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Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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 Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]

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Sashaki Taminken
Sashaki Taminken

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Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Empty
PostSubject: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeFri 07 May 2010, 2:53 pm

Being in unfamiliar territory and having to gather information was one of the most basic situations a Shinobi could find themselves in, besides combat. It was something they drilled into you in the academy and something that constantly came up everywhere else. Even for Akatsuki, forsaking their villages and their teachings and what reasonable people would called 'Honor', they still carried that training close to their heart, and few exercised it so effectively as Sashaki.

Kumogakure had an expansive grave yard dedicated to the clans of fallen shinobi. Shrines and tombstones dotted it's landscape and the figures of mourners sometimes moved across it, or even the quick appearance of a shinobi placing flowers or a scroll on the grave of a dead love or partner. Somber didn't even begin to describe this place, filled with the grim reminder of what sacrifice the Villages gave to protect themselves. And tainting that beautiful memory, though no one but he actually understood that fact, was this man. Standing in front of a particularly large shrine in the graveyard, he seemed to be reading the small lines of names that were dotting the shrine and he even had a handful of flowers. Roses, lilies, all seemingly freshly picked and cut at this point.

For all intents and purposes, it looked as if he was mourning. Standing somber, peacefully, to the point that he didn't even look like he was disturbing the grass. The clan name on this Shrine was 'Itokuzu', which seemed to be an old clan...Some of these men and women had dates of death leading back to the First Shinobi War. Just what he wanted, an elder clan to test himself against in this land.
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeFri 07 May 2010, 8:42 pm

Kamoku had walked from the main hospital of the sick and dying. It was between the ninja academy and the cemetary. It was as if he walked a line of life and death that he was never to cross either until he lost his balance. Falling into the abyss of the unknown. Would it be life or death that awaited him? He never cared much about it, but the wistfullness of his patients were soon getting to him. Would he continue treating? Would his life have any meaning throughout his immortality? How can he get a bite to eat in this village without getting kicked out?

Kamoku walked down the lane, his tightly wrapped limbs made him look like a walking mummy with a white mop for a head. The wraps were to keep him from killing human beings with his death touch and to keep them from being afraid of his claws and the black spurr on his heel. His multiple eyes swirled around lazily until they spotted a cemetary. He remembered as a child the people of the snow village would place their dead on a stone slab for his clan to eat so they didn't have to hunt the living. It was a good system and kept Kam from starving most of the time. He wondered if they had the same idea here. He walked over to a recent grave and looked through the particles of earth to the body. Having knowledge of medical arts he estimated the body be 3 days old. Enough for most of the flesh to have matured. Good. He retracted his four limbs of claws and begans to dig with the entire set, his footclaws pulling up large ammounts of dust clouds and grime. He was confused why they made it so hard to get to the body. Maybe to make the other animals disgruntled.
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Sashaki Taminken
Sashaki Taminken

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeSat 08 May 2010, 2:00 pm

Sashaki was half-way through his inspection and about to move onto the next shrine when the sound of earth being disturbed reached his ears. At first, he suspects another grave was being dug and was about to make a move to step out of the graveyard, to get out of the area before any parties of Shinobi came through to attend the funeral. He peeked out from behind the Shrine he was at and instead of finding a shrine being put into place or even a few Shinobi with a shovel, he found a man digging at the gravesite like a wild animal. He actually found himself staring at the scene for a moment before he slipped back behind the shrine, blinking rapidly...

Was he some kind of grave digger or caretaker? He certainly seemed to be going to town. Whatever it was, it was none of his business really...He just wanted to get the last few names down before he left Kumogakure for the day. He couldn't stay within the village too long or he'd start to get noticed and then he'd have to deal with pursuits of varying kinds...And still that man dug at the earth. It was like listening to a dog dig for a bone, he almost had to look. He tilted his head out of the side of the shrine again and saw the man now more or less disappearing into the meter and a half deep hole...He curiously kept watching for a moment, ready to peek his head inside at the first sign of the man looking over at him.

He vaguely resembled an animal, actually...Was it even really a man? The bandages and claws and that stark moppy hair...What was he?
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeSat 08 May 2010, 6:14 pm

Kamoku was a good meter and a half when he heard a small scrape on the ground with his high-frequency ears. He sat up and scanned the area and stared dead on at the akatsuki. The man was checking on another dead body that wasn't dug up yet. How funny. Kam smiled at the confused man, his pointed teeth shining against the bright sun with his yellow eyes wide open. kam's several pupils swirling around as they usually did. He resumed digging and soon got to the casket.

Kamoku stabbed his claws into the thick wood until his hand was fully through. he then gripped the underside of the box and used his spare hand to grab the edge of the door. He pulled as hard as he could for several minutes until it came off. As it did so, he went flying with it out of the hole and flat on his back with the door on top of him, his hand still through. He fumbled for a second and threw the heavy wood off of him, which pulled at his bandages. The left hand of his bandages fell off and showed pure white papery skin with black claws instead of stubs in which humans had.

He shook his head to rid himself of the dirt on his white hair and stood up. He still wore his doctors coat that was now covered in dust. He hopped right back into the hole to retreive his prize. He examined it for a while and smiled. He was in luck, he wasn't embalmed so the harsh chemicals made the heavenly stink rose from the earth. Kam ripped off an arm and climbed out of the hole to enjoy his meal. He sat on someones gravestone that was nearby and began ripping off the rotting meat from the mans arm with his carnivorus teeth.
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Sashaki Taminken
Sashaki Taminken

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeSun 09 May 2010, 7:02 am

Shifting a little as he was noticed, Sashaki tensed only momentarily on the inside but externally, he just quirked an eyebrow curiously. He almost had to resist the urge to snicker when the creature dipped back into the hole and then came flying back out, the coffin still attached to his hands. The way he moved was interesting, but irrelevant...Those claws were quite imposing though. The parchment skin perturbed him less so. Shifting back inside the shrine, Sashaki made a quick and somewhat hollow gesture of clapping his hands together and laying the flowers on the floor of the shrine, a twisted gesture of respect. He was going to start murdering their living relatives, the least he could do was offer flowers.

Stepping out of the shrine again, he turned now to check on the man by the grave and found him...Well, eating a limb. He'd seen many things since he joined Akatsuki. Cannibalism was just one of those things he wasn't familiar with however. Especially on a corpse, someone already quite long dead. Didn't they prefer fresh meat to bones and husks? He guessed, anyway...As stated, he'd never seen one before. Clearing his throat a bit, Sashaki nodded to the man a bit and bit back a small gag of sorts as Kamoku perched on a gravestone and began to have...Lunch.
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Kiero Uchiha
Kiero Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeMon 10 May 2010, 2:53 am

A man appeared on top a part of a certain shrine. He wore the Raikage Hat and Cloak proudly, although the cloak was just draped upon his body. The man was Kiero Uchiha, Kumogakure's Raikage. He was good at hiding his chakra signatures that he was able to appear without being detected. He assumed that the guy on the right side was an akatsuki since his wearing an akatsuki robe, while on the left side is a guy he knew, Kamoku Willow. Until now maybe none of those two had noticed him, standing in one foot in the middle of a ledge that separates both shinobi. He patiently observed them, the akatsuki was obviously spying/gathering information, while Kamoku was feasting on a dead body. Kiero had seen far worse than eating a dead body, so he was unaffected. He sighed and spoke, " What's an akatsuki doing here?, the Hokage never mentioned anything about a visitor. He paused for abit "This is truly unexpected on my part..."

He then turned to Kamoku, who was busy with his feast. " Kamoku,... you seem having fun there " Its been awhile seen he had seen a cannibal, and its interesting to see one in Kumogakure. The village is a bit peaceful nowadays, after he had taken over this once rugged village. They seemed barbaric when it comes to action, and yet to be civilized. Although Kumogakure was seen as one of the most powerful villages among 5. It was feared, now its terrifying with its new leader. After a moment of story telling, it seemed that the akatsuki had finally seen Kamoku Willow on the other side. Kiero was abit obscured from the akatsuki's vision when he placed some sort of offering to a shrine, a flower it may seem. He had forseen fear and surprise upon the akatsuki's eyes. Kiero cant blame him, its not everyday you can see a sight like this, its rare even for akatsuki's. The wind breeze slowly sweeped the sky, gently taking Kiero's Cloak along with its wings. He stood there awaiting when will both of them notice him.
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeMon 10 May 2010, 3:14 am

Kamoku was finished with one side of the arm and worked his way around to the other side, licking clean the white bones of the distinct human hand. As he did so, he kept track of who was where and how far. Of course he saw the Kage and chose to ignore him in fear that he would take away his lunch if he confronted him. Kamoku then started pulling off the cartledge and nibbling around the wrists. It may be the place with the most meager meat, but it had certain nutrients that he needed for his long travels. As he ate he began thinking of his patients. There were four that he needed to work on. First was a vetran that needed him to reattach a leg, one was a braindead child who fell from an apartment window, second was a paralyzed chunnin and the third was a blind chairman.

All of these people who needed his help went into three categories: future guujins, patients, and experiments. So far the braindead child and the blind chairman was a good canidate for the first. the vetran was a patient and the paralyzed chunnin also went into that category. He needed something to poke and prod. To see their secrets and their dreams, only to crush them with a misplaced microscope and some sutures. Kam worked on the hand at this moment only to be inturupted by the Kage. He turned and frowned. " Yes im 'aving fun, its t'e only fun I've 'ad since t'at autopsy on t'at s'inobi. Next time you ask me for a favor like t'at, I'll be asking for TVO test subjects. T'e second one still kicking. Ye kin?" He was in a grumpy mood by the time he turned to the akatsuki. " And stop applauding tomorrovs breakfast! It'll be eaten ven it's eaten!!! Ye all bisk meh of te 'ell an nack vit yer verd aktons!!" ( translation: you all piss me off to hell and back with your weird actions) His aggrivation was probrably due to the mold on the arm in which he had just digested. Willow fight off germs and disease by raising the thickness in blood which makes them feel "annoyed".

Kam hopped inside of the grave and started ripping up the body into small shreds and laying them on top of the wooden door out of the hole. they were all even and all very mushy. Once the body was all bone, he took his coffin-full of meat and set it aside. He pulled up some tree branches and constructed to what looked like a smoking rack. He layed out all of the thin strips and hung it there while lighting a fire. After that, he began smoking the strips of human remains and shish-kebabing the organs so they could also be cooked. All of which was done in an aggrivated manner. The sweet stench of burning human flesh rose in the air. Kam laughed at the people on the sidewalk who were observing this desicration. " "ow about t'at for insence, eh? Muc' better t'an t'e crap you sprinkle it v'ith!"
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Sashaki Taminken
Sashaki Taminken

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeMon 10 May 2010, 5:02 am

He had quick senses, practically a requirement of survival nowadays, but he didn't acknowledge them in his instance. The Raikage's appearance was a bit unnerving to him, for he knew he was essentially caught between a rock and a hard place. If he walked past the Cannibal, he presumed it'd try to bite his leg off. If he walked past the Raikage, well, that was like asking for a surprise attack. So he remained where he was, standing beside the shrine. The fear that the Raikage had seen had faded now, for it had never actually been present...His outward and inward reactions were quite different. He'd seen far worse then a cannibal, but he'd never seen one specifically. He was surprised by it more then disturbed and oddly enough seemed to be considering the creature more then fearing it. It was an odd sight, but everyone had a taste...Right? Perhaps this was no odder then those men and women who ate bugs off the trail, though he didn't quite believe that even in his own mind. He however couldn't pretend to ignore the Raikage anymore when Kamoku turned to the man and started talking back to him, causing Sashaki to momentarily have a blank look on his face as he turned to face the village's most powerful man.

He smiled pleasantly as if in respect to the Kage and he then glanced back to the make he had called Kamoku, who was in the process of apparently building a bonfire for his meal. Evidently raw flesh tasted worse then cooked? Certainly useful information, but not something he ultimately suspected he'd need to know in the future. "And hello to you, Kage-sama. And..Kamoku was it? I apologize for staring. It's not every day one watches a full on grave desecration." he said, smirking as he shifted his footing, making room to turn from the shrine and walk away once he was certain of the position of the players in this situation. Diffusing the incident wasn't something he was particularly capable of...Either the Raikage would concern himself more with the grave robber or he'd attempt to question Sashaki. And he knew how that conversation would end up. The temptation to test his strength against a Kage was not worth the very real chance of his death should he slip up.

"At any rate, I apologize for the intrusion. I was researching history, simply. Old clans fascinate me." he said simply, smiling as he turned to the Kage. As far as Sashaki was concerned, he had no intention of fighting at this time and he couldn't remember ever being in Kumogakure long enough to make an impression...He'd only seen the mercenary side of Akatsuki, really. He was also under no particular orders, so what he did in his own free time was fairly beside the point of his affiliations for now. Unless he received orders while he was here, he had no intention of doing anything to fight. Then came Kamoku's outburst against the villagers who were looking on and Sashaki sighed softly, now knowing attention would be impossible to avoid. He wasn't ready to get his weapons ready however. He'd prefer to not become hostile yet.
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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeMon 10 May 2010, 10:15 pm

Standing in a tree, with a senbon in her mouth, she gazed, the three men, talking, argueing, and even more. Her aquamarine eyes closed ever so slightly as she leaped down from the tree, the rustle occured once the leaves rubbed against eachother. She wore a grey chibi dinosaur tee, and black leggings. Her long blonde her flowed behind her as she walked towards them, shaking her head. She rose her left hand, stroking the stray strand back into place. She put a hand on Kiero's shoulder, shaking her head again.
"My, my. You went walking into a freak zone again." she giggled slightly, looking towards the two other males. One, was an Akatsuki, the robes were familiar. She joined the Akatsuki many times. The other, was roasting human flesh. With a disgusted face, she held her breath and sighed. She, was a freak herself. She smiled, the smile who brightened anyone's face. "Kiero, you, my brother, are so strange. So who are these.. men?"
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Kamoku Willow

Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeThu 13 May 2010, 12:59 pm

((ok....completely akward. Kiero, you have a little sister, eh? *thinking* well, if this is true, might as well POST!!!! its been 3 days for the love of adonai!!! i dont understand why everybody suddenly went inactive... *sulk* ))
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Kiero Uchiha
Kiero Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeFri 14 May 2010, 6:30 am

It was really unusual for an akatsuki to show up in his village, and the Hokage himself hadn't sent any messengers related to this guy. What Kiero understood was this guy is a new member of akatsuki, therefore not really knowing the current events taking place between Kumogakure and Konohagakure's leaders. Before Kiero could even talk to the akatsuki, an angry Kamoku spoke, and even brought out anger towards the akatsuki. " Hmmm, I guess he acts like then when he eats...too much " Kiero murmured and titled his head slightly when heard Kamoku's words.

" Yes im 'aving fun, its t'e only fun I've 'ad since t'at autopsy on t'at s'inobi. Next time you ask me for a favor like t'at, I'll be asking for TVO test subjects. T'e second one still kicking. Ye kin?" He was in a grumpy mood by the time he turned to the akatsuki. " And stop applauding tomorrovs breakfast! It'll be eaten ven it's eaten!!! Ye all bisk meh of te 'ell an nack vit yer verd aktons!!" ( translation: you all piss me off to hell and back with your weird actions) His aggrivation was probrably due to the mold on the arm in which he had just digested. Willow fight off germs and disease by raising the thickness in blood which makes them feel "annoyed".

Kiero might be the village's strongest shinobi, but he also categorizes himself as the village's most gently shinobi. He is often seen in town, greeting and interacting with the masses. He isnt afraid to visit every area of his village. But he is fearsome and ruthless when against his enemies. Even to the point making him merciless, showing off a monstrous part of his personality. But in days like this, his rather a very peaceful guy. Strolling Kumogakure from day to night, in search of something to keep his boredom from killing himself. He watches as Kamoku talked very harsh to the akatsuki, all of his respect almost gone, and it seems he is slowly losing his sanity. " Well... I can't blame him, suffering things in the past could really affect your vision for life. " he once again tilted his head in dismay.

The akatsuki in return, apologized to him. Unfolding what are his bussiness here in Kumogakure. It does seem believable for Kiero, " It makes sense, researching... but researching for what? " he questioned himself. He spoke to the akatsuki again, " And may I know your name?, but before you answer that, do you know akatsuki members aren't really supposed to wear that?..." Kiero was talking about the akatsuki robes, yes it is attractive. Attractive enough to attract attention of guards. He suddenly remembered Kamoku, " and Kamoku don't worry your hardships will bear fruit, I might be motivated enough to give you the Mizukage's Body..." he had an evil smile, it was accustomed but didn't frankly uplifted the already tensioned situation. Unfolding his motives is a false move for Kiero, but it doesn't matter, his confident enough to talk in 'public' like that. He was about to talk again when his older sister appeared in the area, a situation he had never thought of to happen. Its a good thing she's restrained, or else this 2 guys infront of him are sure for a hellish day. He answered her question, " I was quite fascinated about them, ... that's all.."
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Kamoku Willow

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeSun 16 May 2010, 2:49 am

Kamoku was starting to cool down from his anger and was slightly flushed from fighting off the bacteria. THis wouldn'tve happened if he just ran to the meat store instead of having a human flesh craving. Oh well. Kamoku looked at his smoked human meat strips maturing nicely, ready to be stored. He began to join the conversation. The small sacs around his skin, in which he breathed through started to convulse. Taking in the nutrients from the air to keep his body healthy, and working overtime due to the mold in it. To humans, they seemed like black shiny holes opening and closing, each the size of a cherry pit. His yellow eyes swirled and his pale lips drew back into a large smile. " Ehe, callin me strange. Don't categorize me into your meager 'uman procession. I don't really care about people I can't eat. Personally, female fles' tastes too much like vatered dovn fis' fat. No nutritional value and completely useless to me."

Kamoku turned around and retracted his claws to the full 3 inches, its dark black coating litterd with chunks of old meat. Unlike his feminine brother, he didn't care about appearances. The ends of each claw started glowing as he drew all 10 of them together. There was a high screeching mettalic sound that would send every human within half a mile radius cringing and yelling for it to stop. The back of their necks shivering and standing on end. Their mouths shriveling with the taste of heavy minerals. The loud screeching sound blocked out all other sounds. All of the animals within the radius fainted, falling to the ground instantly.

Kamoku pulled his claws apart from one another and the reaction disappated. The light stopped and the animals would soon wake up from their slumber. The humans would take a bit longer. The only after effect was the taste in their mouth. The minerals swirling around would only taste of blood. Kam turned around and grinned. He held a large brown bag, in which he was stuffing meat into. the wooden casket looked as if the lower half had never existed, the end part where it used to be was smooth and clean-cut. Kamoku had taken those atoms along with the oxygen that was around the fire, carbon from the ashes and nitrogen from the remainder of the mold outside of his body. Making a bag.

Kamoku laughed as he reacted to the conversation before he started with his project. " If you're valkin around in t'at rag bag, t'en your not muc' of a ninja, eh? Ive been in t'e akatsuki before and its not'ing special. A silent rebbelion for the cute little ones v'o never fit in. Since t'ey do such little damage and are so easy for Villovs to infiltrate, ve don't bot'er vit' t'em. T'ey're actually doing good for us, and gives me plenty of test subjects." Kamoku turned to the Kage. " Ehe, t'e Mizukage? Nah, 'e 'as a long time to live before dying. 'ow about your sister? S'e may not be good eating vit' more fat t'at meat, but it vill be muc' easier vith cutting...." he laughed slightly, licking the dried blood from his claws.
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Sashaki Taminken
Sashaki Taminken

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PostSubject: Re: Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin]   Information Gathering [For Kamoku Willow & Kumo Nin] Icon_minitimeSun 16 May 2010, 4:49 am

[OOC: Skip me this round. D= I really can't think of anything besides Sashaki exploding out of existence because he actually shouldn't have his Akatsuki Robes on, but his normal Shinobi Robes (From his picture). It's hard to get around that in any way that's in his character. :c He wouldn't have gone out with them on and...Blah blah, yeah. Done whining before I sound like an arse. Skip me.]
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