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PostSubject: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeThu 05 May 2011, 8:45 pm

(OOC: to avoid confusion, italics are words inside of Shinobu's head. Colors are actually words being spoken. When I say Shinobu, it refers to Shinobu as a whole. individual names are the personalities. It can get pretty confusing...)

"What the hell kind of stupid job is this?!" Kazuya roared, causing Minoru to wince. "Oh relax. Calm yourself," Minoru said absentmindedly, as he trudged through the sand towards the village of Sunagakure. "Calm myself? Calm myself?! This is grunt work! Where does that Vizer guy get off saddling us with this stupid task?! If you'd given me control, I'd have kicked his head clean from his shoulders!" Minoru chuckled out loud, shielding his face from a gust of wind that drove sand towards his face. "I doubt that. There was something about him that was...Otherwordly. I don't think he's someone you or I could fight. Perhaps Sensui could, but-" He was interrupted by a rumble of thought, as Heihachi resurfaced. "Nonsense. Sensui won't take control at the drop of a hat to deal with a man who's on our side. If he presents a problem, we'll take action. Until then, he's our ally. And besides that, Sensui trusts Minoru to be in control. You'll be given it when the time is right, and no sooner." Having said his piece, Heihachi drifted back into Shinobu's subconciousness. "Aha ha! He told you!" Itsuki laughed. Anger buzzed inside of Shinobu's head, as Kazuya let loose a string of curses.

All the while, Shinobu came closer and closer to Sunagakure. "Lets see. How shall I get in...?" Minoru wondered. "Give me control, and I'll blow the place to pieces," Kazuya sneered. Itsuki laughed again. "Fat chance of that. But seriously, when we do get inside, our first stop should be the bar." "Oh really? Why?" Minoru asked outloud, curious despite himself. "So we can cruise for chicks! What else?" Itsuki cackled. Minoru, Kazuya and Heihachi let out a collective groan. "Can I get a more productive answer? Makai, what do you think?" They all fell silent, as Makai stirred. "A quick disguise...would be most effective..." he mumbled. Minoru considered it, as they drew nearer and nearer to Sunagakure's gates. "Guess that's the plan." he conceded. With a swift movement, Minoru removed the Akatsuki cloak he was wearing, turning it inside out to reveal the black interior. He draped it sideways over around his shoulders, making for a passable cape. He removed his old Suna headband, and examined the long scratch that traveled the length of it, before stowing it in his pocket.

As he approached the gates, he stooped slightly and put on a harmless, friendly smile. The guards at the gate peered down at him, and after a brief explanation of his reason for coming to Suna, he was ushered in. Throughout the preceedings, Kazuya talked nonstop about how they should forego the sneaking in and run in, wrecking everything and everyone in sight. After successfully entering Sunagakure, Minoru veered away from the gate. Once he had found an empty area near a small house, he stood up to his full height, removing the cloak and turning it back, revealing the red clouds that dotted the otherwise jet black cloak. Removing hs headband from his pocket, he tied it firmly to his forehead. "My my. It's been six years, but this place hasn't changed a bit," Minoru said thoughtfully. "Wonder if that old bastard the Kazekage is still around..." Kazuya muttered darkly. Minoru smiled, as he walked nonchalantly through the village. "No worries, no worries. He's not our goal anyway. At least, not the old one. If what Vizer said is true, we're looking for the new Kazekage. He holds one of the Biju that we're looking for." Kazuya laughed,a cruel, humorless laugh that would send chills down the spine of a normal person. "And then we bring him in..."
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 10 May 2011, 10:01 am

After the man had switched his clothes back to normal, revealing his 'true form'. His akatsuki cloak and hat had frightened a few citizens, while others were too busy minding their business and did not seem to notice the man. A chuunin monitoring the entrance from above noticed the man and silently alerted the other guards. When the alert reached Genkou, he sighed once and spoke to himself, "So, they have returned." Arriving at the scene, he remained hidden from above, camouflaged from everyone's view. He inhaled deeply and then exhaled hurled large amount of sand from his mouth. He aimed the sand at the gates, so that only the chuunin guards may have noticed it. Then manipulated the sand and shaped it to look like a real sandstorm 'attacking' the village. "Sandstorm!" One random citizen shouted. Everybody raised the hood of their garments and calmly fled into their homes or deeper into the city. Genkou created a shadow clone and told him his plan. The clone jumped into the sandstorm while using the Hidden Sand Movement technique. From within the sandstorm, the clone formed thin sand senbon from within the sand storm and prepared to use them as a backup measure. The part of the clone's upper body (only head, right arm and shoulder are revealed) instantly appeared from behind and atempted to strike the man with a kunai. Genkou held out three senbon in his hand and waited to launch his third suprise attack.

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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 10 May 2011, 10:55 am

As Minoru calmly walked through the city, the people around him either ignored him without giving him a second glance, or they fled into their homes. "Ah. Mixed reactions. So some know of the Akatsuki and some don't? But if that's the case, I guess I'd better get ready for an attack..." he muttered to himself. "How stupid. You scared or something Minoru? Gimme control, and I'll show you how it's done!" Minoru yawned, ignoring Kazuya, as he turned down another street. He was met by a small sandstorm that was slowly making it's way towards him. "Jus what I don't need. Something to lower visibility..." Minoru muttered. "Beware..." Minoru paused, as Makai spoke again. "The storm may be inconvenient to us...but for an assailant, it is very convenient. Beware..." Makai fell silent again. Minoru raised his left hand to the tip of his hat, lowering it slightly, as he trudged through the sandstorm anyway.

"Blast, can't see a damned thing..." He griped, as the storm swept through the area. "This place is devoid of women. Get us outta here!" Itsuki wailed. "Be silent. Stay alert," Heihachi ordered. "That's pretty hard when I can't see-" Minoru had turned around, trying to see in any direction, when he found himself face to face with another person. Instinct made him pull his hat almost straight down, and not a moment too soon, as a kunai pierced it, stopping short of his neck. Releasing the hat, he left it inbetween the two of them, giving him a split second to use a jutsu without the opponent being able to see it to counter. Without a moment's hesitation, he swelled his cheeks and hastily kneeded chakra, before expelling it in the form of a ball of water. It hurtled through his hat, hopefully making contact with the man on the otherside. "Get us out of this storm!" Kazuya roared. Minoru squatted down, channeling chakra to his legs, before jumping foreward and up. He exited the sandstorm. His arc was going to hit the street, but focusing some chakra into his hands, he grabbed the roof of a building on his way down. With a mighty heave, he hoisted himself up.

He frowned, as he examined the sandstorm in the middle of the street. "How rude. And unwise. I knew there was a reason I hated this place..." he muttered. He brought his hands together and began to form the signs for his next jutsu. "One change of scenery, coming up..." he said with a grin. After finishing the signs, he inhaled deeply before expelling a large amount of water from his mouth. The resulting surge of water hit the sandstorm, consuming it . He poured a decent amount of chakra into the jutsu, but even so, the cascade of water washed harmlessly against the buildings, and a great amount of water was quickly swallowed up by the thirsty sand, leaving water only about ankle deep up and down the streets.

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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 10 May 2011, 10:29 pm

The clone and surrounding sand got hit by the water shot, while the man jumped upwards to escape the sandstorm. The pressure and sheer force caused the clone to disperse after he fell to the ground. Genkou watched from the sidelines, thinking of when it would be the perfect time to counterattack. He held a kai seal and focused his chakra on the building the man was standing on top of. Small pieces of the condensed sand broke off from the building as the Akatsuki member released a wave of water from his mouth to wipe out the sandstorm. The noise gave him a slight distraction as the tiny sand rocks levitated around his target (highest are two feet above the ground). Genkou set off the sand boulders as the jutsu finished, sounding off an small explosion. Lucky enough the building was empty and the streets were somewhat clear. He waited for the smoke to clear, but knowing well his target most likely survived the explosion.

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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 10 May 2011, 11:44 pm

After finishing his jutsu, Minoru had sat back and admire his work. "Not too shabby, if I must say so," he smiled slightly, despite the seriousness of events around him. "Hey! If your gonna daydream, gimme control!" Kazuya nagged. "In your dreams. If anybody is getting control, its me. Who else is gonna cruise for chicks properly?" Itsuki said. "Do you guys ever shut up..." Minoru sighed. Suddenly there was an explosion beneath him at the base of the building. The building's structure gave way, and fell. The flames swept upward, threatening to engulf Minoru. Without a second thought, he hurled himself through the flames towards the street below. Reaching the street, he noted that his cloak had caught on fire. Swearing viciously, he rolled about in the water, dampening his cloak and his mood. Straightening up, he eyed the surrounding area, trying to find the mysterious attacker.

"What the hell is going on? Is it the host? Somebody else?" Kazuya demanded. "I'm as clueless as you always are, at this point," Minoru muttered. "Say that again, I dare you!" Kazuya challenged. "Enough, both of you," Heihachi rumbled. They fell silent as he continued. "Now is not the time for this. First and foremost, we have to find the attacker. I shall rouse Makai for his input," Minoru shook his head. "Better idea." Raising his voice, he said "Would whoever is doing this mind coming out? I don't like fighting cowards, and this seems like I'm fighting someone too scared to come out and face me. All your really doing is pissing me off. So I'll tell you what. You come out right now...And I won't level this village," his words echoed up and down the street.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeWed 11 May 2011, 10:11 am

Genkou located the man as he jumped down from the roof and landed in the large puddle. While the man rolled around in the puddle like a crazy dog, Genkou took off his gourd and placed an exploding tag on the back of the gourd and covered it with a thin layer of sand. He placed the gourd on his back and walked a few feet to his left, as he was not located too far from his target. Genkou showed himself, wearing a black-lined mesh T-shirt under a black shirt and wore matching pants and footwear. Only his white sash and scarfs stood out. He jumped down from the rooftops and landed some feet to the man's right. Though his gourd fallen off along the way, positioned behind them. Genkou jumped to his right, with his back facing the Akatsuki. He held the kai seal and the gourd burst in flames, clouding the area in smoke and sand. He immediately molded some of the sand into senbon needles and sent sprawling towards his target. The sand senbon targeted the man from all directions (even above) except the front. Genkou chose six senbon from his pouch and threw them at his target, doubling their penetration power with wind chakra. The explosion would have cause little to no injury, as its job was the same as the sandstorm--reduce visibility. And this time it limited any means of escape. He took off the worn out strap that was used to hold the gourd in place and threw it out of his way.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeWed 11 May 2011, 8:06 pm

Minoru smiled, as a figure appeared on a nearby rooftop. "That wasn't too bad, now was it?" he said. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked him up and down. He closely examined his features, but was certain when he spied the gourd on his back. "The hair and build match up, but more importantly, he's got the gourd!" Kazuya piped up. "That's got to be the guy Vizer described, right? Thats the host!" Minoru frowned slightly. "But if he is the host, why would he be the first line of defense against intruders? We'd best not underestimate him..." Minoru muttered. As he spoke, the man fell from the rooftop, landing to the right of Minoru. Turning to keep him in sight, he noticed too late that he no longer had the gourd. "Where did it-" he was cut off by the explosion behind him, shrouding the area in smoke and sand. "Another suprise attack? Not this time!"
In one swift movement, Minoru formed a quick string of signs, before jabbing himself in the chest with his palm. He quickly engulfed himself in a water prison. He barely made it, as he felt more than saw multiple projectiles striking against the prison. A half dozen of them pierced farther than the rest, hitting him in the stomach. Had he not been underwater, he would have grunted in annoyance. "That was close..." Kazuya commented. Releasing the jutsu, Minoru began a new form a signs, summoning three water clones. They molded themselves from the water beneath him, assuming his shape and a moderate amount of his chakra. Slightly weakened, Minoru delved into his mind. "Kazuya, give me some of your chakra." Begrudgingly, Kazuya relinquished a portion of his chakra, replenishing Minoru's reserves. The three remained right next to Minoru, acting as support, as he began another string of signs. Forfeiting a large amount of chakra, Minoru completed his jutsu. Using the smoke and confusion to his advantage, he created the Water Beast, which loomed behind him. Taking the shape of a Timberwolf, it roared mightily, before sweeping a large paw across the area, sending a torrent of water foreward. Two of the clones turned around, acting as a rear guard, while the other stood in front of Minoru, awaiting any frontal attacks.


Last edited by Shinobu on Thu 12 May 2011, 9:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeThu 12 May 2011, 1:27 am

With little to do and a break in the action of the Chuunin Exams, Oriena had decided to do a little recon work. The fact was, she was looking for a mysterious man by some spa or senna area, but was unfamiliar with the surroundings still. She hopped from roof to roof looking around and with her Mist ANBU mask on, searching about and finding something more than she planned to find. A battle seemed to be ensuing and she could see water about the area along with sand flying about. Being that she was higher up, she had a greater vantage point to get an idea of the situation and not be seen. It was most apparent that the Kazekage was in battle though the man he was facing was not one that she knew of. The course of action to take was evident however, for she was taught to help those that could use a hand. Watching as the man made water clones, her eyes excitedly shifted to her kkg and its third stage at that.

Oriena hadn't seen true action for a while and was finally at the point where she felt it was worth her time to fight. She awaited for the man to finish whatever jutsu he was putting into place and found it a good thing she did. The mans strategy was simply to have angles covered it seemed, along with having the close combat taken care of. His water was more than likely to counter the sand in order to stop the Kazekage from using surprise ground attacks though it was too shallow to make difference. The large beast may be the one thing that would show challenge, though she wasn't sure as to its abilities. Almost as like she was splitting in half, a clone slowly branched from her side before completely separating. With the intention of getting an understanding of the mans abilities further, the clone simply took to dropping down from the building. Oriena was roughly 12 meters from the opposition and her location was well placed as high and away to the right side. Her clone used peeked from around the corner of the building for a second and brought herself back quickly. Formulating handseals quickly, a medium swarm of butterflies shot throughout the area and around the oppositions. If one of them tried to attack, it would detonate them immediately. At this time, the REAL Oriena would ducked down and place her hand to the flattend rooftop as glass over came a large portion of it. She would mold into the glass low enough to not be seen, but enough to spring from her location if need be.

Heavens Vision: At this state, the possessor can cast genjutsu on up to a hundred enemies at once for 10 min intervals. Determining the number of targets and time duration, the chakra consumption varies. All attributes from the previous two stages are also aplied as well as the priminitons accuracy increasing to upwards of 90%. This means there will still be a chakra reduction using jutsu (2/5 the norm for ranks up to S).
Doing some Recon(Open) J9391s

Name: Swarm of Beauty
Rank: A
Element: Fire/earth
Description: Using a combination of fire and earth, chakra manipulated butterflies the size of an infants fist are formed. The earth affinity allows these butterflies to be as solid as stone, the fire chakra allows them to be detonated at the will of Oriena.

Name: Glass Clone
Element: Glass
Description: This Clone is of much stronger durability than practically any other clone, and what makes it such a high level threat is the fact that it takes on no physical features of its affinity. This clone can use all but the jutsu of the oakegan from Oriena.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeFri 13 May 2011, 8:24 pm

OOC: the way i look at it, they had to slow down a bit going through water as strong as steel. they won't be fatal, at least at the moment, so I can bear it
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeSat 14 May 2011, 8:17 pm

OOC: But it will partially affect your performance as the battle progresses. I had a feeling you would use that jutsu as a defensive shield, so I did not expect you to conk and die. ;)

"Hey!" Shukaku's voice alerted Genkou, but was somewhat caught off guard. He quickly jumped back as a paw of water swept across everything within range, torrents of water flooding the area. He barely dodged the water, as his goal was to keep himself dry during the entire fight. To stop a majority of the water from dominating the battle landscape, Genkou did the needed hand seals and spat a long line of mud on the water. Then held a single hand seal, causing a small wall of rock (roughly 5ft tall) to rise up and temporarily hold off the proceding water. The sand that remained from his previous attack came rushing back, swirling around his body. Because of the heat, the body of water from before had already dissolved, allowing him to stand on clear ground.

Making use of his sand, and the surrounding sand, a sphere of sand took shape around him, constantly rotating. The air within the area became a little 'unstable'. The sphere dispersed outward, creating a small crater of sand underneath him. The show he pulled was not really needed, only doing it for the dramatic effect. His entire body was now sand, from head to toe. He quickly inhales as much air as possible and breathes a stream of powerful winds from his mouth. Upon contact with the rocky wall, the entire thing crumbled to pieces, hurling the small boulders towards the man's direction. The water receded and too was pushed back by the winds. Finished, Genkou stood in silence, prepared to dodge any frontal attacks. He finally noticed the Hunter-nin that stood off to the corner, not sure why she was watching the battle from such a short distance. He had been entirely focused on his target, as he did not notice her standing there. He decided to ignore her and continue fighting as if she wasn't there.

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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeSun 15 May 2011, 11:58 am

For a man who suddenly disappears, he sure knows how to make a grand entrance. After disappearing for over a month, the legendary shinobi once again appears amidst a battle between a seemingly criminal and a mighty jinchuuriki like himself. Even from afar he could already sense multiple chakra signatures along the battlefield. The first one he quickly identified as Genkou, the other one he couldn't really pinpoint and the last one seems to be a little weird as he had multiple numbers of chakra signature. " I came back from absence and this is what will greet me? An attack from those band of thugs? " Kitsuke smirked as he glided along the sandy winds of Sunagakure. He did not waste anytime and quickly arrived in the battlefield. He took flight and stood in a tall building hoping to get a quick sight of the ongoing battle. It took place on a street, with Genkou standing opposite him was the attacker. Not far from them and also in a elevated area a shinobi who does not belong in Sunagakure was standing. Kitsuke could tell that she was awaiting a chance to join the fray himself. " This really is not a nice sight to behold. I was expecting Sunagakure to be as is as I have left it, but I guess I expected too much. " Afterall it was his own fault, he left Sunagakure without any warning. Not even appointing a temporary Kazekage. He just left and disappeared like a bubble. " I should not waste time any longer. " As he finished the sentence he placed his hands over his mouth. He then spatted ink on the ground. The ink rose and formed itself to a likely image of Kitsuke. Although the trick wasn't finished yet, it splitted into two.

So pretty much there was 3 Kitsuke standing. Engulfing himself in a jutsu known as Lightning Armor, through his mind alone he commanded the clones to their destinations. The first clone appeared on the side of the woman. It spoke, " May I ask what does a lovely girl like you doing here? " It spoke without even glancing at the girl. The second clone appeared behind the attacker. It spoke throughly, " And what does a man like you want here in Sunagakure? Are you looking for your deathwish? Attacking it alone? " as he finished the water he caused was moments away from crushing all of them the man along with his clones. While the real Kitsuke appeared infront of Genkou. And with all of his might stood infront of the jinchuuriki. Glowing with yellow chakra and the gushing winds taking his robes along he spoke. " It has been quite awhile since we last saw each other eh Genkou?, it seems you've taken care of all the things I've left and even filled in the position of ..." Kitsuke paused. Taking a glance behind as the different projectiles hit empty structures of Sunagakure destroying them in the process. He returned his eyes on Genkou, " Kazekage..." he continued. His glare seemingly pierced Genkou.


Name: Ink Clone
Rank: B
Element: Ink
Description: Kitsuke creates a clone out of his ink capabilities. And since it is a substance, it can interact with the environment. It returns to ink after it is struck down. Kitsuke can create a clone from inks around him.

Name: Raiton no Yoroi - Lightning Armor
Rank: S
Element: Raiton
Description: Raiton no Yoroi in a Ninjutsu technique which utilizes the Lightning Element. After surrounding and infusing his body with the Lightning Element, Kitsuke will greatly increase his speed, power and reaction time. This Lightning chakra will also act as a defensive shield, being able to greatly decrease the strength of incoming attacks, like a Chidori. The increase in speed will also grant him reflexes on par with Yondaime Hokage. These abilities will also be used in conjunction with his already powerful Taijutsu to create even deadlier attacks.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeSun 15 May 2011, 12:46 pm

Minoru raised an eyebrow, as a five foot wall of mud and earth blocked his water beast's attack. "Oho. Not too shabby. Wonder what he's got next for me..." He was momentarily distracted when he heard Itsuki speak. "DUDE! Hot chick senses...tingling..." "Oh come off it. There aren't any women around here..." Kazuya retorted angrily. Itsuki persisted, and he momentarily took control of the head. Swiveling it around, he lost control again as Minoru got angry. "I've told you about doing that during important situations!" Minoru exploded. "Well, at least I got to see some butterflies.." Itsuki sulked. "I don't give a damn about some stupid...wait, what? Butterflies?" Turning back in the direction Itsuki had been facing, he was suprised to see a small swarm of butterflies flying towards them. "Butterflies? In the desert?... My ass. Clone, take care of it..." One of his clones moved to obey. Since it had a limited amount of chakra, it used the water whip, sacrificing the water it was made of. With a quick flick, it sent the whip foreward, striking one of the butterflies. At that exact moment, three things happened.

The first thing that happened, was the rock wall that was in front of him, shattered, and sent huge boulders cascading towards him. The second thing, was that the moment the water whip made contact with one of the butterflies, it exploded, causing the surrounding butterflies to explode as well. Before he knew it, Minoru had a chain of explosions coming from his right, and boulders flying from his left. The third thing, was that a man appeared behind him and spoke to him. "Hold that thought. We're about to die," Minoru said with a smile. Thinking quickly, he used the water beast to try and slow the explosions on his right. By swinging a paw protectively in front of him, the power of the explosions was lessened. Still blown off his feet, he glared grimly at the boulders that flew towards him. Throwing the entire Water beast at them, they sailed straight through it, though he oped the water was enough so slow them slightly. He hopped backwards, and his two remaining clones used their hands to prop up his feet, and with a mighty heave added with his jump, he managed to sail out of the way, as his clones were massacred. He landed on a nearby building, which wobbled as some of the boulders reached the base. He glowered at the man who'd done it, and was momentarily taken aback. The man was cased head to toe sand. He looked like a miniature version of the Shukaku. Even stranger, there was a man next to him apparantly encased in lightning.

Minoru raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "So you are the one I'm looking for! I must say, I'm very impressed. A very frightening appearance. Well worth the effort." As he spoke, he leeched the rest of Kazuya's chakra, who grumbled in protest. He smiled slightly, as he felt the chakra surging through him. "There. Your almost at full power. Now catch the limey sand worm so we can go already!" Minoru looked over the area, frowning lightly. "Can't. Not until we can find out about our mystery assailants. If they interfere again, it could be fatal. This is turning into a lot more than we bargained for..." He suddenly shrugged. "Vizer didn't say we had to catch him on our first attempt, so...." "What?! Your thinking of leaving?!" Kazuya exclaimed. Minoru shrugged again. "All I'm saying is, why hassle ourselves when we don't have to catch him this time?" Kazuya sneered, "What? Afraid of dying?" "Aha ha! No, afraid of waking Sensui," Minoru laughed. Kazuya remained silent for a moment, before speaking. "Good point. Lets get the hell out of here..." Minoru smiled, before forming his handsigns again. "Time to blow this joint..." he muttered. When he finished, he pulled his headback, and released an avalanche of water. The water spread like wildfire, before rising up as an enormous wave. Minoru was on the top of the wave, as it crashed down over the village. If it wasn't blocked, Minoru planned to ride the wave to the entrance of the village. The move left him drained momentarily, so he stole Itsuki's chakra. Confident his body could function properly again, he walked over the water, attempting to leave.


OOC:Have fun dealing with the natural disaster!!! bwahahahahahahaha!!!! I'm so deliciously evil :D. You'll never take me! never!
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeMon 16 May 2011, 12:56 am

(Oh do I love drama)

He was done. That was the last straw. For the man known as Kitsuke the former Kazekage, to waltz back in to line of duty after what seemed a leisure stroll around the country, and giving control of one of the most powerful villages to the young man Genkou, was the last straw for Shinichi. As son to the former Kazekage, what he saw was a disgrace to his lineage and what was rightfully his. The heir to the throne. Yet had Kitsuke had given him what he rightfully deserved, he would of dealt with the intruder swiftly and almost instantaneously.

But no, Kitsuke's betrayal was the tipping of a very large, and very powerful iceberg. Shinichi appeared in front of the man that was attacking his village who was about to leave in the wrought of his attack. Positioned on a could of sand, he floated in mid-air above the man and said, "No need to leave just yet. I can guess why you are here attacking Genkou. I shall lend you a hand. And be rid of these nuisances." Genkou was right for the picking. The battle for him was over the moment Shinichi stepped onto the battlefield. He held his hand out towards Genkou and growled, "Sabaku Sousou." Without ever having to use his own sand or the sand surrounding him, Shinichi reached forward and crushed Genkou's entire body with the sand that Gen had encased himself in. He knew it was the real Gen and not a clone of some sort because of the way the sand felt around the body, it was him. Shinichi was many times more powerful then Genkou when it came to sand controlling. He could do nothing to stop such pressure from the predicament he put him in. But Shinichi did not aim to kill him outright, but he would destroy every part of his body that would make him useful, his arms, his legs and also crushing a little bit of his chest. Blood would certainly be pouring.

"Aye Kitsuke. What you see is true. I am done with your foolish reign as Kazekage. And not giving me who was much more deserving of the title then that imbecile you call a Jinchuuriki. I challenge you and anyone who dares oppose me. I promise. You will die in the process."

And so the coup began.


Sabaku Sousou • [Desert Funeral]
Ninjutsu, Suna, Offensive, Ranged, C Rank
Description: The second part of a combo. After the user has successfully used Sabaku Kyuu on an opponent, the user can then use the full potential of the sand encasing the opponent, putting major pressure on him, most likely crushing him dead, or at least to a very bad state. This pressure can be avoid though by a highly defensive jutsu that may reduce the damage from the pressure.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeMon 16 May 2011, 9:18 am

OOC: It also acts as the shield of sand, as it is covering my entire body in sand. S Rank skill does that mean it surpasses mine. I am the host of Shukaku.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeMon 16 May 2011, 11:12 am

"What? These structures are all empty. Besides, it won't take long to rebuild them." He turned his head back towards his target, only to notice Shinichi floating beside him. Before he could move, he felt the pressure of his sand form increase, as if attempting to crush him. "I can sense a small portion of his foul chakra from within your own sand. He is attempting to crush you in your own sand. I can easily fight against it, however..." The pressure had been increasing as they were talking, but had since decreased to some degree because of Shukaku's influence. Genkou quickly made a decision and decided to disassemble the sand form. With the sand rendered useless, he "tossed" it aside. "So, do you have a strategy in mind? But foremost, how do we plan on stopping that wave." He watched as a giant wave neared them, while waiting for a response from Kitsuke.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeMon 16 May 2011, 4:11 pm

OOC: Simple. Shukaku was fighting against you from crushing my body. I figured it would be different, as the chakra from the bugs was not direct. When you attempted to crush me, your chakra became infused into the already chakra-infused sand, my chakra being the "original owner". Each shinobi as a different chakra signature. Since we are not related, our signatures are different, and thus your chakra is considered foreign. Because the sand would be so close to my body, it would also act as my only sand defense. So my shield of sand will be apart of my sand form, which is controlled by Shukaku. Obviously we would know when a Shukaku-wannabe attempts to take control over the sand that is being controlled by the original...and the "guardian".

I believe that Gaara was at fault and not Shukaku. As it was Gaara who used his special sand to block the attack in the first place. And unlike Gaara, I am in perfect harmony with my tailed beast. If convinced enough, I will edit that little sentence out...
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeMon 16 May 2011, 5:25 pm

OOC: LKitty suggested that I post since Oriena was not technically apart of the fight.

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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeMon 16 May 2011, 6:03 pm

OOC: so Oriena is next? ok, order restored
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 17 May 2011, 12:39 am

Correct Posting Order:

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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 17 May 2011, 1:21 am

OOC: ok then =/
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 17 May 2011, 1:27 am

Hmm...Kitsuke Maru, former Kazekage, the man that left his village in the hands of a man that had yet to prove himself to the village" said Oriena as she observed the events transpiring. The person that appeared beside her was obviously a clone in her judgment, based on the fact of there being the actual kage and an Akatsuki member present. There would be no reason for the actual man to be beside her in an event transpiring as it was. As things proceeded another man made his presence known, it was the man she saw when she first entered Suna. She learned that his name was Shinichi Oboro, a member of the sands Goryu, similar to her Mists Swordsmen. The attacking Akatsuki member seemed to quickly understand that he was out of his leauge with all that was amounting as he fended off all the attacks.

At this point, the member took his leave though not before he took to a mass of handseals and set a mass wave of water towards the area. At this point, Oriena and the clone figured to help out being that she wasn't able to get her hands dirty as she desired to. Swiftly hopping down and to the front area, she branched out into four more Oriena's whom shot across in a straight line. All placing their hands to the ground, a large wall glass emerged from the ground and halted the rushing water. The wall was made with the combined effort of the 5 Oriena's whom channeled their chakra throughout the area to make the massively tall and thick wall of glass with the strength to nearly rival diamond. At the point of things stopping, the young woman released the clones and turned to the men at hand. "Well, if this is the way you all protect your village from threats, its a wonder that there haven't been more attacks. I'm here simply to support a cousin of mine in the Chuunin exams and to do a bit of sight seeing, so whomever is TRULY in charge of this, should do some explaining. Genkou and Shinichi, I would advise you two to use your sand manipulation abilities to seep the water into the water while its at a halt." she said calmly. Hopping to the top of a building, she turned back and glared at the former Kage, "You don't seem welcome in your own village...sad" she said, turning back to the forefront and taking proceeded to leap from building to building making her way away from the area.
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 17 May 2011, 8:29 am

OOC: Eight-Tails. :P And btw, she wouldn't know this (I think).
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeTue 17 May 2011, 11:23 am

Genkou's attack was superb, but still brought to a halt by the akatsuki's water beast albeit the costs. The impact leveled the area, and Kitsuke saw the structures crumbled into dusts in the eyes of his to be destroyed ink clone. Although his other clone remained unharmed. Knowing that he is in no good situation against two powerful shinobis, this prompted the akatsuki to escape. Drastically using a Suiton jutsu to escape the battlefield. But as his foolish plan moved, Genkou suddenly felt an outside force interfering with his sands. Kitsuke turned his back zooming his right eye acting as a scope. He saw a man elevated through his own sand. Kitsuke quickly recognized him as Shinichi Oboro, Sunagakure's Iron Sand user and member of the Kazekage's own secret force " Goryu ". He spoke.

"Aye Kitsuke. What you see is true. I am done with your foolish reign as Kazekage. And not giving me who was much more deserving of the title then that imbecile you call a Jinchuuriki. I challenge you and anyone who dares oppose me. I promise. You will die in the process."

Kitsuke quickly understood the situation. " Shinichi is staging a coup d'etat. " He sighed before glaring towards Shinichi and the approaching Akatsuki who seems to be confident that he could escape Sunagakure. With looking at Genkou he spoke, " Check my back, protect the village. And I shall get rid of this nuisances, hopefully teach them not to raise arms against us. " he said in a very angry voice. Kitsuke took a stance, ready to ram both of his opponents anytime. Still being encircled by his lightning armor. He did not leave the village for any reason. Although yes he did left the village without warning and he didn't even appointed an acting Kazekage. But he left to seek more knowledge which he cannot acquire here in Sunagakure. Unknown to all Kitsuke has been suffering serious anger issues weeks before he left. Knowing that a leader must learn to control thyself, he left looking for a way to cure his apparent mental illness. Which he successfully cured. Now that he is back, he finds out that Sunagakure has drastically changed due to his 1 month missing-in-action disappearance. Still this is no reason to stage a coup d'etat. He was expecting somebody as ambitious as Shinichi to start a coup, but he was not expecting it to happen at his return. Such a welcome party indeed, time to kill the lights.

But before he could even make a move, the hunter-nin jumped infront of them. Creating 4 clones and taking the frontlines. With her bravery a glass wall rose infront of them. Blocking the wave caused by the akatsuki, successfully halting the escape of the perpetrator. Kitsuke thanked him behind his mind. It was a big help since Kitsuke couldn't outright transform into his bijuu form right here in the open. That's like hanging a " There are two bjiuu's here at Sunagakure, come and get it Akatsuki. " Before she left she uttered some words although he didn't heard it clearly as he focused on his targets. With a great wall that separates him and the akatsuki along with the deranged Shinichi. Tubes appeared on Aryuu's heels. And with a burst of speed Kitsuke sped up the glass wall. Lightning chakra began to build up on Kitsuke's left hand as he ran, and combined with his lightning chakra he arrived at the top in no time. The same time he arrived at the top, he released a laser like lightning attack, the one he was building up on his left hand. The attack zoomed towards the akatsuki who was still riding the waves.


Name: Aryuu [ Immitator ]
Rank: S
- Hybrid

Description: Kitsuke decided to create a puppet who looked like him in every single way. This puppet is Aryuu who also serves as Kitsuke's body armor. It is made of a special kind of wood that is able to absorb chakra just like a normal human body. It is given an S-rank because it maybe is the best puppet Kitsuke possess. Just like its name, it is able to imitate the movements of a normal human being perfectly without flaws. Thus allowing Kitsuke to fool his opponents. The puppet itself is very lightweight.

Right Eye; Scope
Mechanic Scope, can zoom for clear sight up to three miles away.

Left and Right Heel; Pressure Releaser
A unique part of every puppet of Kitsuke. When triggered a tube like thing appears on both heels. It releases wind pressure, which it turn can triple the speed of the puppet, which allows them to cope with an actual shinobi's speed.

Raiton - Raikou Re-za [ Lightning Laser ]
Rank: A
Element: Raiton
Description: With Kitsuke's effecient chakra control, he is able to compress the static lightning into a beam. Which he can release any moment in a mere second. And unlike other Raiton jutsus, this one doesnt paralyze but rather to pierce right to the body of the target. It can quickly create a huge damage when correctly used. While the part hit will be numbed for a number of post.

Last edited by Lkitty on Wed 18 May 2011, 9:01 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Couple of typos.)
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeWed 18 May 2011, 11:22 pm

Minoru grimaced, as he watched the wall of glass come up to meet his tidal wave. "Hmm. I suppose this makes leaving a bit more challenging," he mused. As the wall crept upwards, Minoru managed to see a what looked like another member of the village attacking the host. "What's all this then? Looks like they aint united against us. That's a chance!" Kazuya buzzed. Minoru frowned slightly, weighing his options. "You may be right....but one step at a time," his attention shifted as he saw the newest arrival, the one crackling with electrical energy appear at the top of the glass wall. Minoru noticed that his left hand was crackling more fiercly than before. "Well that's not good..." he muttered, as he released the chakra in his feet. He quickly sank beneath the waves of his previous move, barely avoiding the streak of lightning that shot towards him. As the water leveled out, Minoru quickly formed a few signs under the water. Opening both of his hands, he outstretched his first three fingers on each hand. Water converged on them, and shot towards the surface. As they traveled, they took shape, until they had the shape of sharks almost six feet long. As the six sharks reached the surface, they leapt towards Kitsuke, coming at him from different angles.

Taking that as a chance, Minoru swam farther away, before rising to the surface himself. Pulling himself up out of the water, his frown turned to a look of annoyance. "Alright. Now I'm getting pissed off... I didn't bargain for all this. Sure, I was expecting a fight, but not a full blown battle with this many people. How bothersome..." he muttered. He straightened his back, until he stood at his full height. "What a load of crap. These people were dumb enough to leave me all this water to use too. Ugh, I'm not even getting paid for this..." Clapping his hands together, he began his next string of signs, and with a flourish, the water around him began to stir. It began to swirl around him, slowly at first, but then it picked up speed as it turned into a tornado on the surface of the water. It whipped about him, stretching up high. The inside was calm, while the rest of the water was in turmoil. As he finished the signs, he quickly used some of his remaining chakra to summon two water clones. "Itsuki. Your chakra. Now." Itsuki laughed, before handing over another generous share of his chakra. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were gettin' hard pressed there Minoru," he teased. Minoru ignored him, focusing on the task at hand. Nodding to the clones, they stepped foreward, pressing their hands into the inside of the vortex. One by one, sharks made of water launched from the outside of the raging swirl of water. They flew out randomly, striking buildings, and raining down on his enemies.

Smiling, Minoru sank beneath the waves. His enemies would be distracted by vortex and the hailstorm of sharks raining down on them. He planned to make his escape during the excitement


OOC: Yeah, this village is gonna be f^cked to holy hell by the time im outta here =3 fear my destructivness and the fact that I don't care about this village!
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PostSubject: Re: Doing some Recon(Open)   Doing some Recon(Open) Icon_minitimeThu 19 May 2011, 6:07 pm

(Don't be a wuss..its only 3 of them...)

Shinichi wasn't surprised that Gen didn't die in Desert Funeral. Rather that Gen was more adept at Sand manipulation with the help of 1 tail. A Kunoichi not of the Suna was there but didn't attack basically. But she advised Shinichi to do something about protecting the village. Why was she not dead. No matter, she was not a target on Shinichi's very short list. Genkou and Kitsuke's head were the objective, anyone else was obsolete. As Kitsuke was mounting his attack against the Akatsuki member who came to invade Suna. Shinichi's Iron Sand was amounting in the air above where he was floating. He saw the puppet that he knew that the former Kazekage had. All of a sudden Iron Sand formed into a sphere. A strong magnetic pull emitted from it, as that was the way Shin made its polarity.

Fighting Gen was basically fighting a mirror of himself though he can use iron sand it was only a small advantage but not against the power of Shukaku, though he had ways of dealing with that monster. As long as he didn't go full form he wouldn't be to much of a problem. So the best idea would be to deal with the most dangerous one of them all, and that was Kitsuke.

Another giant sphere appeared right next to the giant sphere already made. He then began to walked towards Kitsuke who would have to deal with deadly water sharks heading towards the buildings and upon him as well. "Nuisances am I Kit. Lets see how much of a nuisance I can become. Then he changed the polarity of the new sphere he just made, making it the opposite of its counter-part. Then he moved them closer together.

After that the fight would really begin.


Name: Iron Sand Gathering
Rank: B
Element: Iron Sand
Description: This technique gathers a great volume of Iron Sand and compresses it into a high-density shape. This greatly increases the hardness, creating a gigantic steel-like weapon in an instant. The weight and size of these shapes are so great, they can easily shatter bedrock and break through most defenses with one hit. Because the weapon is made out of Iron Sand, the shape can be whatever the user wants, and can even be changed during the fight. This allows the user to create the best weapon for the fight, by taking into account the opponent's abilities and the surrounding environment. Since the Iron Sand generates a strong magnetic field, the opponent cannot use any metal weapons or tools.

Last edited by Shinichi Oboro on Fri 20 May 2011, 11:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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