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PostSubject: Resolution [Private topic]   Resolution [Private topic] Icon_minitimeFri 18 Dec 2009, 2:02 am

Branching topic:

Sensing all the chakra in the area Samehada shifted and moved around jerking slightly beneath its tightly wrapped bandages, readjusting Samehada's position Arty flung the sword up bracing it upon his shoulder. As a slight wind caught his side it blew his red clouded cloak around sending the collar flapping wildly, his unkempt hair and constant unruly facial expressions gave Artemis a almost appalling disposition. With a sigh and a quick flickered of his eye lids Arty had put together all of the conversations, Choosing his words wisely he spoke out loudly where everyone could here, " I will remove Tenshin.... From there our odds of capturing Shakaku will be better..."

With his free hand Art gently brushed his light white hair from his eyes and with a deep breath he firmly gripped Samehada while taking a strange stance, as he gazed upon Tenshin the Dark circles around his eyes became more noticeable, Artemis had seemed to age very quickly from the last time the two had meet no doubt His Sharingan was at fault for draining his life force. Popping the gum in his mouth once more Arty started to belligerently sway back and forth attempting to ready his body for his next attack. As the water from the previous scroll release started to seep back between Arty's feet he wiggled his toes around lightly letting the cool water wash over him, planning the fight out step by step the Akatsuki member had nothing left to do but wait and attempt to drawn his opponent out. Attempting to bring out the unresolved tension between the two Artemis poked and prodded Tenshin in hopes of evoking anger, " I find it quite interesting tenshin... How you can refer this to be your village.... Seeing as you left, betraying Suna..." Letting a coy smirk arise over his face he coughed faintly, and how blindly the Sunagakure Abnu followed the lead of the missing ninja intrigued Artemis.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolution [Private topic]   Resolution [Private topic] Icon_minitimeFri 18 Dec 2009, 10:25 pm

Tenshin saw the girl run towards him but before he got a chance to turn around and d anything unknown strings came out and ran towards her. Seeing that these wires was about to grab him Tenshin jumped behind Artemis then stood there. He seen who did it and it was a Anbu. " Arashii is that you young kid." Tenshin said laughing a bit. He then heard a sound come from an unknown area. He covered his ears then seen a man walk out. " Why, Man, This like reunion going on. Hello Kessen, long time no see." Tenshin says swirling his sword around a bit. he then stopped and once he did a small gush of wind blew by him picking up his bloody long flowing hair off of his shoulder blades and back, throwing it into the cold air.

He looked at Genkou. " Aren't you late kid, I been fighting these two by myself and you just realized who i was. You just standing there doing nada, as i being jumped by these...these...these?? What the hell are you again, Akatsuki right, Yeah Akatsuki." Tenshin said joking trying to piss the Akatsuki off even more. " I Thank you Arashii you saved me from being hit by this girl. It was like a distraction for me to move. Perfect timing. I must have taught you well. Now back to business."He ten look emotionless again. " Also kid, During your Genin days i did nothing to help you, I just gave you a push in the right direction you handled the rest of the problems. Only time i helped you was when you was ambushed by many ninjas. Over 25 if i remember." He said still scoping out his opponents and looking at there different skills. He knew two of his enemy skills and he was still learning the girls she seem to be a taijutsu user and also a puppetry user. H wanted to learn more about her do to bad Arty and them wanted to fight.

Tenshin then smiled and soon he look at everyone, ready to explain what’s going on. " Now Kessen you are wrong there no proof i hold a bijuu, I man have you ever seen me show any kind of unknown chakra pure out my body, besides my own? No, you haven't so please child don't jump to conclusion, Don't want to snap your head off." He said smiling at his blade. He then walked towards Kessen. Placing his hand on his shoulder and whispering in his ears. " My life’s fine, I advice you to get out while you can before, someone kills you, it and wont be me. I rather see my own students kill each other then get my hands dirty." He said as he jumped back laughing at Kessen.

Tenshin landed back by Artemis. He look him in the face, and smiled. " You my friend handle me. Come on cousin. I taught you everything that you know and more. I studied your every move. While you trained and all. I know a lot about you that you can't even explain yourself. " He smiled at Artemis. Then his smiled went to Emotionless look with Artemis next line of words. " You say I betrayed suna. In reality I saved Sunagakure my cousin. How you asking yourself right now? You shall learn this answer if you can beat your older cousin in a little spar. Are you up for this spar?" He then spun his sword around his hand again. " There is a catch. The catch is anything goes. It almost like a death match, but a spar. You understand little one." Tenshin says smiling in winking at him while scratching his head. The same way he did to Artemis when Artemis was just a genin. Tenshin then stopped rotating his sword around his hand and looked at Artemis seriously now, but at the same time in a joking way.
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PostSubject: Re: Resolution [Private topic]   Resolution [Private topic] Icon_minitimeSat 02 Jan 2010, 5:12 pm

Watching closely to Tenshin Artemis flung Samehada back up onto his shoulder while simultaneously sliding it down his back strapping it back into its leather holster, His attention not fully with his opponent Arty's thoughts were with Naomi he could sense the large chakra bursts just a few yards away although he was batted against his cousin. Slightly shifting his head Artemis looked over the large movements of sand and watched uneasy as the sand arose around his teammate, and as the First tail drifted up into the air Artemis knew he couldn't sit by and watch anymore. Quickly darting to the right of Tenshin Artemis glided behind him shooting up the fragments of wall that still stood, reaching the top soon Arty gazed out upon the open area now being able to grasp a better view of the land he quickly made up a plan. With a string of hand seals Two puffs of smoke exploded at his sides as it quickly cleared two panda's silhouettes emerged from the smoke, the two panda's were quite different the one on his right was very tall and wore a Samurai like armor, the panda to his left was noticeably smaller and whore light colored robes. Making sure to stay out of Genkou's sight Artemis spoke out to the two panda's " You two go get the girl... ill stay back and attack the Jinruriken.."

The first panda futoi shifted around a bit getting his large red Armor readjusted and with just a few seconds the large panda bolted down off the wall fragment and soared down through the air, making sure to watch his movements carefully Futoi formed a earth based hand seal and as he did his fur and skin started to take a brown earth like color, steadily closing the gap between himself and Naomi Futoi used his legs to push off the ground en turn propelling himself up into the air letting himself keep suspended for a few seconds.

Watching and waiting Artemis was able to slide back behind the Jinjuriken and was able to keep from his sight, with the smaller panda Ritoru on his shoulders Artemis formed into to a quick stance and bolted off the wall fragment, in that second the little panda strung together a abundant amount of hand seals making a large earth wall. And as Artemis soared upward he landed breifly on the large wall instead of using it as a defense the two worked together to form a stepping stone that allowed them to reach farther up and increase there attack range. And so he did As Art's feet came in contact with the earth style defense he once more lunged from it which allowed him to soar even higher, raising up just above the Jinjuriken Artemis Formed a Monkey hand seal channeling a large amount of black lightning to his hand, and soon he slammed the punch deep into the Cocoon, as it easily penetrated through the small panda leaped off his shoulders jumping up even higher over the sand needles. With a few hand seal the small panda opened his mouth shooting a large jet of mud out as it quickly shot down over the sand needles it drenched most making them unusable, and using the same hand seal Ritoru shot another jet down into the small hole that Naomi was trapped in. As the mud shot int it filled the open mouth of shakaku drenching Naomi in the chakra influenced mud, still spewing the mud out it shot down with great speed hitting all around filling the small indention, it very well saved her life.

The large panda still on the ground jumped up over the high wall, only to come down in the mud Futoi landed channeling a large amout of chakra to his feet which allowed him to walk over the mud, ramming his hand down in the brown puddle futoi ripped the girl from the pit pulling her up out. And in a instant Futoi banked from the hole jumping out away from the area safely with the girl.

The small panda now falling formed a string of hand seals the mud in the pit started to form up into a dragons head, as the head shot up its body grew quickly. The large mud dragon drew up striking against the open side of the sand cacoon, while Artemis still forced his lightning punch deeper and deeper into the other side.

Artemis Jutsu:


Futoi's Jutsu:


Ritoru's Jutsu:

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PostSubject: Re: Resolution [Private topic]   Resolution [Private topic] Icon_minitimeTue 05 Jan 2010, 4:29 am

Tenshin observed as Artemis love for the girl blinded him and forced him to forget who he was fighting. He watched as his own cousin ran past Tenshin without even doing anything he went to go fight the kid by his women side. Tenshin begin to laugh very loudly. He then walked in front of Genkou and cut off the bind he just placed upon him. He then looked at the Panda that Artemis summoned a few seconds or so ago. He smiled looking down at the floor making it seem like he was cry because his laugh grew low and weak. Tenshin then raised his head. The eye under his mask that covered the left side of his face started to glow a bright Crimson Red. Chakra started to boil out of Tenshin's body. He then smiled. " You turn your back on your enemy at hand, my dear close cousin. Have you gone mad, have you lost all the knowledge I have brought you. Far my Son you are stupid. If you wasn't apart of my Family I would have killed you once you turned your back on me to save that foolish woman." He then began to laugh, and then he walk and placed his hands on his cousin shoulder. Tenshin chakra was scary right about now it wasn't his bijuu either this chakra belong to himself. " This woman carries your heart, I see, it was a childish move intrusting her with it. Why you ask yourself? Do tell you. A woman who carries the heart of her lover well use it and bend your soul until you die upon her side. As in She well be the death of you. You well one to her savior one day and that well be the death of you my friend. My family, My blood." Tenshin then started to charge a beam from his finger. He then placed this charged finger upon Artemis right shoulder. " Such a Pale Lightning. " With those words the blast went off and because Tenshin was so close it was impossible to dodge. This would give Tenshin a little time to do something else. Something bigger something no man has ever seen. Something Tenshin ha never shown the world. A move that can kill every man in one go.

(Lazy and Tired to make longer)
Jutsu Name: Pale Lightning
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: The user fires a concentrated, powerful lightning bolt from their finger. If the Lightning bolt hits the opponent (Right/Left Arm, Right/Left Leg) Well become paralyzed for one whole post. If this lightning hits the opponents head and can kill them.
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Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: X Rank
Village: Sunagakure

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PostSubject: Re: Resolution [Private topic]   Resolution [Private topic] Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010, 12:43 am

((48 hour rule Killing off Artemis))

Tenshin smiled as the blasted hit him in his right arm paralyzing him. Tenshin then stood over his cousin a he feel toward the floor. " I love you my cousin you fought a fair fight. Now it's game over. See now, if you would have join me this time would have never happened. Well My friend I'll see you in the afterlife very soon." Tenshin then smiled and kissed his cousin on the forehead. He then built up some chakra into his body. Plasma started to serge out his body burning Artemis a bit. Tenshin then smiled and released it all. When he released it it broke out in a 5 meter range only killing and burning Artemis body alive. Tenshin then stood up as the ashes from Artemis blew away with the wind off his body. " I see you others later, I only came for the blood of my Cousin." Tenshin then stood up and walk away with no sorrow or pain for what he just done. Tenshin grabbed Artemis sword placed it apon his shoulder and then smiled. Within the darkness Tenshin vanished Never to be seen again.


Name: Plasma Style: Intense Vortex of the Sun
Rank: S
Range: Close (0-5 meters), Medium (5-10 meters), Far (10 meters+)
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Plasma
Description: The power of this jutsu lies within its large range. Starting just a few inches from the user, it can and will spread about 70 ft and incinerate almost anything caught within it. Its intensity and range vary with the user's control and with how much chakra they put into it.
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