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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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 ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose

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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 12:17 pm

The wind was blowing like no other, the grass dancing to the tempo of the wind. Not missing a beat. The water was calm though, totally not in sync with everything else in nature. The ground though, was very soft, like the feeling of ground that was soaked in a very light rain. The storm clouds were coming in creating a stir in the relationship between the wind and the rain. "We are going to get wet. Very wet." Kato said to himself. as he looked up. The first sign of a drizzle came down and hit right below his right eye. Kato went, and jumped into a tree and perched him self on the nice damp bark beside a birds nest. With one hand on the hilt of his sword, And the other hand using to concentrate, he was eagerly waiting for his opponent. "Any time now, I'm ready" Kato exclaimed.
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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 12:25 pm

The weather was not favorable that day,storm clouds where approaching not good he tought.he looked the water calm and still i wish i could be so clam in fights the grass was moving totally in sync whit the wind,drizzle started to appear and wind blowed more than ever,his opponent coached himself in a tree,he listened what his opponent just said,he moved down a tree so the rain will not affect him much,and he wouldnt get wet "i am ready" jose exclaimed "byakugan!" he said in a normal soft tone as ever.pupils became more distinct, and the veins near his temples bulged.he could saw his opponent chakra pathway system,his opponent,as hi already knew,had an average chakra,wich wouldnt be a disvantage or advantage,he raised his hand infront of his head and separated his legs,he was now in the hyuuga basic fighting posission.he was ready.

Byakugan:the Byakugan,When it is not activated memebers of the clan have white nearly featureless eyes and When it is activated the user's pupils become more distinct, and the veins near their temples bulge,it gives the user near 360ยบ Field of vision,except for one blind spot in the users back,it gives the user the possibility to see through solid objects and have a degree of telescopic sight, The distance and the degree of telescopic sight varies from person to person, and can be improved,However, the Byakugan cannot see through some barriers, such as the Four Black Fog Battle Formation used by the Sound Four. one of the greatest uses of the Byakugan is the ability to see chakra, as well as the chakra circulation system inside another's body (Thats how they use The Gentle fist)Particularly skilled users of the Byakugan can take the Gentle Fist style one step further. Along the keirakurei are 361 pinprick-sized nodes called tenketsu, or chakra points,the Byakugan user can choose to either seal, or forcibly open these tenketsu.
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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 12:34 pm

Kato gripped the hilt of his sword tighter then ever. He wasn't scared, instead he was very Excited. He heard someone say "Byakugan" and knew right away that it was his opponent searching for him, No, his opponent has probably already found him. As kato tried to figure out where the voice came from, he took 1 kunai, and hooked an explosion note onto it. He threw the kunai in his first instinct of where the voice was coming from. this should lure him out. he thought. As the kunai sliced its way through the blowing wind, it landed on the trunk of a tree to the north of where kato was standing. He kept in his coruched position on the tree branch and still had his right hand on the hilt of his sword. "In Five seconds he counted. "5...4...3...2...1"
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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 12:41 pm

jose had the byakugan activate he could see throught the tree whit easy at 34 meters there was his opponent he could see him cleary in the tree "thanks byakugan" he thought,he forced his byakugan more he could see him putting his hand on hsi pocket,"what the..."he thought,it was a kunai and a..."paper bomb!" he knew his opponent would throw it,he coached himself in the tree branch as he jumbed hight in the tree,he wouldnt run to the upcoming attack so fast to avoid it,but for some point making the attack not beeing a killing blow to him.he reached to a branch in the three,the kunai was ready to explode down thre he knew he would be affected,the paper and the kunai exploded,it nearly mad ehim fall down but hi concentrated chakra on his shoes,his clothes where a little dark from the explosion as his face but he remain calm,"cough cough...where is him?" he thought everything was covered whit black dust,thatw as his advantage as he could saw past it thanks to byakugan he sawed his opponent from a distance,he throwed 3 senbons to hsi neck,he was waiting if they could hit.meanwhile he hide from hsi enemy in the dust.
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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 12:51 pm

Boom! "That was the bomb." Right then, kato saw his opponent, his clothes were a little dirty, but he could tell that it was from the explosion. As kato was getting ready to pounce and finish off his prey, Three senbon needles came straight for him. "Damnit, I didn't want to use this so early in the fight. Suiton Suijinheki!" as Kato used some of the water from his gourd he created a small water wall to protect him from being hit by the senbon. KAto then focused the water back to chakra ans said "Suiton Daibakufu no Jutsu" and sent a large spinning pillar towards his opponent. "Huff...Huff" Kato then, regaining his breath jumped to a different, and much larger tree branch, and left a kawarimi clone in his position to keep Jose distracted. He then got that clone to throw a real kunai. "Let's see how you handle this..."
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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 12:59 pm

he coudl see everything whit his byakugan "he has justs blowed away my senbons" he said,oh god what will i do now he thought,then a large pillar of water was coming,"what the..."he said,"i didnt want to use it now but...Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō!" he shouted,threads of chakra came from his hands and he started moving them quickly forming a giant dome of chakra,a toal defense,he didnt master the technique as the technique normally would be B rank and he mastered it only to be a C rank jutsu for now,but it was strong enought to blow away the water from him to the sides,then a kunai also whent to him,he blocked it whit the chakra dome too,even whit that he was still a little wet as the water have touched him,but not in an aggresive manner,he was now near his opponent,and the dust has been dispersed,he tried to continue his attack directly to the tree branch and the giant dome made chakra threats where bigger and went bigger and it was growing directly to the opponent,as he was in a low branch of the tree "lets see how you do whit this",if the attack hit him he would be in trouble,his attack was not a killling one but will do fair damage.

Name:Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms- Shugohakke Rokujūyon Shō- 守護八卦六十四掌
Rank:Clan jutsu/special bloodline technique/C-B(in jose`s case C)
Element:Taijutsu/kekkei genkai
description:Jose excels in chakra control,so whit his big knoledge he learned this skill,he extend his chakra as blades moving his hands very fast,making a powerfull protective shield,and it works as in an offensive manevour too as the beams of chakra can even cut through iron,if the person starts to spin the jutsu grow more powerfull.
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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 1:18 pm

Kato watched from a distance as the kunai that was going for Jose's aceles tendon on his right leg get blown away as well as the water pillar. "Well now, lets end this. Suiton!" Kato said using Shunshin no Jutsu to go 5 meters away from Jose. "The easiest technique will be the reason that you have lost this battle." Kato then used Suiton Chakra Manipulation, to take the water that drenched Jose to cover his mouth and nose, cutting off all area's of breathing. Kato then unsheathed his katana and pointed the tip of it to Jose's neck. "If you do not give up right this instance, My katana will kill you, or you can drown in your own techniques back fall. Your only mistake was not training your 100% defense to 100% in order to block all of the water. This fight has been fun, But it has come to an end."

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: Nijutsu
Description: The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly.

Name: Explosion Tag: Activate
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element:General Skill,ninjutsu
Description: The user will activate an explosion tag. Normally, the tag will be placed by them, so they know exactly where it is and can easily activate it.

Name: kawarimi no jutsu-??????
Rank: E
Description:This jutsu lets the user quickly switch places with an object. Exploding tags can be attached to the replacement.\

Name: Chakra Manipulation
Rank: E
Element: Water
Description: Manipulates the chakra in order to do what I want it to do. Example: If i am carrying a water bottle or some other substance to carry water, I can take the lid off and control the water to do what ever i want. Wether its to fling at my enemy, or to cover there mouth and nose. Kato must first have water near him, and do the concentration hand sign and then he lets go of the hand sign and uses his guidance hand to move it.

((Ooc: listen to song number 5 while reading this battle))
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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 1:30 pm

"you win"...he said,,moving forcefully thorught the katana,making the enemy let him go,ge cleaned the water from his mouth, "i will go to the hyuuga compund,bye" he said jumping from tree to tree he wont look to his opponent,he just disappeared,the earth was full of blood,his katanah ad cutted him in the chest,that hurted,but he wont admit it,the soil was full of blood,he could heal it later.

Last edited by JoSe12323 on Sun 06 Jun 2010, 1:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Empty
PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitimeSun 06 Jun 2010, 1:33 pm

Kato sheathed his katana, and put the water back in his gourd. "The weather is nice out today, Don't you think" A crash of lightning boomed behind him making his face light up showing the devilish smile that kato wore perfectly.
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PostSubject: Re: ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose   ORPTBNDM Kato, Jose Icon_minitime

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