the speck into the weakened and hate filled Aori's ear. It then spoke softly to her as it worked its way to her brain where there it would use Kitaro's knowledge of the human brain to basically tranquilize the girl. Afterwards the clone would liquidize itself keeping the girl calm the whole time while the operation was done.

Kitaro then went off into the other room and began to work on another soup while he carved into a free spot in the wall a picture of the girl and a brief description of there meeting in the Konoha woods. It was what Kitaro always did when he came back. Recorded everything that had ever happened to him in this world and the other world and put it on his wall or in his training cave. Kitaro finished the soup and waited for the girl to wake up hopefully relaxed now.

Water clone jutsu
rank C
type: ninjutsu
a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited however, it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state.

speck jutsu
rank C
turns the user into an almost invisible speck. The user is then sometimes mistaken as sand specks in the or when the light is bad usually not seen.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 6:31 pm

As he scooped her up into his arms, her hate dissipated, and the distortion lessened, becoming visible once more. She closed her eyes, and got light headed. As he rushed her into the room, the world around her seemed to flash a rainbow of multiple colors, and she felt like she was being carried by the wind or means of gravity itself. As she felt a cooled sensation seeming to rest within her head, she got knocked out cold in process of Kitaro's surgery.

She awakes up several minutes later, her body slightly sore - yet she was taller, and she seemed to be older seeing as how she had grown breasts she hadnt had previously. She thought differently, and this was all shocking news to her. She lifted herself up and off of the comforting bed, and walked into the living area where she saw Kitaro standing there, seeming to wait for her to wake up. He looked rather concerned so she asked him if anything was wrong. "Kitaro, is there any problem or any type of feeling or emotion that is currently bothering you?" She thought quickly after hearing herself speak. Oh my god.. My voice! My lisp is gone! She was excited, she looked at Kitaro dazzled and amazed. What was going on? She began walking towards him, still waiting for a response.
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PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 6:43 pm

Kitaro saw that the long time that Aori thought she spent in the other dimmension had come true and transfered with her. While she slept she wasn't really there she was in the other world being taught. Whether she remembered that or not Kitaro didn't know he didn't even remember half of the stuff that happened to him in the other world. But now she was probably 16 or so and by Kitaro's best judgement probably Jounin rank [A rank] Ninja.

Kitaro had taught her the jutsu that she would need to know probably. [those are already on your app so yeah. You can use any jutsu up to A rank now and your a teenager and skipped puberty time]. Kitaro decided that this was the last time that he took someone in and trained them like this. This girl was the first and last of Kitaro's other wordly trainee's. She was probably mentally insane now that she spent 6 years training non stop without food water or rest because she felt the need but was not able to stop.

"Well wasn't that artistic speaking of yourself. Do you rememebr anything that happened over the last oh six years of your life? Hopefully you do cause that was what I would like to call quality time if anything." Kitaro laughed. Constant training for 6 years with just talking between was probably not the most pleasent experience but at least they understood eachother now. Kitaro waited for her to respond but this time he cleared his face. She had gotten good at reading them and the world switch got Kitaro all wierded out on what skils she had and what skills he had.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 6:58 pm

She thought thoroughly to herself, then looked down - noticing the increasing size of her breasts her eyes were widened, and her shirt began to lift above her tummy-area. Suddenly, her hair grew to a much longer extend, past her hips and down to about half-way near her knees. Also, from her hair, a pair of black wolf-like ears began to sprout and extend, staying completely still. Her nails grew to a sharper, more - Keen extent and she looked at her hands in amazement. Her body became curved, slimmer, and toned; her skin moistured out and became a soft glowing pale-tannish shade, her legs grew a bit longer, and for some strange reason a flurry of red-feral like pattern extended from the sides of each of her eyes, and her pupils changed into a deep red, and black pattern, if seen, looking as if lightning was injected into the pupil itself. Her lips became more lucious and juicy, as well as becoming a flourished red colour. Her clothes began to change rapidly, and became an array of bandage-like cloth wrapped around her midsection, her a breast cover that was silk black with white outlines appeared on her chest, as well as her bottoms. From her midsection, a belt-like object appeared carrying a featherlike appearance with them that seemed to be died with the color black because of the amount of shining that gleamed off of them. This is the power of the Centella.. Reidou was not my mother.. But simply a guidance.. A cornerstone.. To.. She gulped. .. This. She noted, finishing her thought. The midsectionary cloth expanded, and in an instant went down to almost to her lower calf - but stopped. Her shoe accessory were pitch black, and seemed to dimly glow like that of leather, but these leggings were much tighter and slimmer, allowing for faster running speeds.

She simply looked at Kitaro - Dimwitted. "......Uhm..." She was absolutely speechless, having no real knowledge of what just happened.
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PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009, 10:16 pm

Kitaro smiled and thought to himself. Interesting that she remembers absolutely nothing. Kitaro walked over to the newly budded girl and sat down next to her. She looked nothing like what she did before other than that she had flowing white hair still. Even different clothes and some wolf or cat markings on her body. The cloth she was wearnig must have been made especially for her or people like her.

"As I expect your going to just take off and leave me soon and that you remember all the techniques that you learned while in the training zone the only favor I ask in return for all of that is that you never talk about what happened up on this mountain to anyone no matter who they are and no matter what they ask." Kitaro stopped and looked at her again

She looked a lot different but still behind all of that new flare as Kitaro would think of it as was still the 10 year old girl that he picked up from the woods and saved the life of earlier that day. Technically though that day 6 years ago in time. Kitaro began to talk again. "Your speechless. Well still you can leave like everyone else that comes up here leave after a little while. Its expected of those." Kitaro remained sitting though.
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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

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Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Itense Training and Living. The mountains of Kumogakure   Itense Training and Living.  The mountains of Kumogakure Icon_minitimeTue 18 Aug 2009, 7:54 am

Aori simply looked at Kitaro, smiled - And then hugged him, squeezing him gently. "I do not plan to leave, Kitaro. You saved my life; therefore I shall devote myself to your subordinancy." She says afterwards, releasing him. ".. My appearance and intelligence may have changed with the Centella's transformation - But I still remember the fact that I was the ten year old girl that you saved and cared for." She sat down on the chair about half-way across the room. She thought. I am becoming more and more learning of the Centella every moment.. But.. In the other dimension... Kitaro.. She stopped thinking for a split second, and then lifted her head up - Looking directly at Kitaro.

"I also discovered that you're not human, Kitaro.. What are you." She smiled. Yes, she knew of his secret.
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