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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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 The Master of Shadows (Done)

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Posts : 557
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Join date : 2008-12-16
Age : 30
Location : In my mind

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Sunagakure

The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeThu 02 Dec 2010, 8:29 pm

~General Information~

Name: Nara, Tenshin

Nickname/Alias: The Master of Shadows, King of Darkness, Legendary Shadows, Ten Ten, Ten, and Tenny

Weight: 205 (Mostly Muscle Mass)

Height: 6'3

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male


This appearance has white hair and not in the since of that greyish white that people call Kakashi's hair or that sense that is like pinkish white that describes skin tone. No this is the snowy whiteness type of hair organized in small spikes. In front of the face on the right side the hair falls down in front of the face however on the other side the hair extends upwards. It is divided but the exact division of the hair is unclear. Somewhere in the middle but more than likely leaning towards one side or the other. The eyebrows cannot much be seen but from what is shown they can be assumed to be curving upwards from the center point where the nose starts and going upwards. However that may be a result of the constant facial expression. That is not all that is hidden. A red scarf covers the face of the man or rather the lower face. The part of the face that would show the mouth and chin is covered. It extends upwards from the armor and can be seen to be ragged and has been through much. Along the shoulders are a covering of what seems to be a white metal that resembles bone. However this metal is stronger than bone and was taken from an underground cave somewhere and has the sturdiness of somewhere between steel and aluminum. Underneath that is a black shirt that has a rip or hole or cut that goes from right below the collar bone and extends downwards to the bottom of the pectoral muscles. Overlapping his ribs is the same white metal that resembles bone but is much harder. These ribs, at least the upper ones, are attached to the shoulder guards. Finally the upper body is topped off by claws that cover both hands and extend down the bottom of the forearm. These are made of once again the same white material that the other armor is made of. It extends upwards at the elbow joint which allows for maximum mobility of both arms and at the ends of the claws are four extensions that cover and go beyond the four main fingers. [This means every finger but the thumb for you idiots out there who don't know that it is not actually a finger. Just a digit.] Overlapping at the bottom where his upper body meets his lower body or at the hip for you idiots. A skull holds the points together like a belt. The skull itself is made of this metal which proves its flexibility and combat advantages. However to cover for people finding out exactly how good the metal is the skull has been painted over with a gold finish. Finally the lower body is covered by overlapping bits of cloth that come together. These are comfortable and yet have a function. They are made of silk-like material meaning that if he got stabbed the clothing, unlike all other material, would work for the injured man instead of as a hold for the injury to remain. It is easily accessible which is a surprise of versatility due to the metal all over the rest of his body.

Tenshin is incredibly flippant, mouthing off to even the most powerful of ninja's, and he generally enjoys rubbing people the wrong way. He does mature as time goes by, but never really loses his attitude. Tenshin is seemingly unflappable, not showing fear whether he's being attacked by The Akatsuki in his office or being put into a genjutsu. Tenshin can seem at times to be uncaring or even callous, but actually has a very strong sense of justice and prefers to fight fairly. He can be counted on to do the right thing, even if he is makes cynical quips about it the entire time. Unusually, while he has issues with his own demonic side, Tenshin has little qualms about accepting people who choose the side of good, such as Ryu. Though Tenshin is quoted as believing that "Humans are often worse than demons(Akatsuki, Bijuu's, ETC.)" , he refuses to kill good hearted humans for any reason.

Despite verbally complaining about being in debt, Tenshin seems quite willing to perform missions solely for the good of them, and rarely enforces payment from poor clients. Many of his clients take advantage of this good nature of his, and leave bills for damages caused during the mission instead of paying for his services. He often borrows from Ryu or gambles to repay these debts. However, he has extremely bad luck with gambling, and loses any game not involved with Fighting. As a result he is horribly in debt to Ryu, and is often left with no money at all after she takes her cut.

Tenshin is calm, cool, collected and also Tenshin holds an Insane side that not many know about and the people who seen it never lived long to speak of it. He is quiet and prefers swords over guns, since he considers firearms unworthy of a "true warrior". His quietness is not due to a lack of self confidence however; indeed, he never shows fear over anything.

Unlike most Ninjas, Tenshin is willing to embrace his demonic heritage, and seeks to emulate his father's power and cold persona. Tenshin wants more demonic power, regardless of the consequences to those around him. Despite his normal personality of cold dismissal, he does cherish two things: his sword, and his mother's Amulet. Tenshin seems to reveal some of his feelings by claiming to Foes and Friends: "Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything, let alone yourself.". This may be a reference to his girlfriends death. It may also imply that Tenshin seeks power as compensation for failing to protect her. His failure may also have made him forsake close human relationships.

~Clan Information~

Clan Name: Nara

Kekei Genkai: This clan from Konoha Village is known for its ability to manipulate their shadow. Utilizing this ability the clan member can attach their shadow to the shadow of another individual, and then take control of the user. Resulting in the affected person replicating or "shadowing" the exact movements in mirror form of the clan member.

Clan Symbol:

Clan History: None

Ability Summary: Shadow Manipulation

~Rank/Village Information~

Classification: Anbu Captain

Letter Rank: A
Village: Iwagakure

~Skill Information~

Skill Specialty:
-Main: Ninjutsu
-Sub: Kenjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
• Primary Element: Fire
• Secondary Element:
• Advanced Element: Lightning, Shadow Manipulation

Special Characteristics:
Incredible Chakra Control -

Strength -

Speed/Agility -


Another post

~History/RP Sample~

History/Background Story:

Birth/Child Ark:
Long time ago a boy named Tenzashi Nara was born into this world, being born was half of the problems that weighed down on the shoulders of this young infant. Being born with a dark side was another, luckily a young couple from two completely different villages knew how to cage his demonic side, After all they was his parents, but little did they know that this Demonic would soon be released in the world of the ninjas, and destroy almost half the world all in due time. Tenshin would grow up as any other boy in the world would. He attended school and played with others; he followed what his parents said and was respectful and polite. He started training as a ninja at a very young age, and as his parents said he had many special talents. This made him greatly pleased, ever loved him, but as he grew older he started doing pranks, and stealing things which made people turning against him saying that he was a bad child. This didn't bother him cause he knew he would still be come the greatest ninja ever. This is when he started to mess around in creating his own jutsu.

He first studied the many methods on how to create one’s own jutsu, he learned about all elements, plus the new element when mixed with a primary, and Nature Transformation, which affects most jutsu made. Seeing as how in most people study there elements carefully, Tenshin studied for many years and that’s when he made his first fire just it was known as Flame flicker. This was basically a small flame that ignited into a big fire. His Father and Mother were both proud, making them including him very happy.

This however changed when an unexplained assault on his home and family rose up from the shadows. Out of nowhere guards and shinobi appeared and started to clear out some of the villager's of Konohagakure. Their orders to kill every single person they could before the Konohagakure officials could stage a counter attack. It would be the first lone assault on Konohagakure, which would be to determine the power of the two villages. To Tenshin it just seemed like bloody murder, but to his dark side t was "Fun Time". During this assault many people died, including Tenshin's parents, who went down fighting to protect their village along with other villagers. The death of many spread quickly and Tenshin managed to keep himself alive by using his Nara clan Ability to blend in with the Shadow. This was an incident that would later cause Tenshin much trauma when he would become older, or would it, little did anyone know this was the first attack the lead to the release of his insane side. Once Outside shinobi arrived at the scenes it had already been too late. The attack had already ended and the attackers had already fled the scene, though it was clear of who was responsible for such a thing, being that there was nothing that they could do. After the attack was over, Tenshin fled the country he knew not where he was going, but just knew that he needed to be safe. After nearly a month alone in a desert, Tenshin passed out from lack of Water and food, little did he know he passed out in front of Sunagakure where a Sunagakure Shonibi found him and brought him back for treatment.

For two weeks Tenshin laid in the Hospital bed until he got his strength up to walk again. As he slept in this bed he kept dreaming about a terrible terror lurking inside of him, he also dreamed of his parents who died to save him and the village. How tragic a mere boy of the age of seven and he had already lost everything close to him. But for some reason he never cried once only grew angry. Tenshin finally got the strength to move and as he stood up out his bed he walked towards the door but as he was about to leave a nurse appeared with excitement in her eyes she ran off to get the doctors. Later on Tenshin would find out everything that had happened and how he was the only survivor from his family. This broke Tenshin hard and threw him into a deep mixture of anger and sadness. At that moment he was confronted by the Kazekage, who was curious on his situation. After hours of explaining his Journey, the Kazekage brought it into conclusion that he should stay within Sunagakure for the remainder of his life. He promised Tenshin that he would get revenge on the person who had ordered the attack and killed his family. After that point, Tenshin was in the grasps of the Kazekage and would later be used as a weapon for his village.

Academy Ark:
Over the next few years, Tenshin was enrolled in the Academy. This was because Tenshin wanted nothing more than to get revenge for the death of his parents and he planned on doing so through learning how to be a ninja. Of course the Kazekage and the Sunagakure High Council officials arranged this, being that their plans required Tenshin to become a shinobi so they could use him better as a weapon to help strengthen their own village. For the next few years Tenshin worked hard so that he could become stronger and more skilled. He wanted nothing more than that and being so he was bound to obtain it. For two years Tenshin trained with other kids his age. Learning all of the things it took to become a shinobi. The constant studying and training left almost no time for him to make friends, though he did manage to make one friend his name was Kitaro. It was this small connection that helped him move on and forget, but not completely, about his parents and the attack. It didn't take long for Tenshin to gain better control of his only Jutsu either, having discovering his Kekkei Genkei during the attack he learned quickly how to use it, Over time Tenshin started to move up in his class, becoming the top of his class due to his strenuous training and studies. At the end of Tenshin’s years within the academy, he was finally ready to graduate. With his high test scores Tenshin passed and was placed into a genin team.

Genin Ark:
Tenshin ventured out from home early in the morning, He had received a message last night from his new Sensei known as Zenbone Hashigaki, to meet his team in the forest for a little training. When Tenshin arrived he seen two genin already awaiting. He simply stood next to them and they all introduced themselves and shortly after their Sensei arrived. When they all settled in together as a team their sensei announced that they were going to have to go through a second exam to make sure they were worthy of their headbands. This challenge required them to take all three bells that were dangling from his waist, away from him. This was going to be a fun, but there was a catch if they failed they have to repeat the Academy.

Tenshin refused to go back to the academy; he would not let all his training go for nothing. He and his teammates struggled constantly to get the bells by attacking head on so they began to come up with plans it was simple Tenshin had to hold him down with his Nara abilities, As they did the rest. Tenshin agreed and as his teammates created a distraction Tenshin appeared behind his Sensei and caught him within a shadow bind. As soon as he did a tragic accident happen. Tenshin blacked out and when he woke up he was strangling his sensei. With the Shadow Neck Bind, and he was taken down with force by his own Teammates, Tenshin eyes was wide with confusion and Tenshin Sensei knew it. So dismissed the other Genin and passed them all, but he took Tenshin in front of the Kazekage and told him about what happened. The Kazekage took him and placed his hand on his head which forced him into his mind where he found the other "soul" that dwelled within him. The Kage seen a cage that was rusted and half way destroyed in his head and behind those cages was the Future Tenshin. The Tenshin stood 6'2 in height and like everyone else, has many distinguishing features. The first of these features is that, while he dresses like a gentleman, Tenshin has a powerful build. He is on the taller side, with a squared jaw and strong features on his face. His lips are soft and thin, often either in a straight line or pulled into a half-grin. Tenshin wears a mask over the left half of his face, disguising half of his face from the world. The mask is a plain white, with a black cross where his eye would be. Over this mask and the other eye, he wears a pair of rimless glasses. Tenshin wears his crimson hair long and straight, the bangs going down to his chin, and the rest going just below his shoulder blades. Tenshin often wears a formal outfit, with a nice shirt, vest, jacket, and tie. These suits are generally in achromatic, or neutral, colors, grays and whites mostly. Tenshin's eyes are a duller version of the burning crimson of his hair, which appears again in both his eyebrows and the thin soul patch found just below his lower lip. Tenshin's torso makes up most of his height, his powerful upper body being intimidating, while it is generally hidden under the layers of his suit. He often wears white gloves over his hands, like a true gentleman, so he won't get his hands dirty. Tenshin is often found with his hands in his suit coat pockets, possibly fiddling with something or just resting there. Tenshin finishes his suit off with a pair of black dress shoes, the kind that shines a bit, and makes a clicking noise when he walks on cobblestone.

This was the future, the Tenshin within Tenshin, stood behind the cage with an evil look in his eyes. He told the Kage nothing but the Kage felt the Demonic pressure coming off the man, and with his own Chakra the Kage sealed and fix the cage once again and when he did the Evil Tenshin shot a force so strong at the Kage that it made him even fly backwards and hit the wall. The first thing the Kage heard was. "I shall return in due time." Which was another seal broken. Tenshin look at the Kage and helped him up confused of what happen within his head, or even what the Kage seen. A year past and Tenshin and his team was signed up to fight in the Chunnin exam the accepted and began to train for that day to come.

Chunnin Ark:
As it turned out when they arrived it had seemed that they were a little early for the exams, which was fine with Tenshin and the others. So with the free time they had they decided to have a quick spar, but just as soon as it started there sensei broke it up saying they need to consume there energy, so they did so and kept walking around the village and awaited for the exam to began. While waiting for the Chuunin exam to began, Tenshin met a woman, her name was Yami she was from Kirigakure, They talked and exchanged many things to each other and then soon they walked there separate paths again. After about two hours, the time for the chunnin exams had come and Tenshin and his team were there and ready. Of course they weren't the only ones who were ready for the exams. When Kouin and the others entered the team meeting room they were surprised about how many people were there. After all the ninja were putting their genin forward to become chunnin so it would be foolish to think that it wouldn't be highly populated. As they waited for instructions from whoever was in charge of this, Tenshin began to look around the room and see all the different people from numerous of place. Just as he was getting bored a loud voice was heard. Everyone's attention turned to the front of the room and there stood a man with a scar across his eye. He introduced himself and explained exactly what everyone would be doing for the exams that it would be broken up into three parts and that to move onto one they would have to pass the one that came previous to it. This given either way though for everyone there knew just what the risk was of the chunnin exams. So with the first part of the exam was on the way.

Tenshin got a test and after thirty min., when i came time for it to be announced they said if you stay and listen to the tenth question but get it wrong you will fail. Then they wouldn't be allowed to take the chunnin exams ever again. Tenshin was not about to stop so he stood there and waited. When over half the applicants quit the proctor began to announce the tenth question. Then he suddenly said "you all passed," Tenshin sighed realizing the test was a trick and started to laugh just as everyone else began to laugh. Soon after the second part of the exam began, it was a survival exercise, and they sent all the genin from all the lands that passed the first part into konoha's forest of death. They were all in their teams and were given 1 scroll a team, the Heaven or the Earth Scroll, the goal was to reach the tower in the center of the forest with both scrolls and open them but they must not open the scrolls before they reach the tower or they fail. Tenshin's squad held a heaven scroll which Tenshin was trusted to carry. When they entered the forest he told them to go straight to the tower, they will find people with the scrolls on their way to it. A day passed while they were in the forest before they found anyone. They were set up against a team from the hidden grass village, Tenshin easily took care of them and took their scroll which luck had it was an Earth Scroll which they actually need. They made it to the tower without any problems; they were the 13th team to arrive.

They opened up the 2 scrolls in the tower and their jounin sensei appeared from them and told them they passed the second half of the exam. The next day they were brought to a huge stadium in konoha, there were only 24 genin left. The final part of the chunnin exams was a tournament, anyone who showed qualities of a good chunnin here would be promoted. Tenshin's whole team was ready for this, they won each of their fights elegantly unfortunately his teammates were taken out before they reached the finals. Tenshin reached the final round he was faced up against a Konoha Shinobi, It was time to see which village shinobi was stronger Suna or Konoha, and after one hour the battle ended beautiful, the Konoha ninja fought with heart and determination but was defeated by Tenshin. After the exams 12 ninja became chunnin including Tenshin's team. They were officially a chunnin squad.

Jounin Ark:
It's been 5 months since the Chuunin Exam. Tenshin was promoted to jounin. During the time as chunnin nothing major happened, just minor things such as missions and things in that manner. Tenshin seem to have maybe started to like this woman he met in the chunnin exams that he checks up on her ever know and then by going on walks with her threw the parks, pulling pranks on he and many other things. Though Tenshin won’t admit that he likes her he still comes around every now and then as a jounin but due to the Kage wanting to make him an Anbu captain he has been busy training and learning the Anbu way, which soon made him lose track of Yami and soon lost track. Though he still has a picture of her, that he carries in his jacket, He doesn't know how she looks know, see that 4 months passed without seeing her, but he still has a vivid image about how she looks.

Anbu Captain Ark:
Tenshin became bored of his jounin years and soon took the promotion as a Anbu Leader, which made him lose track and forget about Yami, but not a lot, so he began to, walk and protect the village and his Kage without any signs of emotions. Tenshin was an great Anbu until the day came, A man stormed into the village and killed all the jounin and since Tenshin was away on a very important mission he had no knowledge of this, but when he returned his village was all crying and sad over the death of the Kage, this is what broke the last and Final seal but no one knew of this, Tenshin couldn't take it no longer he grew up watching countless people die in his life time he killed many and enjoyed it now it was time to turn his back on his villagers and do what he thought was right. Tenshin was promoted Kage but with the cost of that power. He had set free the demonic side that was caged in his head for his entire life. Tenshin's eyes grew colder, like snow, not the kind and cuddly snow that everyone enjoys playing and having snowball fights in, No. It was a terrifying snow storm, the kind that kills people almost like a nightmare of some sort. This was the beginning of a new Era. It was the don of a new beginning. The beginning of Tenshin Nara as we know him.

Kazekage Ark:
As the new ruler of Sunagakure, Tenshin ran his village with an Iron fist. No man or village ever tried to attack and if they did, Tenshin was there, The first one there you might add to kill them, Tenshin killed them all with a swift movements of his blade. Pure hatred seemed to mix with his chakra giving him this demonic energy, of some sort but hardly anyone knew it, was because the demon within him, they thought it was just because he was fighting an evil guy. About to years past and Tenzashi, Tenshin past self, Killed himself, but made it look as if another man killed him by planting bombs around the buildings and exploding it. This turned he village in a 180, after hearing that Tenzashi was dead. Many cried but little did they know he was still alive but under a new name. Tenshin Nara, The Dark Sage, If you may ask.

Missing Ninja Ark:
This was a demonic time. After the fake death of Tenshin he returned much evil in his eyes. Tenshin and man Tenshin met in his past life during genin years, named Kitaro, and roamed the world causing a terrible plague on anyone who crossed their paths, Death, was the plague. They kidnapped people from different villages killed them, just for the pleasure, which soon caused a war. The War was a fight, going on right now between Konohagakure vs. Sunagakure. This war was due to the random attacks Kitaro and Tenshin did, many months ago. Know the world plays a toll, in the price, the judgment has now began, Ever men, women, Villager, Village for themselves. Only the future shall tell who shall win and who shall die. As time passed and the war moved on Tenshin was sooner or later finding himself isolated from his village he did this on purpose so that he wouldn't seem different around his villagers. Tenshin was dealing with a power far beyond his bijuu powers. Tenshin was fighting a dark personality within. Tenshin always slept a lot during this time. When he was sleep he always dreamed of fighting himself, but this person always spoke of destruction and revenge for the pain. He spoke of death and he also spoke of taking over the body of this man. Tenshin didn’t really understand himself but when he woke up he always heard an evil demonic laugh. Tenshin woke up one day and had a perfect plan to leave the village for he had to search for a man to fix this mess in his life, and tell him about what was happening. Tenshin went in search of finding Kitaro his old insane Teacher. Once he was found Tenshin told Kitaro to kill him. Tenshin went out with his cousin and was killed that very day by Kitaro. He was brought back to the Yotobi base. Tenshin healed over a period of time and then awoke with anger in his eyes. As if his Personality was switch to a demonic state.

Years past and Tenshin encounter many battles and seen many deaths. The death of his Cousin Artemis was a death that Tenshin took himself. Watching many die before him, friends or long lost family, he didn't care the battle was being won and Yotobi soon took over the world by his hands soon after Kitaro vanished. After about a year time flew and Yotobi ruled the Ninja Nation as the war septet by. After three years Tenshin got caught in a rebellion. This ended with Tenshin getting hit in the head and losing all memories. Since then he slept for two centuries underground in a tomb where nobody can, or would disturb his final resting place, or so we was told. Little does/did anyone know Tenshin Nara rose from the grave without any memory of his past. Tenshin walks the land looking at the rebuilt villages known as Sunagakure and Konohagakure. Tenshin walked in old dirty clothes until he collapsed at the door way of the Iwagakure palace, the place where the kage ruled. They took him in not knowing who he was or what he was, but this day was the beginning of a new memory a new start, until his old self (Demonic Personality) returned to control this body known as Tenzashi Nara once again.

A New Memory:
As the Kage came outside with her guards near her side, she saw the ragged old, yet young, man lying down before her gate. She ordered that her two guards take him and clean him for when he wakes she has questions for him. The guards nodded and grabbed the man and carried him to the kages guessed bathroom. As they washed the man, they noticed his blood colored hair washed right out like it was blood and turned his hair snow white. After letting the man sleep for 7 hours Tenshin woke up in a bed with nothing on but clean coal colored silk pants. Tenshin jumped up out of his bed and noticed his sword and other weapons and clothing sitting by a chair. Tenshin wore a red scarf covers the face of the man or rather the lower face. The part of the face that would show the mouth and chin is covered. It extends upwards from the armor and can be seen to be ragged and has been through much. Along the shoulders are a covering of what seems to be a white metal that resembles bone. However this metal is stronger than bone and was taken from an underground cave somewhere and has the sturdiness of somewhere between steel and aluminum. Underneath that is a black shirt that has a rip or hole or cut that goes from right below the collar bone and extends downwards to the bottom of the pectoral muscles. Overlapping his ribs is the same white metal that resembles bone but is much harder. These ribs, at least the upper ones, are attached to the shoulder guards. Finally the upper body is topped off by claws that cover both hands and extend down the bottom of the forearm. These are made of once again the same white material that the other armor is made of. It extends upwards at the elbow joint which allows for maximum mobility of both arms and at the ends of the claws are four extensions that cover and go beyond the four main fingers. Overlapping at the bottom where his upper body meets his lower body or at the hip for you idiots. A skull holds the points together like a belt. The skull itself is made of this metal which proves its flexibility and combat advantages. However to cover for people finding out exactly how good the metal is the skull has been painted over with a gold finish. Tenshin grabbed his sword and placed it on his back for the finishing touches. Then when he walked out the door he was greeted by two guards which escorted him to the Kage office.

The conversation didn't last long because Tenshin didn't know anything about himself but his name was Tenshin. The Kage soon gave him the position as Special Jounin. Tenshin accepted and then walked away and as he did two other jounin were promoted to the same rank as him and ordered to watch over him. As days past Tenshin memory returned his true name, his powers, and everything. Soon he took on mission: 20 B ranks, 30 A Ranks and 5 S ranks. Tenshin was pushing his body like no other ninja before him and yet he never got tired and his chakra hardly faded. As a year passed Tenshin took many more mission and unlocked many more things about his past. Only thing he didn’t unlock was his evil self and what it did while it was in control, but that wasn’t of important today was the day Tenshin got promoted to Anbu.

The Great General of Iwagakure:
Many years passed since Tenshin was promoted to Anbu he has studied hard and pasted everything and today was the day for promotion. As Tenshin's day began he roamed the village with nothing to do but wait for his promotion ceremony to begin. His scarf blew in the wind Tenshin paused, noticing something odd, and when he did a he tilted his head back seeing the kunai fly across the sky and hit the wall that was originally there to hit his neck. Tenshin trued towards the man and said nothing. "You are Tenshin Nara right." The man spoke in a happy voice. Tenshin said nothing and the man began to attack. They fault over the terrain for a long time. Tenshin was out matched and at his peak of death. Tenshin feel to his knees. A second heart beat was heard i his head. Tenshin closed his eyes and once he did, they reopened, this time it wasn't Tenshin, but Tenshin Nara. Tenshin stood up and grinned happily. The man was confused he was on the bridge of death yet he smiled. Tenshin then vanished with the wind and reappeared before the man with his sword raised high. As the man looked up the sword already crashed down. It cut the man in half and Tenshin stood in the blood laughing. "How good it feels to be back." Then another heart beat and Tenshin Nara yelled no and Tenshin was back. Already aware of what just happened Tenshin walked back to his dorm and got cleaned up. He meets with the Kage and told her nothing of his other side. He was promoted to captain of the Anbu, but he wasn't happy for he knew there was an evil soul within him just pushing and fighting to be released once more.

Roleplay Sample:
((My Bleach RP Sample/Excuse spelling very old post))
Tenshin just came thru a Garganta in the human world. During this time, they was mostly talking to themself, and when they encounter any group of people around them, they slaughter them all with a single motion of there hands. Tenshin was never spotted in the world of the living until this day. As they arrived in Karakura Town, Tenshin smiled and stated to walk along the shadows of the town. They then found a little child alone playing and Tenshin walk up to the child and then grabbed it by the neck he then ran out the town with it. Tenshin then smiled at the kid as he cried on The demons hand. This said demon then threw the kid really hard at the tree, causing it to cough up blood and make the tree fall over. Hotaru then walk towards the kid as it tried to crawl away from him with a nearly destroyed body. Tenshin then took his sword and cut his the kid left leg off. The kid screamed in pain. This brought laughter to Tenshin. He then pick the kids left leg up and then observed it for a bit. Then grip it and hit the kid in the face with his own leg. He smiled as the kids face flooded with crimson water like substance. He then too the kids ripped off leg and jammed it in his mouth. He grabbed the kid and then threw him about 20 feet into the air. Tenshin then took his sword and threw it up in the air making it sky rocket into the kid skull taking his whole head off. The red substance then started to rain down and so was Hotaru blade. Tenshin jumped up and grabbed his blade placed it upon his back and then continued to walk. Leaving a dead body in the middle of the forest.

Tenshin, later on after the killing, went into a clothing shop and bought another. Suit since his was covered in blood and ruined. Hotaru wore a mask over the left half of his face. The mask is a plain white, with a black cross where his eye would be. Over this mask and the other eye, he also wore a pair of rimless glasses. Hotaru wears his crimson hair long and straight, the bangs going down to his chin, and the rest going just below his shoulder blades. Hotaru was in a formal outfit, with a nice shirt, vest, jacket, and tie. This suit is generally in neutral colors such as gray and white. Hotaru's eyes are a duller version of the burning crimson of his hair, which appears again in both his eyebrows and the thin soul patch found just below his lower lip. He is also wearing white gloves over his hands, like a true gentleman, so he won't get his hands dirty. Tenshin suit is finished off with a pair of black dress shoes.

As they began to leave the store they seen a cute girl walk in look about 18 years of age. Tenshin then grabbed her from behind covering her mouth and used the mist in the air as a cover up and then sat upon a building with her on it and then slammed her on the roof. Tenshin then smiled and began to think, as Kitaro showed up watch making sure nobody showed up. He took his hand and then ripped her clothing off. He then remember what his Insane friend did to a girl and he grabbed a Kunai out the girls pocket and lick it, just as his crazy teacher did. He then thrust the kunai into the woman hand and watched as the blood shot up into his face. Tenshin then leaned in close to her face so that the first thing she saw was her blood splattered on his face. The girl was so freaked out she was about the scream as Hana's hand flicked her in the jaw right where her voice box is causing her to lose her voice. Her scream came as only a whisper and Tenshin laughed and soon removed the string from his mouth and took the tie from the back of his neck and set it on the ground. It would need to be done soon involving this kunai knife. Tenshin then tied another piece of string to that one and strung it through the girls mouth. Tenhin then just to be sure she couldn't scream cut the front of this girl's throat so whenever she made a noise she would not be heard she would be drowned out by blood gurgling in her neck because of voice box not being able to work with the tongue and produce screams. Tenshin then removed his meat sword and placed it inside the girls, cave. He began to thrust inside of her, rapping the living day lights out of her. She began to cry. Tenshin silently spoke. " No need to cry, When It's over I'll be sure to kill you then you'll never have to remember this day. " With that said about two hour later Tenshin was down. As she laid crying with sperm all over her body. Tenshin laughed and then. Took his sword and thrust it threw her skull and the roof itself. Tenshin then buckled his pants and The demon known as Tenshin Nara walk away into another Garganta.

" What a pleasant day, I'm glad you wanted to come with me on this wonderful little spree, Kitaro." A manly voice was heard as a garganta started to open up infront of Las Albas, but instead of going home, Tenshin went for a walk in the desert. As he walked hollows appeared and he just continued to walk and, as he walk the hollows body feel down right on the side of him they had died a unknown death. It was just like in his past when a stranger came and ask them did they killed the mountain of hollows and he replied no they just fell down. Tenshin continued to walk and then when he got to a nice desert field where the sand was hardly moving and the area was clear he stood there patiently. Tenshin than began to wonder. " Where was I suposed to meet That Vasto Lorde at? " Tenshin said in a demonic tone waiting for the man to show his face.

Last edited by Tenshin Nara on Thu 23 Dec 2010, 11:56 am; edited 3 times in total
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeSun 12 Dec 2010, 12:40 pm

Nara Clan Jutsu:



Fire Element Jutsus:

]Lightning Element Jutsus:

None Elemental Jutsu:

Tenshin Nara's Weapons:


Last edited by Tenshin Nara on Thu 23 Dec 2010, 12:43 pm; edited 5 times in total
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeSun 12 Dec 2010, 12:58 pm

Sweet, sweet. I love teh purple.

So, first of all, no starting as S ranked and only two elements are allowed to start off with.
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeMon 13 Dec 2010, 8:03 am

Tenshin buddy. As early as today I am going to tell you that just because some of this jutsus were approved already a long time ago, it will be approved again without any problems. Just a friendly reminder.

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Lord Vizer
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeMon 13 Dec 2010, 6:54 pm

Ok..same as Kit said..but there has to be a cap on the Iwa ninja now. Alot of apps are going there that are high ranked.

Last edited by Lord Vizer on Mon 13 Dec 2010, 7:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeMon 13 Dec 2010, 6:57 pm

Iwa has still open spots. o.o
Anyway, he didn't edit what I asked for.
And I am not done yet. I am waiting for him to remove one of the elements so I can start checking the jutsu.
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Lord Vizer
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeMon 13 Dec 2010, 7:00 pm

Ok its been taking back then.
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeWed 22 Dec 2010, 11:22 pm

If you all want me to switch Villages thats no problem
Kit Buddy I know they wont get approved ...
BTW I hate half the jutsus on here just cant find the site where I removed them and all
Finally I have done what you asked for Miya
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeWed 22 Dec 2010, 11:33 pm

I just removed half the Jutsu
I thought didn't make since or
Was a bit over powered...
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeThu 23 Dec 2010, 12:07 am

Shadows isnt an element.

Nara clan jutsu are what are known as Hidden Jutsu. They are not bloodline specific.

This mean ANYONE OF ANY ELEMENT CAN LEARN THEM! The only issue is they have to be taught to you by a Nara because there Clan Secret Jutsu.

Just thought id point that out since you put this...

Tenshin Nara wrote:

Elemental Affinity:
• Primary Element: Fire
• Secondary Element:
• Advanced Element: Lightning, Shadow Manipulation
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeThu 23 Dec 2010, 12:24 am

Um no shit Smart ass I know that
I always place it in there So next time
Keep your comment to yourself Tank you ^.^
Don't need your two cent
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeThu 23 Dec 2010, 2:30 am

Yes you may need to switch village.

This are the only remaining problems.
Chidori and all of its branch jutsu can only be learned INRP.
And your weapon. It needs a rank, then I can judge it.

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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeThu 23 Dec 2010, 12:03 pm

It already does...
If the sword grows with my power... it meand
Basically what ever Rank I am the sword is as well.
So as Genin I was D rank meaning the sword would
Be the same and i wouldn't know much of it's abilities or how to control them,
But as I got older to maybe Jounin it would be either A or B Rank
Giving me more knowledge of the blade but not complete
Syncronization(Spelled Wrong??) with it. So basically the older
Tenshin trains with his sword the better in Sync he is with it.
If there's still a problem I'll change it.
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeThu 23 Dec 2010, 12:27 pm

Quote :
Name: Hell Shaking Thunder Cannon
Rank: A
Element: Lightning/Shadow
Clan: Nara Clan
Description: Combining the Nara Shadow manipulation with Powerful Lightning Chakra this jutsu allows the user to generate and A Tremendous amount of Shadow Lightning. After a few hand signs Artemis will Start to form Large currents of Dark lightning around his body, Slowly the lighting will build up in the users palm. As the Chakra is released it creates a large amount of damage as it can be Streamed at the opponent directly or Used as a Large Wave blast. The jutsu can also be held out a Increasingly long time, But as this technique has been known for its power the user cannot envelope his body totally in the lightning leaving them vulnerable.

-This needs to say how long you can keep it up.

Quote :
Justu Name: Swirling Fire Tornado
Rank: B
Element: Fire
Description: After the user finishes a string of handseals a large spinning wall of fire will surround the user in a 25 mile radious cylinder thats touches the sky, everyone that is held inside the eye of this tornado stays intact and unburned unless touched by the walls of said Tornado. The Turnado can with stand any Attack up to B rank. If Higher it Shall Break, Note that all water justus can break it one rank down. So a B rank water jutsu can and well break it but if earth it would take S rank to break it. Last for 2 post unless broken.

- 25 miles is too much. Make it 10 meters.

Quote :
Name: Rairyuu no Tatsumaki (Lightning Dragon Tornado)
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Description:Ninpou: Rairyuu no Tatsumaki is a Ninjutsu technique used by Tenshin. One of Tenshin's many lightning based jutsu, this technique is used with his sword. Drawing his sword, Tenshin will raise it into the air and draw lightning down upon his body. The current will be contained within and around Tenshin's form. He will then begin to spin in place forming a whirling vortex of wind and electricity. The vortex will take on the form of a dragon and strike out against his opponent. Even if the attack doesn't directly connect with his foe, the lightning can jump from the vortex to hit a nearby target.

-This is Raiga's jutsu. It can be performed only with the lightning fangs. Remove it.

Quote :
Jutsu Name: Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Rank: B
Element: Lightining
Description: Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes lightning to create a Kage Bunshin clone. Because it is a Kage Bunshin, the Raiton version shares the ability to interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Raiton Kage Bunshin is injured, the clone will revert into its natural lightning state. Like in other Lightning Element attacks, should the target come into contact with the electricity, they will be momentarily stunned.

-This is A ranked.

That's all. ^^
The sword should be checked by Lkitty, he has more experience with them. =)
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeThu 23 Dec 2010, 12:35 pm

The Tornado is 25 miles wide because it's a trap move
Where nobody can enter/leave the Arena without Tenshin's say
And So that they can have enough room to fight while inside.

Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Shall be fixed

The others are removed
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The Master of Shadows (Done)  Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Master of Shadows (Done)    The Master of Shadows (Done)  Icon_minitimeThu 23 Dec 2010, 9:10 pm

Actually 25 Miles is really really far Ten. I converted it to KM and its around 40km. You're going to use a lot of chakra for a jutsu that covers a very very large area.

You still haven't switched village.
About the sword, so if you're A-rank then put the rank of the sword should be A-rank(Currently)

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