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 Kaze and Tenshin Fighting

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Kaze Daizaemon

Kaze Daizaemon

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Kaze and Tenshin Fighting Empty
PostSubject: Kaze and Tenshin Fighting   Kaze and Tenshin Fighting Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010, 10:39 pm

Kaze left his old village and walked into the forest. Kaze had a bag on his back leaving the village and his giant body easily carred it into the woods. Kaze made a wierd face as if he had tasted something sour and bitter and terrible as he walked through the forest. Kaze with his free hand that was not slung over his back grabbed at the kunai in his pouch. Kaze removed the kunai from his pouch and put the kunai knife into his mouth completely. It barely fit without cutting him but Kaze kept it in there. Kaze then pulled out a string from his ninja tool collection at his side and pierced through his cheek on one side. Some odd noises now coming from his bag. Kaze ignored these noises with a kick to that bag he silenced them as well. Kaze began his work with the string as in his mouth. Stringing the string through his mouth and through the circle ring on the back end where he held the knife on his kunai knife and then with a sharp thrust stabbed it through the other side of his mouth. A small trickle of blood was seen however Kaze ignored this and tied the string behind his head in a nice bow tie. Kaze smiled without opening his mouth and stretching his cheeks much Kaze allowed the knife in his mouth to be seen by the others around him however there was no one there. Just his bag on the ground and his own person. Kaze then took his hands and created two water clones. These would be beneficial later.

The next phase of this plan would be involving the bag itself and its suspicious contents. This was just some before hand fun for the real event. Kaze cut a hole in the bag and out fell the following. 2 small children ages 4 and 6 approximatly. The next person to fall from the bag was a woman about age 18 and finally another older woman about age 24. "1,2,3 and 4. Hmm which one is going to be the one that suffers the most. All right I choose....3 wait what 3 oh ok." Kaze had begun talking with himself. No one knows why and no one cares at all. So neither should you mr. or ms. reader of this post to this point. Kaze grabbed the third girl that this voice he heard in his head or rather above his head and to the front as if someone were talking to his spirit that dictated all of his movements. An odd experience. Anyways Kaze grabbed the third person of this group and not either of the two small unisex children he had also nabbed and sedated hence the quiet. Kaze threw the bag over the third person in the line which was the 18 year old girl. Kaze with the hole that he had cut into the bag draped it around the teenage female. She was quite attractive so Kaze decided to have fun with her before he started his whole thing with this game that he would play with this girl. Kaze pulled his pants down and with now only his underpants on he pressed his body up against the girl's body and he heard a light moan from the girl. Kaze then rubbed up against her and started sucking on her lips while holding her up in one hand and feeling up her boobies with his other hand. Kaze then began to sing a rather explicit song. "Girl I have seven words for you. You ready girl...I have seven words to say to you girl. Love it when you suck my dick girl." Kaze pushed up against the girl again and with another grunt began talking again. "Damn girl you put the whore in hormone" Kaze laughed before doing one final act with this girl. "In case you survive this ordeal...which you won't sexy. How about you pay attention to this bitchy girly. We really love it when you put the hot water in your mouth, slipping and slobbering about, now it gets hotter in the south,." Kaze laughed one last time before almost falling to the ground but keeping this girl held against the tree.

Kaze took a kunai knife from his hand and put it on her right hand and licked his lips gently aiming his strike perfectly. Kaze then drove the kunai knife into the girl's hand nailing her to the tree with his first strike and with his first used knife in this ordeal. Kaze then moved to her next hand quickly as she started to stir because of the pain and her brain screaming about the pure pain that she was under for this ordeal. Kaze then put the knife in the center of her other hand and nailed quickly. Kaze then looked into the girl's eyes carefully as she began to wake from the heavy sedative. Kaze then leaned in close to her face so that the first thing she saw was his crazy ass bloody face splattered with the blood of the innocent and her own hands in front of him staring at her face. Kaze then opened his mout moving his cheeks up and smiling broad and opening the mouth containing the kunai knife hanging there. The girl was so freaked out she was about the scream as Kaze's hand flicked her in the jaw right where her voicebox is causing her to lose her voice. Her scream came as only a whisper and Kaze laughed and removed the string from his mouth and took the tie from the back of his neck and set it on the ground. It would need to be done soon involving this kunai knife. Kaze then tied another piece of string to that one and strung it through the girls mouth. Kaze then just to be sure she couldn't scream cut the front of this girl's throat so whenver she made a noise she would not be heard she would be drowned out by blood gurgling in her neck because of voice box not being able to work with the tongue and produce screams. Kaze then strung this through the next one. He sung his song to pick his next victim.

"1,2 and 4 are left. Oh I don't want to pick one now....well I guess I will pick four are you happy now. Yes Yes I am." Kaze laughed and strung the next part of the string through the oldest of them. The 24 year old woman and then stretched her body across the body of the 18 year old trying to scream or make any noise at all her blood gurgling in her neck. Kaze then attached the kunai to the very end of it where it would be positioned in front of the right eye of the 24 year old woman. Kaze then rigged it up where it was attached to her mouth where if she screamed and opened her mouth wide the knife would pierce her eye. Kaze also set beneath her a paper bomb attached to the knife. The knife if it were to move a total of 2 inches the bomb beneath this woman's head would explode and kill her and blow the lower half of the 18 year old's body to dust. Kaze held this older woman in place by nailing one hand to the side of the tree that was on the right of the 18 year old girl the other one was to the left of the 18 year old girl and this held her there. Kaze then leaned down and wrote on a small piece of paper and placed it in front of the kunai so the woman could read it if she stayed calm. The note read the following. If you scream you will be killed. If you try and run you will suffer incredible pain. If you try and escape I will kill you painfully and terribly. Kaze then turned to the 18 year old girl and laughed. Kaze then took some of his shuriken and stabbed one into each of the shoulders of the 18 year old girl and spoke to her now. "If you can tell me yes I will give you a new house a new life all the power you could possibly want all the men in the world posibly all the women in the world a puppy and a life of luxury if you tell me you want it." Kaze paused as the girl started trying to scream again and blood began dripping onto the woman below her and waking her up to the pain. As soon as she realized this was going on the woman screamed and Kaze took a heavy jumped up into a nearby tree and there was an explosion causing the woman to explode leaving only her lower half and leaving the 18 year old girl's only with an upper half. To the untrained eye this was the same person however it seemed to be someone different.

Kaze laughed maniacally and then moved onto the next part of this mission. he took the lower half of the woman who had her upper body destroyed and stuck it under the 18 year old woman and took a string and began sewing with a senbon and sewed with woman together. Kaze then nailed this woman's lower half to the tree under his girl and then Kaze began his work now that she was held in position. Kaze removed the head and then pulled her head off the tree and stabbed a shuriken into her head. Kaze then put it in front of the 4 year unisex kid. Kaze then cut the toes off of this woman and stuck them into her mouth. Kaze then stuck two toes the biggest ones into the nasal holes of this child. Kaze then stuck the pinky toes of this woman into this kids ears. Kaze then woke the kid up and the kid being a small child and not recognizing the toes ate them and was happy about it. Kaze knew this was a good opportunity and sedated the child again and cut up the two mixed together women and cut the skin off of them and because the head was removed from the only head left in the group they felll apart and Kaze put their bodies into the bag and drug them to the small child. The child then began eating the bodies of the two women without realizing it. Kaze then picked up the second small child which he now realized was a female girl. [yes I know female girl is redundant so shut up about it.] Kaze then took this kid and cut a small hole in this girl's foot and drug her around turning the grass around the forest bloody while this kid cried and the other kid was eating the two women because he was a hungry child and needed to be sustained with whatever means possible for the two at the time. Kaze felt sick but he knew this would be worth it. Kaze took his kunai knife and walked towards the female kid and said to this girl."You are a whore in training. Just because I removed you from your parents doesn't meant that you get the chance to get away with this crap. You need to wear a freaking shirt you whore." Kaze then stabbed through the girl completely first on the side that had no heart and then on the side that the girl's heart was on. Kaze laughed and then picked up what was left of this girl and threw the girl towards the village where if someone were entering the woods they would see this dead body.

Kaze walked over to the last kid and picked him up and shook him violently causing him to throw up on what was left of the remains. Kaze then cut a vagina into this kid and laughed while doing this. Kaze then stuck his pinky finger into the newly made woman's ear and twisted it around until he poked through this used to be unisex child and breaking the eardrums. The kid started crying to Kaze yelled at the kid. "WHY THE FUCK DIDN"T YOU WEAR A SHIRT MOTHERFUCKER." Kaze said and then opened fired with senbon at this kid and basically destroyed his body. Kaze attached a final kunai to a string and threw it into a tree. Another kunai was attached to another string and thrown into the opposite tree and finally the string was forced threw the ribcage of this kid and he was strung up. Kaze stood under him the kid's head touching Kaze's head beacuse Kaze was too tall for this joke to be played correctly anymore. The reason the kid's head was touching Kaze's head because it rotated upside down while being attached to the tree. Kaze laughed and then waited for his opponent who was known as Ichimaru too come. He was ready now.
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Age : 29
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Village: Sunagakure

Kaze and Tenshin Fighting Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kaze and Tenshin Fighting   Kaze and Tenshin Fighting Icon_minitimeMon 22 Feb 2010, 2:51 am

This is between me and Kaze you don't like the Text by all means
Don't read it
Thank you.

~ Tenshin Nara ~
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