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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeWed 09 Dec 2009, 11:27 pm

Artemis Breached the threshold of the wind country's Border with Amegakure just a few hours past, now traveling at a quicker pace he felt the large climate change between the two country's it seemed to be almost a initial signal of the great change. Amegakure's Great rains subsided as only vast oceans of sand was left, the large sand dunes looked much like a maze of large sand mountains compiled around Sunagakure. But passing through them at a constant Rate Artemis was very persistent on his mission to capture The first Bijuu and one of the most important pieces of lord vizer's Plan. Keeping his thoughts to himself he always seemed obedient to any orders The hokage issued him, without question or doubt he carried out his masters plans with lethal precision. And showing great potential in combat Arty was defiantly a worthy a opponent for any opposing shinobi, taking in account his great skills in strategy and diverse knowledge of jutsu. But the young man had a few strange quirks about him, such as his young personality that seemed to get him into a large amount of trouble from time to time. Not to mention his Troublesome good looks and deadly smile that lured the most vivacious of female shinobi to him, most of them powerless to his charm and wit.

Just now sliding down a sand dune Artemis brushed his white hair out of his eyes and with a keen smile he saw the sand village not far now, growing up there he was once a admired Jounin. But continuing on he kept his right eye lid shut keeping his Sharingan concealed, just a few days before he had used it at the Mangekyo level so in this fight he would defiantly have to watch his chakra. With a quick yawn Artemis readjusted the leather sheath that held Samehada onto his back, Samehada was wrapped fully in its bandage like seal for now it stayed dormant only to be called on by Artemis. Knowing the wind country fairly well Artemis figured it would be the best tactical advantage to attack the front gate, he would be able to keep the enemies tightly funneled through the gate entrance while he fought Shakaku. Artemis wore the regular Akatsuki robe with no head band and a black undershirt with a red lined collar underneath his Robe, but keeping his hands hid up in his sleeves he clutched four shurikens between the slots in his fingers only on his right hand. While his left hand stayed low and un-obscured. Arty was a master strategist knowing he would be up against a sand user he knew to take the right precautions and pack a few surprises for the jinchūriki. Reaching up close on the wall Artemis stopped as site of the two guards came into view, wanting to keep them quiet he rushed in quickly jumping between the two in hopes to disarming them both.


Village Guards.

The guards seemed immediately startled as the unknown shinbi jumped in between them, there looks not far diverse from each other. They may have been related in the slightest, but with a few quick movements the two had backed off enough to draw there kunai's and sufficiently communicate back and forth. With a quick turn of events the two guards charged in a little off beat there tactics were obviously slow and not in unison. Keeping there Weapons drawn the shinobi on Art's right side came in first lunging forward thrusting his kunai at him. The second guard hesitated a little before jumping in giving Artemis a gap to attack, which was a big mistake give Art a inch and he will take a mile.


Watching closely over the two Arty smirked as they planned an attack, not preparing for a counterstrike he could almost read them even without his Sharingan. He could tell they were defiantly below him in Strength so he decided to toy with them a bit before dismembering there cold dead bodies. As the first attack came in Art dodged to his right avoiding the kunai but still staying up in the first shinobi's face, and with a quick jab Art layed out the Guard sending him back sliding across the ground only to drop his weapon. But before he fell to the ground Artemis grabbed his outstretched arm flinging him back in the opposite direction letting his limp body colloid with his teammate. As the two flew back they hit the wall slamming the second shinobi's head against the concrete knocking him unconscious just as the first. Standing up straight now Artemis brushed his clothes off barely sticking his head in the slightly open village gate,he peered in seeing if he could catch a glance of something. But instead of taking his time he barreled into the doorway taking a long stride into the open greeting area, the whole time keeping his Sharingan and samehada out of use instead he munched gently onto a piece of gum.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeThu 10 Dec 2009, 7:33 pm

Following her partner, Naomi noticed Artemis killing off a couple of village ninja as he walked into the village, quickly pulling out a scroll from her robes, holding it so the paper fell, the lettering japanese for Rhyme. The letters glowed slightly as a live puppet stood in front of Naomi. His casual clothing made him look like an average chuunin, though Naomi rose her hands, and from two commas, white flames attached to Rhyme's back as he sighed, Do we really have to fight again? he thought, Naomi quickly pulling her hand back to make Rhyme's fingers pull back to unleash many bullets at a few jounin, each bullet hitting their heads and knocking them down to the ground dead. Naomi pulled her hand forward, and Rhyme reloaded his missiles in his fingers, as Rhyme unleashed a few more bullets from his fingers to another chuunin's stomach. Naomi laughed lightly, making Rhyme's eyes turn red.

"Useless shinobi." she spoke coldly, quickly turning to her partner.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeThu 10 Dec 2009, 7:38 pm

Genkou was walking down a path in the city when he saw a Chuunin leaping quickly through the city. "I wonder whats going on....." He ran in front of the ninja and ask him what was the problem. The Chuunin told him a ninja appeared in front of the main gate and killed his friend. "Go get help. I'll see if I can slow him down, so he won't kill anyone else." As the Chuunin left, Genkou ran towards the main gate and noticed a young ninja walking slowly through the city entrance and seemed to be looking for someone. He also saw three Chuunin lying on the ground.....dead. As he got closer, he noticed the ninja was of Akatsuki, because of his black robe with red clouds on them. "Your a member of Akatsuki aren't you? I see your here to capture me and extract my Bijuu." Genkou said, standing up straightly. "I'll do whatever it takes to stop you. I'm not going to let you harm this village nor let you defeat me so easily." He closed his eyes and opened them again. A small amount of sand spilled out of his gourd and began to swirl around him(like when Gaara was about to fight Deidara).
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeThu 10 Dec 2009, 10:35 pm

Chewing on his piece of gum steadily Artemis looked over the battle field, his left eye creeping along attempting to grasp a small perception of his enemies. Taking a quick glance over at Naomi Arty spoke under his breath with confidence, " ill Attack first. " With a few adjustments Arty had took off his straw hat preparing for the battle to come, Periodically Artemis used his right hand to reach into his Robe to fetch a scroll. Unraveling the scroll slowly Art squatted briefly laying it down in front of his feet, forming a hand sign The Akatsuki Member reared his foot back stomping downward on the seal. As his foot collided a large burst of water shot up shock waving around his body, the water raged up flowing outwards until the ground around him was covered in a thick layer. But instead of stopping it continued to flow sending large amounts of water across the ground until it spread over to the Jinjuriken's feet, Forcing a a new hand seal now Artemis focused on his shadow sending a small bead out from his feet. His shadow darted across the water top winding and curving until it reached a few feet away from Genkou, " Naomi, He is Sand based from what i can tell, if you have any Suiton Techniques they would be helpful. " From just a short meeting Artemis could easily asses skills and find a away to counteract them efficiently, focusing harder now Artemis opened his right eye lid unsealing his Tomoe 3 Sharingan. As it spun it locked its gaze on the Bijuu, as it read over his chakra Arty send his shadow further and further out.

Jutsu Used:

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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeFri 11 Dec 2009, 1:01 pm

Naomi's robes stood tightly against her figure as she continued to attach the fire chakra strings to her strange puppet, as she took her breath slowly, nodding to her partner's words. She knew she didn't have any jutsu, but she did know too much about weaponry and puppetry. Her taijutsu was outstanding, since most puppetry users weren't well in close combat. Naomi quickly reacted, her puppet calm and aware to the jinchuruki. The sand around the jinchuruki flow from the sand gourd around his body, knowing Shukaku's abilities, his sand shield, and everything. Naomi moved her hand to move Rhyme's hand towards the jinchuruki they were after, and slowly made his finger tips fold back, to show missiles, but hadn't have fired them until her partner attacked.

"There's no ninjutsu for me to use, Artemis. I only use puppetry, weaponry, and taijutsu. We're going to need to set a plan before the Shukaku boy attempts to attack."
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeFri 11 Dec 2009, 1:03 pm

Genkou stared up at the Akaksuki members and watched for any sudden attacks. "So the female can fire deadly metal tubes huh? Too bad theey aren't fast enough to make it through my ultimate defense." Imediately, the young man pulled out a bunch of scrolls and perfromed some handsighns. "What in the world is he planning to do?" Out of the scrolls, a wave of water spilled out on the sand. "Doesn't he understand that the sand would soon absorb the water, creating mud?! What an idiot." "Not bad, man. Though there is one problem, my sub element is Earth." Genkou jumped back a little, did a few handsighns, and spit mud on the sandy ground. He then put his palm on the ground, creating a earth wall to block the spread of the water. But to prevent to much chakra use, he made the wall half a size smaller than it suppose to be. As the man's shadow crawled up the wall, Genkou decided to trick the man by creating a sand clone and use the Henge no jutsu to make it have the same color skin and ect as himself. He immediately told the clone to jump on top of the wall and make itself get caught by the shadow technique. The shadow clone jumped on the wall and made itself get caught by the shadow jutsu.

Jutsu Used:

Name:Earth Release: Earth Style Wall (土遁・土流壁, Doton: Doryūheki)
Description: The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then place his hands on the ground. The mud will then grow into a large mud wall to help defend against incoming attack.

Name: Sand clone Technique (Suna Bunshin no Jutsu)
Rank: C
Element: Sand.
Description: Genkou creates a copy of himself out of sand, although it lacks color and is immediately recognizable as sand. This means that it is almost useless as a decoy. Unlike most bunshin jutsu, the clone still retains its shape after it is struck, and can even ensnare whatever comes into contact with it.

Name: Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique)
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: N/A
Description: Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeFri 11 Dec 2009, 8:33 pm

A shadow figure stood on top of a building watching the battle that went down below him. He smiled but his face and body was unseen. He then watched his cousin use different jutsu and tricks then smiled again seeing how much he learned. Tenshin then picked up his arm and held a small flash bomb in it. He dropped it and without anyone noticing it landed on top of Art's shadow next to the wall inside the water. After a few second a bright light came out blinding all hat watched it. This light canceled Arty hold on the clone. " Hehehe!!!" An evil demonic laugh was heard from every direction. Once everyone eye sight came back there was a small light coming from the building top where Tenshin was standing. This light came from his finger tip after a few hand signs.

" Artemis Nara, I thought my uncle would have raised you better, to see you join the Akatsuki. Hum, you better be lucky he is dead, I still feel his pain do. How do you think he feels to watch his own son become one of the people he hated most? Do you think your father and my uncle would approve of this? Hum, I would have thought last you would become this. Then again as a kid you wanted to be just like me. So it's me to blame really for you becoming almost as evil as me. Anyways, This is my village cousin, and I shall not stand and watch you destroy it, like it was nothing but a toy." With those words Tenshin pointed his glowing finger at Arty. As he did the small blue light grew five times bigger making it as huge as the sun in the sky. It then fired out aiming for the ground in between Arty and the other unknown Akatsuki member. When the blast got a few inches away from the Group of Akatsuki. Tenshin jumped down of the building and landed on the wall next to the Shadow clone. Tenshin then looked at the clone and drew a sword off his back. Tenshin then swung the sword at the clones neck and decapitated it when the clones head hit the floor his body dissolved back into sand. " It reeks of blood." He said.

Tenshin wore a mask over the left half of his face. The mask is a plain white, with a black cross where his eye would be. Over this mask and the other eye, he also wore a pair of rimless glasses. Tenshin wears his crimson hair long and straight, the bangs going down to his chin, and the rest going just below his shoulder blades. Tenshin was in a formal outfit, with a nice shirt, vest, jacket, and tie. This suit is generally in neutral colors such as gray and white. Tenshin's eyes are a duller version of the burning crimson of his hair, which appears again in both his eyebrows and the thin soul patch found just below his lower lip. He is also wearing white gloves over his hands, like a true gentleman, so he won't get his hands dirty. Tenshin suit is finished off with a pair of black dress shoes.

Tenshin stood there looking at the smoke that covered the battle field after the big explosion. He waited for someone or something to emerge out of it and either try to attack or talk back to him. Either way Tenshin was prepared for a battle. While he sat and waited. He closed his eyes and began to look for Artemis's chakra around the area as well as the other Akatsuki members chakra so he would have a small feeling of where they would come out at.

----Jutsu used----

Jutsu Name: Heaven Shaking Thunder Cannon
Rank: A
Element: Lightning
Description: After a few handsign Tenshin will fire a gigantic electricity blast, at his opponent and if it hits there well be alot of damage done to them blowing off half there clothing (Top only) and burning there body in numerous places, this also resulting in an truly enormous explosion.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeSat 12 Dec 2009, 4:29 pm

Listening to his cousin became a bit dull after a while the unimpressed expression on his face gave away his intolerance for his older cousin, after Tenshin's talk Artemis abruptly cut off his over extended shadow letting it slowly drift back to him. Brushing his hair from his eyes Arty looked up at the two figures up upon the large wall, and as Tenshin started his attack The Missing Nin Jolted jumping directly in front of Naomi. As he caught his footing in the water a small splash erupted around his feet soaking his sandals, and with a basic hand seal a wind split swirling around his body brushing back all the water near Naomi and Art. As the wind blew the large lightning attack came in, with his sharingan spinning rapidly Artemis threw up his hands up in a defensive manner catching the raw lightning, as it surged between his fingers Art pushed his chakra up out of his hands redirecting it to the ground. The air still thick from His earlier release he focused more and more and soon a gusty wind formed once again, Artemis now releasing a string of hand seals the air around him condensed quickly into one large shining wind blade that was stationed in front of his face. And with a gentle wisp the blade shot forward crashing into the large wall, as it hit it started a chain reaction that soon would bring the wall to his knees.

" Things have Changed Naomi, there are two of them now.. Be careful. "
He spoke with angst in his voice and and a side of impatience, sucsefully defending both himself and his partner Arty focused now on retaliating. Reaching back slowly Art grasped tightly onto Samehada bringing it up and quickly but only to slam it downward onto the ground in front of him, still bracing his hand on its sheath he looked at the now crumbling wall his attention still focused on his cousin. After a little thinking Art replied back to Tenshin, " I no longer see you as a Idol.. You are now my equal.. And You will not make it through this... " He spoke deeply with malice in his voice not like his tone with Naomi.


Last edited by Artemis on Sat 12 Dec 2009, 5:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeSat 12 Dec 2009, 5:01 pm

Artemis quickly guarded her from the attack from the man on the wall, who he called his cousin. Nao slowly tilted her head, wondering why he had protected her, and quickly, she moved beside Artemis as he began to speak, even her live puppet listened carefully. Rhyme nodded his head, as Naomi did as well, and began to wrap bandages around her hands, making the chakra strings vanish from Rhyme's back, but he still stood like a normal human, moving ahead of Artemis, his fingers pulling back to reveal bullets and other projectiles, as unknown from sight, a bomb layed in his stomach, also laying away from chakra. Nao made the bandages around her arms a little loose, and once undone, she would use a great taijutsu known to most taijutsu masters.

"Hold on, alright?" Naomi vanished from beside Artemis, and appeared on the earth wall, on the other side of Tenshin, and moving a few hand seals, making normal clones of herself, mixing eachother up as they began to attack. "Clone Spinning Heel Drop!" Naomi yelled, as she quickly moved again, spinning faster then most could, making a large black ball, driving some of the earth underneath her to protect her from most weapons and attacks, and charging towards Tenshin, getting faster as she moved, and eventually reaching Tenshin, decreasing the size of the earth wall.


Jutsu Used

Body Flicker Technique .
Shadow Clone Jutsu .


Naomi's Jutsu

Name: Clone Spinning Heel Drop .
Rank: D .
Element: -
Description: Bunshin Kaiten Kakatou Otoshi is a taijutsu technique used by Uzumaki Naruto. Naruto first uses Kage Bunshin to create several clones. These clones and Naruto launch themselves into the air and begin to somersault. They then come spinning down, laying their heels into the target's shoulders and head.

Name: Mountain Stone Tank .
Rank: -
Element: -
Description: Douka • Sanseki Sensha is a taijutsu technique utilized by wandering ninja Nagare. In his travels he has picked up many techniques and made them his own. Nagare will first take on the properties of stone by using his Douka no Jutsu technique. This will grant him protection from incoming weapons and strikes. He will then spin and form a rapidly rotating ball of destruction. The rolling tank of destruction will then advance and crush his opponent.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeSat 12 Dec 2009, 8:07 pm

Tenshin watched Arty for a bit and watch him blow the wall down, but before he got a chance to get off the crumbling wall. The other girl came and made clones Tenshin shock decided to try a new plasma move he got. Jumping of the wall he seen the girl clone Falling at great speed. He then did a few hand signs and then smiled. Out of no where a boulder was forming and coming his way. Tenshin then did a second set of Hand signs with this a blue electric water like ball was formed in his hand it was plasma. He then smiled and walked towards the boulder. He then threw the plasma ball at the boulder, it did nothing but stick onto it's surface then it hit Tenshin he vanished in a cloud of smoke once it did. Once he did Tenshin laughed from on top of the same building he was on earlier.

Tenshin then look at the plasma that was stuck to the boulder and then smiled as the plasma ball exploded. Burning everything in a 10 meter radius. This attack will ensue, such as very deep burns and disorientation, to all around it. Tenshin then look at Artemis. " Equal you say, Why you may be right. Only one way to figure out. Family member vs. Family member, as long as your partner stands down we can both have a little fun my cousin, or do you lack the strength to kill me without help from your beautiful lady." He said mocking his own family. He then stood and smiled.

Tenshin then created a few hand signs and then jumped in the air with his chest out and his mouth closed but expanded like he had something to spit out. After concentrating enough plasma into his lungs, Tenshin then ejects a large plasma ball from his mouth, this ball of plasma is hotter then any normal fireball and is capable of even caring lightning in it, which may cause electrocution along with massive burns. Tenshin then seen as this ball of plasma came down on Arty fast and hard. He also noticed the girl has not risen from the smoke yet after that plasma bomb went off. He awaited then watched as his plasma hit the floor. He then landed in the middle of both Artemis and the unknown female. Tenshin was in a big mess, and kind of hated he was now in a bad spot, which was in between two deadly foes. Only thing he can do was think of a plan to get out of this.

----Jutsu's Used----

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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeSun 13 Dec 2009, 10:07 am

When the plasma had blown, Nao quickly jumped off the side of the wall, and quickly reacted as her impact to the ground made a slight crater, rubbing her nose slightly, noticing the slight bruises on herself as she laughed, it was nothing compared to her strength. Naomi watched Artemis, giving a slight signal, as she loosened the bandages around her arms, as she ran behind Tenshin, without him even noticing, raising her hands for her hand signals, and brought her leg quickly underneath Tenshin, and attempted to sweep him off his feet, as she seemingly had increased her speed slightly, but enough so Tenshin would be swept off his feet easier, as she jumped where Tenshin was, and grabbed him, the bandages around her arms quickly wrapping tightly around the two, as she made them fall quickly to the ground, and hopefully bashing his head, which could cause a minor concussion. Nao quickly jumped out of the way before she, herself could hit her head from the massive fall, as Rhyme stepped up beside Nao, firing projectiles at the body.

She could only hope she would have killed him, if it was for her or Artemis' sake. They needed to get Shukaku, and before they would fail the mission.


Name: Front Lotus .
Rank: B .
Element: -
Description: Omote Renge is a Taijutsu technique which was forbidden due to the strain it puts on a ninja's body. By opening the first of the Celestial Gates, the Initial Gate, the ninja is able to release the restraints in the brain and push the body farther. In Lee's case, he was able to increase his speed and power. To utilize the Omote Renge, Lee first loosens the bandages around his arm. With a quick dash he is suddenly below his target and a quick upward kick sends his opponent skyward. Lee then jumps into the air to place his chest to the back of his opponent. He then wraps his arms and the bandages around his opponent to prevent escape. As the pair begin their fall back to earth, Lee begins to spin downwards at a high rate of speed, driving his opponent head first into the ground. At the last moment Lee himself releases the bandages and jumps to the clear. Though the technique injures his opponent, it also takes its toll on Lee's body as well.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeMon 14 Dec 2009, 2:06 pm

Genkou turned around and noticed the figure standing in the distance. "Who the heck is that person? It better not be another Akatsuki member, two is enough already." "Who cares Genkou. Just kill them all, but make sure you send their bloody bodies into your gourd. That way their power is tranferred to me, so we can become stronger." "Shukaku, Why don't you just shutup?! Its not my fault you have lower chakra levels than the other 8 Bijuu. Just be glad that you are stronger than all those other demons. Now leave me alone." Genkou stared as the ninja talked to the Akatsuki member known as Artemis and destroyed his sand clone. As the man on his small earth wall turned around, he saw that the man's face resembled someone he had known a few years ago. He hadn't seen that face since he was a Academy Student. "Tenshin? Is that really you?" As the Akatsuki members battered at the wall, he simply stood there and waited for an answer.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009, 1:18 am

A person with black hair with black robe walks calmly through the sands to the village of Suna,his name was Arashii Tetsumi. He was from a mission against a number of S-Ranked ninjas that has been accomplished easily. Each step states that the person is calm and happy. The arms were a few centimeters away from his hips rocking in each step. He was carrying his standard looking steel ninjaken with a black handle which is decorated by gold patterns running down the side. He was so excited on eating at the Tempura Store which became his home for many years. But when he was about to view the sands of Suna,he heard great explosion. "Hmm .. Plasma .. Tenshin-San .." he smiled sweetly instead of getting surprised.

When he was observing, he saw two uncommon faces, a gorgeous lady and a man with white hair. And in the other side,he saw his past sensei,Tenshin Nara,a great shinobi and a powerful ninja along with the Suna's treasure,Genkou. While observing,Arashii observed that the lady has a great talent of Taijutsu by just referring it on her speed. Arashii then used a basic technique to increase his speed and ran in a very fast manner. The lasy then ran behind Tenshin with impressive speed unlike he observed awhile ago."Hmm.. Impressive .." Arashii said to himself confidently with a smile. This will not be a problem against his eye weapon he so called "Tempest Eye". He activated and shifted his eye weapon and used the stage which can trace any kind of speed. Multiple numbers of wires came out of his sleeves and go directly into the lady and capture her. Even though the lady would dodge some of the wires,other wires would still be useful. When the wires would capture the lady,he would perform fast handseals to send powerful electric current through the wires which will travel so fast.

He was very observant on his surrounding especially on his blind spot to avoid getting attacked by other enemy. He was also observant on the other enemy so he would avoid counter attacks. "So .. lady .. welcome to Suna .. isn't it a wonderful place ?" Arashii said in a very cocky way and a sweet smile on his face. He know that Tenshin would determine that he was very serious on the battle based on his playful smiles. Until Arashii found a moment to chat with his past sensei, "It's been a long time since the Genin days .. I was the weakest student you encountered .. you're protecting me always and encouraging me whenever I fall down .. until you teach me how to be strong .. that's why I became an Anbu which the criminals are afraid of .. let me help you this time .." he said with respect and a smile.

(I have asked permission so please don't delete posts without asking :D) I, Tenshin Nara, Approved of this, and so does Kyogi(Lord Vizer).

Permanent weapon used:

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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009, 10:37 am

OOC: Had permission from Kyogi to post, and please delete Naiko's post I forgot to log him out so here's the correct post.


Kessen was late for something, Artemis called " Reunion "... Kessen was puzzled while he was travelling outside Sunagakure's territory. " What is Artemis talking about, and why had he called this mission " Reunion ". Well the reason why he was late is because he stopped in a forest and thought for a few hours. Whether to show his face again in Sunagakure,... his beloved village,... the village he protected for many years... his home town... the place he abandoned 3 years ago. At last Kessen made up his mind and decided to go to the mission and take a quick look what had happen to Sunagakure after 3 years of being gone. He was still far away, but he can already see explosions coming from the famous entrance of Sunagakure. The sounds of the explosions echoed on his ears because of his bloodline limit, he was able to hear the sounds even miles away. Although this ability has limitations, he can only hear murmuring's and a not so clear voice from the shinobi's included in the said commotion. At last he had arrived again to his beloved village, the very village that loved and respected Kessen. He stood high above the battleground, in the steel plating of Sunagakure's huge gates. From that position he can see everything that is going on the battlefield. His sight caught a lot of intriguing shinobi's, " Tenshin Nara " as far as Kessen can remember Tenshin used to be his friend, but typically not until their last meeting. Where Tenshin tried to blast Kessen into ashes, while Kessen himself tried to obliterate Tenshin into nothingness. His sight next caught Sunagakure's line of defense, Kessen is completely updated that like himself Tenshin left the village, months after he had left it himself. " An Anbu?..." Kessen wondered, he had seen this face... " Ah, one of Tenshin's former students, well all the shinobi's he had trained grew quite strong ". Next up was the jinchuuriki himself, " Genkou..., well he was just a little kid before I left the village, he had grown strong and be the proudful host of Shukaku...". Kessen last saw his teamates, Artemis Nara and Nao. " Wait wait,... I'm forgetting something..." Kessen murmured as he was crouching in above the gate, " Isn't Tenshin also a Jinchuuriki,..." Kessen started to count, " If my memory serves me right, my beloved village.. holds 4 of the 9 bijuu's. Well the 3 I can remember is Kitsuke Maru who is the host of Rokubi, Tenshin Nara the host of Hachibi and of course Genkou who owns Shukaku.. I cant seem to remember the other one although I had it on the tip of my tongue... .. nah forget about it... all I can remember is she's a girl and hosts Nibi.." Kessen chuckled from his position after having some flashbacks of him and Tenshin.

After reminicising some moments of his life, he turned his attention again in the battlefield. He saw the Anbu attacked Nao without her knowing it. Well as the man who is doing nothing its his job to protect her. Using a move he learned from his former teamate Kostas, which he knew is the current Kazekage. He was able to move so fast to be able to intercept the wire attack of the Anbu. He jumped high above, while falling he was already focusing sound chakra around his body forming a purple colored chakra. And his landing caused a massive explosion and a huge crater, which would really take the attention of the shinobi's currently on the battlefield. Utilizing the said ability, he was able to intercept the wires launched to Nao by the Anbu. He stood infront of the incoming wires, but before the wires could even touch Kessen he released a scream, imbued with sound chakra, the impact of the sound waves were to deflect the wires back towards it user, he may never be able to control it anymore as the chakra on it were already disrupted by Kessen's attack. But the effects of that scream isn't finished yet, there are certain things that sound jutsus contain, the ability to hurt the hearing senses of those who are in range of Kessen's scream. He succesfully able to defend Nao. Kessen then looked at Tenshin, " Hello buddy? How's life?..." he then followed it with a chuckle. He turned again his face to the two shinobi's of Sunagakure, " You may recognize me... but dont be shocked cause I recognized both of you too... " One last thing he did was turned to Nao and Arty, giving a warning " Dont ever try to hurt the people of Sunagakure, stay them out of this,... leave the village alone, lets just take care of the bijuu's and focus on capturing them..."



Name: Shinsoku (神速, God-speed )
Rank: Uknown Rank
Creator: Kostas
Users: Kostas (master lvl), Kessen Kaitou (expert lvl),Naizu Nimakee (expert lvl), Kabel (master lvl), Ryusaki Toketsu (unknown lvl), Sephiroth Akira (unknown lvl), Towashin (unknown lvl)
Description: A movement technique that allows the user to move at extreme speed, faster than the eye can follow.It can be used to avoid attacks, as well as to attack at higher speeds, quickly overpower and dispatch opponents before they have time to react.Its superior to many high speed movements because the user can see what he is attacking and where. It also makes a different sound; rather than the usual swishing , Shinsoku makes a booming or static sound.

Oto - Himei Zetsubou no Jutsu [ Scream of Despair ]
Description:The user concentrating chakra into their vocal cords enhancing throat chakra lets out a scream that travels extremely fast in which can be used to deflect projectiles and send opponents flying
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeFri 18 Dec 2009, 1:57 am

Sensing all the chakra in the area Samehada shifted and moved around jerking slightly beneath its tightly wrapped bandages, readjusting Samehada's position Arty flung the sword up bracing it upon his shoulder. As a slight wind caught his side it blew his red clouded cloak around sending the collar flapping wildly, his unkempt hair and constant unruly facial expressions gave Artemis a almost appalling disposition. With a sigh and a quick flickered of his eye lids Arty had put together all of the conversations, Choosing his words wisely he spoke out loudly where everyone could here, " I will remove Tenshin.... From there our odds of capturing Shakaku will be better..."

With his free hand Art gently brushed his light white hair from his eyes and with a deep breath he firmly gripped Samehada while taking a strange stance, as he gazed upon Tenshin the Dark circles around his eyes became more noticeable, Artemis had seemed to age very quickly from the last time the two had meet no doubt His Sharingan was at fault for draining his life force. Popping the gum in his mouth once more Arty started to belligerently sway back and forth attempting to ready his body for his next attack. As the water from the previous scroll release started to seep back between Arty's feet he wiggled his toes around lightly letting the cool water wash over him, planning the fight out step by step the Akatsuki member had nothing left to do but wait and attempt to drawn his opponent out. Attempting to bring out the unresolved tension between the two Artemis poked and prodded Tenshin in hopes of evoking anger, " I find it quite interesting tenshin... How you can refer this to be your village.... Seeing as you left, betraying Suna..." Letting a coy smirk arise over his face he coughed faintly, and how blindly the Sunagakure Abnu followed the lead of the missing ninja intrigued Artemis.

Topic Break: [Tenshin & Artemis]
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeFri 18 Dec 2009, 10:21 pm

Tenshin saw the girl run towards him but before he got a chance to turn around and d anything unknown strings came out and ran towards her. Seeing that these wires was about to grab him Tenshin jumped behind Artemis then stood there. He seen who did it and it was a Anbu. " Arashii is that you young kid." Tenshin said laughing a bit. He then heard a sound come from an unknown area. He covered his ears then seen a man walk out. " Why, Man, This like reunion going on. Hello Kessen, long time no see." Tenshin says swirling his sword around a bit. he then stopped and once he did a small gush of wind blew by him picking up his bloody long flowing hair off of his shoulder blades and back, throwing it into the cold air.

He looked at Genkou. " Aren't you late kid, I been fighting these two by myself and you just realized who i was. You just standing there doing nada, as i being jumped by these...these...these?? What the hell are you again, Akatsuki right, Yeah Akatsuki." Tenshin said joking trying to piss the Akatsuki off even more. " I Thank you Arashii you saved me from being hit by this girl. It was like a distraction for me to move. Perfect timing. I must have taught you well. Now back to business."He ten look emotionless again. " Also kid, During your Genin days i did nothing to help you, I just gave you a push in the right direction you handled the rest of the problems. Only time i helped you was when you was ambushed by many ninjas. Over 25 if i remember." He said still scoping out his opponents and looking at there different skills. He knew two of his enemy skills and he was still learning the girls she seem to be a taijutsu user and also a puppetry user. H wanted to learn more about her do to bad Arty and them wanted to fight.

Tenshin then smiled and soon he look at everyone, ready to explain what’s going on. " Now Kessen you are wrong there no proof i hold a bijuu, I man have you ever seen me show any kind of unknown chakra pure out my body, besides my own? No, you haven't so please child don't jump to conclusion, Don't want to snap your head off." He said smiling at his blade. He then walked towards Kessen. Placing his hand on his shoulder and whispering in his ears. " My life’s fine, I advice you to get out while you can before, someone kills you, it and wont be me. I rather see my own students kill each other then get my hands dirty." He said as he jumped back laughing at Kessen.

Tenshin landed back by Artemis. He look him in the face, and smiled. " You my friend handle me. Come on cousin. I taught you everything that you know and more. I studied your every move. While you trained and all. I know a lot about you that you can't even explain yourself. " He smiled at Artemis. Then his smiled went to Emotionless look with Artemis next line of words. " You say I betrayed suna. In reality I saved Sunagakure my cousin. How you asking yourself right now? You shall learn this answer if you can beat your older cousin in a little spar. Are you up for this spar?" He then spun his sword around his hand again. " There is a catch. The catch is anything goes. It almost like a death match, but a spar. You understand little one." Tenshin says smiling in winking at him while scratching his head. The same way he did to Artemis when Artemis was just a genin. Tenshin then stopped rotating his sword around his hand and looked at Artemis seriously now, but at the same time in a joking way.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeWed 23 Dec 2009, 1:17 pm

Once his name was revealed to her, she only grimaced, her smile was blood thirsty, and she had the urge. The ANBU in front of her asked her with wires wrapping around her, but a single wire touched her as the other Akatsuki screamed extremely high-pitched, deflecting the wires back, and Rhyme quickly firing bullets through the earth wall, and at Arashii's rear, to surprise him, and her grin widened, her manical laugh emerging through the area. Letting her eyes lock onto Genkou, Rhyme fired even more bullets, creating a hole, large enough for Naomi. Nao quickly jumped through the hole, bringing her foot to Genkou's face, and if hit, it would have enough force to knock him out, as Rhyme twisted behind Genkou, firing projectiles at his back, that would cause minor wounds, but it wouldn't hurt him enough to kill him. Nao quickly grimaced again, only to send a roundhouse at the Shukaku host.

"This is.. Quite amusing."
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeWed 23 Dec 2009, 4:32 pm

"Sorry Tenshin, I'm just a little distracted. I find this all very amusing." Genkou said with a small grin before Tenshin ran off to battle the Akatsuki member known as Artemis. " sounds familiar. Oh well." He then turned his attention to the earth wall that was about to fall apart because Art's girlfriend kept battering at his wall. Successfully, she was able to create a large hole in the wall, making it fall apart a little. "Wow. You must be very attracted to me since you had the guts to try and fight me." Genkou said sarcastically, as she jumped out through the hole.

Genkou stood calm and alert as she aimed a kick at his face, but being blocked immediately by his sand. "Nice try, but your gonna have to try harder." He said boringly, as sand began to build up on her leg. As he did this, he saw her weird puppet friend shoot tiny metal bullets at his back. Luckily, his sand was able to block the bullets just time, before the bullets almost hit his back. "Those metal bullets are quite a workout for my eyes. Those bullets are actually making me faster at calling up sand to defend you, so she is actually doing us a favor." "Less talking, more defending." Genkou twirled his index finger to one side, which would make her crash into the earth wall that leads into Sunakaghure. After letting go of the woman's leg, he used Desert Coffin technique on the puppet, without warning. Now that her puppet couldn't escape, he immediately began to use the Prison Sand Burial jutsu, which would trap the puppet deep in the ground.
Jutsu Used:

Name: Desert Coffin (Sabaku Kyuu)
Rank: B
Element: Sand
Description: Genkou will cause sand to rise from the ground and wrap around the legs of his target, restraining them in place. The sand will then rise up to fully encase the target. This technique alone can crush the bones of his opponent but the technique is usually used to prepare the victim for the Sabaku Sousou technique.

Name: Prison Sand Burial (Gokusa Maisō)
Rank: B
Element: Sand.
Description: Using his ability to manipulate sand, Genkou will loosen the ground below his targets and cause them to sink two hundred meters into the earth. By being imprisoned at this depth, the pressure will completely nullify their ability to move. Also, the pressure resulting from being buried at such an extreme depth would surely kill any normal human, if not from suffocation, although Kimimaro did survive the experience because of his bone strength.
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeSat 26 Dec 2009, 8:55 pm

Sephiroth was sleeping in his house and all he could see was just pure darkness. he was not dreaming. Then he woke up by a bird landing in his room. It must have came in from the window. it had something on its back. Sephiroth took it off and it was a scroll. He opened it and read what it said. "So, akatsuki here? I'm needed. About time." he said. Sephiroth put the scroll back in the birds case and it was gone. He put on his mask and then his blades. he had his blade on his side and the one that Art gave him on his other side. He put his scythe on his back and then looked at the door. He walked out and then back at the sky. He sighed as he put his hand on his mask. He moved it around so that it fit just right. He had on his robes and his battle armor on under it. The armor was made by his clan. All it was is just so that it dose not burn off by his fire attacks. He looked at his hand. "Well, lets get to it."

he closed the door to his house. sephiroth walked over to were the fighting was taking place. He looked at the three people there. They were the akatsuki he bets. he looked at the other two there. It was the one with a demon in him and...Tenshin? He looked at him and then looked away as if not caring. But then looked back. He saw someone. He had his fathers sword on him. "Is that...Art?" He asked himself. His hand went into a fist quickly as he said Art. He was going to kill him but he could see that Tenshin had him. So, Sephiroth looked at the one without a fight. "Hello." He said. Sephiroth put his hand on his mask and moved it out of the way of his face. "My name is Sephiroth Akira. ANBU captain of the sand village. Take a good look at my face. for i am the one who is going to kill you." he said Then moved it back in the way of his face. Sephiroth closed his eyes and then opened them back up looking right at the other man. He was going to have fun playing with this one.

(i'll be making the 2nd topic for me and Kessen.)
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeSun 27 Dec 2009, 11:16 pm

Kessen laughed back at Tenshin after hearing his so called " Word's of Wisdow ". He saw Tenshin already took a fighting stance to fight Artemis. Kessen gave a final word but first he drew a normal looking samurai sword from his right leg's hilt. " Hey Tenshin, dont forget after this you need to give your share on this sword!, 3 Kazekage's have already given they're share... its your time.." Kessen had a sweet smile on his face. But after a while, another guy comes in. An Anbu... that's who came in. " Wow your a boastful one kid for an Anbu Captain...", " I guess you really dont know me.... I'm a former Sannin kid... of Sunagakure... dont you ever read the list of Sunagakure's Legendary Shinobi's?... wow... they have really put the list on the vault..." Kessen now had a fierce look in his face, taking a samurai's fighting stance with his samurai sword strectched outwards from his face. " And yeah I'll remember the face, I'm keeping a list of whom I've killed in the past..., let me start this with this!! " Kessen suddenly disappeared from his old position reappearing in mid-air with his sword pointed to the Anbu, after focusing his chakra unto the sword his body suddenly bounced back... flipping in the air and landing in the sand. His body bounced back because of the impact of the Oto Chakra that he released from the sword, its invisible and once it hits the unknowing Anbu, his 5 senses would be disrupted for a long time...

(Short will be longer as time passes, or at least I can get back home)


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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeWed 30 Dec 2009, 8:57 pm

Using her arm, to defend against the wall as she was pushed to it, it crashed, making a slight landslide, as Rhyme felt the sand burying him, as he struggled falling on his rear end, his leg still caught, aerial, Genkou grabbed her leg, Rhyme's leg still caught, as she was let go, and as quickly as she could, she made Rhyme shoot bullets at his leg, blowing the sand of, pulling him free, Naomi laughed, wiping her hand against her forehead. Naomi quickly send the chakra strings back to Rhyme's back, throwing a wire around Genkou's arm, and pulling it to Rhyme's stomach, and if it touched, a bomb would sneak free, catching Genkou in an explosion, but from his mouth, he launched a smoke bomb, straggling smoke, and making the smoke not able to see through, making clones all around Genkou, so if he pulled back his arm, bombs would still lanch off, but he wouldn't be able see. One of the clones, who held a fake puppet of Rhyme, threw herself at Genkou, her legs bashing his back, and two other clones, one punching one of the puppet's stomach, and making the bomb explode. The punch had enough force to make the bomb implode massively, making the human body not able to stand it. The real Naomi, had been behind the earth wall protecting Sunagakure, since she had blown a hole when she guarded her head from the force of Genkou slamming her against it .


Name: Dynamic Action .
Rank: -
Element: -
Description: Dynamic Action is a taijutsu technique used by Maito Gai. Gai will launch himself at his opponent and then use a barrage of strikes and kicks.

[Sorry, I was REALLY busy . Also, I thought other people were supposed to post .]
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeThu 31 Dec 2009, 5:13 pm

As Genkou saw the puppet shoot bullets at himself to get free of the sand and the Akatsuki woman survive the crash unhurt, Genkou knew she was going to be harder than he had thought. ”Your strong for an old lady.” Genkou teased. ”I’m going to end this battle before she gains the upper hand.” Immediately, Genkou put his hands together, turned the ground below him into sand, and disappeared into the ground(this happened right before your puppet shot wire at me). He then appeared a few feet behind the puppet and used the Cocoon of Sand technique to protect himself from any incoming attacks.

Suddenly, Genkou made the cocoon arise into the sky, directly above Naomi and her puppet. He then created a small hole in the front of the cocoon so he can see the battlefield. ”Your life ends here Akatsuki woman.” Genkou whispered to himself. He immediately slapped his hands together and said, “Mouth of Shukaku”(Skip to the middle: To prevent his enemies from escaping, he created high walls of sand that surrounded them completely. Along with almost 200 small, sharp sand needles that remained suspended in mid air. If she were to try and escape from above, he would manipulate the sand needles and shoot them immediately at her body.
Jutsu Used:

Name: Coccoon of Sand (Suna no Tama)
Rank: B
Element: Sand.
Description: Genkou surrounds himself with his Shield of Sand to guard against attacks. He then uses the Third Eye to watch his opponents' movements and control sand as necessary to battle them. In addition to being extremely dense, this sand-sphere can form spikes from its surface to spear any would-be attacker. Genkou can also use this technique to shield himself from his opponent long enough to perform his transformation into the One-Tailed Shukaku. With sufficient force, such as a A ranked Lightning Technique, this defense can be broken through.

Name: Mouth of Shukaku
Rank: A
Element: Sand
Description: With the further expansion of his powers, Genkou has been able to control larger and larger amounts of sand. Genkou creates a large fissure that would begin to seperate the ground from underneath his enemy's feet and a replica of Shukaku's face would rise up out of the ground, "swallowing" his enemies. This traps them about 300 hundred meters into the earth. By being imprisoned at this depth, the pressure will completely nullify their ability to move. Also, the pressure resulting from being buried at such an extreme depth would surely kill any normal human.

Last edited by Genkou on Thu 31 Dec 2009, 5:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeThu 31 Dec 2009, 5:20 pm

(First of all, your overpowered for a chuunin, using A-Rank, but anyways, I'm behind the wall you used to defend Sunagakure, so you attacked the wall, and not Nao, besides, you wouldn't see the hole she entered since you're using so much sand, and the Sand Village is always sandstorming, so this is why that technique doesn't work .)
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeThu 31 Dec 2009, 5:36 pm

((You should know that there is only one entrance to Suna, which is proctected by a thick wall. lol. To thick to be destroyed. I created a small earth wall to block Art's water, which is destroyed. So YOU need to edit, not me. Also, its not sandstorming because Art didn't mention a sandstorm, just that it was extremely hot.))
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Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic]   Akatsuki Vs Shukaku [Private Topic] Icon_minitimeThu 31 Dec 2009, 5:45 pm

((Genkou is right on that, along with the fact that if you were behind the wall, the Mouth of shukaku would still have grabbed you, because it opens in the ground, and nothing blocks it, not even the wall. It would simply take you, and the wall with it))
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