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 Seiashi Clan

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PostSubject: Seiashi Clan   Seiashi Clan Icon_minitimeFri 30 Apr 2010, 12:36 am

History//Legend of the Clan:

The Seiashi Clan's history traces itself back to the end of the Second Great Shinobi World War. After the major fighting ended, several clans that had once been prosperous found themselves depleted of numbers. Either by allying with one of the large Shinobi Villages or by remaining independent, numerous shinobi clans with unique Kekkai Genkai or even unique jutsu found themselves more or less defenseless. One particular clan was the Hakahi Clan.

While their unique Kekkai Genkai had shown itself limitedly during the war, the Clan was decimated. Hopeless, several members quickly fled to any village that would taken them, one by one, until the clan was scattered across the globe. The Elder of the Clan, gathering those who'd remained with him, decided to strike an official alliance with one of the villages. Kirigakure was the first village to make the offer.

Despite the villager's stance against Kekkai Genkai at the time, the Mizukage recognized the abilities of the clan and allowed them to live there, peacefully, but under one condition: The clan's members could not reveal their bloodline to anyone. The members of the clan who spread to other villages were officially the Hakahi clan, but those who relocated to Kirigakure renamed themselves to the Seiashi Clan. The Mizukage had expected hatred of those possessing Kekkai Genkai to dissipate after the war, but it never did. For ages, the Seiashi Clan was forced to hide their roots and practice them only in secret. They were known as 'outcast', wayward ninja who had no true skills. Even worse, their numbers dwindled quickly. Before long the prosperous clan was wittled down to a handful of members.

During the Third Great Shinobi War, the Mizukage officially lifted their restriction and much to the dismay of the Seiashi Clan, their powers we so weakened they were essentially wiped out. Only those too young to fight remained and the clan officially fell into chaos. Adopted by shinobi or left as orphans on the street, those who carried the name 'Seiashi' grow up knowing next to nothing of their unique bloodline. Those who do discover it usually are forced to train it by themselves completely.

Kekkei Genkai//Bloodline of the Clan:

Two unique attributes make up the Seiashi Clan's bloodline. Impressive affinity with Lightning and Water jutsus in universally all it's members is one of the defining features of the clan, but all of them also possess odd body traits that can be mistaken for simple birthmarks. Usually these take the form of black dots somewhere on their body, but can also manifest as dark hair, dark eyes, even things like black skin.

Araton (Storm Release): An ability that the Seiashi Clan shares with it's ancestors the Hakaki Clan, Storm Release allows the user to internally mix raiton and soiton together and form strong, destructive jutsus comprised of an electric-colored water (Usually yellow, but can also be bright blue, bright white, etc) that carries the destructive and electric powers of lightning while still being as smooth and malleable as water. In essence, the Storm element is formed by the initially uncontrolled mixing of the two elements during the chakra melding processes and released like any other.

Unlike jutsu that involves first making and then adding lightning to water, Storm jutsu is still quite literally Lightning. The main difference is that just like water jutsu, it can be more heavily manipulated during it's release, creating spectacularly aggressive jutsu that rarely have a linear path. It is also quite destructive like both it's parent elements, punching through objects with pressure and speed like lightning or dispersing over an areas to coat it in constant flows of lightning.

One of it's weaknesses is that unlike water, Storm Jutsus cannot be used for such a supporting or covert manner, all it's jutsus carrying pure destructive force with little ability to aid an ally. Water can be stored around the user or drawn from areas naturally, making the process easier and even Lightning can be drawn from the clouds or electrical sources, Storm like all Kekkai Genkai elements absolutely must be drawn from the user's own chakra reserves. Another drawback is that since Lightning and Water are opposing natures, Storm Jutsus take more concentration to meld together. With training it can become quite easy to use, but for an unskilled storm jutsus user, even a moment's distraction can actually cause the chakra to clash during melding, frying the user's chakra coils for a time and making any kind of chakra melding impossible until they heal.

Chadai: A unique biological affect of the Seiashi Clan. Their internal chakra coils, when viewed by surgery or byakugan, seem to have more paths then one expects and their body possesses odd, tumor like organs in odd places in the body. This effect is known as Chadai or Chakra Batteries. What these organs do is produce and store chakra at a constant rate, expending the excess into the user's body. Aside from providing all members of the clan with a constant, if small, flow of extra energy, these organs can be trained like muscles to provide boosts to the user's chakra in response to muscle movement They can be exhausted like regular chakra however and only provide a biological increase to the user's 'maximum' chakra capacity, not it's strength, type or regeneration.

The Chadai tend to absorb nutrients and various proteins faster then the rest of the body, including fat and calories. As such, Seiashi Clan Members are rarely overweight and often times skinnier then is healthy due to this. This is another drawback of the Chadai as they tend to consume more energy from the body then they expel in Chakra content, making it easy for a Seiashi to grow weaker then they feel.

Clan Information:

- Clan Training :: In the past, Hakahi training would involve absolute affinity with Water and Lightning before even delving into the nature of Storm. Water is a passive element that returns any pressure doublefold and lightning is an unstable nature prone to excitement. In an essence, the user must learn to control those elements, a task for even a seasoned ninja, before they can control Storm.

As well, they also must be wary of the Chadai. Without training, the Chadai will give them more energy then their body can handle if they use it and it ends up exhausting the user when their body feels absolutely fine. Training for this involves a lot of basic, the most common of which is exhausting the body of chakra and practicing taijutsu or exercise without the use of chakra, to get a feel for the body's own natural reserves without the Chadai's influence.

In typical cases, the initial Storm release is an accident when a Seiashi/Hakahi child reaches affinity with their inherent natures. While dangerous, it was not uncommon for children of the Hakahi to be left to train for days at a time until the accidental release which opened the door to the Storm Nature. Without guidance, all one can do is hope for this circumstance.

Chadai are not present at birth, only small organs roughly the size of a grain of sand. These organs absorb hormones, nutrients and various fluids from birth onward, growing to roughly the size of a pea by the age of five and by age ten to twelve, their final size and capacity becomes set. On average, a typical Seiashi adult has around seven Chadai in various parts of their body, more normally the chest but some can grow under the skin or attached to muscle, even bone. These chadai rarely reach above the size of a grape and even this size is highly uncommon.

- Population :: While once fairly numerous, loss of status and wars have turned the clan into a roughly E sized clan, including those claiming the Hakahi name still. Their genetic structure is quite pure for a clan however, rarely is any other bloodline able to mix with it properly and in the cases it does, the child usually does not live long. The Chadai seem unable to operate without Seiashi or Hakahi blood.

The clan's bloodline is characterized by black on the member's body, nearly anywhere. As subtle as black flecks in the eyes or on the skin to jet black hair, irises colored the same as ebony to the most pronounced, black teeth, black nails, black skin, even black blood. The phenomena is due to an isolated pigment that the Chadai produce that settles on an area of the body and mingles with that area's natural pigmentation during fetal development, producing the unique spots.

The Chadai tend to absorb nutrients and various proteins faster then the rest of the body, including fat and calories. As such, Seiashi Clan Members are rarely overweight and often times skinnier then is healthy due to this. However, the Chadai have a very strange function that in addition to the production of chakra, they routinely excrete small quantities of gender-specific hormones that enhance the body in superficial ways. The Chadai's hormones are usually does that aid in the smoothness or clearness of skin, the length and fullness of hair...In essence, the chadai are a sort of internal beautification to the point that rarely do the possessors look unattractive and things like scars fade faster then normal, though actual wounds do not heal any faster.

- Nature//Values :: Before their involvement with Kirigakure, the Seiashi Clan could have been considered at best Neutral. Mercenaries more then Shinobi, they sold services and skills for money but when threatened with extinction, this lack of loyalties led to their downfall. The current generation tend to have widely varying views due to upbringing, but the Seiashi sect inside Kirigakure chose the path of absolute loyalty. Shinobi to the core, they are Good in most aspects but tend to have been trained, enforced or even pushed to be loyal to Kirigakure.

Additional Information [Optional]:

- Clan Founder :: Koshishu Jinpachi

- Relationship :: Jouijie's Clan is a mystery to him. He has no recollection of his birth parents who were killed during Shinobi duties and the pair of Chuunin who took him in soon died after he turned of Academy age. His caretakers since then usually have no idea of his clan either.

- Clan Political Structure :: Before it's general 'falling apart' during the Third War, the Seiashi clan was ruled in a small power structure. Three Elders, each one considered equal to a Jonin in terms of skill, raised a sect of the clan. The three sects were known individually as Aoizore, Shiropuu and Kiseken. They held their own power structure and rankings internally, but to the outside world were always unified and dignified.

- Important Members :: To Be Discovered.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Re: Seiashi Clan   Seiashi Clan Icon_minitimeFri 30 Apr 2010, 10:02 am

Idk about that constant chakra storing and regeneration..someone else will have to look at this. Other then that it looks fine.
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The Mad Hatter
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PostSubject: Re: Seiashi Clan   Seiashi Clan Icon_minitimeFri 30 Apr 2010, 5:18 pm

My Approval, but with the chadai don't go over board and after exhausting them along with your normal source,I would expect you to be exhausted to the max.
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PostSubject: Re: Seiashi Clan   Seiashi Clan Icon_minitimeFri 30 Apr 2010, 5:28 pm

Of course. And in response to what Revy said,

"Aside from providing all members of the clan with a constant, if small, flow of extra energy, these organs can be trained like muscles to provide boosts to the user's chakra in response to muscle movement They can be exhausted like regular chakra however and only provide a biological increase to the user's 'maximum' chakra capacity, not it's strength, type or regeneration."

Basically they're quite literally batteries. They give a small passive boost and can be squeezed for more, but they don't provide anymore then an increase to the bodily maximum.

And yeah, when all the Chadai and the body are drained, it'll be hell for Jouijie to even breathe, let alone move.
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PostSubject: Re: Seiashi Clan   Seiashi Clan Icon_minitime

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