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 Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin!

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PostSubject: Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin!   Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin! Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 12:57 am

General Information:

Name: Ichijin

Nickname/Alias: The Puppet Queen

Weight: 65.4 kg

Height: 5' 11"

Age: Born a puppet.

Gender: Female

Ichijin was created with long, flowing brown hair that shines in light. Her eyes are natural deep hazel, blue, but when using puppets, they glow a frightening deep green enveloped with a yellow aura, making her seem like an alien. Her skin, naturally pale and slightly tanned, is soft and smooth, as it was taken from a queen of pure royalty at a young age. She has basically large breasts, and they help to hold up the strapless dress that flows down her legs and spreads out into hundreds of deep blue and black tendril-like sewings.

Personality: Ichijin appears to be indifferent, caring only for a few things around her. She spends a considerable amount of time training and working in technological advancements for her puppet minions. Despite showing initial dislike towards all human life, she must respect them for her original master is a human.

Nichijin, her creator, claims that Ichijin is a prodigy puppet at the art of murder, as she has a habit of chopping off her victim's limbs before beheading them and letting her demonic puppets feed upon the corpses. Ichijin has a passion for collecting exotic swords and items to equip them to her puppets, or even herself: she made it her goal to collect all the swords from the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist, and anything else that she becomes interested with. Among these exotics, it is apparent that the only true things she bothers to steal, are weapons and technilogical advancements.

It appears that Ichijin has a certain love for killing, but she refrains from satiating this desire due to her tacit fear of inner guilt towards her creator growing once more. However, there are several occasions where she has killed people when she believed other people, her creator or ninja wouldn't notice. Ichijin has been shown to have thoughts such as "just this one" and "he'll forgive me". This shows the darker side to Ichijin's personality, and a sign of things to come.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Hunter's Prowess

Kekkei Genkai: This is a kekkei genkai that allows Ichijin to basically summon, or fire special arrows that have special capabilities to them either within the air, on contact, or on launch. Each arrow has a different look, material properties, and innate ability that is carried with it during creation.

Clan Symbol: -

Clan History: -

Rank Information:

Rank: Missing-Ninja

Village: -

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: M:Puppetry S:Weaponry

Elemental Affinity: Wood, Water, Earth

Special Characteristics: Full-Fledged Puppet.


[~] - Special Features To Ichijin:
[~] - Puppet Features:
* Jaw 1A; Senbon Machine Gun
Capable of firing multiple poisonous needles at an extremely quick rate. Has multiple seal symbols along the jaw line, each one corresponding to a different jaw part.

* Jaw 1B; Poison Launcher
Capable of not only firing poisonous gas bombs, but spraying out the poisonous gas as well. Has multiple seal symbols along the jaw line, each one corresponding to a different jaw part.

* Jaw 1C; Taser
Has two blades that flip down out of the jaw line resembling mandibles. The blades may then generate an electric current to stun a target. Has multiple seal symbols along the jaw line, each one corresponding to a different jaw part.

* Right Arm 2A; Fragmentation Launcher
Is capable of detaching in a projectile fashion, then firing off multiple canisters, which open to send senbon flying every which way. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Right Arm 2B; Shuriken Launcher
The forearm expands off the arm in two parts, then both parts spin around the center, firing off a high precision round of shuriken at a fast pace. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Right Arm 2C; Sawblade
The forearm opens to reveal a sawblade, which can then be wielded near the hand of the puppet. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Right Arm 2D; Cluster Cannon
The hand flips upwards from the wrist, revealing a large cannon. This cannon fires off a spiked ball, roughly the size of a softball. This ball will then open releasing a large number of smaller bombs, before igniting itself, creating a chain effect.

* Right Arm 2E; Taijutsu
A very powerful athletic arm covered in a very strong yet flexible material. The material itself conducts electrical signals allowing for faster control and stronger attacks. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Right Arm 2F; Pneumatic System
Arm back by a pneumatic system for taijutsu. Though not as quick as the taijutsu arm, it delivers blows strong enough to shatter stone. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Right Hand 2a; Water Jet
A nozzle extends from the palm. Initially this fires off a large knockback blast of water. The arm may then twist however, concentrating the stream to a point where it is strong enough to cut through rock. This piece is not compatible with Right Arm 2A and has only one seal symbol, corresponding to the other right hand part. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Right Hand 2b; Flamethrower
A nozzle extends from the palm. This fires a large burst of extremely hot fire, hot enough to melt rock. This piece is not compatible with Right Arm 2A and has only one seal symbol, corresponding to the other right hand part.

* Left Arm 3A; Summoning Hands
Appears to be a normal arm, but can open to reveal multiple summoning tags, six exactly. When used in conjunction with Senju Soubu, nearly a thousand arms can be generated very quickly to capture and crush a target. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Left Arm 3B; Kunai Launcher
The forearm expands off the arm in two parts, then both parts begin to spin around the center, firing off a high precision round of kunai at a fast pace. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Left Arm 3C; Spider Web Bomb
The hand flips up at the wrist, revealing a tube. Multiple balled up explosive tags are then fired out, all attached back to the tube by thin strings. After the explosives have covered the desired area, the hand flips back down, tugging on the string and setting off the bombs before cutting the strings themselves, preparing to reload. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Left Arm 3D; Grappling Hook
Hand fires off and is attached to the arm by a long chain. Used to grab and bring in targets, or bring Ichijin closer to her opponent. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Left Arm 3E; Taijutsu
A very powerful athletic arm covered in a very strong yet flexible material. The material itself conducts electrical signals allowing for faster control and stronger attacks. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Left Arm 3F; Pneumatic System
Arm back by a pneumatic system for taijutsu. Though not as quick as the taijutsu arm, it delivers blows strong enough to shatter stone. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Left Hand 3a; Water Jet
A nozzle extends from the palm. Initially this fires off a large knockback blast of water. The arm may then twist however, concentrating the stream to a point where it is strong enough to cut through rock. This piece is not compatible with Left Arm Parts 3A and has only one seal symbol, corresponding to the other right hand part.

* Left Hand 3b; Flamethrower
A nozzle extends from the palm. This fires a large burst of extremely hot fire, hot enough to melt rock. This piece is not compatible with Left Arm Parts 3A and has only one seal symbol, corresponding to the other right hand part.

* Shoulder Blades 4A; Cables
Two spiked cable extend from the shoulder blades. These cables are strong enough to easily lift three to four hundred pounds each, and have a total reach of thirty meters. The seal symbol for this part is on Ichijin's neck.

* Shoulder Blades 4B; Blade Wings
Two large poles each supporting a triple bladed wing like device extend from the shoulder blades. By spinning these devices, hovering can be achieved, as well as turning them forward to increase speed. Defensively they’re highly capable of deflecting attacks, and even more capable of dealing them out. The seal symbol for this part is on Ichijin’s neck.

* Back 5A; Mask of Despair
A large red mask with a gaping mouth resides on the back. From the mouth, a large scorpion “tongue” like tail can be extended. This weapon is heavily bladed, armored and poisoned. The eyes of the mask are closed, but if one looks into them after they open, they will be caught in a powerful genjutsu. The tongue may also be disconnected and wielded as a sword. The seal symbol for this part is on Ichijin's solar plexus.

* Back 5B; Corpse Creator
A large bone like construction with four large hollow bones coming away from it. This part was modeled after Kimimaro’s abilities in combat. From the hollow bones, it can fire off multiple bone like bullets seamlessly, as well as create a large and powerful sound blast, forcing everything within three hundred and sixty degrees backwards. Finally, a sword designed to resemble a backbone may be withdrawn from the part. The seal symbol for this part is on Ichijin’s solar plexus.

* Back 5C; Spider Legs 1 2 3 and 4
A back part with four large spider like legs extending from it, each one with a poison dipped blade for a tip. The seal symbol for this part is on Ichijin's solar plexus.

* Back 5D; Pneumatic System
Backed by a pneumatic system, allows extremely heavy lifting. The seal symbol for this part is on Ichijin's solar plexus.

* Left Ribset 6A; Missile Launcher
The ribs open and expand outwards to reveal their points, these points then fire off and explode on contact. The sealing symbol for this part is just above the actual ribcage.

* Left Ribset 6B; Textile Crusher
The ribs expand outwards, forming a huge crushing like device with multiple spikes on it. The sealing symbol for this part is just above the actual ribcage.

* Right Ribset 7A; Missile Launcher
The ribs open and expand outwards to reveal their points, these points then fire off and explode on contact. The sealing symbol for this part is just above the actual ribcage.

* Right Ribset 7B; Textile Crusher
The ribs expand outwards, forming a huge crushing like device with multiple spikes on it. The sealing symbol for this part is just above the actual ribcage.

* Legs 8A; Spider Legs 5 6 7 and 8
A leg part that interchanges at the hips. This replaces Ichijin's standard humanoid legs with four spider legs, each with a powerful pneumatic crusher for well, crushing things. The seal symbol for this part is just below Ichijin's naval.

* Legs 8B; Taijutsu
Thin athletic legs covered in a very strong yet flexible material. The material itself conducts electrical signals allowing for faster control and stronger attacks. The seal symbol for this part is just below Ichijin's naval.

* Legs 8C; Pneumatic System
Backed by a pneumatic system, these legs are designed for taijutsu. Though not as quick as the taijutsu legs, they are capable of deliver rock shattering blows and can leap extremely high. The seal symbol for this part is just below Ichijin's naval.

* Right Eye 9A; Scope
Mechanic Scope, can zoom for clear sight up to three miles away.

* Right Eye 9B; Atom Eye
A part made out of the eye Miyuki gave Ichijin, this part is similar to a human puppet, as it was made while the eye was still operational. This part allows the user to see atoms, and by channeling chakra into it, reconstruct those atoms.

* Left Eye 10A; Scope
Mechanic Scope, can zoom for clear sight up to three miles away.

* Cranium 11A; Element Ring
A specially designed ring made of Sapphire, Ruby, Amber, Topaz and Crystal. The ring itself takes in Ichijin's chakra and regulates it, allowing him use of all five elemental chakras. Unfortunately, he doesn't gain any mastery, so while he may have a mastery over the lightning and wind elements, while the part is being used, that mastery translates over, into only a basic harness over all elements. The seal for this part is on Ichijin's forehead.

* Cranium 11B; Detection
A specifically designed part that allows for multiple types of detection. Generally, this functions by sending out sound waves and radio waves. When either of these bounce back to Ichiji's position, it allows him to virtually see whatever the waves are bouncing off of. This gives her a perfect three hundred and sixty degree range of vision, however the vision of the waves is limited, as the radio waves will bounce off anything metallic, she cannot see beyond anything metal with them. the sound waves likewise bounce from all surfaces. Using both simultaneously however, will give Ichijin a three hundred and sixty degree x-ray capability, which extends to the nearest solid objects within that field of vision. The seal for this part is on Ichijin's forehead.

* Right Arm 2G; Wrecking Ball
Arm part designed to destroy. Panels fold down from the forearm revealing a chain and surrounding the hand. The arm then has a summoning system allowing it to add more chain links as the ball is thrown, as opposed to storing a limited amount in the arm itself. The solid steel ball weighs close to three hundred pounds. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Right Hand 2c; Lion's Roar
Hand part designed to facilitate a jutsu. The palm of the hand opens to drop out an orb, which is then caught by the fingers. When the orb is thrown it expands to form the head of a lion, it's teeth bared. When the lion connects with an object, it will pin it to the nearest surface and spread out a seal. This seal saps chakra, syphoning it away from and killing whatever is in contact with it in a matter of seconds. The technique is an exact replica of one of the ten chikamatsu puppet's abilities. By having altered a hand part for himself, Ichijin no longer needs to call on all her abilities to use it. The hand part has multiple seals to corresponding parts on the back of the hand.

* Left Arm 3G; Wrecking Ball
Arm part designed to destroy. Panels fold down from the forearm revealing a chain and surrounding the hand. The arm then has a summoning system allowing it to add more chain links as the ball is thrown, as opposed to storing a limited amount in the arm itself. The solid steel ball weighs close to three hundred pounds. Has multiple seal symbols around the elbow, each one corresponding to a different arm part.

* Left Hand 3c; Lion's Roar
Hand part designed to facilitate a jutsu. The palm of the hand opens to drop out an orb, which is then caught by the fingers. When the orb is thrown it expands to form the head of a lion, it's teeth bared. When the lion connects with an object, it will pin it to the nearest surface and spread out a seal. This seal saps chakra, syphoning it away from and killing whatever is in contact with it in a matter of seconds. The technique is an exact replica of one of the ten chikamatsu puppet's abilities. By having altered a hand part for himself, Ichijin no longer needs to call on all her abilities to use it. The hand part has multiple seals to corresponding parts on the back of the hand.

* Back 5E; Pulverizer
A back part equipped with a fold out chakra cannon. The cannon itself fires a 4 meter in diameter beam and must be recharged (while equipped) for five posts. The beam itself can be infused with Daedalus' chakra for other effects although is generally based on how much chakra is placed within it. At full power the beam is capable of cutting through mountains. Must be used with Leg Parts 8A. The seal symbol for this part is on Ichijin's solar plexus.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: Ichijin was created by a master puppeteer, that was the great grandfather of Monzaemon Chikamatsu. She has been the prized prodigy of Nichijin's work, but never let her fight unless it was for a dangerous mission or special occassion. Somewhere along the lines in her past however, she fell victim to the ninja known as Madara Uchiha, and he shut her core down. Recently, she began to actually form a heart out of her own cells inside of her body in an attempt to revitilize her former power.

Since then, she has wandered the forests and rainy pastures of the new modern world, attempting to restore what was lost to her, for she no longer has a master, nor any emotions regarding even the slightest bit of happiness, or even fear. She has no emotion.

Rp Sample: Xarias was walking through the land of the Yukagore for a time, after not being there for what seemed like an eternities time. He wanted to see if he could remember a bit of his past. Judging from the unweary sleep that she was entering, it was assured to her she would re-live her past in an alternate reality.

A swift breeze entered through the dark woods of the forest, the sun shining brightly overhead. Small streams of light flowed through open areas in the tops of trees, giving small amounts of light to the forest. If looking up, the sky was cascaded in a web-like pattern due to the pristine sunlight, glaring upon the heavens.. Small footsteps came from Xarias's sandals, small bits of dirt flicking in the air in front of her. She was simply bored, and trying to see if she could remember anything about her past. She knew she had something to do with the forest, but the memory was wiped out long ago. She wondered why, but it wasn't important right now. As she approached a tree on the side of the trail, a small bird chirped it's voice in the air, just before flying to a bug and swallowing it whole. It was just nature he guessed, just continuing to walk.

As she approached a small clearing, Xarias immediately remembered the area. Petrified trees, dust, bones, bloodstains on the crushed trunks of trees showed in the flattened land of the clearing. Her eyes widely opened, letting memories just fly past them, remembering all too well.
Hundreds of soldiers, shinobi, Kunochi, warriors and massive weaponry were marching towards one person, Xarias herself. Xarias was simply standing at the end of the forests' clearing. She held her scythe, Sairax, at hand, her right palm simply moving with the crimson leather handle. The steel was hidden under it to keep it's shade. As the army moved closer to Xarias, weapons raised, her eyes were lit up like the demon she was, she was in a state of anger and hatred, the armor covering her entire body was thrashed, and dented from the battle before this, the same army had reformed it seemed.. Black engravements of the 7 Sins in her Wrist, arm, leg, shin, foot, and wing armor, glowing with a flow of black and white chakra. This wasn't to Xarias's will, the scythe had shared her own emotions, her body, her very strength and will of living. This was the mark of the discovery of a new.. One.. True power. The power of the UnderGoddess.

Xarias's marked arm swirled into the air, slashing a massive burst of black/white mixed chakra, in a massive wave of power. As the sword slashed it's way towards the army, the wave sent a resonating cutting noise through the air, and smashed through trees in its path, pushing back the army with a massive, and more intense surge of strength. The wave of power ripped through the bodies of the shinobi, tearing through their hearts, their skin and bones destroyed. The blood dispersed from their body in gallons, the ground beneath them screaming of pain itself. The Kunochi were torn to shreds, bones flying to the ground, burning their very reminisce. Warrior's shields and blades were shattered in just a motion of the black/white mixed chakra, tearing through their heads, and slashing their bones to dust, burning them to nothing. A single stroke of a scythe, Sairax, killed an entire army of warriors. Fires races across the broken set of warriors, beginning to race towards the center of the stroke, racing around in a complete circle. Xarias, without any emotion whatsoever let her right palm flow towards the ring, saying in a dead, painful voice, "Rampart Release.." the words she let out of her pale, crimson lips somehow triggered a massive explosion. The ambition of burning, explosive energies slashed through every corner of the forest, of that area, burning through trees, petrifying them, charring the environment. This, was her battlefield. Her life was thrown away with the motion of her wrist... Again.

Falling to her knees in despair, Xarias set her palms on her face, her fingers through her hair. She closed her eyes in pain of the memory, tears streaming down her cheeks. She remembered something she didn't want to remember, yet provoked it.. Something horrible. "Why.. Why did I do such a thing.." she thought to herself, the grass under her knees swaying over in a cool, and gentle breeze. Sairax, on her back simply glowed with a white and blood-red chakra. It seemed to remember it's triumph, with Xarias's at hand. She would never abandon the blade, or abandon her life like she had before. No emotion. No regret. No will to live, nor die. No known fear.. But to live again.

Last edited by Xarias. on Wed 14 Oct 2009, 9:21 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin!   Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin! Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 1:04 am

OMG Do i gotta read this, and howyou get Uchiha Blood
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PostSubject: Re: Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin!   Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin! Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 1:46 am

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Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin!   Val's Puppet Char! Ichijin! Icon_minitimeTue 13 Oct 2009, 1:15 pm


1. Asolutely NO Uchiha Blood! Mixing the blood of two diffrent bloodlines is fatal for a ninja's body. We had this same issue before and I'm not letting it happen again. If you want to be a Uchiha, then make a Uchiha. And you can be the new leader of the POU too if you want.

2. No Genjutsu since you can't have the Sharingan.

3. STOP metioning Madara Uchiha! He is NOT alive on this site, so stop saying his name. All the Cannon Characters don't EXIST ANYMORE.
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