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Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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 Satoshi vs. Kugo

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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 1:28 pm

Leaning casually against a tree, hand in pockets, Satoshi waited. He had been told there was good sport here, many shinobi taking this route to one of the Great Shinobi Countries. Oddly, no one had passed yet. He spun a kunai on his finger, clearly bored. He began to think it wasn't worth his time - he could always pick a tavern brawl for his kicks. Still, it wasn't the same as true combat, so Satoshi waited.

Last edited by Satoshi Arata on Mon 01 Sep 2008, 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 1:35 pm

The male came upon a missing nin leaning against a tree. He had just become a chuunin, but still wasn't all to confident in his abilities, but he needed this chance!
"Oi! Lets rumble!" Kugo said gleefully.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 1:43 pm

Upon hearing someone approaching, Satoshi adjusted his blindfold, but stayed leaning against the tree. He turned his head after the self-proclaimed Chunnin-level shinobi issued a challenge. "Good sport? Bah." He muttered under his breath. He addressed the Chuunin. "You're awfully confident for one so young. Perhaps you haven't heard of me." He stood up and walked until he was ten or so feet away from Kugo and facing him. "Surely you can beat a blind man?" He grinned.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 1:46 pm

"Well It is blind versus blind." The male said jokingly as he fiddled with the headband over his eyes."Sight is unnecessary." He said, pulling a scroll out of his small pouch. He moved his right arm, holding the scroll, to place the scroll in his mouth, opened slightly. As the male's teeth clamped down on the scroll, his two hand moved together in a handseal.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 2:02 pm

Satoshi held his hands in front of his chest, making two hand signs, then letting them drop to his sides. As he did so, a blue aura surrounded them. It seemed to be moving very quickly. "Chakra no Mesu." He murmured. Then, turning his attention back to his opponent, "Your turn."

Name: Chakra no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel)
Rank: B
Description: After forming the needed hand seals, the ninja will focus chakra to their hands. When their charged hands reach the body of their target, they can extend the chakra internally into the targets body to cut and neatly slice their muscles and blood vessels without harming the surface skin. This technique can be used in battle, but because of its hectic nature, the fine precision required for an instant kill is not feasible. Damage can still be done to the vital organs, but the technique should be used carefully in battle.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 2:09 pm

((You can't be in three threads at once, you will have to quite out of either this, Oshiroku's fight, or the Cloud thread.))

"Done deal." The male said, bunching up his muscles. He jumped back a few feet, making it a 15 ft. distance between them or so. As he poured chakra into the seal on the scroll it released, revealing a skeleton in spiked armor. This skeleton wielded a spear, and had a hole in it's chest. The male then placed both of his hands in front of him, moving his fingers artfully. The skeleton then launched itself at the male, stabbing with it's spear. This spear was tipped with a poison that would put this man through extreme pain.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 2:18 pm

(Oh dang. I thought it was three. Okay, I'll put the fight with Oshiroku on hold.)

A puppeteer? Well that's new. Thought Satoshi. He had little time to contemplate this however, as the puppet was soon attacking him. Moving swiftly, he caught the flat sides of the spear head between his palms, not letting it cut him. He eased it to one side before turning past it, then sliding underneath the skeleton's body. Still low down, he aimed a scalpel-hand at each of Kugo's knee tendons, hoping to sever them.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 2:20 pm

"Not a chance." The male exclaimed as he jumped up to dodge the scalpel, sending his skeleton in to stab again. I may need to pull out Death!.....He thought to himself
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 2:29 pm

((Yeah you can...You can have 3 your alright))
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 3:21 pm

Leaping backwards, Satoshi pulled an exploding tag from one of item pockets. He managed to dodge the spear but the skeleton's body bundled into him, knocking him down. As it made contact, he palmed the tag onto its forehead, before he landed awkwardly and skidded backwards. He decided to leave the tag alone for now, assuming that it would probably be more useful later. "You should pay more attention to your toys, boy." He grinned as he ran toward Kugo once more, scalpels held ready to strike.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 3:36 pm

"You should pay more attention to your opponents." He shot back, revealing that as the man had been distracted by the other puppet, the male had pulled out another scroll. Lithely moving out of the way of the scalpels using his chakra enhanced taijutsu, he weaved handseals. He then jumped backward and summoned yet another puppet, this one being a skeletal horse. This horse had armor that was bladed and spiked, similar to the skeleton's. As the horse began moving, the skeleton went into action. The male pulled the skeleton's head off and sent it flying toward his opponent, teeth ready to chomp.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 5:31 pm

Making a single-handed hand seal, he spoke softly. "Kassei." The approaching skeleton head exploded as the tag activated. "Now really isn't the time to lose your head." Satoshi half-smiled. Facing the horse, his grin widened as he pulled his blindfold down. His eyes were solid, obsidian black, with a small white pupil in the centre. He made a hand sign. "Raiju." Slowly, he blinked. At that precise moment, a creature appeared in a flash of flames. It landed on the grass, which instantly charred. It looked like a human-sized tanuki (dog with the facial features and tail of a raccoon), and its body was completely ablaze. It growled, crouched, and sprang at the horse, its paw pulled back ready to strike. Satoshi smiled, rubbing his temples. His eye techniques often gave him headaches. "Meet Raiju." He said. Your horse?" He smiled again. "Dead."

Name: Jibaku Fuda: Kassei (Exploding Tag: Activate)
Rank: E
Description: Utilizing chakra, the user is able to activate the explosion mechanism of a distant bomb tag.
Name: Raiju (Thunder Beast)
Rank: A
Description: Raiju is the pet of the Raijin (the God of Thunder). Satoshi's Yuuyamime allows him to summon Raiju through a Genjutsu technique (although Raiju himself is real). He will appear either as a fire beast or a lightning beast, and will assume the form of either a cat, a tanuki (raccoon-dog), a monkey, a wolf or a weasel. Each form is almost the size of a grown man. It can move at incredible speeds, and if he touches someone other than Satoshi, they will be injured (either burnt by his fire, or electrified by his lightning).
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeMon 01 Sep 2008, 5:50 pm

"No, Its Death." The male commented, pulling the horse back from the beast. He then brought the two puppets together, as Death began spiraling around and around the beast. Death then began launching chakra sickles, two at a time. At the end of the barrage, the headless puppet launched at the beast, trying to pierce with it's spear.

Jutsu used-

Name: Chakra Sickle no Jutsu

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: D-Rank

Description: Kugo preforms handseals, then begins channeling his chakra into the form of sickles. Once the sickels are formed, they are hardened and thrown at the enemy. This jutsu can also be preformed on weaponry or puppets. The stronger and better at channeling chakra the user is, the more effective the jutsu is.

NaiJin Dansu no jutsu- Deadman Dance technique



Effect-This jutsu requires two puppets, Death and Rider. Rider will sit astride of Death as death circles the enemy, launching chakra sickles on occasion. The circle will get smaller fast, as soon as they are within range, Rider will charge in with his "Poison Lance". Striking and poisoning the opponent.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeTue 02 Sep 2008, 9:10 am

The flames surround Raiju flared. It snarled and leaped up into the air to avoid the sickles, the spear cutting across its shoulder. As a spirit-being, the poison wouldn't affect it, but the incision made it growl in pain. Eventually losing its momentum, it fell back towards the ground. When it reached the two puppets, it roared and swiped a flaming fist at them.

Taking advantage of his opponent's concentration of the puppets, Satoshi darted in towards him, aiming a single palm strike at his neck. As he moved, his hand crackled with electricity.

Name: Ranshinshou (Chaotic Mental Collision)
Rank: A
Description: Changing the chakra in his/her hand into electricity, the user can create an electric field to disrupt his/her target’s nervous system. Because the brain and body communicate using electrical impulses, it can be used to disrupt her targets ability to move. What results is commands to move one body part being relayed to another, making it near impossible for them to move unless they have high skill and understanding of the body.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeTue 02 Sep 2008, 6:06 pm

"Not a chance." Kugo said, moving his Claymore's leather handle so that it would knock the palm away. Kugo then kicked toward Satoshi, distancing himself from the male. As he did so, he sent a few sickles toward the beast, having the skeletal man launch straight upward toward satoshi.

Jutsu Used-

Name: Chakra Sickle no Jutsu

Type: Ninjutsu

Rank: D-Rank

Description: Kugo preforms handseals, then begins channeling his chakra into the form of sickles. Once the sickels are formed, they are hardened and thrown at the enemy. This jutsu can also be preformed on weaponry or puppets. The stronger and better at channeling chakra the user is, the more effective the jutsu is.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeWed 03 Sep 2008, 7:51 pm

Flaring up to jump the sickles again, Raiju snarled as he received another cut, this time across his flank. Meanwhile, Satoshi carefully avoided the kick using his hand to push it aside. His opponent now further away, he instructed the fire-beast to return. Running around the puppets, he jumped toward Satoshi, and erupted in flames, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Grinning sadistically, the Missing-Nin called to his opponent. "Did you really think I'd waste his power on you?" He made a hand sign. "Kage Bunshin no Jutsu." Five clones appeared in a semi-circle around Satoshi. Each clone held their hands across their chests, making a hand sign. In unison, the clones' hands and Satoshi's became outlined by a thin black-purple aura. Darting forward from different directions, avoiding the puppets and using chakra to boost their speed a little, they each aimed for vital parts of his body.

Name: Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique)
Rank: B
Description: Similar to the Clone Technique, this jutsu creates clones of the user. Unlike the Clone Technique, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing jutsu on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. Unlike other clones, they can't be detected by the Byakugan because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance, making them indistinguishable from the actual person. Any experience the clones gain during their existence is transferred to the user once they are dispersed.
Chakra Gekiyaku (Chakra Poisoning Technique)
Rank: A
Description: By making the required hand seals and focusing chakra into the fingertips, the user can 'stab' the target with his fingers. There will be no visible wound, but the target's inner coil system will slowly be infected with the negative chakra input. From that point on, every time the target tries to mold chakra, he/she'll weaken. Normally, the effect wears off after a couple of hours, but multiple stabs in the same area increase the effect.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeWed 03 Sep 2008, 8:57 pm

"Oi! Watch it with the deadly stuff!" The boy said as he lithely moved around all of the attempts to hit him, using chakra to enhance his evasiveness. At the end of dodging it all, he used his momentum to make a circle with a kick, impacting with all of the clones one at a time. As he did so, he brought his puppets into the fight, hitting anyone Kugo missed."How do you fight so well blind? A technique like mine?" The boy questioned, breathing heavily for a bit, then calming down and jumping away.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeFri 05 Sep 2008, 4:03 pm

Four of the five clones disappeared in smoke, Satoshi and one clone managing to evade the attack. The last clone got caught as it backed off by one of the puppets. Stepping carefully back from his opponent, Satoshi broke into a smile. "Deadly stuff?" He laughed, "Boy, you have no idea who I am, do you?" He calmed down, taking a few breaths to calm himself. "As for my can find that out for yourself. Though if I were you, I really wouldn't want to." As he spoke, he lowered the cloth once more, revealing the solid, obsidian black eyes, with a small white pupil in the centre. Making a fast string of hand seals, his eyes widened. "Futsunushi." A spectral form appeared in front of Satoshi. It was huge, five, maybe six times the size and width of a grown man. It resembled a man, however, robed and wielding two large swords. It was a pale, semi-transparent white colour. "Meet Futsunushi, boy. The God of Swords." He pulled his blindfold back over his eyes, as Futsunushi stepped forward and swung both swords, one after the other, at Kugo and his puppets.

Name: Futsunushi (Deity of Swords)
Rank: A
Description: This technique resembles the Uchiha clan's Mangekyo Sharingan's Susanoo. It summons an entity of similar size and appearance, only the entity is a warrior wielding two swords - Futsunushi. Futsunushi attacks the opponent with his swords, weapons that can cut through any metal or armor.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeSat 06 Sep 2008, 11:33 am

"Hmm...This is a little above my level."The male said, losing confidence in himself. With a puff of smoke his puppets were gone. He made a small bowing gesture toward the male, showing his surrender. He did, however, attach most of his strings to the two short swords, and one claymore, on his back. This was just for safety however, not intended to be used unless he was still attacked.
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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitimeSun 07 Sep 2008, 9:01 pm

It was an odd and rare feeling for Satoshi to experience. Respect? It can't be - he's a nothing, a nobody. I could kill him now. He thought to himself. But he admits defeat. He's no fool, Satoshi - you won, be satisfied. The Missing-Nin called out to the Chuunin. "Boy, you aren't worth my time. Just be grateful I didn't kill you." He smirked, feeling a little better about the situation.

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Satoshi vs. Kugo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Satoshi vs. Kugo   Satoshi vs. Kugo Icon_minitime

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