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To the snow country.. Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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Naruto X Staff
Nocturne Revy Masahiro


 To the snow country..

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Posts : 194
Points : 121
Join date : 2008-05-18
Age : 30
Location : I you?

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: stone

To the snow country.. Empty
PostSubject: To the snow country..   To the snow country.. Icon_minitimeSun 25 Apr 2010, 6:48 am

Kevin walked through the gates of the sand village and exchanged smiles with the Gate guards. He was leaving the sand village and on his way back to the stone village.What a day.. He had come to the sand village to freshen up his mind in the least that was what he had expected to do. Well, Kevin had no time to think about what happened at the village because he was focused on getting back to the stone and visit the kage. Its been a whole week since he have visited the kage and discussed important matters. But for some reason his mind was telling him to find his past lover, Ryu. AS he walked, the cool wind blew faster...the atmosphere became thin. And then somehow he had a change in mind.

He suddenly turned his direction of the left. He was walking towards the path to the snow village. He didnt know how but his mind and heart told him that he would find her there. He could've easily ran with his incredible speed ability but he didnt want to waste his energy. He walked as the shadows grew longer. It was growing slighly dark. He had got far away from the sand village. Small drops of water fell on his hair and clothes as he continued walking towards the direction of the snow village. Once he got there he didnt know what to do..but it didnt matter. Visiting the kage would also have to wait. The rain grew stronger as Kevin heaved a sigh as he walked.
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