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 Travel Of The New Hokage

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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Travel Of The New Hokage   Travel Of The New Hokage Icon_minitimeThu 17 Jun 2010, 12:46 am

A female named Mizore Izumi, who was the so called daughter of Revy Izumi walked had been traveling the outskirts of the leaf village for many days, and nights. Making her first appearance to the outside world those few days ago, no one would know who she is, or even of her existence until they saw her. Her appearance was slightly different then what a casual ninja would wear, though her excuse is that it's required by her clan. Not letting anyone know what her real clan is. Mizore has orange hair tied together in a sort of onion-like bun at the top of the head, farther to the back, with spikes of hair protruding out of it. She had light orange eyes, light to the point where it appeared as if they faded. Around her eyes looked as if she wore some type of thing black eyeliner, though it was just the way her eyelashes, and eyes were. Mizore had a soft face, with many what seemed to be piercings, though there were no holes in her skin, and they were held in place by a type of chakra. She had a row of studs vertically down each cheek, a stud below each stud on the neck, and one spike stud on each end of her bottom lip.

Mizore grew up as a regular girl most of her life, so she wore usually whatever she liked, instead of Shinobi jackets, and clothing. She had a white tangtop on, that was a little tight, though only tight enough to lightly press against her back, her flat stomach, and chest. Her shoulders, arms, and some of the top of her chest was revealed. The tangtop extended down to her waist. From her waist down, she had on black, very baggy pants that had many chains, zippers, and loops made of a shiny type of metal. The pants extended down to the top of her black shoes, which completely covered all parts of her feet, unlike the ninja shoes that revealed their toes.

After walking for some time on a old dirt path, she came to a dead end which gave her the only option of continuing her journey through a large forest of trees. As she began walking in, the trees shaded the area from the sun,and it was much cooler then standing right under the bright sun. After maneuvering her way around some trees, and rocks, she came across a small pond which she decided to rest at for a few minutes. Right as she stopped, and began sitting down, a kunai quickly zipped past her, just missing, but leaving a cut across her arm under her shoulder. What the hell?, to think i leave my guard down for just one moment and I'm already attacked. Mizore quickly stood up and turned around, to see a man with messy black hair, in ragged old cloths, as well as another man spinning a kunai on his finger, with clean, and neat combed hair, wearing a green ninja outfit. The messy haired man began walking slowly towards Mizore, with a grin on his face, and began circling her, looking at her up and down, before speaking. lost girl? Your pretty far into the wilderness..alone..and what the hell is on your face, are you some sort of freak show or something?". The second man wearing a more neater style then the first walked towards Mizore as well, and gave her the looks. He then spoke "I don't know what the hell she is, but she's hot, lets keep her. What do we care anymore, we can never go back to the leaf village, we don't need to abide by their rules anymore!". Mizore stood completely still with her head hanging down slightly, thinking to herself how she really didn't feel like killing. So instead she quickly took off running into one direction. After a few seconds of running, she noticed the other two ninja were already in front of her, and one swung his fist towards her stomach. With her quick reflexes, Mizore grabbed his hand, and flipped him onto the ground with force, though the second ninja grabbed onto the bun in her hair and ripped the band holding it up. The man put his arms around Mizore's arms in a head lock position so she couldn't do any seals, and the scruffy looking man grabbed her by her waist to keep her from kicking, as she struggled. Right before the scruffy man holding her waistgot the chance to try to restrain her permanently, one of Mizores arms got free, and she grabbed the top of the mans head, then ripped up. Right before her eyes, the soul of the man was ripped out of the body, instantly killing him. The fancier ninja dropped her quickly and backed up with widened eyes, not knowing what to say. He was at so much shock he couldn't get any words out. The only alive ninja quickly turned around, and took off running, but tripped landing on his knees. The instant he tripped Mizore was already next to him with her hand on his head, and ripped his soul out. The lifeless body fell to the ground, and she held the bluish soul of what looked like a screaming ghost in her hand.

After he little encounter, and with her arm cut slightly, she continued her walk, and came upon a path that in the far distance, appeared to be a large village. Hearing the noise of a wagon of some sort, as well as the foot steps of a heavy animal, she quickly turned around, grabbed the only kunai she carried with her from the only place she could hold it, which was right inbetween the tight part of the back of her pants, and her skin. She held it with the tip facing down. With her arm still bleeding, and the kunai grasped tightly in her hand, she awaited for the wagon to come closer.

(There, your suppose to be the man in the wagon traveling to the leaf village >>)
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Travel Of The New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Travel Of The New Hokage   Travel Of The New Hokage Icon_minitimeFri 18 Jun 2010, 12:48 am

The wheels of the wagon creaked like a rusty door as it rolled along the dirt road. Some people would tend to call this the world class treatment, others just would tell you that the perks came with a job. It was something most people only dream of, most of those qualified still don't get a chance. It only rarely comes, that's why like any other person you could think of Ryu jumped at the chance. Still certain parts here made no sense, why go outside of a village for such a thing. Better yet, why not find someone who could take the job in the village. The leaf had been recently seen heavy combat but that didn't mean there was nobody who could possibly take the seat of Kage. More or less why bring in somebody from a different village. Ryu could just work as a double agent, or they could be aiming to help relations in a time of trouble. They had one enemy that had nearly beaten them, probably trying not to make too many more at this point. The leaf village was never really liked when you always thought about it, being at the center of world attention it eventually fell into a war. Rising tensions with one village, and at war with another was the last thing they could ever want. Though with all these general ideas, Ryu felt like he would end up becoming a figure head. Told what to do and among those other things, not allowed to ever do as he pleased. That would come as a shock to the elders, Ryu was no dog to be taken advantage of. At best if he didn't do as they pleased they could kill him and well if they managed that then it was game over wasn't it. As they entered the forest, on the final stretch before entering his new home the reality hit him. The cold, almost naked feeling area on his finger as he felt for it. He had turned in his Goryu ring, no longer an elite of the sand village. He was no longer a member of that village either, leaving behind his past he left pretty much everything. Including his head band, sure most people would know his origins, and it's not like he would be quick to deny it but he was gone now. Focusing more on rebuilding his new home than anything else. Most of these things would take a while to adjust too anyway. Even the climate was different, Ryu was used to the hot dry dry desert. Where staying out past a certain time pretty much meant heat stroke, rain was rare and well there was nothing but sand everywhere. Instead he would be living in a forest, a new climate to get used too, along with new people to learn to trust. That would be hard off the bat, it was that specific reason he was earlier reading a list of every A-rank shinobi in the village and up. It was too specific with the new developments, half of them were more than likely already dead. Though that didn't matter the more he knew the better, and on some degree the less they knew the better. "We will be reaching soon sir, please take this chance to take in the area." Fact of the matter was Ryu had no reason too, he was pretty familiar with it all together. He had been here several times before crossing to other villages, taking the more dangerous and quicker route instead of adding days to his trek. He understood the area well to a degree, but it was enough to get him around if anything happened. Still no matter where you went some things just seemed to stay the same.

The forest seemed just as dead as the desert, except for a few birds and some other animals. Most of the other ones were probably scared off in the attack. Even now, going to make a formal entrance Ryu kept the same outlook that had kept him alive in this world for years. Staring extremely hard at the forest half expecting something to jump out and kill him. All the while thinking of different things that could be done to defend the village against another attack. This was the first thing on his mind, it had to be done long before any kind rebuilding could take place. That is when they were the most vulnerable, there was no room to be attacked during that time. Ryu's cloths fluttered in the cool breeze he was in no way used to feeling as the wagon continued. The half thoughts that had no time to even finish themselves flying through his head he noticed something. Someone was standing in side of the road, it couldn't possibly be what his first thought said it was. It was far too obvious at this point, though maybe that was the trick. The people driving the cart behind him probably felt the same way, stopping it just a little bit short of her. Ryu wasn't a person with much patience, and he wanted to get moving. He had been forced to sit in here for a nearly three days while he was transported here. He wasn't in the mood for someone to stop him just as he was getting there. Forgetting his new position, probably not yet taking on the mentality Ryu got out of the cart and began walking towards the girl. As he passed the man driving the horse a hand reached out for him telling him to stop. Nobody else followed him, probably because the second the man got a touch on Ryu he jumped back. His body had been heated, half expected a fight already. There seemed to be a kunai in her hand, maybe if he saw the blood he would have thought something else, but you never know. Still he was in a new place, meaning he had to act a little more nicely before jumping to conclusions. It was still possible that something had happened causing her to do something like this. Ryu began to notice the cut on her arm, meaning she had to be in some form of training or in a fight. Which meant two things either a ninja, who thought of another attack defending their home. Or and he really hoped he was wrong someone trying to kill him. Sticking out his hand, yet purposely staying out of the judged range, giving him enough space to defend if needed Ryu tried to look as nice as possible. Some times the easy way is the right way. "Your in the way, please move." Turning a more serious and slightly threatening face he looked her in the eyes and told her to drop the weapon. He wouldn't really let anyone he just met take a kunai to his hand, anyway. A few tense moments went by after Ryu's greeting, where even he didn't expect what might happen next.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Travel Of The New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Travel Of The New Hokage   Travel Of The New Hokage Icon_minitimeFri 18 Jun 2010, 1:26 am

As the wagon approached Mizore, she prepared herself for whatever was about to come. As it got closer, she noticed that it was a much fancier wagon then she had expected, and in no way could it have been linked with those people from before. Standing completely still to see if the wagon would simply pass her, she got her answer when it came to a complete stop a few feet in front of her. Right as the wagon stopped, she noticed the door on the side of the wagon slide open, and out came a man who's presence of power felt like a weight on Mizores shoulders. Gripping the kunai slightly tighter, then watching as the man began to talk. He asked her politely to move out of the way, then became serious when he asjked her to drop the weapon. As much as she would loved to have dropped it, she knew the battle from before wasn't over. At least not anymore. Turning her head to the side left, she saw a small spark, then out from the dark areas of the forest shot a kunai, headed directly for the driver of the wagons head. Mizore acting quickly, threw her kunai in the path of the enemies kunai, smacking it away, but causing both kunai to be whipped quite far. two men ran out from behind the tree's, and charged directly towards Mizore. A third walked out slowly, though he did not make any attacks, and stood there and watched. "Well, look where the brat led us to. Our original plans were to kill her..but now i guess i have time to rob this fancy cart while I'm at it.". One of the men running towards her pulled a kunai out from his pocket, and began swinging it at Mizore, in different types of horizontal, and vertical slashes. As he attacked, he began screaming about how Mizore killed two of their partners, and how their group of thieves will never be the same without them.

Mizore's only, and fastest reaction was to start avoiding the kunai being swung. The second man did not carry a weapon, but was more skilled in hand to hand combat by the way he positioned himself as he came to a stop behind Mizore, and threw a quick thrust of his fist to the back of her head. She took the blow fully unaware of it, and crashed backwards to the floor, unconscious in the middle of the road. The two ninja took out a few more kunai, and pinned them through the loops and chains on her pants, to try to keep her from moving if she awoke, then turned towards the caravan with the intentions of robbing it, and killing who is there before they take off.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Travel Of The New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Travel Of The New Hokage   Travel Of The New Hokage Icon_minitimeFri 18 Jun 2010, 1:59 am

It seemed some days just are never meant to go your way. Some people from the time they get out of bed understand it will be a rough day. Few times they are wrong, most of the time they are right on the spot. No sooner than Ryu had told the girl to drop her weapon did another one appear from the darkness of the forest. His first thought, it was a trap, and he almost reached for her, until he noticed where the weapon was going. that it was heading for his driver. In a split second the kunai that had threatened the man's life, was knocked away. Followed by three people who charged for the girl. Not knowing the situation Ryu watched the short fight. Trying barely to just figure out the nonsense he was saying. Something about killing his band of friends or something? Just taking in what was happening Ryu shot a look at the third guy as now he was told his life was in danger. Before he could even bother to react, they had already knocked out the girl. Nothing could be done for her as her face smashed the ground and she stopped moving. Most people don't die from that so she was probably knocked out. Nothing he could do at this point anyway. The two men that attacked toyed with her near lifeless body for a bit almost making sure she wasn't faking before turning to him. "Your next" It was supposed to be easy it was obvious it wouldn't but this was a hassle. As they both ran for him Ryu didn't even bother moving from his spot. He just waited for them to dig their own graves. The old time charge had but them right next too each other, but it seemed the one without a weapon was faster. He reached Ryu first, throwing a right hook to his face. He had been waiting for that, Ryu moved backwards and grabbed his hand. He was surprised at the weight but it didn't matter, he had stuck a knife into the man's chest. Ryu had summoned one as he fell back, it came as a total surprise since there was no indication that he had a weapon before that. As he fell to the ground his friend finally caught up, swinging his weapon around causing Ryu to dodge just like how the girl did. While jumping back Ryu made a handsign, forming a regular clone in front of him. Maybe the guy wasn't paying attention, causing he threw all his force into the last attack acting like it was the real Ryu. Taking advantage of the opening Ryu threw an ikkotsu punch laced with fire to his mid section, not enjoying the steel greeting he got earlier. Ryu began walking towards the last guy, before having his leg grabbed by the big man.

Pulling the knife out of his chest didn't get him far before being blasted by an intense fire. It would probably draw attention, and possibly more people but it didn't matter. "A ninja, have to do everything yourself these days" He talked to much, while he wasn't paying attention Ryu used a jutsu to get behind him. Drawing another kunai while it happened, the man was slow, so the only tell he had was the sound of static. "Bad day, Bad timing" Ryu from behind jabbed the kunai into the man's neck and left him to die. "Bandits on the road get old" Walking back towards the wagon he looked at the face of the driver. Also another shinobi, who was supposed to be the lookout, he just got out done by an over excited Ryu. They seemed to point towards the girl, having an issue leaving her on the road to the elements. Walking back towards the wagon, Ryu shook his head prompting them to go collect her. Once they got in the village she would get to the hospital and that was that.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Re: Travel Of The New Hokage   Travel Of The New Hokage Icon_minitimeSat 19 Jun 2010, 5:24 pm

Unconscious, Mizore was carried to the wagon by the men, and was placed on a clean, soft white sheet. When the driver began to continue traveling towards the village once more, the feeling of the moving wagon hitting small bumps made Mizore jump slightly as she laid there. As the bumps began to stop, close to two minutes later, one last bump was hit, though it was as if the wagon quickly ran over either a large rock, or one of the wheels dropped into a large hole, then continued out of the hole and kept going. The bump made the wagon jump a bit, causing Mizore to bounce up slightly, then back to the floor of the wagon as the wagon became more steady. All the bumping and disruption going on caused Mizore to awake, though in a state of fear, and a state where she would kill the first person she saw. Mizore herself wasn't in much control, as her eyes quickly opened, though instead of her normal light orange eyes, they were all white, with black ripple like patterns in her eye. One black circle outside, and inside of another. The Kekkei genkai known as Rinnegan, thought to be possessed in legends, as well as one known as Nagato long, long ago.

As Mizore quickly opened her eyes, the area around her suddenly felt a lot lighter, as if everything's weight was cut by half. Though the wagon kept going, for the driver didn't know anything was going on, and continued traveling towards Konoha. Mizore quickly sat up and looked towards the man next to her, which so happened to be the one that saved her as well, and began standing up while keeping her eyes on him. Which her sudden spike in chakra, the amount engulfed the entire inside of the caravan, at an amount even far greater then the man in the cart with her. As the wagon came to a sudden stop, Mizore, who was not completely conscious though in her Rinnegan state lost her balance and fell backwards off the side of the cart, landing on her back on the dirt road. The fall made her regain consciousness, and her Rinnegan immediately deactivated, though there were still transparent images of the black rings in her eyes, faded into the background, which will only disappear after a set time, varying from 15 minutes, to two hours. The stop of the wagon was due to them arriving at the outer gate of Konoha, though they still had another 10 minute travel to reach the actual village itself.
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Ryusaki Toketsu
Ryusaki Toketsu

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Travel Of The New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Travel Of The New Hokage   Travel Of The New Hokage Icon_minitimeMon 21 Jun 2010, 4:23 pm

It seemed an annoyingly bumpy road on the way to the leaf village. It felt like they were going over constant speed bumps which to a point was getting on his nerves. Just a few more minutes is all he could take either way. Around the time Ryusaki was beginning to get fed up, a large bump hit the carriage throwing everyone inside into the air. "Seriously?...getting annoying." Right after that the girl who he had just had to take care of woke up. Sitting up she began to look at Ryu causing him to say something. Even so something was different, he never got a good look at her eyes before. Even so something here wasn't right, it didn't add up in any way. Not only that her eyes looked weird, on some level it rang a bell but nothing really. Ryusaki would have dismissed the entire event if something even more out of the ordinary didn't happen. First it felt like he was lighter, it caught him by surprise to the point that he gripped the seat tightly thinking he was now weightless. Right after that the chakra output int he area seems to have spiked. It wasn't his so it must have been the other women. Ryu stared at her hard, half expecting to be attacked next. Before the carriage suddenly stopped and she fell out the back. They were out the checkpoint in the outer village, causing some sort of scene. The make up in her eyes changed as they went back to the color Ryu had a slight look at before. He stared at her for a little bit before reaching out his hand to help her. Stopping short as one of the guards at the check point came to ask what was gong on and why she had fallen out. Ryu had no intentions of saying anything while others could still hear. When she got inside and they started moving was a different thing. He wanted to know exact details on what just happened, something didn't add up.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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PostSubject: Re: Travel Of The New Hokage   Travel Of The New Hokage Icon_minitimeWed 23 Jun 2010, 12:11 pm

As they came to the checkpoint, out plopped Mizore onto the dirt road. Coming back to her senses, and opening her eyes slightly, she saw a guard standing right above her asking what was going on. Quickly holding her hand over her eyes, Mizore stood up as fast as she could and held her other hand out reaching for the wagon to climb back in, but kept her hand over her eyes. Though the Rinnegan had vanished, and she wasn't conscious at the time, she knew exactly what had happened. The reason she has her hand over her eyes is because in the background of her eyes, there are still black rings that look as if they faded into her eyes. They will remain there for, at the least, 30 minutes. After standing up and walking forward to the wagon, the guard asked if she was alright, and why she had her hand over her eyes like she was hurt. With a quick "Nothing" for a reply, she accidentally bumped into the side of opening where the door to the wagon is, but managed to feel her way with one hand up into the wagon without many other problems. Shortly after, the guard allowed the wagon to pass, and they were once again on the road..but wait..who's wagon had she climbed back on? Mizore, wondering what she was doing on a wagon, lifted her head up slightly and looked out of the side of her hand, to where most of her eyes were still covered. She saw a man sitting in the same wagon as her, though he was a little farther over to the opposite side. Noticing how the man had probably noticed her looking at him, she quickly turned, back towards him, and kept her hand over her eyes silent.
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