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 The Return of the White Panther

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The Return of the White Panther Empty
PostSubject: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitimeSun 11 Apr 2010, 3:36 pm

Hate, venom, acid, vengeance, all of these things were filling the throat and head of the legendary white panther. The man was given this name for several reason. The first reason was that he had brilliant, achromatic, snowy hair. The second reason was the matching cat ears and tail that graced his body with more than just diverse looks. The third was his personality; he was vicious and lethal. No prey that entered his sites ever got away alive, or at least uninjured. The man's speciality was in information, which proved to be fatal for the man he was now hunting. Word had gotten around that this man had not only stepped the boundaries of morality, but done so by taking and defiling Kidate's only sister and immediate family. A single tear ran down the scarred and dirtied face of the vicious man as images poured into his head of their first meeting. That meeting would be their last, as it seemed life had become too difficult for Kidate to live in society since he had earned his title. He was the leader of the organization that the man he was hunting now led, and that was when he earned his nickname the "Haku Oni Kurohyou". His mouth filled with acid at the thoughts of his little sister crying out, without her brother to protect her. He had failed her, and as a result this man had done things to her that Kidate could never take back. Man? No, this was no man, he was a monster; the inner editor within Kidate said. He nodded to himself at the correction, it was more fitting than even his shinobi nickname. He growled openly, the sound produced from his throat eerily similar to the one that most associate with stories of demons. He spat the acidic taste from his mouth and steeled his nerves. He was not planning on going back to the ways of the shinobi, but it seemed he would need to pull out every single move he had to insure that this man suffered greatly.

Kidate's achromatic hair was messy and spiked out every as usual, nearly covering his soft cat ears. In fact, the only evidence of the ears was the gentle, pink flesh within the ears that stuck out against the snowy plain of hair like a sore thumb. His face was heavily scarred and covered in dirt and grime, he hadn't stopped his tracking for days. Beneath his eyes were heavy bags from the lack of sleep, but they had been there for years now. His teeth were glistening, fangs elongated and barred with his cracked lips pulled back. There was a disturbing fire in the man's emerald, feline eyes; the flames of hell itself. Chakra poured off of the man in waves, he did not attempt to control it or keep it hidden. He had forsaken the unprofessional outfit that had consisted of black t-shirts, torn up jeans, and top hats. Today, he had donned his old armor and prepared for battle. The armor was as white as his hair, heavy plates covering his torso and shoulders, with lighter and more flexible plates protecting his legs and allowing movement capabilities to be at just below maximum. Around his waist was a golden belt, which glistened like the golden trimming along his armor in the setting sun. Attached to his belt on the left side of his waist were two sheaths. The top sheath held an oddly-shaped long sword, that spiked out at the middle of the blade. The cross guard was in the form of an eye, with two spikes coming out from each corner. The handle itself was wrapped in gray leather, the metal silvery and the pommel another eye. The bottom sheath was a simple katana, five feet in length and silvery through and through. Its cross guard was in the form of some runic symbol, the handle wrapped in a length of silver ribbon. Kidate's arms were gloved with black leather, his feet armoured with grieves. On Kidate's back was the white cape of the Goryu, emblazoned with the green goryu symbol; a kanji symbol meaning "peace". It was ironic, this cape was worn by a man who had peace completely shattered and thrown from his mentality.

Please, hold out for me my sister. Your brother is coming, I can taste his scent from here! He will suffer until he is nearly dead, and then I will draw the location where he placed you from his quivering lips, and deliver a killing blow. Then, I will come to save you. No one can stand in my way now, no one at all! Kidate thought to himself desperately, as if his sister could hear him.
For a fleeting moment he thought he heard something like her voice entering his head, but he shook it off. He wasn't insane, just over-driven and out of practice. He dies. Kidate thought determinedly. He suddenly sprung forward from the building roof he had been crouched upon.

He was within the Leaf village, on a building just outside of the Hokage's office where whispers told him that he would be. Kidate had never liked the village much, so he wouldn't mind roughing it up a tad. The sun was setting in the sky, painting the clouds with hues of pink and orange. The sky was a canvas and the sun was the painter, it was doing a mighty-fine job. However, it wasn't exactly the kind of scenery that was befitting of the end of a village run by such a monster. Kidate had been given his orders by his new leader, the Tsuchikage. While the Hokage was away, Kidate would play. He wasn't given the chance to end the man's life that Kidate held such a firm grudge against, but destroying his village and people would be the next-best thing. Kidate grasped in his hand an orb of chakra as it began to form into its nature. Suddenly the orb burst into light, taking the form of lightning. The orb began to expand and narrow, becoming a stream of Raiton chakra. Snapping his hand to the right, he sent the trail of lightning searing through the air, crashing into the roof of a nearby building and sending chunks flying. This would probably kill or injure one or two people, but the real goal was to call attention to the shinobi within the village. It was a warning, that to go without a fight would only end in deaths far more painful and merciless.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Join date : 2009-09-07
Age : 32
Location : At the Akatsuki Base chillin like a villain

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Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Village Hidden in the Rain

The Return of the White Panther Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitimeSun 11 Apr 2010, 8:15 pm

Hiji and Sonia stood on top one of the many roofs quadruple stacked on the Hokage building. The Hokage was off taking care of a secret mission by himself. He instructed both of them to protect the village in his absence. He feared an attack from either the Sand or the Stone or any of the other villages allied against him. And the Hokage was correct. There was a man, clad all in white attacking the village. It was an ill fated attack, seemingly for no other purpose but to attract the attention of the village ninja. Which he did. The village ninja began to converge on this new foe. He had the Goryu cape on his back, so he was obviously from the Sand village.

They spotted the man attacking a building using some lightning jutsu. Hiji looked at Sonia and nodded, giving her the go. Sonia darted into the building and picked up a young housewife who thankfully was not bad injured by the blast. Sonia returned the woman on to the streets just below the building after excavating her from the destroyed building.

Hiji however stared down the man clad in white. "You have our attention now. Your funeral." Hiji then took out three Kunai and threw them at the white ninja. Sonia however stood her ground to observe the man. Bidding her time before she struck and killed the man. Taught never to underestimate.
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The Return of the White Panther Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitimeSun 11 Apr 2010, 9:15 pm

[[Ehem... Embarrassing mistake. It isn't the "Goryu" cloak.. It's the Gyouan cloak.. I failed to notice that in my post..]]

Cat-like ears would twitch, catching the sound of metal objects being drawn, and then thrown into the air. He turned his attention to the flash of light coming from where a shinobi stood facing him; the single flashing turning out to actually be three separate glints. It seemed someone had finally made the first move, a fortunate turn of events for Kidate. He smiled, flicking his wrist to the left. The whip of lightning lashed back toward Kidate, continuing past him. Each kunai would come into contact with the lightning whip, being thrown off-course and possible even partially melted and deformed. An arrogant smiled spread across the Neko's face as he drew his lightning whip in, crouching with the whip poised to strike. His slender, furry tail snapped back and forth behind him in anticipation, like a feral cat ready to pounce on its prey.

Let's see how long this pup can last.. Kidate thought to himself, springing from his position on the rooftop. In an instant two things happened. The first being that Kidate produced a kunai-wrapped with a strange paper tag- from a pouch hanging from his belt, the second being that he caught another shinobi in her peripheral vision. With a flick of his wrist he sent of the lightning whip snapping down upon the kunoichi and the woman she had just saved. The other hand moved forward, releasing the tag-wrapped kunai toward his opponent. If it got close enough it would detonate, creating a sonic explosion which had two possible effects. The first, being the most likely, was that it would detonate just close enough to disorient his opponent, while not doing any physical damage. The second was that it would explode close enough to actually shatter the ear-drums of his opponent, causing bleeding and permanent deafness.

---Jutsu In Use---

Name: Beast Tamer
Rank: C
Element: Lightning
This technique creates a stream of lightning chakra that can reach up to ten feet in length. The lightning chakra hovers in front of the user's hand, and follows the hand as it moves. Because of its length and following attribute, it can be used as a whip. If it makes contact with an opponent it will stun them.

---Equipment Used---
Name: Dashin Fusen パーカッションタグ- Percussion Tag
Type: Ninja Tool/Explosive Tag
Amount: Kidate carries 10 with him at all times.
Effect: Unlike the regular explosive tag, this tag was created for the effect of the noise it makes. The typical use for this tag would be to attach it to a part of the opponent's body, or to set up a perimeter with them and set them off. This tag will create an explosion loud enough to destroy someone's hearing if set off too close to them. This effect will also most likely jumble their senses for a few seconds, giving the user time to come in and strike.

{[My apologies for the shitty post]}
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

Posts : 546
Points : 781
Join date : 2009-09-07
Age : 32
Location : At the Akatsuki Base chillin like a villain

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Village Hidden in the Rain

The Return of the White Panther Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitimeThu 15 Apr 2010, 11:20 pm

Hiji watched as Sonia threw the Kunai at the man clad in white. The distraction of course. As Kidate was blocking the three kunai with his lightning whip, Hiji Shunshin jumped directly beside Kidate, who was still in mid-air. The man had tossed a Kunai attached with a tag of some sort, but Hiji had already moved out of the way by then. The Kunai hit the building and exploded with a entirely loud bang. The man with his acute hearing would probably be hurt by this obscenely loud explosion, Hiji was well out range by then to disoriented by the sound, but it was annoying. But that didn't matter the man was in a inescapable position being in mid-air. With his attention mainly focused on Sonia, he would be helpless to Hiji's onslaught.

Byakugan now activated, began his attack. "4 palms, 8 palms, 16 palms, 32 palms, 64 palms 128 palms!" Hiji struck out at all of the mans tenketsu points, all 254 points. With all of these being hit, the man would die instantly. But the means of attack did not end there. Sonia did nothing, and did not fear the attack of the lightning whip. For it stopped short of 10 feet of her. The lightning whip was only ten feet long and it did not extend the distance between him and Sonia who was much further then that. As Hiji was targeting the man making his deadly strikes against him, Sonia had already been making her handsigns. "Kokuangyou no Jutsu," Sonia said. Then Genjutsu would have then be taking over Kidate's mind. Him being in complete darkness and being even more helpless against Hiji's devastating onslaught. With Kidate being in the middle of the air, substitution would be impossible, there was nothing to substitute in the middle of the air.



Name: Hakke Hyakunijuuhachishou
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: A
Element: N/A
Description: Hakke Hyakunijuuhachishou is a Taijutsu technique unique to the Hyuuga bloodline. Hakke Hyakunijuuhachishou is a variation of Hakke Rokujuuyonshou, a technique passed down through the main family line. When an opponent is within the clan members divination field of attack, they can quickly begin their assault. The technique allows the clan member to use the Byakugan eye to make nearly double the normal 126 strikes, striking 254 times against their individual foe or opponents. First the clan member will strike 2 times, then 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and finally 128 times.


Name: Kokuangyou no Jutsu [Journey into Black Darkness Technique]
Rank: A.
Type: Genjutsu.
Element: None.
Description: Kokuangyou no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique which causes the ninja's opponent to be enveloped in total darkness. While in the black void, the ninja will be unable to see any incoming attack or threat.
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The Return of the White Panther Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitimeFri 16 Apr 2010, 2:58 pm

Kidate's smile grew wider, more wild, and significantly more confident. He'd drawn his prey into combat, from here it was a breeze. His first opponent would disappear, though his scent grew stronger, and because there was no breeze passing through Kidate could only assume that he was getting closer. Either he was invisible or just really fast, either way, Kidate wasn't exactly helpless; especially in the air. Wind chakra gathered around his feet in circles, suddenly exploding with a gale, launching him forward at incredible speed. The resulting wind from where he was standing before would burst out in a circle, a repercussion of the simple technique, nothing too serious. He would land on the roof where his opponent had been, hitting the pavement and rolling to absorb the damage from the fall. Leaping up instantly, he flew through a few simple hand seals. Suddenly, a small rose of water appeared before him, while his whip of lightning disappeared. The flower spouted mist all over, tainted with his chakra. To prying eyes the entire mist would appear to be full of chakra, masking his own chakra signature, the moisture masking his scent, and the thick fog-like quality masking most of the noise he would make. There was no way to find him within his thick mist, and without a clear target, the genjutsu that the kunoichi had called out would dissipate

Suddenly, from the cloud of fog, several explosive tags attached to kunai would fly out in various directions. They would each impact with a building and explode, most of them houses, but two more severe targets. The first, the hospital, the second being a small orphanage. It was obvious that Kidate wasn't screwing around, he intended to end many, many lives before he was through.

---Jutsu Used---
Name: Fuuto~ Heki - Wind Style~Burst
Effect: By focusing chakra into his feet, Kidate will begin the technique. However, instead of the regular walking on water technique, he will morph the chakra into wind chakra. The wind chakra will explode in a massive gale, propelling him forward. This technique allows him to move at invisible speeds, leaving craters in
his wake.
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The Return of the White Panther Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitimeMon 19 Apr 2010, 10:29 pm

[[I'm taking the 72 hour post. Say g'bye to..well..everything..]]

Ah, the smell of blood and smoke, what a disgusting stench. The wreaking aura of death raked at Kidate's nostrils as he left ruins in his wake. This was truly a victory he would hate himself for later on. He hated to do this to so many innocents, but it was both a mission and a form of revenge, and so he did it without hesitation. What did he do you ask? Well, since you asked, but don't blame me if you hate him afterwards. Let's pick back up where we left off, the mist. Explosive tags hit the walls of various buildings, including an orphanage and a hospital. They would explode, tearing the buildings apart from the top. The rubble crashed down upon the lower levels, crushing those too. Cries of pain and horror escaped the ruins of the buildings, but Kidate ignored them. Smoke curled into the air, and Kidate began to smell the coppery scent of blood.

Suddenly, bursting from the cloud of mist, Kidate would appear. With feral strength he grasped the neck of the Hyuuga shinobi, squeezing so tight that his victim's eyes literally bulged. It was almost comical, the face that the poor mortal made as his trachea was crushed. Soon Kidate's claw-like nails would dig into his flesh, and his jugular, causing a fountain of blood to spray out into the air. The blood fell like a cloud of water droplets dyed red, and so the body of the shinobi fell as Kidate cast it aside calmly. Next he turned his attention to the girl. With a few hand seals her and the woman she was protecting were turned into swiss cheese by sparrows made of ice. Kidate would then turn his attention to the rest of the village.

Smiling, he popped a small green pill into his mouth. Suddenly the wind around him began to pick up exponentially. His chakra was increasing to maddening levels. It was beginning to get to the point where the pure energy from his chakra was tearing the ground beneath him apart. A series of hand seals allowed him to summon up massive trees, tearing through buildings and impaling people upon their sharp branches. A woman passed by him, and with one hand he grabbed her and pulled her in close. Grasping her waist with the other hand he would pick her up, and pull her. With a pop he felt her spine detach from the rest of her body. Throwing the limp body onto a sharp branch, he continued through the village. Tossing the rest of his explosive tags everywhere he could, he turned the village to a pile of blood, rubble, and ash.

A child ran past him, crying as he stumbled and tripped over a root. Suddenly, Kidate was a powerful, snow-white panther. He leapt upon the boy, biting the back of his neck and severing his spine, piercing his jugular. He was killing as painlessly as possible, but he was still killing. Kidate in cat form leapt up on a pile of rubble, climbing it like a mountain. When he reached the top he jumped to the roof of the Hokage's meeting where everything had started. The mist was beginning to dissipate. Removing his armor, kidate revealed the slim figure beneath, wearing only a pair of black sweat pants. His sweating, muscular figure rose and fell as he breathed in heavily. Then, he did something extremely odd. He dropped his pants. A stream of golden liquid poured forth, spilling out onto the roof. Kidate spelled out his name in cursive on the ashen roof, smiling all the while.
"This territory is now mine." He called out fiercely.

With a puff of smoke Kidate became a small kitten. The kitten had light, childish features, grey eyes, and mottled white, brown, and black fur. The kitten dashed down the caved-in side of the Hokage's building and made for the gate. In only a minute and a half the beast who had destroyed Konohagakure no Sato was gone; leaving no more than five survivors to tell the tell of his cruelty.
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The Return of the White Panther Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitimeMon 19 Apr 2010, 10:34 pm


Forgot the justu:

Jukai Koutan - Birth of Dense Woodland
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Mokuton Hijutsu ~ Jukai Koutan is a Ninjutsu technique which uses the Wood Element. The user does the necessary hand seals and a dense growth of forest and branches grows from the ground to entangle his target.

Name: Neko Henge no Jutsu - ((Domestic))Cat Transformation Technique
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: This technique allows Kidate to physically change himself into any domestic cat he chooses. While in this form he is able to communicate with other cats and gains their attributes. His senses are heightened even further, his balance increases, etc.

Name:Shishi no Jutsu - Lion Technique
Rank: B
Element: None
Description: This technique is a rendition of the Neko Henge technique. However, instead of turning into a domestic cat he turns into some form of wild feline. This can be a leopard, a lion, a tiger, or any other cat he

Name: Hana no Kiri no Jutsu - Flower of Mist Technique
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: This technique was made in honor of the new Mizukage. Utilizing Suiton the user will form a massive flower((The species being their choice)) in the air, made of water. The flower will hover above the user, acting as a source of water to make water techniques more usable. The technique can be used in smaller forms, and can spew mist to act as an escape mechanism.

Tsubame Fubuki - Snow Storm Swallows
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack
Hyouton • Tsubame Fubuki is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Ice Element. Kidate will create ice swallows which he can launch at her opponent. As they fly through the air, these deadly birds can hone in on their target. A sufficiently hot enough counter can melt the ice swallows. ))
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The Return of the White Panther Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitimeMon 19 Apr 2010, 10:35 pm

[[Oh, and the Pill:

Name: Matabi Jouzai キャットニップ錠剤- Catnip Pill
Type:Ninja Tool/Soldier Pill
Amount:5 at one time
Effect: These pills look similar to a soldier pill, but they are larger and green. These pills do not enhance chakra, or strengthen the body at all. Instead, it pulls all of the remaining chakra out in one final blow. The drug was perfected, and leaves enough chakra by the end to keep the user alive, but only if they use one at a time and wait until their chakra comes back after. This pill will, all in all, give the user an extreme boost of energy. This will make him at least 10 times faster for around, twenty minutes(10-15 posts, depending on the time in each post). After the pill wears off however, it is like trying to fight while half asleep. ]]
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PostSubject: Re: The Return of the White Panther   The Return of the White Panther Icon_minitime

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