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Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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 Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]

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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Empty
PostSubject: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 12:26 am

Seiyuuki sat on a small stool, a large lab table in front of him. On the table lay multiple arms, wooden and mechanized. Twisting away at the pieces and their joints were multiple tools, clasped in Daedalus' hands. Off to the side, a small box lay on the table, connected to Dae's chest by multiple small wires. Occasionally, the engineering genius would look over, gazing at a seperate box, containing a large heart, still beating with the help of a machine. Twice now he had looked up, making a small modification to the box. The plan was to have it connect to the existing box at some point or another. To do that he'd have to make both boxes smaller however. Suddenly, the door opened, and Daedalus was interrupted by a teammate.
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 2:38 am

miyuki walked into the room. she was holding new akatsuki coats. they looked the same but the cuffs had silver threads connecting the peices of cloak. "...."
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 2:56 pm

Daedalus' eyes met Miyukis. yet another Willow she was, however she was different then Ki had been. Ki was always trying to act like he had feelings, like he was human. Miyuki was strange among Willows, she was constantly trying to prove she didn't have feelings.

"Are those, what I think they are?" He returned to his work, trying to divide himself between both concentrations without offending her. Tapping his eye, a scope replaced it, and he zoomed in on whatever he was working on.

"So, do tell me, how a Willow has such a magic ability to go from being a Willow, to a human, and then back? It really is an anomally." Clever ice-breaking conversation wasn't really his strong point.
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 3:30 pm

"for a puppet master, you not that witty." she mumbled as she set down one of the cloaks on the table. " speaking about magic, i finally made an akatsuki robe that even you wont be bale to ruin." she said, her eyes scanning his work.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 3:58 pm

"We're getting into stereotypes now, you should see how many racist jokes there are surrounding Willows... And thank you, it's perfect." His eyes then turned back down to the arm. Twisting a few more notches, he finished the fine tunings, tapping the seal on it and letting it disappear. He then grabbed the box containing Ki's heart, pulling his own heart box closer to it. Staring at them, he looked up to catch Miyuki focused on them as well.

"So, how smart is it to combine a human and Willow heart?" He then removed a vial from a pocket, which appeared to be clear. Under a microscope however, it would tell you that it was pure Willow DNA, and that it used to be Ki's. Daedalus had altered it however, cutting away at all the strange segments that made Ki... well... Ki. Now it was pure, hopefully it would tell Daedalus some of it's secrets.
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:07 pm

"close to idiotic. the blood in the heart will counteract the willow heart, making it useless. and what jokes are there surroundig us? i havent heard any and im looking of amusement."
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:11 pm

Daedalus thought for a moment, then started taking the two boxes apart, piece by piece. "So, I should be fine if I keep them seperate. And you know, jokes." He didn't really want to be at the end of Miyuki's fist if things went wrong. "Like um... When does a Willow leave the table?"
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:13 pm

miyuki thoght for a second, thinking of what vile things humans eat. " i have an idea, but i want to make sure. when?"
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:15 pm

"When everyone's eaten."

He started eventually, he had both boxes stripped down. Reaching into a drawer beneath him, he brought out more parts, and started putting them together.

"I didn't say they were good jokes."
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:18 pm

"well, i was thinking that a willow leaves when they pass out the fruit salad. like you said, their not very good comodeties." she scanned the room. "and ive been working on molding my chi. i need to know if i am doing it right." she said plainly.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:21 pm

"If your chi is anything like our chakra... I just may be able to help you with that." His new part was finished. If someone were to look at it, it seemed to simply be a box, with two slots, about the size of his original heart container. Daedalus then slid the two smaller heart boxes into, hooking the large box to him before switching the connections from his heart to the box. After skippping a beat, his eyes opened wide. "And wow, that Willow heart sure packs a punch. But yes, let's see what you can do for your chi molding, what is it you're trying to accomplish anyhow?"
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:25 pm

" i may be able to manipulate by bloodby funneling chi around it, making a puppet made of willow organs and self reincarnation abilities. but chi is slightly different." she made a sighn with her claws to make her chi visible. it looked like black chakra swirlingaround her at 100mph making no breeze, obsuring her face. it was over a foot off of her body. "this is the problem."
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:32 pm

Daedalus nodded, it was too wild. "And there's no way you can bring that back at all hm? Puppetry is a very fine art. In order to master it, you must be able to concentrate your energies, whether they be chi or chakra, all while being able to think and act independantly of it. You see, most ninjutsu techniques, happen, and then they're gone. All the ninja has to do is aim. With puppetry, it's like playing chess, sure, you can attack directly with one sole piece, but you have to observe and concentrate on every individual piece simultaneously. Are the analogies getting anywhere?" He then flicked a lens down over his eye again, staring at Miyuki's body, before nodding to himself. Reaching into another drawer, he then pulled out a weapon like device, holding a large vial of something or another, and it had a needle on the end, made of onyx. Daedalus then inserted a smaller vial of Willow structure dna into it as well, beofre approaching Miyuki.

"If you would just lay down on the table here please, I need to see your chi structure, and how it flows at it's most basic roots. To do that, I can't be blinded by this ongoing chi storm."
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:40 pm

" you dont get it, do you? the onl roots i have are in my frontal lobe. chi is strictly externalfrom the body, if it was internal like yours, it would be like stuffing a house in a childrens size sock. i can control it fine." miyuki made then into consentrated streams, like electro clouds around an atom. they changed to black to white. her eyes switched frequency by switching to two pupils. 3 strings of chi came out of the flow and picked up a chair without raising a finger. "i was just wondering if my strings were too large and if yo would be a puppt master without using your hands."
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:47 pm

Daedalus placed the needle back down. "Then there shouldn't be a problem. The only thing you'll have to work on is thought process, how to think and act like a puppeteer. That takes training, practice. And here's how we do it."

Assuming she knew how to play chess, Daedalus sat down, his chakra forming a chair beneath him, as well as a chair across from his and a floating chess board between them. Finally, he created his pieces. "Now, you create your pieces. The trick, is to play out the game, while not losing control over your chi. You'll find as the game progresses, you may have trouble concentrating on what to do while still maintaining a constant control over your other pieces. You see, the more advanced a puppet, the more strings it will take to control it. In order to move an arm properly, you have to make sure your other strings are still intact. Otherwise, the entire puppet will collapse, only being held up by the arm your moving, and the effect will be useless."

Taking his turn first, his knight leaped over his front line. "As for making the puppet, well, that can be done later, and will no doubt determine your style of puppeteering. For now, let's be sure you'll be able to command a puppet."
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:53 pm

miyuki made her peices wih chi and since she was short enough, she stood. she made one of her pawns meet the knight.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 4:58 pm

Daedalus disbanned the chair, noticing she wasn't using it, before moving a pawn out from in front of his king, freeing up both his queen and bishop.

"So, beyond basically being a version of yourself that you control from farther away, what would you like your puppet to do?"
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 5:01 pm

" i want it to use quick attacks, to squeeze the life out of ever soul that would even touch it. which isnt really hard in itself. who said it was going to be of myself? i could analize the persons family, friends and comrades. then use it to my advantage. if i cannot do that, then i face the shinobi with a few of my own techneques that i havent released yet." ((you do know tha i cant memorise what a chessboard looks like.)) she moved her bishop from its position, capturing the knight.
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Masahiro Yukina
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 5:07 pm

((Neither can I... but whatevs)) In return Daedalus' queen moved across the board to take the bishop.

"Well, quick is generally a puppet's greatest feat. And I was just assuming that if you were going to donate your organs to the cause, it would probably carry most of your traits." A notebook lifted itself off the table, a pen scribbling down some things on it, all just by the control of Daedalus' fingertips.

"I'm going to assume most if not all of it's weapons will inherit the Willow poison as well, or call it a disease, whatever it is."
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeTue 30 Dec 2008, 5:15 pm

"hm. no, that would put my own life in danger. i have some human reserves. liver is good on a hot day." she said as her pawn took out the queen.
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeWed 31 Dec 2008, 1:25 am

Daedalus frowned as his queen disappeared, making more notes on the notepad. His kinight then moved a couple more squares towards Miyuki.

"Check. I can begin the construction of the puppet soon, and you can help if you want. That way you'll be able to learn the ins and outs of puppet craft, so you can eventually do it on your own. Mind you seem to be somebody that learns quickly."
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeWed 31 Dec 2008, 1:29 am

(( helo? all of my peices are on yourside. my pawns and other things are still covering my king. it is i who has the check.))

miyuki used the same pawn and captured the king. " thankyou. checkmate."
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Masahiro Yukina
Masahiro Yukina

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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeWed 31 Dec 2008, 1:38 am

((You have to declare check the turn before!, yeesh ahehe))

"I see you atleast know how to play human games, as simple as they are I'm sure. Additionally, it seems you can control your chi nearly perfectly, which is good." He stood up, the table and chair vanishing, Miyuki's remaining pieces hovering in mid-air. He then turned, retrieving multiple blocks of wood and laying them on a table.

"Create chi strings, sharp enough to manipulate the wood, with that, carve it to a form suitable for your puppet. And no cheating with that eye of yours." He then returned to his table, working on more parts for himself.
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Reiki Willow
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeWed 31 Dec 2008, 1:44 am

miyuki nodded. she made a sighn and her white hair was replaced by reddish brown. her eyes turned a tinge of green and her skin became darker. when she turned into a human, she then concentrated on one block of wood. she ued her chi to shave it, working with the grain. every 4 times a shaving fell to the floor, she picked it up and turned it to poison. placing it in a jar.
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Masahiro Yukina
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PostSubject: Re: Setting up. [Any Akatsuki]   Setting up. [Any Akatsuki] Icon_minitimeWed 31 Dec 2008, 2:15 am

Daedalus' interest picked up again, watching her intently.

"So, even when you become human, you still retain chi? Does your blood remain the same as well?"
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