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 Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate

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Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Empty
PostSubject: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeMon 14 Jun 2010, 9:34 pm

The sun was shining on the trees, making the leafs shine. The climate was warm, but not overly warm, just warm enough to cut away the early morning frost that, before, would freeze the mildew that covered the grass. Kato was at his usual training place, just inside the boundaries of Konohagakure, practicing holding his breath under water and using his Katana. Even jumping in the lake at this time of day felt good after a 2 hour morning practice.

When he got out and dried himself, he didn't want to return to Konoha yet, so instead, letting his curiosity take over him, he decided to travel outside the boundaries of Konoha. He had never been anywhere but his little village that was raided and burned down, so he thought that a change in the atmosphere would be good for him. So, as his feet dug into the ground with nervousness, he stepped over the line, making it a new chapter in his shinobi life.

As Kato thought that this would just be a little walk, he soon found out that a ninja's life isn't as easy as he thought it would be. Instead of releasing the tension and pressure with the new atmosphere, Kato could right away sense an evil presence of a nearby strong ninja. Through this ninja's powerful chakra levels, he knew that, other then the Hokage, he knew that no one in his village was this strong. This ninja, was not from the leaf village. But, Kato, letting his stubborn itchiness of not fighting in a while, soon overcame this curiosity, and instead of running, Kato walked very slowly to observe this powerful being.

To Kato's expectations, this man's appearance fit his powerful nature to the bill. He was taller, taller then Kato, and had these eyes that just burned right into your face. This man was Powerful, and scary at the same time. But this only raised Kato's will to fight, since he was looking for very powerful people, even if he was beaten. He wanted to get a lot of experience, and through fighting stronger people then him, he would.

"Hello, my name is Sasaki, Kato Sasaki and I am part of the village hidden in the leaves." Kato said nicely, but with just a hint of eagerness to it. "I won't keep long with the introductions, to cut to the chase, I would like to fight you. weather you agree or not, someones blood will be shed here, today."
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeMon 14 Jun 2010, 9:54 pm

Kidate, who was standing in the woods a short distance from the village he had destroyed, was confronted by a boy. Today, Kidate was dressed casually. This consisted of a pair of torn, grey jeans, a black t-shirt, and of course, the top hat. The hat was black, with a red ribbon running along its base for color. His pallid flesh was contrasted by a thick accent of eyeliner, bringing out the brilliant emerald eyes even further. Locks of messy white hair shout out of his top hat, giving him the appearance of a "Mad Hatter". His left cat ear also stuck out from the top hat, because it was tilted on his head. That ear was pierced several times with rings and charms. His actual left ear was pierced with regular diamond studs starting from the top and going down to the lobe, which held a star-shaped stud. His right human ear simply had rings. Hanging at his hip, two sheathed blades. The top one a katana, the bottom a hand and a half sword with an elaborate handle.

"Hello, my name is Sasaki, Kato Sasaki and I am part of the village hidden in the leaves." Kato said nicely, but with just a hint of eagerness to it. "I won't keep long with the introductions, to cut to the chase, I would like to fight you. weather you agree or not, someones blood will be shed here, today."

Sighing, he turned his face on the boy, over his left shoulder. One foot raised about a centimeter above the ground, he slammed it down. This was a rendition of the original Doro Gaeshi, which involved bending over to strike the ground with his feet. Kidate would rather not, he could apply the same power with his legs, with half the effort. Suddenly, the earth between the two of them flipped over, mostly likely launching the boy over Kidate's head and into the tree to Kidate's left.


Doro Gaeshi - Mud Overturn
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Doton • Doro Gaeshi is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with their hands, a large wall of earth will rise into place as defense. The defense is not perfect though, a hard or drilling impact can puncture the wall.
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Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeMon 14 Jun 2010, 10:25 pm

Without even hearing his opponents name, Kato was already blasted into the air, and aimed to land at the tree to the left of his opponent. Kato knew what would happen if he totally messed up and jarred his knees and ankles, so using his acrobatic body, he grabbed onto a tree branch and cushioned the fall by extending he arms without hyper-extending them, did 3 flips and was standing upside down on the tree branch.

"That Wasn't very nice, I want to at least hear your name before we fight..." Kato said with a disrespectful look on his face. Kato wouldn't start the battle before the introductions were finished, unless he was really mad, or being attacked to seriously.

"Please rouge ninja, Tell me your name..." Kato said with a curious and an anxious face. "It is not proper educate to fight someone without hearing there name. Now please tell me, or I will be forced to attack."
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeMon 14 Jun 2010, 10:35 pm

The boy's voice was mostly noise, but he had avoided cracking his skull on the tree, so it seemed he planned to stick around for a while. As he came back into focus, Kidate heard the last of the boy's speech. He had called him a rogue ninja, and at that had tried to lecture Kidate on etiquette. Kidate nearly burst out laughing, but then it wasn't actually that funny.
"Rogue ninja? Ha. I'm a member of Iwagakure. I am also, as it happens, the former leader of the Akatsuki, and a former S-ranked shinobi in Sunagakure and Kumogakure. Currently they call me X-ranked, whatever that means. I am Kidate Gyouan, the White Panther. Yes, I am the one who burned and pissed on your precious village." He said, all in a matter of seconds. Kidate didn't want to do the introduction, so his heart really wasn't in it. Another stamp of his foot would bring up another slab of solid stone, this time it would flip in toward Kidate to stand up straight. The arc it made would bring it flying toward the boy's back, the base of his spine to be exact. As he did this, Kidate released a yawn. The yawn soon turned into a large bullet of wind, which spiralled toward the Genin like a missile. The two would collide and explode, whether or not the boy was at the epicenter. As suddenly as this onslaught had occurred, Kidate was gone.

He watched patiently from a tree, a few feet behind his original position. Emerald eyes gaze at the explosion, the cloud of sand and silt that acted like a smokescreen, waiting for the boy to walk out mostly unscathed. At that range, against an explosion that big, there was no way he would be unharmed, but he hoped the boy would have the talent to at least make it out alive.


Doro Gaeshi - Mud Overturn
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Doton • Doro Gaeshi is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with their hands, a large wall of earth will rise into place as defense. The defense is not perfect though, a hard or drilling impact can puncture the wall.

Atsugai - Pressure Damage
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Fuuton • Atsugai is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. The user will use their wind affinity chakra to release a large wind blast.

Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique
Rank: D
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.
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Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeMon 14 Jun 2010, 11:03 pm

Kato heard his introduction, And when he was done, a thick wall shot up behind Kato and at the same time, a wind bullet came at him, Surley to explode with the wall behind him. "This is all that you've got? What kind of "X" ranked ninja are you? as Kato was saying this, he used Shunshin no Jutsu to Appear away from the collision of the two chakra based forces.

"Seriously, I am really disappointed..." Kato said, while swinging his sword 4 times while saying "Sui surasshuburasuto" and 4 waves of cutting fast water flew through the air into the tree with the Iwagakure ninja in it.

Name: Kenjutsu:-Sui surasshuburasuto (Water Slash Blast)
Description:When Kato slashes his sword in any direction picked, if he calls out the jutsu name, a water blast will shoot out of hit and slam into his opponent, knocking him out if hit against something hard, or Winding him if hit directly with nothing behind the opponent.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: Nijutsu
Description: The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly.
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Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 1:18 pm

Kidate sighed in a rather disappointed fashion. It wasn't because his attack had missed, or because the boy wasn't dead yet. It was because the boy was proving to be quite the disappointment. There once was a day when younglings knew when to talk trash and when to shut up. He had hoped this boy knew that difference. However, it seemed that the pup's bark was far worse than his bite. With a series of lightning-fast hand seals, a small wall of stone erected itself between himself and the boy. With the creation of the wall came a large cloud of silt and sand, just as before. The water that the boy had thrown at him splashed against the wall, leaving sizeable scars, but lacking the power that would be required to cut through the wall completely.

"Listen, pup. I don't like killing, not anymore. But there is one thing that will set me off, and that's getting me wet."
Kidate said, from behind the boy. Somewhere between the erection of the wall, and the settling of the dust that had been kicked up by its creation he had launched himself extremely high into the air, and over the boy's head. He now stood on the same branch that they boy had escaped from moment ago, over the pile of rubble that was left from the explosion. Kidate held a blood-red katana to the boy's back, a katana that he had once known as Fukushū. He had no interest in taking the boy's life just yet, so he simply squatted there, the blade held in a leisurely fashion toward the boy, weaving through the air in small, arcing patterns.


Name:Buki Keisei no Jutsu
Element: None
Description: This technique is utilized by Kidate's split personalities. Each has their own weapon from which they originated((The hammer, staff, spear, and sword)). Using this technique, they will reform their weapon to be used in combat. The only weapon that retains its abilties from being formed by this technique is Warugi's hammer. It is still several tons in weight, though it feels weightless to Warugi.

Doryuu Jouheki - Earth Style Rampart
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Defense
Doton • Doryuu Jouheki is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals. Then a large earthen wall will erupt from the ground.
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 10:37 pm

Kato saw his water slashes get obliterated at the shooting of the wall of earth, but he expected at least this much from an X ranked ninja. Although he was a little disapointed that his water blades didn't cut through the wall, it was nothing that a little more training and concentration could fix. As the dust had kicked up, and then slowly dispersed into the atmosphere, Kato watched as the dust reveiled no opponent.

"Listen, pup. I don't like killing, not anymore. But there is one thing that will set me off, and that's getting me wet." His enemy said. At this one sentence, Kato's own reflexes shot in and he used shunshin no jutsu to escape from being in front of the opponent. They were now looking in each others eyes. However, there was a difference in appearances, Kato's enemy had drawn his blade, and it was not an ordinary blade, this blade had stories to tell. It was a blood red katana, and even Kato knew that it had a name from his father telling him. But his wasn't the only one with stories to tell, or a name. For Kato's blade was named Taiki Shun.

"That's what she said..." Kato using his smart ass remark to counter his enemy down grading him. "I didn't think that this would be a Jutsu battle only..." Kato said with a smile slowly becoming more apparent. Kato started to unsheath the blade, so that he was holding it in one hand, standing sideways with his head to his enemy and his legs facing the same way his body was.

"Sui no igan da ha" Kato said, as his blade was slowly turning into a spear, although it was an illusion, no ninja could see through it until it was hit, it was just a mesh of sorts, the real blade was hidden inside. Kato used the same blade technique, except didn't aim for his enemy, he aimed for the tree that his enemy was in.

Name:Kenjutsu:-Sui no igan da ha (Warped blade of water)
Description:Kato can Trick his opponents eyes by turning his blade into a Meshed object (a normal Katana with a bigger looking blade on it made of water basically a Costume) used for intimidation, if Kato is attacked and blocks with the sword the Mesh of the sword will come off and be a normal katana.

Name: Kenjutsu:-Sui surasshuburasuto (Water Slash Blast)
Description:When Kato slashes his sword in any direction picked, if he calls out the jutsu name, a water blast will shoot out of hit and slam into his opponent, knocking him out if hit against something hard, or Winding him if hit directly with nothing behind the opponent.

Name: Shunshin no Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: Nijutsu
Description: The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly.
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 10:51 pm

Kidate shrugged off his opponent's smart ass remarks. The boy was just that-a boy- and Kidate had learned to pay no mind when the younglings speak like adults. The boy drew his own blade, a nice surprise for Kidate; he didn't think the kid had the mettle to go toe-to-toe with Kidate, the man who single-handedly destroyed his village and took down several high-ranked shinobi. The sword suddenly became a spear, made of water. Nothing to concern himself with. Blades of water came at him, cutting at the branch of the tree he sat upon. Kidate fell with the branch, squatting on the ground as he landed, blade extended to his right, left hand on the ground, face to the opponent. Honestly he could have landed much more gracefully with ease-hell, he could have floated in the air just as easily- but this was all a part of his plan.

Chakra flowed into the ground, and suddenly the boy would begin to feel very, very heavy. His katana, headband, even all of the ninja equipment on his body, would be pulled to the ground with great force, making them feel several times heavier than they really were, several dozen times actually. Luckily for Kidate, even if he got within the tight field of magentic energy that circled his opponent now, his blade was made of a non-magnetic alloy. Kidate charged forward at lightning speed, without the use of Shunshin, and slashed at the boy's throat, attempting to decapitate him.


Name: Apology
Rank: B
Element: Magnetism
This technique begins by the user releasing their magnetic chakra into
the ground. It will follow the opponent, causing any metals they are
wearing to become significantly heavier, due to the magnetic force
pulling at them. This technique can cause an opponent to bow under the
weight of their own weapons and armor, hence the name.
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeTue 15 Jun 2010, 11:30 pm

[[ummm...quick question, if you came to slash at me, wouldn't you be in the force field as well? therefore non swinging? since im sure you have a head band or something? please respond. Also i Google to see if high carbon steel was magnetic and it said no.]]
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Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeWed 16 Jun 2010, 9:43 pm

Kato felt the sudden increase in gravity as his opponent used some sort of mysterious jutsu. It was not a normal gravity increase jutsu, Instead it was only pulling the parts that were made up of metal. "Metals eh?...Got it! It's magnetic jutsu!"Kato knew he had a kunai pouch on his back leg pant. "Not good, I must do something if I want to survive his next attack!" Kato needed some time to think of a counter attack, but his opponent knew better then to let Kato wait and think. He came dashing towards Kato at threatening speeds, If Kato didn't dodge this next attack, then he would be just another person that fell to the blade of the blood red katana.

However, Kato did think of something. "If the magnetic force pulls my metal to the ground at such force, then i wonder what would happen..." Kato let the gravity pull his metals on his body to the ground, dodging the incapacitating attack of his opponents swing. "Alright! Now all I have to do is grab onto him and the chakra will spread to each other!" Kato grabbed onto his opponents leg, and sliced at his other leg, There was no way he could dodge this attack. Even if he could escape the gravity, Kato still had a really tight grip on him, and already swinging. "With one leg down, this could be a lot easier!" He told himself.

Last edited by Kato Sasaki on Sat 19 Jun 2010, 2:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeSat 19 Jun 2010, 1:31 am

[[I would insert the auto hit rule, and cut off your leg, but i dont fight like that. Hurry up and post]]
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Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeSat 19 Jun 2010, 11:09 am

[[I can't until you edit your post according to my PM to you, a while ago. If you didn't read it yet, check your PM's. Your post is void due to the metagaming]]
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Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Empty
PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeSat 19 Jun 2010, 7:49 pm

Kidate's jutsu was a success-no surprise there- and he would soon end this ridiculous duel. He had wanted to keep himself at the lowest level possible, to avoid expending unnecessary energy, but this boy was like a cockroach; he just wouldn't die. He neared the boy, but the boy collapsed to the ground under the weight of his magnetic technique. Lower body and head glued to the ground, he wouldn't have very many options. Kidate leapt over the boy, whilst thinking, even better...

The boy's hand moved forward as if to try and grab his leg, missing the extremity completely as Kidate sailed through the air. His blade now came down upon the boy's spine, with expert precision and speed. Glued to the ground as he was, he wouldn't be able to move out of the way, let alone see the attack coming. To further increase the damage, Kidate was pulled down upon the boy's back at intense speed, drawn by his magnetic armor, increase the speed at which the boy's spine would come in contact with the razor sharp tip of his katana.
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 5:18 pm

As Kato's hand grasped nothing but air, he could not see his opponent jump. But there was one thing that he could do, as he could feel his opponents chakra above him. There were a couple things that he could guess, he was coming to attack him from above, he was using his Katana, or he was just jumping to avoid Kato's arm. Whatever it was, Kato knew he was coming from above him. Kato had come up with a solution.

Kato felt the increasing chakra come close and closer to his body. "Wait for it...Wait for it..." he kept on telling himself.

"NOW!!!"Kato yelled, flipping his upper body over with his swords tip facing the falling ninja, hoping that it would end this battle.

[[tell me if this is okay. :)]]
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 10:47 pm

[[Just fine, except that you didn't actually dodge anything, so I'm taking the hit.]]

Kidate's plan had worked relatively well. The boy had somehow managed to flip his torso enough so that he could place a blade pointing at Kidate. However, thanks to the awkward twist of his body and angle of his blade the worst damage it could do was pierce through Kidate's upper left arm. Kidate's blade still made its movement, piercing through the boy's abdomen and severing his spine. Kidate's katana faded into red dust after this attack, and he hit the boy, rolling to his right so that he could stand up away from the boy's body. The genin's spine was severed, he was bleeding heavily, and he'd been hit with the force of Kidate in all of his armor. The magentic jutsu had faded moments before Kidate impacted with the body, as he released it once he felt his attack connect. Bleeding severely from a massive gash in his left arm, Kidate turned his gaze toward the direction he had been facing originally.

Time to head back home.. He thought to himself as he began to his long trek, holding the bleeding wound in his arm.

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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jun 2010, 11:40 pm

[[not over, ryusaki needs to talk with us]]
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PostSubject: Re: Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate   Offrpdm Kto VS Kidate Icon_minitime

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