Name: help wave
Rank: C
Owner: who ever it is given to
Appearance: It is a brown hollow ball with several holes in it and one raised hole. it has a string attached to it.
Length: 3 1/2 inches
Width: 3 1/2 inches
Material: several atoms from rock particles flowing around in the air and near the forests compressed together in a dense mass. idf one atom is displaced ( when it is blown) it changes to a stronger object that can be used only two more times.
Weight: 1/4 pound
Abilities: the small device is to call willows from all over the world, though only one will come with peace when you blow it on a certain checkpoint (they change the checkpoints often) the one on the checkpoint is allowed to give you information, to offer help, or to help someone in need. if you blow it anywhere else, willows will either try to kill you or destroy the whistle that you hold and you're not allowed to have one ever again, not even your offspring. though if you blow it at the checkpoint, it disintegrates immediately and reverts to a stronger more compact one that you can use only 2 times only for emergencies. no sound comes out that humans could sense or listen to. only willow ears are able to hear it since it sends a signal straight to their own brainwavs sending the area they're in and how much trouble they're in (just the picture of it, no teleportation) it can only be remade if the willow giving the info wishes it to be.
Info: these whistles have been used several times throughout history, some of them have been used as war-horns. both sides would blow them to see which side the willows would take, which made them change the whistles to make them fragile and very dangerous so they wont be used in those situations again.