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 An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin

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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:16 am

Minato and Neji had just reached Tanzuku Town. " Now where do we begin " Minato looked around. " Well, how about using the Byakugan to find anyone suspicious ? " Minato smiled at Neji.
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:18 am

"alright then, !Byakugan!"said neji as he was looking through the whole village for any suspicious behavior.Neji kept on looking and saw a shop that was on fire."minato we better hurry theres a shop thats on fire it must be he missing ninjas"said neji as he ran towards the shop
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:23 am

" No wait. Its a distraction. You stay around and scout the town for those people. I'll put out the fire.". Minato jumped from building to building as he reached the fire. " Darn. What do i do now ?"He saw a small fountain near the shop. " Random, well anyways, Water Vortex Jutsu" Minato made the necessary handsigns. The water accumulated at the fire, putting it out. " Hey Neji, come here" Minato said through his reciever.
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:25 am

Neji heard minato calling him and ran towards the shop "what is it minato"said neji
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:27 am

" Look around the Burned area and tell me if you Notice something strange " Minato pointed at the wreckage.
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:33 am

"yes this fire wasnt started by an accident someone trigerred it"said neji looking around looking for the missing ninjas "im getting a feeling they are in this town here walking but where "said neji as he keeps lokking around for the ninjas.Neji saw something 3 ninjas ontop of a roof of a house "can it be them"said neji as he lookscloser with his he looks coser he notices the scracth on there headband and they were coming this way. "minato heads up the missing ninjas are coming to get us"said neji
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:38 am

" Is that all you noticed ? " Minato smiled. " Do you see any flamable objects around. Normally, if ssomeone wanted to create a distraction,they would start it near an already flamable object for a fast escape, But this one was started as if they were not trying to escape but to lure us here. " Minato threw 3 Kunai at the Ninja. The Kunai went past them, as they dissapeared in a puff of smoke. " Now to important stuff " Why would theyy lure us here, why not directly distract us ?"
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:40 am

"i...dont know "said neji "so what your telling me is they distracted us to get away from here"said neji being a little confused
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:43 am

" Wrong, they stalled us. They were just trying to pass the time. Means they aren't here for just fun and games." Minato said he tried to look for anyone suspicious.
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:46 am

"thats right"said neji finally getting the point "you see anything my byakugan only sees normal ppl and theres nothing suspicious round here"said neji looking around
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:47 am

" Try looking at at Tanzuku Castle, on top." Minato pointed to the 3 ninja on top of the castle. "Those guys are real"
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:48 am

"yeah i can feal it and see it"said neji "what do we do now wait for them to come or we come at them"said neji
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:51 am

" Not so fast. How about giving them a taste of their of own Medicin " Minato said Smiling. " Lisen to my plan, i want you to lure them in the forest, leave the rest up to me. "
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 11:53 am

"dont kill them all though leave some for me haha"said neji as he jumped and got attention from the missing nins all 3 of them chased after neji.Neji thinking "hope this plan works"said neji jumping
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 12:00 pm

Minato by then had reached the forest and layed down his trap. He hid behind the tree waiting for Neji to arrive, luring the nin.
(( Lets not end this fast ))
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 12:02 pm

((there in the trap))

neji saw the trap and jumped over it while the missing ninjas were caought by the trap "wow these ninjas are easy to get"said neji
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 12:14 pm

" but thats not the trap " the trap Exploded, as it launched the Ninja into a small clearing. Noth Neji and Minato hid. Minato signalled Too Neji to keep Hiding. " What happened ? Where are they ?" the 3 cloud nins yelled. Minato made some hand signs. As he did this, A mist began to settle around the Cloud NIn. The mist began to densify. Minato signalledd to Neji to wait a minute more. Then he signalled him, to move out of the area. A Kunai with a E.Tag, hit the ground near them. " What the... " the Chuunin said. " See ya " Minato smiled. The entire Area exploded.
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 1:58 pm

" My own version of the Mist Waltz " Minato smiled, as the Nin got up. The jounin managed to avoid a lot of damage, but the Chuunin took a direct hit. "1 down, 2 to go. Neji, take the one on the right, i get the other one. "Minato took a battle posture.
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 2:46 pm

"got it"said neji as the nin was coming to attack neji,the nin attacked neji then neji let out a smirk.It was the wrong one poof.the nina saw the real neji and used a wind type move,wind blade was the name as the nin managed to slice neji a little bit ,neji had a big scratch on his arm,blood was dripping down but that didnt stop neji from what hes about to do. Neji jumped and did 2 jutsus at a time , 'Fire Style:Dragon Flame Jutsu' the other one was 'Water Style:Water Dragon Jutsu'.When he did the hand signs the fire dragon came out of nejis left hand and the water dragon came out of nejis right hand to attack the missin nin it was a direct hit.The nin was in serious damaged he managed to get up but in a sec neji was in his face and he did '8 trigrams 128 palms' when it was over the nin was dead. "1 more to go minato"said neji
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 2:53 pm

" He isn't dead... i can sense his muscular tension" Minato said as he dodged a couple of blows from his enemy. " This is just sad, if yo're not gonna get serious, i am " Minato said to the Nin. He collected some red energy in his hand. He fired it at the Nin, knocking him back, completely changing the landscape.
" Move back. Retreat." Said the Jounin who got hit by the Juken. They all moved back, trying to escape through the Docks.
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 3:06 pm

neji thought "that cant be i hit a direct hit man these nins are harder than i thought"."wait i still have a lot of chakra maybe ill get him with a plan".neji did clone jutsu as 15 clones were distracting the nin while neji was putting up some traps.when everything was done and all the clones were dead the nin was tryng to find neji.
neji told himself the plan again "the plan is to make him walk over the trap trigering 50 kunais to attack him while he thinks it will be easy to get away ill be underground on his feet and do headhunter jutsu while the 50 kunais attack his head".He walked over the trap and he trigered 50 kunais.neji came up and instead of doing headhunter jutsu he paralized him with '8 trigrams 64 palms' the nin could still move a little but neji had another idea neji threw a lightning exploding kunai where it could paralyzed the target 'it worked'.when the 50 kunais hit ,neji did his final jutsu he still had a lot of chakra he then did clone jutsu and 2 clones came out the 3 of them (neji and the 2 clones) jumped 1 did 'water dragon jutsu' the other did 'dragon flame jutsu' and neji did 'lightning clone explosion' (a move where the user makes 2 clones that explode and a lightning strike attack the target) and the 2 clones exploded in the missin nins face all the attack have succeded it ended with a blast. Neji was almost out of chakra and the missin nin had died for sure.neji started walking to minato to see what he was doing
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 3:25 pm

" Cmon... boys, atleast try..." Minato said as he dodged both the Chuunin and the Jounin's attacks. He was moving as lightly as a feather with impecible grace. " Now now boys, its rude to bore your geusts. " Minato quickly uses a Konoha Reppuu on the Chuunin, who went spinning about to the Jounin. The Jounin jumped only to meet a kick by Minato to the head. The kick launched him further up. Then he spun around and kicked the Chuunin punding him into the ground. Then he did a swith to meet the jounin with a punch the the gut. " What are you... Wierdo. " said the jounin who helped up the chuunin. " Your worst nightmare " Minato replied. Suddenly, he began to grow with Chakra. Suddenly, he formed a Chidori. He ran up with incredible speed, at the Jounin and struck him in the gut with Chidori. The man stood there looking at Minato with Wide eye's. " How can you be that fast... " he said before he died. He turned to the Chuunin. He ran up and hit him with a Rising Whirlwind. He ended it with a Primary Lotus. The Chuunin also droped dead. Minato took a kunai and stabbed himself, on his right arm and left shoulder. " God forgive me for my sins " He took his blood and made a symbol on their dead Bodies. " May your souls find peace on the other side ". He then turned to Neji. " That was fast. Are you sure it was A rank ?"
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 3:28 pm

"well it sure beat the crap out of me lets go back home"said neji "they were pretty hard......but easy "said neji he then laughs "mission successfull"said neji
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 3:31 pm

" It was hard? i didn't think so... oh well. Now thats done, i have 1 more A rank to add." Minato gave support to a wobbly Neji, as they headed back to Konoha.
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitimeThu 31 Jul 2008, 3:32 pm

"whew what a day"said neji "ive never felt this great since i became jounin"said neji
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An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Empty
PostSubject: Re: An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin   An A-rank Mission- Track the Cloud Nin Icon_minitime

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