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» Memories
Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

» Revy is a faggot
Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

» Anyone alive out there?
Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirthing a spirit
Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

» Naruto :: Shattered Dreams
Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

» Update regarding Naruto-X Sequel [8/10/12]
Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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 Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)

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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeFri 16 Apr 2010, 1:41 pm

In the dark, moist land of the rain country, the silence, and peace was nearly unbreakable. The very soft breeze blew by multiple times before coming to a complete stop, and a black figure instantly appeared standing upon one of the outer towers located outside of the village. The figure appeared to be wearing a black cloak, as well as a black cap like hat. The cloaks collar part stood up high covering most of the ninjas face, besides their grey eyes, and their black hair that stuck down from the hat. With the persons appearance, the animals in nearby areas knew something dangerous was approaching, and fled to their homes. The person jumped off the building and landed on the ground with no noises but the rustling of her black cloak. Walking towards the main entrance, the person made a single hand seal under the cloak, which activated a rain jutsu that quickly began pouring down across the entire rain village at an instant. Knowing whoever was in the area at the time would know rain doesn't simply happen like this, and needs an activation to instantly begin pouring, it was the persons way of letting the entire village know who was coming. Most people in the village knew that it was a rain jutsu, but didn't know the rain was altered in a way. They knew that a powerful rain ninja was coming due to the range of the rain, and how hard the rain is falling, which takes a very skilled rain ninja to perform. They wondered who it could be, for the only ones ever thought to be able to stir up the weather at such an instant, and this powerful would either by Pein, or the old Akatsuki leader; Revy. But they had thoughts of a new being possessing this power, due to the rumor of Revy being dead, as well as Pein. The rain falling in the area would allow the person who activated it to know weather anyone of decent chakra level was approaching them, or entering the area, allowing them to know whats coming before it comes.

Name: Ukojizai no Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: A perception ninjutsu, allowing one to freely manipulate rain infused with the user's own chakra. The rain falls from rain clouds, formed with Revy's own chakra. During this technique, the falling raindrops are closely linked to Revy's senses. When the rain is obstructed by a chakra belonging to someone not of the village, the existence of the intruder can be detected. The rain will keep on falling until Revy uses the seal to cancel it. It will continue to rain when Revy is not in the area or left the rain. This is a rain different from Revys Artificial Rain jutsu and will last until canceled.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeSun 18 Apr 2010, 10:47 am

On that day and time, Kessen decided to paid a visit to the akatsuki's base on the Rain Village. He was calmly walking along with hundreds of citizens of the Rain Village. When suddenly it began to rain, being an experienced shinobi he knew this wasnt really was a jutsu. His keen intellect began to work, answering the question " What could possibly this sudden rain means?...". Kessen already had the answer not for long, he concluded " Someone's causing this heavy rain to fall,... hmmm I'll check who that might be ". His current location isnt really far from the village's gates, so Kessen didnt had any problems to felt the very significant chakra signatures just a few miles ahead, waiting in the villages gates. He placed the cape over his head to protect himself from getting wet because of the rain. Then he slowly breathed, walking down the path towards the village gate. His cloak completely covered his body, although the cloak was sleeveless. He already felt it, something unusual is going to happen when he meets this stranger causing the rain. At last he arrived in the village gates, there he found a person wearing all-black, Kessen himself could already feel the foul chakra around the person, yet due to his/her clothing... he cant really tell if his a woman or a man. " I'll just figure it out myself... " he murmured followed by a short chuckle. When he gained the right distance which is about 30-35 meters, Kessen took off his cape. Revealing his long black hair, and letting it get wet by the harsh rain. " Well, well who are you and what are you doing here? miss or mister? " His face was kinda mocking with the question. Kessen himself was good with chakra manipulation aswell as detection, so he quickly figured it out that this person infront of him is the one that's causing the continous rain. He also knew that this person isnt someone to take lightly, so to be prepared Kessen drew a katana from his back, one that is made of wood to be exact. He held the wooden katana on his right hand, chakra then began to cover the katana, forming somewhat a silver lining. While Kessen himself stood there waiting for the answer of the stranger.
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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeSun 18 Apr 2010, 8:07 pm

A girl with neck-length hair, tied into pigtails, dressed in a turquoise shirt, white jean shorts, and black tights, came behind one of her masters. Her curse seal only sending her mind short of happiness. Her smile was demolished. Her hand were clenched onto an umbrella. Her eyes sighted both Kessen and a woman ahead. Kessen pulled out his katana, making her grin. Her body slumped and her legs crossed, letting an immense chakra flow through the ground around her, pulling up a shield made of crystal, protecting her from attacks, and the rain, though she could see through it. She folded up her umbrella and sat inside the dome, waving to Kessen.

"We shouldn't fight until she attacks, sir." she spoke, the young apprentice only giggling at the sight.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeSun 18 Apr 2010, 11:31 pm

The person who was now standing before a powerful shinobi, as well as a slightly weaker shinobi, stood completely still examining the two with just the movement of her eyes. Before she knew it, the weaker one had created some sort of shield made out of an element that had been rarely seen around these areas, though the man stood out clear holding a sword. A kenjutsu user... the cloaked person thought to them self. Knowing that shinobi of this level would not normally be wandering a criminal village, and fight to protect it, the person knew they must be members of the Akatsuki Organization. With the rain falling hard, making things outside of the area hard to hear, as well as filling the area with the constant sound of pouring rain as if the heavens were crashing down upon them as they stand, the person began walking closer to the man holding a sword, then stopped just a few inches away from the man. He was much taller then she was, though it did not bother the cloaked one any bit. Looking up, and knowing that the man would most likely see her whole face from looking down, the cloaked one spoke lightly under the noise of the rain "If you wish to challenge me, maybe some other time..I am only here to take back what belongs to me, and no more. I wish not to take the lives of two Shinobi who have not yet experienced what it is like to chase after your own dreams, rather then be mislead by someone of far greater power then you yourself may currently be. But before you respond to that..allow me to ask you one question.............Do you know..who i am?". Knowing he could attack at any time, as well as the other Shinobi hiding behind the shield, the cloaked one did not move any bit after taking place in front of the sword wielding man. In case anything would happen, preparation would only require a split second for a Shinobi of the cloaked ones level. Noticing the blade he was holding, as well as the change in texture to it after he gripped the blade, the cloaked one knew he held some sort of special Kenjutsu abilities, though possibly no greater then the average S raked shinobi.
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeMon 19 Apr 2010, 2:39 am

((I figured that being that I'm still in the rain, at the moment I may be able to make a post here, but should that not be the case I'll delete it.))

As the rain came down with decent force, it would seem as if the higher ups were looking down and shedding tears because of all that had happened in the time since the woman in the cloak had been last taken her place there as a shinobi of the village. It had been even longer since it claimed her as its leader, as another had assumed that role and brought a different role of leadership into the area. Now it would seem that the situation was bound to bring some type of conflict between the two former and current. This seemed to bring some sort of interest to another shinobi that had been there training for a bit. With all the weather, the wind was brought to the area and with the question asked, a voice spoke with its completion. "Well, I certainly do, and I suppose its no coincident that you're back." The form of a man formed in a transparent form that quickly formed to his actual appearance in solid form. However, he presented a different wardrobe than his normal one as he wore a different coat, heavier and with full sleeves. Along with that, he also wore a black bandanna that was covering a good portion of his eyes, about to the half way point. This would present a problem to most that knew his identity to know who it was, especially in this torrential down pour. Under his mask, the man smiled as he folded his arms and examined the two others, as he was currently to the side of the shorter woman. "Don't worry, I'm not here to cause problems, I'm just interested in your answer to the questions presented to you little one".

Name: Shifting Winds (Rp only version)
Description: His wind affinity allows him to disapate with the wind going else where at the drop of a dime.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeMon 19 Apr 2010, 9:07 am

Kessen watched as the person wearing black cloak slowly walked towards him, he had anticipated such moment. Finally he/she neared Kessen, so near that once she looked up he saw her face. The revelation slightly surprised him, he murmured out of his mouth " Revy Izumi..." although it was very silent, the distance between him and her is so near she could have heard it otherwise. He now discovered she was a girl, the girl dubbed by Kessen as " Revy Izumi " spoke. "If you wish to challenge me, maybe some other time..I am only here to take back what belongs to me, and no more. I wish not to take the lives of two Shinobi who have not yet experienced what it is like to chase after your own dreams, rather then be mislead by someone of far greater power then you yourself may currently be. But before you respond to that..allow me to ask you one question.............Do you know..who i am?" Kessen chuckled for a bit, he was so amused with the words that Revy spoke. He was so amused, he bended his head and started to laugh, while the rain continously sprinkled its liquid particles known as water to his face. After a few moments he finally decided to reply, " Of course I know you! Revy....Izumi?, it seems that I'm the only sane person reading Akatsuki's secret files about its past and present members. How could I miss such a great and powerful leader like you?! " And the answer for the second question " Your amusing little girl, taking back what's yours? " he paused for a moment before continuing, " The Hidden Rain Village wasnt owned by anyone, not even Akatsuki.... and now you come here? trying to cause commotion and claiming to be its owner? how amusing! " he started to laugh again, only to stop after awhile. " If you view my appearance here as a challenge, then so be it! " By this time Kessen himself was already serious. " Chasing after dreams is fun.... and wonderful... not until you realized you failed to make that dream come true... that's how fascinating dream is. " His grip upon the wooden katana became furious. After giving " Revy " the answer, Kessen talked to the girl behind him whos inside a unusual dome. He spoke, " Dont interfere, stay there and watch.... " as he finished, Kessen raised his left hand since his right hand held the katana. Slowly he waved his hand, without even looking just by listening to sounds... he heard the moment the girl waved the sound commenced. Yet the surpises aren't over, another person appears infront of him. The guy who wore a mask to cover his face, while his clothing is almost the same like " Revy " although worn in a different manner. " I guess its two versus one?, well all I can say is dont be too near to me... you might regret it later..." After finishing the sentence, he started to walk backwards giving both sides a good distance between each other. Halfway... he stopped right infront of the dome, he spoke for the last time " Dont give me a headache, dont interfere! I'm serious..." he spoke in a very low tone, although expressing serious and emphasism. He then turned his face towards his soon to be opponents knowing that the two wont attack without being provoked. He slit his left hand on his cloak, and drew two different looking kunai's. Both kunai has somewhat a dual-tipped appearance and glowed in a bright white color. Without warning, Kessen threw both kunai's at the same time with different targets, one for each person. Considering the distance between the two sides, for a normal kunai its speed could have been hindered, but for a special kunai... rain doesn't matter.

OOC: Posting order: Revy, Infinite, Morbokai and Kessen
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeThu 22 Apr 2010, 2:01 pm

After seeing that another ninja had just appeared beside her, and spoke as if he knew her well, the man holding the sword began to ramble on as if he knew who she was as well. "You seem pretty confident on knowing who i am..though you are very wrong...You as well masked one" She said to the sword wielding man, then to the man wearing a mask that had just appeared beside her a short time ago. Right as both Kunai's were thrown, the girl leaped into the air avoiding the one heading in her direction, though as she jumped she got a good look at it due to its bright white color, and noticed there are two heads to the kunai. I need to watch out for that kunai...with two heads, that thing can come back at any time... She thought to herself, knowing that out of experience. As the kunai passed, she landed slightly crouched down on the ground with a small thud sound, and at almost an instant, two incredibly long, ranging from 8-10ft long blades were pulled out from under the cloak with speed fast enough to cut the air, and create a small gust of wind under her making the black cloak she was wearing to raise into the air with the wind, though still connected around her neck keeping it from flying off. When the cloak blew up, it revealed her outfit, which was just a white tang top like shirt with black string lining over her shoulders, as well as lined around the bottom. She wore black baggy pants with a orange double holed belt around it, and on her feet were black sandals that were a few inches tall, and had wide heels similar to woman's high heel shoes, though wider, and had orange straps that crossed on an X over her bare feet, and around her heels.

"You quickly came to the conclusion that i am Revy Izumi..which is your first mistake. Making such a fatal mistake; misjudging who your enemy is, can quickly end a battle slightly after it starts" She said to the two of them under the thick and heavy noise of the pouring rain. Standing in her spot still crouched down a little, she held both long skinny pitch black blades in each hand, and had them pointing off each to the opposite side slightly, in a position as if she was a crouching tiger ready to pounce at any moment. Her wet black cloak lied still hanging over her upper arms, and hung down behind her similar to a cape. She stood there waiting for the others to react first.

Last edited by Revy Izumi on Thu 22 Apr 2010, 8:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeFri 23 Apr 2010, 6:54 am

Morbo wasn't in the mood for a battle at the moment and merely wanted to be entertained by the current conversation at hand. But the man wanted to refuse Morbokai's hope for a peaceful watching of this and decided to chuck a special kunai at him for reasons that were beyond is understanding at the time. He quickly took in a large portion of air to his lungs and after slamming his hand to his chest, sent a large sphere of air fiercely at the man through the path of the weapon meant towards him. The attack knocked the kunai a stray and sent it to the ground harmlessly but the wind based attack continued its course toward the mans chest. The woman seemed to want to keep her identity secretive but the jonin of the mist had his mind made of who she was, but he would keep that to himself...just to see if she'd say anything of him. His eyes turned to multi colored as they went to white with a mid sized curved blue stripe. Morbo remained locked on the two ninja and right after his attack, he went into needing a set of hand signs as nothing seemed to happen. He place his hands in his pockets afterward and simply smiled in anticipation.

Description: An unseen force field is created around the caster. Anything that approaches within 20ft will be hit with a wind the force of an f-2 tornado. This last for 5 post.

Name: Fuuton: Renkuudan - Wind Release: Drilling Air Projectile
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Wind
Description: Fuuton: Renkuudan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. The user inhales a large amount of air into his chest and then slams his fist into his chest to expel it. To strengthen the attack the user will imbue chakra into the air. When expelled it forms concussive spherical projectiles capable of inflicting large damage.

Awakening Sight: The possesors genjutsu ustilzes smaller portion of chakra and is enhanced. But most notably is one is able to gain premanitions of the opositions moves though only 50% accurate at this stage.
Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Mk9ok6
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeFri 23 Apr 2010, 8:58 am

Kessen chuckled as his kunai were avoided that easily, although it continued flying until it pierced the ground a few meters away from the back of Revy. The girl spoke,"You seem pretty confident on knowing who i am..though you are very wrong..." Kessen replied in a mocking tone, " You can never lie to someone who's smarter than ..." he paused for a while his eyes laid on the ground, he then slowly raised his head and said " You...." After Revy evaded his kunai, she drew two cool looking swords each with 8-10ft long size he noted in his mind the size of those blades. " Nice swords you've got there..." he complimented with his voice loud enough to be heard across the raging rain. Seeing as Revy already showed her clothing. Kessen stood from his crouching position and removed his black cloak, it revealed an akatsuki cloak with the same red cloud insignia except it was sleeves-less, as if the sleeves were torn. She spoke again, "You quickly came to the conclusion that i am Revy Izumi..which is your first mistake. Making such a fatal mistake; misjudging who your enemy is, can quickly end a battle slightly after it starts" he chuckled when he heard those words. Kessen replied, " You talk too much,... conclusions? those are my things... later on you would know why I always conclude. Although when I said your name is Revy Izumi I didnt conclude, I stated it ... anyways dont give those craps that Revy Izumi is not your name and your going to tell me some of your famous stupid nicknames, dont bother you've been forgetten by the ninja world Revy.... your era is over! " he ended with a fierce tone.

Kessen then created an air clone with a set of fast handseals. The clone slowly raised his left arm and placed it upon his mouth narrowing it like a tube, he then quickly moved fast as wind, evading the wind attack by the masked guy and passed in the middle of the masked guy and Revy. The real Kessen himself jumped out of the way to evade the wind attack. The moment he passed, he released a pierce whistle. It was not a normal whistle at all, its a jutsu used to damage the ear causing hearing disrupt for a time that depends on how far was the whistle released. And the clone was pretty close to them, although it is still a short time, that whistle makes them both deaf for about 7-10 minutes (3posts). Although the clone disappeared right when it reached the middle as if something happened. He observed the masked guy and heightened his hearing ability. He then heard sounds of fierce wind circling around the masked guy, he spoke " He must have placed a Fuuton Jutsu that protects him." Although there has been some mistakes with the calculations, he hears the wind for a 20ft radius around the masked guy. Kessen silently chuckled, he counted " 1...2...3.. bang.." Revy was suddenly knocked away by wind throwing her meters away from the masked guy. Kessen quickly used the disorder as an advantage, he quickly drew again to two headed kunai's and threw each to the masked guy and the fallen Revy Izumi,... its target? the heart. And this time more chakra was allotted that it moved twice as fast than the first. Revy was so close to the masked guy that when the wind barrier like jutsu appeared, it also tackled Revy and just like before she was so close it gave her no chance to evade, and another factor was.. it's unseen. Kessen had a grin on his face, the raging rain gets thicker that it made the kunai blend in the rain, no sound can be heard because both shinobi are deaf for awhile. Kessen also noted that the wind around the masked guy is as strong as a tornado.


Fuuton - Air Clone [ Tei Bunshin ]
Description: A skill in which creates a tangible clone. This clone being created from the air, it can have different properties depending on the air properties. If used in a warm air setting, the bunshin's taijutsu attacks will have a burning sensation to them. If used in a windy air setting, the bunshin's taijutsu attacks will create cuts on the opponents body. If used in a rainy air setting, the bunshin's taijtusu speed will be greater. The clone can use fuuton jutsus of the user.

Oto - [ Shrill Wind ]
Description:By focusing air within the lungs, Kessen will form the needed seals, then bring one hand to their mouth. Tightening it to a small narrow tube with their fingers, the user will exhale the air. The air will reach the chakra in the hand, converting to Sound and release a piercing whistle that temporarily deadens the ear of the target or acts as a signal. This can be done very quickly and not spending a lot of time, in short split second.

Name: Shinsoku (神速, God-speed )
Rank: Uknown Rank
Creator: Kostas
Users: Kostas (master lvl), Kessen Kaitou (expert lvl),Naizu Nimakee (expert lvl), Kabel (master lvl), Ryusaki Toketsu (unknown lvl), Sephiroth Akira (unknown lvl), Towashin (unknown lvl)
Description: A movement technique that allows the user to move at extreme speed, faster than the eye can follow.It can be used to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds, quickly overpower and dispatch opponents before they have time to react.Its superior to many high speed movements because the user can see what he is attacking and where. It also makes a different sound; rather than the usual swishing , Shinsoku makes a booming or static sound.@
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeFri 23 Apr 2010, 10:37 am

After landing on the ground, the woman who has yet to reveal her name stood in place waiting for the others to react. Though, before she even knew it, a giant burst of wind came out from the masked man, and knocked her back very hard into the large forest of trees off into the distance. The powerful force of wind caused her hat to fly off and landed high in a tree in the distance. The girl was thrown into the woods by the force of the winds, which caused her to crash through some trees on the way through. The girl hit 3 trees total going through. She hit the first tree with her back and tore it in two, then hit only half of the other tree, slamming her side into it. And the last tree was a weaker tree getting ready to fall at any moment, but was very large. After hitting the last tree, she blacked out for a few seconds and fell to the ground on her stomach. When she came to, her back and side were badly hurt, and the large old tree she had hit last fell over, but on her left leg, holding her in place on the floor. Her right leg was under it to, but the way the tree was angled, it did not put any pressure on it. The woman grabbed her side in pain. Damit..why did i not see that coming.......i should have never got that close to someone i don't know.. she thought to herself not moving on the ground. Before she knew it, she knew something was coming in the distance, and a double headed kunai had shot right at her from the far distance. The kunai was very fast this time, much faster then the last, but due to the distance, it's aim was slightly off. The kunai zipped past the girls shoulder with enough force that it cut through the thin black wire over her shoulder that was connected to her white shirt. The kunai skid across the ground slightly before getting stuck in the ground a yard away from the girl. ...i cant move...if he comes back here, he will be sure to kill me... The girl thought to herself, still in pain. I can not lose he village again....not again...

The girl grabbed the slightly wet grass between her fist and pulled on it. Her hand was slightly trembling, and the wet muddy ground made her cloths, and her dirty.

Last edited by Revy Izumi on Sun 25 Apr 2010, 3:43 am; edited 4 times in total
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 12:31 am

Morbokai laughed a bit as the woman flew across the area with great force, some what similar to a cartoon. "I can't warn someone what I'm gonna do in battle, but she'll be alright if she's as strong as I thought and is the one I believe". The opposing man had thrown two other kunaii at the woman in the cloak and the Mist Jonin again, but with his jutsu in effect, he didn't have to move a single muscle. He looked at the girl next to the man as the wind blew away the kunai fiercely, wondering if the woman would make a move or just stand there. Oddly enough however, he couldn't hear the wind or anythiing else around him after the awkward whistle from the clone. He could feel everything, and everything was still in line with his vision, so he knew he wasnt caught in a genjutsu. It had to have been in the whistle, something to knock out his hearing. "Is he protecting her?" Morbo flipped through a few hand seals as 36 Morbokais appeared in front of him obscuring the view of him. The Nimakee then pulled from his pockets some long wire, two kunai, and two explosive tags. Looping the wire into the bottom of the kunai and rolling the explosive tag around the bottom of the kunai. "Go". After saying that in a low tone, the clones took off towards the advesaries as three went to the man and two went to the girl. As they took off, Morbokai used a calculated manner and skied the the kunai's high towards the woman. He awaited what they'd do next.

Name: Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu - Haze Clone Technique
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Description: A technique that seems to be a direct advancement of the usual Bunshin no Jutsu, it requires a few hand seals and creates dozens of clones of the user. Just like common clones, these are merely illusions, but they can easily be recreated if some are destroyed. Naturally, this jutsu's sole purpose is to confuse the enemy.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 6:51 am

Kessen chuckled as he saw the girl flew far away, " Oh... that was some landing you've got there..." Kessen complimented. But with his frantic ability allowed his voice to be heard all around the battlefield, echoed like a thunder in the skies. He continued to talk although he knew the other shinobi infront of him wouldn't hear him due to being deaf for a while, " Miss calculations,... what I drag.." he laughed afterwards. Yet from his hearing range, he could still hear the girl breathing, although her breathing is already slow as a sign of exhaustion. When he turned his eyes again to the masked shinobi, he can see him from rain as he made 36 clones of himself. He heard his voice " Go..." the masked shinobi said in a low tone in a hope that he could hide his voice from Kessen. The next moment the clones moved and launched kunai's to Kessen, when he deeply looked at the kunai's they had something intact... explosive tags. Kessen quickly tilted his head and looked at his young apprentice. He turned his eyesight again to the incoming kunai's, without hesitation Kessen quickly made a short set of handseals before concentrating chakra on his vocal cords. Even before the kunai's could hit him he released`a loud scream, the sound wave deflected all of the projectiles along with the explosive tags. The explosive tags itself became drenched by rain and didn't activated, while not all of the clone's were destroyed only some. He didnt wasted anytime, he jumped in the air holding his wooden katana glowing with white chakra acting like its sharp edge just like medical ninja's chakra scalpel. Kessen showed Kenjutsu prowess when he one by one killed the remaining clone jutsus. When he landed on the ground again, he knew one thing..the clones were fake. And he remembered another thing, the masked shinobi is protected by a wind barrier all around within a 20ft. radius. " Sound is carried by wind..." he murmured before he chuckled. He first created an air bunshin who can sustain alot of damage before being destroyed. The clone a normal katana although it glowed in a bright purple color signalizing sound chakra around it.. it was a jutsu, it quickly turned its attention to the area where the girl landed. It made a set of handseals, by the time he finished the girl can already hear sounds of thousand kunai's flying through the area as well as the clone's own running sound. Although this was all fake and only created to divert the girl's attention infront. While the real clone used the same technique that allowed him to move fast and appear behind the damaged and exhausted girl. Holding the katana, he raised it in the air and tried to stabbed the girl on the back in an attempt to kill her. He knew there's a big chance he will hit, because she didnt heard the clone moved due to sound manipulation, and her attention is diverted to the fake incoming kunai's and fake Kessen. Yet at first glance no kunai's will appear, but hidden in those fake sounds is a real double-tipped kunai thrown by Kessen the moment the clone disappeared, he knew he missed the first time, but not this time.

Meanwhile the real Kessen himself spun a set of handseals, and focused towards the area of the masked shinobi. He used a variation of his jutsu, the original jutsu was meant to create ringing sounds that can disorient and distract someone by focusing sound chakra near their ear. But this time he exploited its ability, instead of merely focusing on the masked shinobi he focused the sound chakra on the spinning barrier around him. The barrier acting as a medium between the masked guy and the sound chakra. Since sound chakra is carried over by wind, the ringing started from a mere weak ring until only a second passed and the ringing turned into the sound of a bell of the church. The barrier itself trembled as the ringing madness started, normally it would only disorient and distract the target, but at this rate the trembling sound will drive the masked shinobi crazy. While as he stood there, he slowly unsheathed his blade on its hilt. He spoke again, " Watch an event unfold as an expectator! " he was reffering to his Akatsuki Apprentice. Kessen quickly spinned before releasing a massive sound shockwave created by his sword named " Kazekage's Wrath ". Even if the wind barrier protected him, sound will just pass through by being carried by wind itself. That simple Sound Shockwave could rip his body apart if it hits, that's a high chance since the masked shinobi is currently disoriented and too distracted to even see the shockwave, and anyway his too confident nothing will pass that barrier.

Sound is carried by wind, Sound will not strive without wind, although by itself it is already powerful. But it has been said that sound moves faster than wind.


Kessen's Jutsu:

Oto - Takanari Kichigai [ Ringing Madness ]
Description:The user gathering their chakra into the air having it flow towards the opponent causes this portion of sound to remain in their opponents ears. The ringing continues to grow as time progesses as at first it will disrupt how a person hears eventually hampering their ability to think. From that it starts to mess with their balance until they become incredibly disorientated.

Oto - Himei Zetsubou no Jutsu [ Scream of Despair ]
Description:The user concentrating chakra into their vocal cords enhancing throat chakra lets out a scream that travels extremely fast in which can be used to deflect projectiles and send opponents flying

Fuuton - Air Clone [ Tei Bunshin ]
Description: A skill in which creates a tangible clone. This clone being created from the air, it can have different properties depending on the air properties. If used in a warm air setting, the bunshin's taijutsu attacks will have a burning sensation to them. If used in a windy air setting, the bunshin's taijutsu attacks will create cuts on the opponents body. If used in a rainy air setting, the bunshin's taijtusu speed will be greater. The clone can use fuuton jutsus of the user.
Oto - [ Sound Damage ]

Clone Jutsu (Own Chakra Supplied being an elemental clone)

Type:Ninjutsu[passive after activation]
Description: Kessen can use this jutsu to any weapon or even his bare fists and feet. This extends the range of his attacks. Even if he misses with the direct hit, the force of sound will still bounce on the enemy and knock him 30 meters away and making him dizzy for a short amount of time. This can be activated without any jutsu, just by focusing sound chakra on the weapon or on his body.

Oto - [ Confusing Noise ]
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Description: A jutsu often used by Kessen to play and distract his opponents. By focusing in one place(Kessen must be hidden), Kessen can control the sound on a small radius area(around his target). No handseals are needed to perform this jutsu. After focusing, Kessen create different kinds of sounds on the said area. From animal sounds to sound of running people.
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Revy Izumi
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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeMon 26 Apr 2010, 10:38 am

The girl who was stuck under the large fallen tree, and covered in a slightly moist dirt tried to free herself, but couldn't. Just as she stopped, she felt a high spike in chakra just above her, coming from the tree she was on. The altered rain that was still falling allowed her to feel the chakra pressures still. Paying no attention to the barrage of incoming, but fake Kunai, she turned her head to look back and saw what is most likely a clone of the Akatsuki, right about to stab her in place. Damnit..why cant i move at all now...did he use something to stop me? I cant even move my arms The girl thought to herself watching as her life might just be over. Deep within her mind she heard the noise of a evil, long extended breath that sounded blood thirsty. It's my turn.... Before she knew it, the entity took control of the girls body. A black color started to leek into her eyes, coming from the sides, and as it did that, she quickly did a few fast hand seals, and placed her hands on the ground in front of her. Immediately after, thick pillars of rock shot up from out of the ground in front of the girl, as well as under the tree lifting it up only slightly, and lifted one side of the tree much higher then the other, causing the swords stab to go off to the side, and miss the girl. The one real kunai that had been thrown was blocked by the pillars of rock that had been risen in front of her. The rock pillars bent and twisted around the whole area, though right before all the gaps were closed, the girl quickly pushed herself through a small opening where she was. The clone, as well as the middle section of the tree were now trapped inside of a rocky prison. The girl stood to her feet as if her wounds weren't even effecting her any bit, and had a small grin on her face. The darkness completely flooded her eyes, all but the golden yellow pupil in the center. The being who was now in complete control of the girls body reached down and picked up the two long blades off the ground, and turned around and began walking slowly dragging them on the ground. Black flames appeared along the top of the trees, on tree branches, and began burning away at it. As the being passed the rock prison, the prison crumbled behind him crushing the clone inside, as well as damaging the center of the tree greatly. Right before the being walked out into sight, it did a few hand seals, then disappeared with a speed that even some S ranked ninja would have a hard time following. The hand seals activated a lightning type jutsu that had spread lightning chakra through the ground, and remained stationary until activated.

Since the Akatsuki is paying so much attention to the man with the mask, and is in the middle of performing an attack, it would be hard for him to dodge what is about to come. The being who has taken control of the girls body instantly appeared in the distance, behind the Akatsuki man with a speed that most S rank ninja would find hard to follow, right as he finished swinging his sword which sent the wave of sound towards the masked ninja. The instant it appeared, it began doing hand seals at an incredibly fast rate, which caused the rain 3 FT above the Akatsuki, then dropped and if it hits him, it will hold him in place then connect to the ground making it impossible to move. Right after the net was created and began falling fast, the being did a single hand seal, which caused 3 lightning spikes to instantly jump up very close to the Akatsuki forming a triangle around him, but not quite hitting him. Due to everything being soaked, including the Akatsuki, the lightning became more powerful and shocked not only what it hit, but also about a 1 yard radius around each spike, trapping him in the center only to be hit by all 3 spikes shock range, and then hit by the falling net made of water. Right as the being finished the hand seals, it did one more set which caused the rain to stop for the moment, and will continue raining once again in 3 seconds.

The being who took control of the girls body watched in amusement, and what might be the death of yet another human. "Now...that is how you do it Naoto! I don't see why you don't just let me do this stuff for you!"
The being yelled in excitement, and in a evil voice that echoed behind itself as he spoke.

Name: Earth Pillar Prison
Rank: B
Element: Earth
Description: This jutsu creates a large amount of rock pillars from under ground. They can then be controlled to surround their opponent and create a bamboo-like thicket of wood.
Name: Lightning Jump
Rank: C
Element: Lightning
Description: After doing the required hand seals, lightning chakra will flow through the users feet, and spread out into the ground. At the users will, up to 3 times, and at an instant, a spark of lightning will jump up from the ground, but only rise about 4 feet before it disappears. When it jumps up, it will shock anything in its path, and is very deadly to wet targets, or if the ground is wet, shocking approximately a 1 yard radius around the jump of lightning.
Name: Rain Capture Technique
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: This technique causes a target of the user\'s choice to \"attract\" raindrops. The water in the rain drops will attach themselves over an opponent. Once enough water has gathered over an enemy it will also attach to the ground, holding the user\'s opponent to the ground. Opponent must specialize in Taijutsu to break free, or posess incredible strength.
Name: Rain Spear
Rank: B
Element: Water
Description: By using chakra to condense a large amount of rain water into one place, the user creates a spear of water in the clouds. The spear can at any time be called down to strike an opponent with only one hand-seal. The water will stay in the form of spear for until it is sent down to attack. If the spear is not used, it will fall uselessly as rain. The only warning this technique gives is a pause in the rain for about 3 seconds.

Last edited by Naoto Shirogane on Tue 27 Apr 2010, 10:28 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeThu 29 Apr 2010, 4:56 pm

((Wrong, thread is being looked over, I'm still alive pahtnah. :D, now for my postith))

Morbokai was amused by the mans actions of saving the little ones life and would try to capitalize on the opportunity presented to him. As he diverted his attention to the the other women, Morbo decided to do what he did what he did oh so well. In the wake of not being able to hear, he would rely on his other senses to bring him to safety and success in the battle at hand. As the man leaped to went to deflect the kunais, Morbokais body began to merge into the ground at a medium pace and knelt to one knee, placing his hands to the ground as his body sunk. A large hole appeared beneath the young akatsuki member as well as the front of the aggressor of the duo as he finished submerging. At that point, the man had created a clone of which was sent towards the injured kinochi immediately. The elder shinobi attempted to perform a jutsu before he went below the surface but due to all that he had to do protect the smaller Aka member, he was unsuccessful and his jutsu went for not. The girl seemed to be off the into no mans land and was in line for an unsuspecting attack, as two arms shot through the ground and snatched at her legs. She'd be pulled underground if she didn't move, and with the jutsu being as swift as it was, it would seem unlikely that she would. Across the area, the elder kinochi had shot across and attacked the man and held lightning within the confines of her attack. It was fortunate that there was separation between the group members, otherwise he'd have been shocked as well although he was unknowing of the woman's doings.

Name: Pot Hole
Description: The user makes mid size holes in the ground that are about 10 feet wide and deep by focusing on one area.The user can make up to three at once and can only use this once per 2 post.

Name: Doton: Dochuu Eigyo - Earth Release: Underground Fish Projection
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description: Doton: Dochuu Eigyo is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. It allows its user to sink into the ground and hide there or strike from below to surprise their opponent.

Name: Doton: Shinjuu Zanshu - Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Earth
Description: Doton: Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will travel through the ground to appear below their target. They will then surprise their target by then pulling them into the ground. Once in the ground their target is thus immobilized.
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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeFri 30 Apr 2010, 11:26 pm

[[I was told I could jump in. Just an old promise I made that I have to fulfil.]]

Deep within the world there lies a species of being known as mortals. Deep within these mortals lie a metaphorical heart. Deep within this heart lies the insanity that most fear so intensely. That is, all except the few lucky ones to have finally seen the light. The few that could hold a candle to the most brilliant of the geniuses, the few who embrace the insanity and accept it into their hearts and their minds. These are not to be known as those with unsound minds or black hearts, but of dangerously sharp minds, and slightly grey hearts. Morals are only obstacles to those that know better. I rant like this not because I'm bored or insane myself, but because it pertains to the being I am about to describe. A woman, a young female, only just hitting the mortal age of eighteen-though her heart and her mind exceed that age by centuries- stands alone at a sniping point just on the horizon of the Rain Village.

The girl in question went by the name Nagare. She had slightly tanned flesh, unmarred by acne or scars despite her age. Standing at only five feet four inches, she was an average height for a woman. She was nearly twig-thin, with a flat-yet visibly unmuscular- stomach. Her arms didn't appear to carry that much muscle in them, because her muscles are compact and wire-like. This was a result of more acrobatics and such than actual combat training. Nagare had a heart shaped face with sharp, defined features. Set in her eye sockets were matching cyan-colored eyes, like the brilliant sky above her. These eyes were rimmed by black eye liner and eye shadow, bringing out the brilliant hue even further. Nagare's eyebrows were thin and arched, ebony in color just like her hair. Between those cyan eyes was a thin, bony nose, her lips also thin, and a light, rosy pink shade. She had high cheek bones, small round ears, and a regal air about her. Her smile was brilliant, revealing perfectly aligned, achromatic teeth. She wore her ebony hair down around the sides of her head, pushing the bangs to the sides to frame her face, while the back was pulled into a ponytail that spanned down half of her back. Moving on a bit lower, her neck was an average height, her shoulders not very wide. She had an average bust, which she had wrapped in a bikini top. Her favorite bikini top to wear is a white one with black pokadots, and that was exactly the one that she was wearing. Her arms were long and slender, her hands small with longer, bony fingers. Fingernails painted black, both middle fingers containing rings in the form of dragon heads. Even further down, she had wide, shapely hips. This was because of her feminine qualities, brought on by puberty. She was wearing jeans, black as her hair. Because she was so skinny, she had to wear a black studded belt, to keep her pants from falling down. Upon her feet were black converse sneakers, with red laces poking out and brilliant white toes.

Set in her right hand was a massive, mechanical bow with chains for strings and gears set so that drawing wouldn't be too difficult. In her left hand was an arrow the size of a lance. As she brought it to the bow, she flicked her wrist, revealing that it was actually three separate arrows, all the same shape, make, and model. They were what she referred to as "Wana" arrows. Placing them upon the massive chain that was her bowstring, she drew back and aimed for one woman in question. The woman went by the name of Naoto, and she was the target of the day. Anyone who was hurt by the after affect was just another meal. Releasing the arrows with the power of a bullet, she watched as they flew straight and true. They would impact within her chest, or the ground around her feet if they missed, shattering on impact and spraying anything within five feet of them with massive shards of metal. Watching her work gleefully, Nagare pawed herself, feeling an intense wave of heat spread over her body. She lived for the kill.
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Kessen Kaitou
Kessen Kaitou

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Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki)   Taking Back What's Rightfully Mine (Open to rain ninja and Akatsuki) Icon_minitimeSat 01 May 2010, 1:49 am

OOC: Morbokai ignored an attack, I have the right to auto-hit.



The masked shinobi slowly merging with the ground, but he was too slow as he hadn't saw and evaded the sound shockwave Kessen sent. Kessen slowly laughed as he saw the masked guy's body get ripped into half by his sound shockwave. Just like what he anticipated, he wasn't able to dodge such attack while being distracted by his jutsu. Although he was still alive, that severe wound would instantly kill him,. After he had taken care of the masked shinobi, he turned his attention to the girl. It was the time when she was about to be stabbed by the clone. He was amazed she was able to dodge it, and even destroy the clone after she smashed in about 2-3 trees which could have resulted into broken bones in her body. Even from afar he could hear the sound of her breathing allowing him to detect where she is. Suddenly the girl disappeared from her current position. Kessen himself heard a couple of sounds above him, when he looked up he saw water forming above him. He quickly moved using a taijutsu technique taught to him, which is the same jutsu the clone used to move at the back of the girl so fast. He disappeared from his current position and reappeared in a tree about 30 meters away from his old position. It was a tall tree rising at 7ft tall, there he watched as the girl's jutsu where laid to waste. After the water net fell, lightning instantly appeared there which was supposed to strike Kessen. It was a perfect combo, the only problem is Kessen was faster than the girl. When he looked for the girl, Kessen found here to be about 100 meters away from him. He still held the samurai sword. He remembered something, the attack of the clones katana. It may have missed at the sides of the girl but the attack was infused with Oto Chakra, creating an invisible lining of oto chakra on the weapon.



He knew the girl would suddenly cough blood due to that attack, its effects appear after a few minutes. The girl would be dizzy in the next few seconds after that attack. It will also worsen his already worse condition. Although Kessen was puzzled how can she still stood after those sufferings, its like something's pulling her body to move. He also noticed and noted the 3 second span that the rain stopped. Kessen still held the Kazekage's Wrath upon his hands. It has really devastating effects, it deteriorates the 5 senses ability while inside a special 75 meter radius from around the sword. That's its normal range, yet it may extend. A seal was revealed on the neck of Kessen, slowly it spreaded into his body activating level one of his seal. With various effects, which includes doubling the range of his sword's effect to 150 meters. Soon the girl would cough blood due to Sound Chakra lurkingn around the 150 meters area. Yet losing her 5 senses which includes, blurring of the eyesight, deafness and useless sense of smell taste and touch, combine with his severe wounded body, it only takes a split second to take effect. Kessen created another set of handseals, " And now to finish this ..." he murmured to himself. Nothing seemed to happen but the jutsu was activates after a few seconds. " Kaze no Yaiba! " a powerful jutsu which materializes wind to attack the target, cutting her from every direction. But from amidst the attack, Kessen heard something fly in the air... an arrow zoomed towards the girl.


Fuuton - Wind Blade [ Kaze no Yaiba ]
Description: A skill where the user gathers chakra into the winds around them, forming it together to create a focused mass of wind. This focused mass of wind being materialized into a blade is thrown towards the opponent. This is a very dangerous jutsu as nothing is said to be able to stop a the blade of wind .

Name: Shinsoku (神速, God-speed )
Rank: Uknown Rank
Creator: Kostas
Users: Kostas (master lvl), Kessen Kaitou (expert lvl),Naizu Nimakee (expert lvl), Kabel (master lvl), Ryusaki Toketsu (unknown lvl), Sephiroth Akira (unknown lvl), Towashin (unknown lvl)
Description: A movement technique that allows the user to move at extreme speed, faster than the eye can follow.It can be used to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds, quickly overpower and dispatch opponents before they have time to react.Its superior to many high speed movements because the user can see what he is attacking and where. It also makes a different sound; rather than the usual swishing , Shinsoku makes a booming or static sound.

Cursed Seal
Level One:

-Benefits: Basically, this improves all of his attributes (power, speed, agility, chakra etc) 3 fold. Kessen would also be able to stretch his vision, double the strength of his every jutsu, and utlize Kenjutsu moves much more efficiently. Kessen's jutsu goes 1 rank up on level one.

Name: Kazekage's Wrath

Rank: S

Owner: Kessen

Appearance: The samurai sword that the character in my avatar wields.

Length: 75 cm

Width: 7 cm

Material: Chakra Conductive, Onyx

Weight: Weightless

Abilities: With its sole name, the sword has been known to deliver the Kazekage's wrath. It can be in conjunction with the wielders element. As for Kessen's element, this sword works in harmony with Oto. A swing of this sword when infused with Kessen's Oto can cause massive destruction in a certain area. The massive destruction described causes Oto chakra to lurk around the battlefield with an AOE of around 75meters which can still increase. Acting with its natural effects, anything around that certain area can render the opponents senses useless. As far as the sword is concern, the opponent's eyesight becomes blurry, certain deafness, useless sense of taste,smell and touch. And the longer the enemy stays inside the AOE or Area of Effect, the longer the effects lasts even if they get out of the AOE. Also while inside the perimeter, the enemy constantly coughs blood, due to sound impact pounding they're bodies. Its other effect, includes the ability of the 3 Kazekage's who participated in the completion of this weapon. Imbued with Echiiro Ouya's blood drops, once the sword inflicts any damage to the opponent and gets blood stained. Kessen gets a vision of the target like a hungry predator. Imbued with Hakuben Wana's tears, Kessen is able to fire his elemental affinities like projectiles. And imbued with Seiyuuki Uindo's chakra, it is able to enhance the overall attributes of Kessen as long as he held the sword.

Info: A sword planned by the second Kazekage Eiichiro Ouya, upgraded by the third Kazekage Hakuben Wana and completed by the fourth Kazekage Seiyuuki Uindo.
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