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 Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone

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PostSubject: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:12 pm

Kitaro stood on the side of a mountain. He remember his friend Kugo and knew that he had to defeat the akatsuki leader he had challenged to a battle here. it was going to be a 2 on 2 and Kitaro hadnt been in many team battles with him on a team before. he was a little nervous but mainly exited. He handnt felt stuff like this since before he was chikage. He was ready and waited for the akatsuki leader and clone to arrive as well as his ally for the fight a sand nin kidate.

Kitaro-just posted
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:14 pm

a man dressed in a long flowing red jacket silently sat in a tree behind Kitaro, waiting for when he would notice
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:16 pm

Kidate, who had been gliding through the air at a steady pace, landed on a branch behind the male in the red jacket. Licking the back of his hand, he began running it through the rough, brown hair on the back of his left ear. Smiling he called to the two, "When is this going to begin?"
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:19 pm

Zodiark appeared in the distance and began to walk towards kitaro. as he got closer he stopped about 10m away from kitaro and spoke in a calm and even tone "you requested to see me, so this better be good"
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:23 pm

"everyone is here so i guess that means we can start this fight Zodiark. Kidate. Clone" Kitaro nodded at all three of them and pulled out shiba. he held the handle in his right hand his left hand in an odd position. He was ready for an attack and was looking at everything closely.

Name: Shiba
Type: Heavy ball and chain
long pitch black chain attached to a red handle. THe ball itself is a dark purplish color. The ball is spiked with red thorn like things that can be broken off and used as throwing knives. the weapon was made by a powerful ninja who could change weapons with special jutsu invented by her. She made the chain so that with a button on a handle it would extend itself with chakra links (chakra stored in the handle) each time the button was pressed it would add another link to the chain. It can add up to 125 links. When the button is held down it absorbs the links back into the handle and restores the ball and chain to its normal size.
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:30 pm

silently the clone stood up, and pulled a rapier from inside his jacket. the sword was a four foot long cone, and at it's widest, it was only 1/8 of an inch. with a flash of his wrist, the clone sent the rapier flying through the air, catching through one of the links in the chain and pulling it to the ground, burying the entierty of the blade in the dirt, the chain was completely stuck. as he jumped down from the tree he pulled out the completed first tsrurugi and pulled off one of the small side blades, than charged at kidate, stabbing the side blade straight at him while he swung the nearly 75lb sword towards kidate's left side
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:34 pm

Kidate moved both hands fast. Touching one finger to his right ear ring, and his left middle finger, Kidate summoned the two weapons he had on him. Using the spear to parry the side blade, he moved the hammer to block the larger blade.
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:39 pm

zodiark stood by and watched as his clone attacked kidate and said to kitaro "don't you just love how our children go right for the battle" he folded his arms across his chest and leaned against a tree "the thing i love most about these clones of mine, each one type just picks up my traits that are best for it and leaves behind the others. take my taijutsu clones for example" he pointed at the clones that was viciously attacking kidate "they have every bit of my anger, blood lust, power, battle ingenuity, berserk like style of fighting, and everything else that makes them the perfect warrior"
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:52 pm

Kitaro didnt mind Shiba being stuck in the ground and quickly moved the ground around it using atom eye and altered the rapier so that it was no longer stuck in the links. Seconds later he appeared behind the real Zodiark with Shiba coming from the left 20 feet away with several chakra links the ball coming at the side of Zodiarks head. As he swung at Zodiark he spoke quickly. "it may be the perfect war MACHINE but machines do tend to break down and science expiriments go bad eventually"
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 7:59 pm

as the larger sword his the hammer the clone spun it around, stabbing it into the ground right next to kidate, than used the smaller blade to twist the spear out of his way than jumped forward and used the blade to pull himself forward with more force, kicking both of his feet at kidate's chest
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 8:07 pm

Releasing the two weapons, Kidate put his hands where the feet would impact. With the heels of his palms touching, Kidate blocked the kick. The kick, impacting on a solid mass of air, did nothing but push the two back. Once they had stopped, Kidate finished the jutsu he started, spinning the clone in a massive funnel of air that formed around his leg, potentially breaking it.

Jutsu Used~
Name: Jougo no Kaze ~ Funnel of Wind
Range: Differs
Type: Nin/Supp
Effect: This jutsu utilizes the Wind release skill. Spiraling the winds in the same direction rapidly, the user creates a funnel of wind. This funnel cuts off extra oxygen from entering the area, and particles within the funnel's wind to spread into the area, and remain there unless removed by other means. The funnel comes from the user's hands, each opened with the heel of the palms touching. The funnel's size depends on the chakra used. It can be extremely small, used as a shield against ninjutsu and weapons, or big enough to cover an large building (Business offices,hospitals, etc.) The chakra that it would take to produce one large enough to cover a building would require a Bijuu, or enhancing tool, such as a special pill or chakra leaching.
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 8:19 pm

Zodiark smiled and caught the ball with his hand, the spikes, passing right between his fingers. taking a step back, he pulled back his hand and lodged the ball into the tree next to him. turning around to face kitaro he said "seems like you don't want to waste any time either"
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 8:36 pm

Kitaro smiled and jumped alligning Zodiark up with the ball and retracting it pulling it at his back at high speeds. "I dont really waste time anymore if you havent noticed." Kitaro said when he retracted the ball.
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 8:47 pm

the clone began spinning around, flying farther and farther from kidate until he was far enough away that the wind only violently whipped his coat around him. as the clone stood there, an evil look came over his face. crouching down, he took off towards kidate, disappearing after his took a single step. a fraction of a second later, he reappeared behind kidate, spinning in mid air, swinging down the giant sword towards his shoulder with such force, it would have sheared him in two like a piece of paper
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 8:50 pm

Kidate sidestepped the swing, allowing the blade to crash into the ground, and skin his thigh. Jumping a bit back, he tore a part of his scarf away and wrapped the wound with one hand and teeth, the other touching the ear ring yet a gain, to summon Warugi.
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 8:56 pm

Zodiark smiled and side stepped the ball as it went flying towards him, grabbing the chain, as the ball hit the end of his fist, one of the spikes piercing his arm slightly as blood began to trickle down his arm till it began to drip off his elbow "hasn't anyone told you that haste makes waste" he spun around, pulling the ball and chain with him to the point where he would either rip it from kitaro's hand or cause kitaro to be pulled along with it towards zodiark
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeWed 17 Dec 2008, 9:28 pm

Kitaro jumped into the air and flew at Zodiark with his own momentum and Zodiarks pull. He aimed a hard kick towards Zodiarks chest and a punch towards his head. His free hand hit the button on Shiba causing it to retract the full way for later and as he flew used his speed to tuck it away with his free hand in his belt.
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeThu 18 Dec 2008, 8:59 pm

not taking time to pry the entire sword out of the ground, he quickly pulled out the two back blades, leaving the rest in the ground, and lunged at kidate, swinging one sword towards kidate's right while he brought the other straight down towards him
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitimeSat 27 Dec 2008, 3:10 pm

Kidate moved back lithely, allowing the blades to sing through empty air. Then, swinging the hammer upward, Kidate attempted to catch the clone beneath his chin.
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PostSubject: Re: Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone   Kidate/Kitaro vs. Zodiark/taiclone Icon_minitime

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