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 A New Hokage

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2 posters
Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

Posts : 546
Points : 781
Join date : 2009-09-07
Age : 32
Location : At the Akatsuki Base chillin like a villain

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Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Village Hidden in the Rain

A New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: A New Hokage   A New Hokage Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 8:16 pm

Lord Vizer had eyes everywhere. But it had been more than easy to notice that the old Hokage Kush had died in battle tragically. Now was his time to act. This was perfect timing as well. So Vizer simply strolled into Konoha while they were in a state of confusion. Delivered a resounding argument that he was the best for the job, although he did make more then enough death threats to more of the village elders. They could not oppose him. It was pure turmoil at the time. Kyogi walked in the Hokage's office. Which was now his. He would not use his real name in this country, so they would refer to him as, "Nidaime Hokage, Lord Vizer."

"I rule this country now," Kyogi said with a smile.
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The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

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A New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Hokage   A New Hokage Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 11:28 pm

Rubble cluttered the large gates that once protect the power village, it used to be an honor to belong to this village, but that was the past and now the leaf was just that, nothing more than piles of leaves waiting for the wind to blow them away in to the next life. The ninja who quickly pushed his way through the fallen bits of stone work and such, the man was rather peculiar for the area, his hair was dark a rather common trait, though his golden eyes gave him an aura of mystery and confusion. The strangest part of the man was his way of dressing, a black uniform form with the air of an anbu, with a rather interesting purple sweater on top of it all. Strange appearance, aside the man was vigorously moving into and through the town.

Hurried, screams of the villager alerted, the man of situation, as comments similar to “First, the kage dies, now the TsuchiKage comes to kill us!” In a quick somewhat, mindless move, the man headed straight for the council room, if his target was dead that would mean things were about to aspire, ignoring the last part about how he was there to kill them all, Pharos began to move even faster than he had before, as the stakes grew with every pressing moment.

In a few moments that appear to be centuries, the kage’s former residence appeared before the Tsuchikage’s eyes. Without giving a thought to the door knob a thought the shinobi forced his way through with a quick kick. As the man’s golden eye’s scanned the room, his eye’s picked up a brief statement from the mouth of a man that wore a peculiar robe and had a powerful charka resonating about him. “You said you were what now?” Pharos, had by now pulled out a large silvery shuriken, for the holster located on the lower half of his right thigh. “My target has new name now, does it?” The Kage had already began to move closer to his target, a war had just began, one of unimaginable power.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Age : 32
Location : At the Akatsuki Base chillin like a villain

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Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Village Hidden in the Rain

A New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Hokage   A New Hokage Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 11:42 pm

Nidaime Vizer looked lazily at the Tsuchikage. The man wasn't not huge but he did have an air of a very powerful Shinobi. His eyes looked the man up and down as he pulled out a large silver shuriken and moved closer to the Hokage. Kyogi straightened up as the man came closer. "Well now. You stroll into my village without even a notice. That is indeed poor manners from the Tsuchikage. But what does bring your presence. Offer of peace?" Lord Vizer asked, though knowing very well what he wanted. He should of known something like this would have happened but nevertheless a Kage would greet him so soon. He had already donned the Hokage robes and he ninja kai lay underneath. He was always ready for a fight. But that totally depended on the Tsuchikage. Manually taking out a very large Shuriken made his motions obvious. But it was never right to accuse out-rightly.

"Answer me then. Such disrespect." Lord Vizer mused in a sadistic deep voice.
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The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

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A New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Hokage   A New Hokage Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 8:22 pm

After a brief period of silence, the stone shinobi could, laugh. The man truly believed that he could walk in and become a kage like that, in truth as soon as the counsel broke away from their fear, the man would be removed. “Hokage, eh?” Pharos had moved even closer, his eye’s glowing gold, the shruiken remained firmly planted in his hand. “If so, then I would know, the jounin would have voted and sent notice to the other Kages.” The TsuchiKage’s smile had began to grow ever so slightly as he spoke in a cold, relaxed tone. “Realize this, I’m here to kill Kush, but his frail replacement will do…too bad Naizu is going to miss it.”

Bringing his right hand towards his chest, Pharos flung the metal killing instrument at the man who had wrongly donned the kage’s robes. The shuriken whizzed through the hair, the weapon would pass the imposters neck by a mere centimeter that was if he didn’t move. The throw was nothing more than a warning signal. Not letting himself be caught off guard, Pharos, in a blurred movement propelled himself across the room, landing in a position adjacent to his target.

“Intentions, are easy see, yours are not what the world needs.” The kage, place his fist slightly above his waist, prepared for a counter strike. The battle would not be quick if the man was half what he claimed to be. The man who stood before Pharos, seemed slightly familiar, perhaps from reports. Either way the man could not be allowed to continue on this path to madness.

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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Age : 32
Location : At the Akatsuki Base chillin like a villain

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Village: Village Hidden in the Rain

A New Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: A New Hokage   A New Hokage Icon_minitimeThu 15 Oct 2009, 8:10 pm

"Well you must be one of the most arrogant Kages to ever walk this earth if you think you can just idly challenge someone you have never met to a duel. You have in fact doomed your country rather than saving it the moment you walked in here. Rather I live or die, your death is imminent now." Kyogi replied with much venom in his voice. The room was growing tense even though there was a lot of space inside the office it was getting increasingly suffocating as the inevitable began to draw near. The Nidaime was livid at this mans thinking. No matter how powerful he may be it was just foolish to challenge him to war. But he would pay the cost.

Before Kyogi could even complete another thought the Tsuchikage threw the large shuriken at him with great speed. Lord Vizer scowled but reacted just as quickly. Leaning forward out of his chair he kicked the chair backwards bent downwards so that he was at a horizontal pose. He quickly unsheathed Silk that was on his sash on the right side, and stabbed it right between the hole. It twirled around the blade for a second then exerting some of the liquid onto the Shuriken Kyogi stood up and swung the weapon back at Talos as he appeared not far away from him. He didn't need it to hit him for it to be effective.
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The Mad Hatter
The Mad Hatter

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Location : Wonder Land, Bish

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PostSubject: Re: A New Hokage   A New Hokage Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 9:17 pm

The blade quickly came towards Pharos, the man was fast for sure. In attempted dodge, the kage placed his right hand on the wooden floor behind him, and as the blade came flying down towards his neck, the ninja forced all his weight on the limb as he pivoted out of the slashes range. The strain his right arm was large, but worth getting a chance to attack the man who opposed him.

As sparks of lightning began to emerge from the Kage’s body, a puff of smoke filled the room and a small ninja appeared, who donned the head banned of Stone. “Sir, you have been summoned to the great Kage summit.” A sigh of discuss, ran through Pharos mouth as he glared at the Kage. Instead of attacking the man turned around and left, his village was worth more than a fight, and he knew that they would encounter each other once again.

(sorry, uber short)
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PostSubject: Re: A New Hokage   A New Hokage Icon_minitime

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