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 Cyrus Uzumaki

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Cyrus Uzumaki Empty
PostSubject: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 12:44 am

General Information:
Name: Cyrus "Twilight" Uzumaki

Nickname/Alias: The Twilight Ninja, The Plasma Sage, The Full Moon Ninja.

Weight: 172

Height: 6'1

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Looks: Cyrus Uzumaki Naruto19

Chunnin/Genin: Cyrus Uzumaki Ai251310

Sage Image: Cyrus Uzumaki Dafasd10

Jounin: Cyrus Uzumaki The_gu10

Personality: Cyrus is the type of guy that never forgets anything, he has a photographic memory. Although he knows that he has to live up to his role as Sannin and former Sannin where known for there destructive and killing instincts, he prefers not to kill. He regularly doesn't fight and you wont pretty much see him fight unless he has to. Sometimes Cyrus can have a distracting nature, but it's not regular that he does.

When push comes to shove Cyrus can get pretty annoying especially towards his enemies. There will never be a time when you see him not smiling, thats the reason his enemies get annoyed. Even if Cyrus is to the point of dying he will keep a smile on his face, sorta like Sai. Whenever Cyrus is faced with a difficult decision between another persons life over his own, he will choose to take away his life just because its the right thing to do.

At times when you can't find Cyrus, you will find him sparring himself. Cyrus is devoted to training and training others, except those that have taken a life. Cyrus beileves that a person was put onto this earth for a specific purpose, those that take lives willingly haven't found there purpose. When The time arises Cyrus will take a nature that he recieved from his father, The natural born leader nature. In The harshest battles Cyrus will take his troops into battle, using his brain not his strength and usuing The strength ofhis opponent against them.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Uzumaki

Kekei Genkai: None

Clan Symbol: N/A

Clan History: N/A

Rank Information:
Rank: Jounin

Village: Hidden Leaf Village

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty:
Main- Weaponry
Sub- Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Main- Lightning
Sub- Fire
Combination- Plasma

Special Characteristics: Large Chakra Reserve(+50%), Advanced Weaponry, Combination Element
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 12:45 am

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:
During the days when Konoha was barely founded, when times where beggining to finnaly make since. This was the time when the Third Hokage just became Hokage and the young Minato Uzumaki had his first child. Minato really wanted to name him Crescent Cyrus Uzumaki after there grand father(Crescent Cyrus Uzumaki) but, the wifes word was stronger than his. She said she wanted him to be different, so she named him Cyrus "Twilight" Uzumaki. At this time the two had only been dating for a year, and Minato was still a Jounin, with his Jounin team consisting of Kakashi, Ren, And Obito. When ever Minato would spend time with Cyrus, The young Kakashi Hatake would be at his side aiding and playing with Cyrus at all times. When Minato Finnaly realised this he appointed Kakashi The role and title of god-father over Cyrus, this was a role that Kakashi devoted his life to. "Whenever im needed i'll be there at your side little Twilight"~ Kakashi Hatake.

As the years progressed Cyrus started to shape into a fine Shinobi. He was four when he started to learn about being a Ninja, Minato wanted to teach him all he could before the academy but he knew that he was still a child. Cyrus always loved to train, even when he was supposed to help out around The house he would find some way to fit training into The process. Also when Cyrus was four his mother was pregnant once more, this child would soon grow up to be The Jinchurukii Naruto Uzumaki. At this time though a terrible beast emerged and destroyed half of The village. Minato gave specific orders to his wife, they where: "If I dont return tonight, take Cyrus into The forest of death and hideout in there until his god-father come." Minato teleported The three of them home and he left Cyrus his only other teleporting Kunai. Cyrus didn't recieve his gift yet and knew nothing about it.

Cyrus and Kushina hid in there home on the edge of The forest for a day after The beast disappeared. Cyrus was asleep through The whole thing until he found his mom in a corner crying. She felt horrible about leaving her new born baby with Minato, especially with what he did with him. Cyrus waited at his mothers side until he and her left into The Forest of Death. Inside The Forest Kushina was weak and slowly died, Cyrus felt helpless because he couldn't do anything to help his mom. It seemed like hours that The two waited but in real time it was only ten minutes. Thats when a young Anbu member with grey hair and a Konoha Headband over his left. This was The man thought to be "The White Fang" but this was his son Kakashi Hatake, The god-father of Cyrus. Kakashi took them out of The Forest and into The hospital where The medical ninja where working there butts off to help The injured. When Kakashi told them whose wife this was, they all stopped and did what they could in there power to save her, but they where to late. Cyrus was scared, shocked, and pissed at what happened, but his father always told him to never show emotion, sadness and tears where the only thing on this young ones face.

Pre-Academy Arc.: Since Kakashi was allways around the Uzumaki family, and knew Cyrus really well, he knew how to function around and with the young "Twilight Ninja". Another thing was that Kakashi knew how to cope with The loss of father, since he lost his father only a year bcak, they had a bond like no other could have had. To keep Cyrus's daily habits up, he would get Cyrus up at The crack of dawn to train him on being a Ninja. For The first couple of weeks Cyrus really couldn't care about being a Ninja. All he wanted was his family back, but then Cyrus found out about Kakashi situation and decided if Kakashi could handle The loss then he could to. Everyday Cyrus would train his hardest, not only focusing on ninjutsu and taijutsu but getting his head together and focused. At The age of seven Cyrus started to use ninjutsu, he started with jutsu that Kakashi knew but then started developing his own.

Times where sometimes hard for Cyrus because The Uzumaki family had traits that stood out in a crowd, Cyrus would get blamed for stuff that his brother Naruto did. Kakashi would only appear soon eough to back him up. During his time learning Ninjutsu and Taijutsu he saw Kakashi sometimes using a long slender blade. Thats when The young "Twilight Ninja" started to get interested in The art of Kinjutsu. Kakashi was hesitant at first but slowly changed out of it and started to teach Cyrus The basics. In only two weeks time Cyrus had already learned The basics, like on how to hold and The proper way of swinging and slicing. The day Cyrus was accepted into The academy Kakashi bough him his first blade.

Academy Arc.: During his whole time period with Kakashi Cyrus started to forget about him ever having abrother, The reason why because he was just born three days ago before his mother died. The two brothers never had anytime to bond. When he first entered The academ he overheard some of The other kids talking about a little yellow kid spray painting on The Statue/Mountain/Monument of Hokages. He only had one thing to say when The kids questioned him about it and that was "It wasn't me". The kids never beleived him , no one except the young Gekkou Hayate. The became best friends and always went everywhere with each. For Cyrus he passed The academy in only a year, this was thanks to his trauning in his earlier years.

Weeks before The graduation ceremony Cyrus almost got kicked out of The academy. He had got into a fight with some other kids because The other kids said that "Your The monster that destroyed half of The village, you shouldn't even be allowed to live." Cyrus was confused at first and wasn't intending on fighting, but when the other kid through the first punch Cyrus had no other choice but to act on instincts. After a couple of minutes one would have seen The little boy tied in a hog tie, and Cyrus standing on him in a captain Morgan pose. All The other kids where cheering for Cyrus, but all The cheering and clapping stopped when it atracted The teacher. Cyrus tried to exsplain to everyone he was just fighting in defence, no one wanted to believe him but Kakashi changed there view when he showed. Kakashi knew that he was just showing his skills, but he disciplined him for showing off.

Genin Arc.: During The time with Kakashi, the two grew together. They where almost like brothers, The day that Cyrus was given the title of Genin, Kakashi retired from The anbu. Kakashi thought that since it was his job to protect Cyrus why not do it all through his life. Kakashi went to the Hokage and exsplained The whole story about him being The god-father of Cyrus. The Hokage took it all in an agreed that Kakashi would become The Sensei of Cyrus, but something else occured while he was in The office. The Hokage was notified that The population of Genin out numbered The available slots possible for a three man team. The Hokage had to make a decision randomly drop a person or post pone one of The greatest tournaments that occur throughout The Ninja world. The very next day The Hokage had to call a meeting with The Konoha council, he didn't want to make this choice alone because a similar event twelve years ago occured. Throughout The whole meeting two sides arose, The side that was against dropping a student that deserved to be there and The side that wanted to drop The student and keep The Chunnin exams. As The meeting began to end Kakashi started speaking to The Hokage privately, he told him of The stories Minato told them when a similar event happened back when he was a Genin. The Hokage thought this over and proposed it to The council. The plan was to add The one person to a three man team and make it a four man team. When The time arose for The Chunnin exams The four man team would have to take another exam. Some people wondered why not just let them participate in The Chunnin exams but The Hokage already had thought this over, The reason that The four man team wouldn't be able to join was because it would give them an unfair advantage. The whole council found that this was The only way to solve The problem at hand.

Although Kakashi knew he was going to be The sensei of Cyrus he didn't tell him about it, he wished for it to be a surprise. The day Finnaly came for Cyrus to meet his new sensei and team. When he arrived he met two females, he thought he had mistaken his letter but both of them had one. After a minute or two of awkward silence Kakashi appeared with another Genin, this Genin was Gekkou Hayate. Gekkou itroduced himself, then The rwo girls introdueced themselves, one was Sentaru Hyuuga and The other was Tenatsu Inuzka. Tenatsu pulled a puppy from inside her jacket this was "Sucome". As Kakashi introduced hinself he exsplained to them The big deal of why they had an extra member, he exsplained to them about how The council members where going to randomly drop someone. He also told them that they weren't going to be participating in The Chunnin Exams, he didn't exsplain why they weren't participating. Although it seemed like they didn't care, actually they where all really reying to peices together why. Finaly Sentaru said that they werent participating because it would be an unfair advantage.

Kakashi seemed diligent about keeping them all up to speed, he seemed to keep track of when someone would slack off. The next day Kakashi would take that person aside and work with them alone. Kakashi wouldn't just train them in strength he would train them mentally by sending them through different mazes and setting different Ninja traps inside. Throughout there time together they grew more as a team, helping each other out when The time was needed. At the end of three months Kakashi started pushing The squad to there limit, he had them training from Dawn to Midnight. At the end of there training time Cyrus would be The one who was always ready to go for more, thats when he first started getting called "The Twilight Ninja" he thought The name suited him and kept telling people to call him that. During The last three months Kakashi started to give all of the four a special weapon. Sentaru was given a three stared nunchuck, this had three blocks on it instead of The regular two. Gekkou was given a blade called "The Crecent Moon Blade" he went on to use this blade in his later life. Tenatsu was given Kunai rings that slid over her body, these would help when she used her Inuzaka style techniques. Last but not least Cyrus was given a very new and up to date blade, it was called the "Soul Reaper", this blade gave Cyrus The power to sap some of The Chakra from his enemy, some what like the samaheda Kisame has but only on a smaller blade like scale. The day of triumph arose, it was time for them to face there exams. Kakashi led The four man team into The Village Council mens room. A village elder arose a spoke to them of the exams they where taking apart in, she called it "From Heaven to Hell Rolepla Dawn to Dusk". All four of them started to get chills as they heard The name of The exam, although they where scared they felt like the last six months would finnaly be put to the test.
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 12:46 am

From Heaven to Hell to Dawn to Dusk Part 1: The Village Elder took the four of them down to an area on the outskirts of Konoha. The Elder had lead them to a non-finished bridge, beneath the bridge was a stream that seemed to trickle down the hill. The Elder said that the team only had an hour to finish the bridge and restore the small stream into a mighty river once again. At the last thing the Elder said, Cyrus, Tenatsu, and Sentaru started working on finishing the bridge. The plan Cyrus came up with was that, he would weld the peices of metal together, Tenatsu would use one of her strongest wind based jutsu to rapidly cool the metal so that it could stick. Following that Sentaru would use her Gentle Fist style: of fighting to rapdily punch at the cement to make sure it was durable. While all this was going on Gekkou was beneath the bridge expelling water from his mouth, this was one of his strongest water based jutsu that he could come up with to restore the river. As peice by peice went onto making the bridge, minute by minute ticked away from the teams future. At the half an hour mark, the unimaginable happened to the team. Gekkou fell onto the ground unconscious, he was near the point of depletion in his chakra. Cyrus was scared and didn't know what to do, only one other member on there team had a water affinity, this was Sentaru. Cyrus had to make a choice, either fail the mission by not allowing the river to build up or risk the durability of the bridge to finish what Gekkou started. Cyrus directed Sentaru to hurry and finish, he seemed to be working faster than ever now. As the river flow started to rise once more, Cyrus knew that he was reaching his limit but he wasn't going stop. As the time wore down to about the ten minute mark, the village Elder appeared. He said nothing or did anything t the team, every now and then he would mutter something to himself and would write notes down on his clip board. As peice by peice went onto the bridge, Cyrus Finnaly finished, he didn't even think about checking the durability of it, he just left and went down to help Gekkou. As he aided Gekkou, the river grew steadily higher and higher until it Finaly reached the banks edge. At that Sentaru fell to the ground, she was near depletion also but she crawled her way over to the ground. While the group huddled around there fallen comrade, the village Elder went atop the bridge, and repeatedly stomped on it. Each blow had the immense force of Chakra behind it. One would think that the bridge would fall, but it stood it's ground. The man walked over to the team and said "Congratulations, you have passed this part of the exams." At the last thing he said he disappeared. Cyrus helped his teamates over to the hospital.

At the hospital Cyrus seemed like he had been waiting for hours, when finnaly the last person Cyrus thought he would see appeared. Kakashi had some news about the next task that they would have in the exams. He told Cyrus that for the next task the team would be split up, each would have to travel through a different part of a maze and would need to make it's way to the end, in this part only two people from the team would be able to go on to the final stage. Cyrus wasn't exspecting this to happen and wished he could trade it all in to stay with his team but he knew he couldn't. Cyrus asked when would the team start training again, Kakashi told Cyrus that each member of the team would be trained by another Jounin and they only had a month to train for it. Cyrus would be paired with Kakashi, Sentaru would be paired with Might Guy, Tenatsu would be paired with Anko, and Gekkou would be paired with Asuma Sarotobi. One by one Kakashi went and spoke to each member of the team, all of them knew what was at stake and knew that they no longer where a team of Genin they where Chunnin now and no longer where a team.

Week of Preparation: The very next day Cyrus met Kakashi in the field where his team first met. It was time for Cyrus to be prepared to face what ever the Council had in store for them in the maze. Soon after Kakashi and Cyrus appeared at the field, three people arrived two of which shouldn't really be called people though. The legendary Sannin Jariya appeared, rested on his shoulders where two old frogs, that where bigger than natural. Kakashi didn't waste anytime on introductions, he told Cyrus that there where four things he needed to learn by the end of the week, these where. "Summoning, Thunder God Technique, True Rasengan, Sage Mode." Cyrus only knew of only what three of those things where. Cyrus really didn't care much, he was ready to take on the challenge. Kakashi was happy, and gave Cyrus the one thing that tied him closest to his father, His Kunai. As Kakashi told Cyrus the story, he exsplained to him that only two living people could use the kunai, Cyrus didn't care who the other person was, hejust wanted to get to the training.

Flying Thunder God Technique Arc: Kakashi gave Cyrus his fathers Kunai, he told him that by throwing the kunai he would instantly be transported to the spot where the kunai was. First though Cyrus had to sign the contract for it, only one other persons name was on the scroll that wrapped around the handle. This was his fathers, As he signed the contract Jariya was studying little Cyrus throughly. He seemed to be comparing him to someone else but Cyrus never knew(Naruto!!!!!!). Kakashi begun the training by sending out four shadow clones, he told Cyrus that all he had to do was destroy each by using the kunai. Cyrus was determined to through this training as quickly as possible, his first attempt like any one elses was a dud. The second he through the kunai he was teleported, as he was transported he flew straight over the clones head. Cyrus wasn't prepared to but thrusted through the air and the "Other" realm so quickly. As he went Cyrus never gave in, he kept trying it over and over again, each time he was getting a very small step closer. Hour after hour passed as Cyrus kept his dream alive, Jariya sat back with "Ma' and Pa" every now and then he would say things to them like. "I can tell you he isn't much of a winer like his brother" and "Do you guys think hes right to try and attempt Senjutsu(Sage Mode/ Hermit Mode)" Cyrus was persistent until at about midnight he actually struck one of the clones with his fist. This got him happy but he knew not to show to much emotion or it would cloud his mind of focus. Kakashi gave him a small congratulations but told him that until he made all four of the clones disappear at once would this training be over. Kakashi made another clone appear to replace the fallen clone. Steadily but slowly did Cyrus almost master his technique, hour after hour and day after day passed until on the twelfth day. This was when Cyrus destroyed all four of Kakashi's clones. As he held his kunai up in triumph, he thought of only one thing and that was his dad. Kakashi gave Cyrus a pat on the back and asked him if he wanted a rest or did he want to continue, Jariya had it in his mind that he would want to rest and wait it out, but to his surprise Cyrus said "Lets go, this is my destiny". Jariya seemed shocked and told Kakashi that the next three he should probably take control of. When Jariya stood infront of him he nearly said "Minato you do me proud" but caught himself before he started.
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 12:47 am

Summoning Arc: Jariya stepped up infront of Cyrus he held a scroll within his hands. Jariya asked Cyrus if he was ready to start and immediatly Cyrus said "Yes" Jariya forcefully slammed the scroll on the ground and told him "No your not" Jariya started to exsplain why he wasn't, and he told him all about how a summoning works and how the summoning contract worked. After listening to all of it Cyrus was ready to sign the contract. Jariya unrolled the contract, upon unrolling two names where seen on the contract, First Jariya's then Minato Namikaze's name was second. As Cyrus saw his fathers name He realized what animal he would be summoning, frogs. He had seen his father use them but never though he would. Cyrus pricked his finger tips with the kunai, he wrote his name in his own blood then asked Jariya which he would be starting with on the summoning chain. Jariyah answered him with a smile, he showed Cyrus the proper way to summoning. Jariya then placed his own blood on his fingers and slammed it down on the ground, in a small puff of smoke a yellow toad appeared. He told Cyrus he probably wouldn't do it on the first time but would eventually get it. Cyrus's first attempt failed, he was only capable of summoning a tad pole, this frustrated him greatly but he didn't give up on it, on repeated attemps Cyrus started summoning different color tad poles, this indicated that he was getting closer but was still far from mastering it. Hours passed as Cyrus kept trying, from dawn that morning to dusk Cyrus finnaly was capable of summoning the yellow frog Jariyah did. Once he Finnaly did it he nearly passed out, his Chakra had run low and he needed nutrients with his body. Jariyah took Cyrus to a ramen stand inside Konoha square. Cyrus nearly ate for an hour, Jariyah had to remind him that he still wasn't done mastering the summoning technique. Thats when Cyrus thought of going back, but he didn't want to go back the regular way he wanted to go back his fathers way. He pulled out his kunai and through it way above the ramen stand, he teleportedthair in less than a sedond, around town people would repeatedly hear a high cry of joy and then see a yellow blur. "Some woukd ask there neighbor, was that the yellow flash?" Cyrus would only smile as in five minutes he was already back at the training grounds. Kakashi was surprised to see him teleporting so perfectly, he thought "Minato sensei would proud to see him this way" Jariyah came behind slowly. By the time Jariyah got there Cyrus was already working, he had produced the yellow frog like it was nothing but he still couldn't release Gamabunta. Days went by until Jariyah stopped him on his eighth day, he said that this process wouldn't work only one other would work positively. He lead Cyrus to a cliff, but before Cyrus could ask "What are we doing here" he was pushed off of the cliff, yells from above were heard "Summon him now young Uzumaki" Cyrus didn't know what to do, he did the proper ritual and closed his eyes while pushing his hand against the inside of the cliff. Before anyone could even blink, a giant frog the size of a skyscraper appeared. Cyrus look confused at first but then started cheering, he had finnaly succeeded. Gamabunta was surprised that a small kid like him could summon a powerful beast like himself but then Gamabunta saw the boys features and realized only someone like him would be able to do such a thing. Gamabunta jumped out of the inside of the cliff and landed infront of Jariyah. As he landed he disappeared, Cyrus fell off but landed saying I did it. Jariyah didn't smile any but told Cyrus to do it again. Cyrus looked puzzeled but did as ordered, he knew he would have to recreate the same feeling, if not he wouldn't be able to do it. Cyrus pricked his fingers then took in a deep breathe, he closed his eyes and slammed his hand onto the ground, instantly a huge puff of smoke covered the area, as Cyrus opened his eyes he was atop of Gamabunta once more. "Nice job Kid" Said Gamabunta as he shook Cyrus off of him. Gamabunta disappeared and Jariyah gave Cyrus a good pat on the back, then asked him if he wanted to continue. Cyrus said yeah and realized that he only had ten days left of training.

Natural Rasengan Arc: Jariyah pondered on weather or not he should start teaching Cyrus his fathers jutsu. Jariyah placed his hand infront of Cyrus, suddenly a small ball filled with spinning chakra. Jariyah told Cyrus he would be performing that jutsu. He started Cyrus off with a small balloon filled with water, he exsplained to Cyrus that he had to spin his Chakra around the inside of the water balloon only then would he move on to the second part. Cyrus had seen how his father had stayed up countless nights for three years trying to make this Jutsu, he seemed like he should know it already. Hour after hour passed, Cyrus still struggled with making the ballon pop. Suddenly he shot more Chakra than exspected through the balloon and it popped, splattering water everywhere. Cyrus was jumping with joy but knew he needed to control his chakra better if he still needed to complete and master the jutsu. Jariyah had fallen asleep and when Cyrus rung his shirt over Jariyah, dripping water on him. Jariyah was surprised but then gave Cyrus a small rubber ball that was about the same size as Cyrus's palm. Jariya exsplained that now Cyrus wouldn't just be spinning his chakra, he would now be making a sort of Chakra dome over it to stop the Chakra from spilling out. Cyrus's first attempt was a dud and his hand seemed to be burnt. Hour after hour came, and Finnaly the next day rolled over marking that Cyrus only had eight days left. This forced Cyrus to concentrate to the max, It seemed like Cyrus had gone through hours and hours before Jariyah came to him and told him to stop. He pulled out a marker and made a sort of swirl on his hand, Jariyah told Cyrus to focus his chakra there and that would make it easier for him. Cyrus did as instructed, he placed the rubber ball did center of the swirl, as he started focusing his chakra to that swirl the rubber ball seemed to bulge out in all different directions. Suddenly a small pop was heard throughout the area, this indicated that Cyrus had finnaly succeeded in making the rubber ball pop. Once Jariyah heared that low pipping noise he turned to "Ma' and Pa". "Well to compare them both, Ide say this one takes after Minato, and the other takes after his mother." Ma~"So do you think we should just stop him at the Rasengan, or have him continue?" Pa~"I say let him, we probably wont have time to teach him Senjutsu" Jariyah~"Ok but lets just see if he can produce the regular Rasengan first" Jariyah steppd up to Cyrus, he told him he was ready for the next step, heplaced in Cyrus's hands a small blown up balloon. He now told him that he would have to combine what he did in the first steps and make his Chakra much stronger and denser to pop the balloon. Cyrus understood what he had to do and was determined to succeed, Cyrus had to control his Chakra now, spin his Chakra, dome his Chakra with more Chakra, and also make it denser. Each hour passed and Cyrus thought he wasn't ever going to get it, he finnaly stopped at about Midnight, he had told Jariyah that he needed to meditate for a while. During his meditation Ma' and Pa joined him, they had told him that to successfully use the Jutsu he needed to tap into his secret Chakra center. They where talking about nature Chakra, they told Cyrus about where it came from and how to use it, all he needed to do was gather Chakra from nature. It took Cyrus almost four hours until he Finnaly got the concept, "I can feel it, it so warm and its wrapping around me." Was all Cyrus could say. As he got up he tried the balloon again. Ma' and Pa rested on his shoulders and told him to just do as he was doing before. Jariyah whispered in Pa's ears "You do realize this wont be the natural Rasengan, this will become similar but not exact. The way it will spin, well it wont spin at all." Jariyah was confused but had faith in Pa. Pa~" Just watch what the kid does, damn your allways hard headed." Cyrus closed his eyes and drew in what he thought was the natural energy into his hand. In seconds the balloon popped. As Cyrus opened his eyes he saw a white ball that seemed to be giving off a warm heat. Cyrus was jumping up with joy, Jariyah looked confused but happy when he saw Cyrus holding a white ball in his hand. He conjured up his Rasengan and placed his hand next to Cyrus's, in comparison Jariyah's was spinning around rapidly while Cyrus's stood in his hand doing nothing. Jariyah instructed Cyrus to do as he did, Jariyah slammed his Rasengan into a nearby tree, what was left from the tree was a sphere sized chunk missing. Cyrus did exactly as Jariyah, once his hit the tree his hand went flying through it. His "Natural Rasengan" wasn't there anymore but he had one of the greatest felling ever.Jariyah tried to blow it all off but knew that in good time and with alot of training this Uzumaki could become the next Sannin.
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 12:47 am

Final Practice Arc: Two days later Kakashi returned from wherever he went, upon arrival he saw Jariyah resting under a shady tree with a pencil and book in his hand. Jariyah had been writing a novel during the times he had free from training with Cyrus. When Kakashi saw Cyrus, he almost dropped his Icha Icha booklet, within Kakashi's eyes Cyrus had grown not only in appearance but in strength. Kakashi strolled over to Cyrus and asked him to demonstrate everything he learned within twenty-nine days, Cyrus had no objection to it he was actually quiete happy. Cyrus pulled out his fathers kunai, when he asked Kakashi to make some clones Kakashi shook his head and stepped infront of Cyrus. Kakashi wanted to test Cyrus's strengths and wits against his, Kakashi offered for Cyrus to start off. Cyrus sent his kunai flying at Kakashi, instantly he disappeared and reappeared with the kunai in hand. He swung a punch at Kakashi, but sent his kunai aiming down, Kakashi didn't even have time to blink before he was struck in the back by Cyrus. Kakashi stood there mesmerized but he suddenly pulled up his headband and revealed his Sharingon eye. Now was the ultimate test, Kakashi began by throwing his kunai at Cyrus, he thought it as childs play by deflecting it with his fathers kunai. When he saw that Kakashi had gone, he started to panic, but then Ma' and Pa started yelling for him to draw in Nature to sense where he was at. Cyrus drew everything in that he could muster, suddenly he started moving as if the ground was hot, following his jumps hands shot out of the ground trying to grab ahold of Cyrus. Cyrus started to think of what to do when he slipped and his fathers kunai sliced his hand, it suddenly came to him, he placed his blood on his finger tips and slammed his hand on the ground. Instantly a puff of smoke covered the ground, standing on it was a giant Gamabunta. "What you want now" was the first thing he said but when he saw Kakashi he new it was a battle. Under the ground Kakshi had produced shadow clones to use head hunters Jutsu but Gamabunta had destroyed them all, Kakashi seemed surprised that in a month he was able to master to highly difficult techniques. "Come on me against you, I thought it was supposed to be a fair match" Cyrus said "Hey you used clones first" Thats when Gamabunta disappeared and Cyrus came down. Now the fight was truly on Cyrus stood there with his eyes closed he was preparing his newly developed Jutsu, as the Chakra started to swirl up in his hands Kakashi thought he recognized it as Rasengan. As Cyrus started building up natures Chakra, Kakashi started charging his chidori. This was a technique Cyrus had never seen before, when his Rasengan was fully developed he saw Kakashi charging at him. Cyrus for some reason acted on instinct, he threw his kunai past Kakashi and disappeared he reappeared behind Kakashi and then threw it at Kakashi, while he disappeared a bright white light seemed to flash then he appeared thrusting his arm into Kakashi's back. Cyrus fell to the ground a shocking exspression on his face, from the thrust Kakashi went flying back twenty yards. Cyrus fell to his knees he didn't know what he had just done, Kakashi stayed down for a minute or two but when he got up he clutched at his back and gave a smile he walked over to Jariyah and whispered in his ear "I hate you for this" Jariyah just smiled and laughed as he congratulated Cyrus. Cyrus was still in shock but was happy he won the spar.

From Heaven to Hell to Dawn to Dusk Part 2: Four people stepped through the stadium tunnels, the sound of hundreds people cheering filled the area. As the four people made there way down, they all had a shocked exspression on there faces, each had grown over the last month not only in appearance but in strength. As they began greeting each other, one of the village elders had asked them to take there positions at the front of the maze. Just like that four faces went from happy and greeted to determined and vanquished, As the Elder said "GO" all four of the contestants darted into the maze. As Cyrus made his way through, inside it made him feel like all the happiness had drained from the world and there would never be light. Inside the maze stood hundreds of trees that had grown up to at least 50 feet within the air, no sunlight leaked in or noise leaked out. After about ten minutes of running through the maze Cyrus came to a fork in the road. Dead in the center of the path stood a sign it read, "One path leads to what you seek while the other leads to death by riddles, only you can make the right choice." Cyrus read the sign but thought it was only something to waste his time, he chose the left path carefully walking down it. Down the pathetic he went Cyrus activated trip wire, the wire activated kunai that shot out at him like darts, he barely avoided them by using his fathers kunai. Farther and farther into the heart of the maze, Cyrus stumbles upon a squared room, leaving one way in and one way out, as he attempts to go through the exit a huge beast steps infront blocking the path.This beast had the body of a lion and the head of a women, as she spoke a glare arose in her eyes. "One way in an one way out, answer my riddle and you'll be let out, if you cannot then i'll rip you to shreds" Cyrus heard the warning and stood his ground as he awaited the riddle. "I have a mouth but cant speak and a flow with no rhyme, what am I?" Cyrus tried to figure out the riddle but knew he couldn't so he tried to wait it out and see if the sphinx would tire. "My temper is short boy, hurry" says the sphinx as she swipes the air infront of him. Thats when Cyrus finnaly got the answer "Your a river" Says Cyrus with some confidence. The sphinx moves out of the way with her glare full eyes peircing through him. Cyrus rushed forward knowing that he was already at least thirty minutes into the maze. Cyrus kept running until he came upon a lake, with yet another sign it read. "Closer you get yet so far away, Cross the lake you may, but the lake isn't the thing you should fear." As Cyrus read the sign he looked down into the lake and saw nothing but darkness. He wasn't taking any chances at this point, he removed the teleporting kunai from around his neck, as he threw it toward the center of the lake he disappeared and reappeared above the lake holding it. As he began to throw it again, vines from within the trees wrapped around his arms and legs suspending him in the air. As he hung there in the air a sign appeared infront of him it read, "You've made it this far, dont let it go to waste, you will only have one chance do as you must, the closer you get the tighter do we." Cyrus already knew what it meant for him to do, it wanted him to use one Jutsu he only had one chance to perform the maximum twelve hand signs. Cyrus thought of only one jutsu to use, he performed the hand signs, "Ram, Ox," as he began on the last one his hands slipped. This resulted in his hands being thrusted back into its first position, he had failed this task nothing else could he do. Cyrus began to wonder why did he only use his strength, he needed his brain to get him out. As Cyrus hung there his body started to breathe in the Chakra around him. He was using natures Chakra, he started building up his Chakra into his hands, As the Chakra was built up Cyrus slowly moved his hands into the positions again "Ram,Ox,Tiger" "Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu" Cyrus breathed in as much as he could, upon release a jet then a fireball spread throughout the vines, thus releasing Cyrus from there bind. Cyrus fell through the air, but then threw his kunai toward the shore, he disappeared and reappeared on shore. He was now fourty-five minutes within the exams. He rushed down the path when suddenly, a bright light shown through the trees. The sound of cheering and clapping surrounded the area as Cyrus stepped out of the maze, a village Elder came down and shook his hand congratulating him on being the first to come out. Ten minutes later Gekkou appeared out of the maze, he went through the same process as Cyrus. No longer after the girls appeared out of the maze. The Village Elder pulled Cyrus and Gekkou aside telling them that they would be starting there match in ten minutes.
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 12:48 am

From Heaven to Hell to Dawn to Dusk Final Chapter: Four people participated in the "From Heaven to Hell to Dawn to Dusk" Tournament, after only an hour later two remained. As the village Elder called the people to attention two people made there way through the tunnels, a sparring arena had been made in the very center of the arena. The Village Elder announced the next match "Cyrus Uzumaki vs. Gekkou Hayate..... Begin" The two people seemed to just stare at each other for a second when Gekkou made the first move, he ran at Cyrus with his right hand on his 'Crecent Moon Blade' swinging at Cyrus's chest. Cyrus acted on instinct, grabbing his Soul Reaper and blocking Gekkou's attack, Gekkou started moaning abit as his Chakra slowly drained from him. Cyrus threw Gekkou off of him, fipping back into his Strong Fist Stance. Gekkou returned his blade to his sheath and pulled a kunai, "Im not holding back" He says as he rushed at Cyrus. Cyrus stood there until Gekkou got close to him, he then threw his fathers kunai past Gekkou instantly teleporting behind him. Gekkou had no time to react when Cyrus threw a punch to his back, thus making him fly back out of the ring. Gekkou got up frustrated and performed a series of hand signs, "Water Style: Grand Hydrogen Blast", upon finishing the hand signs Gekkou sent out a forceful blast of water that caught Cyrus, blasting him against the outer wall. As Cyrus got up he gripped his fathers kunai, he held out his hand and closed his eyes, Cyrus was gathering the Chakra from nature at this point. Gekkou didn't know what was going, but decided that Cyrus was showing an opening, He ran at Cyrus preparing his "Crecent Moon Dance Jutsu". The raw force and Chakra from nature started to build up in Cyrus's hand, a white orb stood within his hand, right when Gekkou was about to slash Cyrus thrusted his arm into the chest of Gekkou. Silence was heard throughout the arena as Gekkou went flying back across it, Cyrus stood there with his hand still outstretched. He knew at this point that the battle was over and Gekkou would be needing assistance, the crowd grew wild as the village Elder announced that Cyrus had one. The elders came down congratulating Cyrus and handing him his brand ne Jounin Jacket, Cyrus vowed that now that he was a Jounin he would protect the Konoha with his life.

Jounin Arc.: Two years passed since that honored day when Cyrus completed his exams to become a Jounin. Since that day Cyrus has been living his life as a Jounin, He began following in the footsteps of Kakashi by taking on the challenge of having a team of Genin. His team like most others consisted of the simple three Genin, within the group was the one kid that thought and acted as if he was the strongest of the three. During Cyrus's time with his young team he taught them on honing in on there skills and not only focusing on there strengths but also working on there brains aswell. When the Chunnin Exams rolled around Cyrus had to say good by of all his action and excitement of being a Ninja. That same day though the Hokagefound Cyrus and told him that he had a one man S-Ranked mission for him, Cyrus quickly said yes and got his scroll. As he went over the mission he thought it was a prank but the Hokage said "No it's not" his mission was to find an old man that went by the name of "Sage" and follow any instructions that he had for Cyrus, the man was supposedly hiding in Kumo. Twelve days it took for the young Uzumaki to reach Kumogakure, Cyrus walks around Kumo trying to act non-suspicious. During this time Cyrus stopped in a local restaurant to his surprise a man called out his name. As Cyrus walked over to him the man invited him to sit down, Cyrus asked the man if he was the man named "Sage" the man sat there and laughed saying yes repeatedly. Then the man got serious and told Cyrus to send his summoning animal back with the letter that he held. Cyrus was confused at first but conjured up one of his frogs, the frog took the letter and rushed out of the place. "Sage" started to exsplain to Cyrus that the Hokage had sent Cyrus to him for training, this training would be specific on working with his new element.

New Element Training Arc.: The very next day Cyrus followed 'Sage' up to the highest mountain within Kumogakure, there lightning struck down from the heavens. Sage seemed almost happy that the lightning was only afew yards away from where he was, on the other hand Cyrus was ducking every time the lightning had struck. Sage told Cyrus that to start there training Cyrus would be channeling electricity within his body, he said that Cyrus would act as a lightning rod. The electricity would go through one end and out the other. Sage stood up at the edge of the cliff and held his hand out in the tiger hand sign, no later than a minute passed before Sage was struck, Cyrus thought the old man would have died but when sage manuvered his body, the lightning shot out of the end of his other hand. After the demonstration Sage told Cyrus he would be working with electricty not lightning just yet. As Cyrus mimicked 'Sages' stance, sage shot a bolt of electricty at Cyrus. The first time Cyrus tried channeling it through his body, he ended up shocking himself. Over the next three months Cyrus Finnaly got through channeling the electricty, now he would be using his Chakra to conduct his own electricty. Sage showed him a basic "Raiton" jutsu. Cyrus's first attempt was a complete dud, as he tried it sparks shot out of his hand. He felt hugely humiliated but Sage told him that it was different than when he used fire, lightning was something that could be controlled unlike fire. Over his life time Cyrus learned that when people spoke from the heart they where basically telling you how or what to do somethin the right way. Day after day Cyrus attempted his new element and day after day Cyrus got better at it, by the fourtj month Cyrus was producing up to "B" ranked Jutsu in lightning. Cyrus thought that his training was going to be over now that he could use the lightning element but Sage told him that he had another year and six months. Sage also told him that he still had to complete his lightning training. Cyrus only had one part of the training left, that was to Finnaly channel abolt of Lightning through his body and send it shooting back to the heavens. As Cyrus prepared for the lightning bolt, Sage was seen shooting fireballs into the clouds, he was warming up the atmosphere so that more lightning would be struck down. Cyrus stood at the same edge as 'Sage' did, As Cyrus got into the same formation as Sage. Lightning struck him immediatly, acting strictly on instinct Cyrus channeled it then shot it out of his other hand. Sage stood there clapping and told him that he needed to prepare for the next part of his training.
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 12:50 am

Combination of the Two Arc.: Cyrus widely confused about what Sage meant by prepare to finish your training. He thought that the last six months was his trsining, but that was only a small part of the training. Sage revealed to Cyrus that his next training involved combining his new elements fire and lightning to create the element 'Plasma'. Cyrus was sceptical at first because he had heard before that Plasma was one of the most unstable elements there where, butin the end he decided why not get another step farther in power. Sage was happy that Cyrus wanted to learn, his first task was to hold plasma on his hands for a week straight. Cyrus thought Sage was kidding, plasma was a mixture of fire and lightning meaning that once it touches you its going to burn and shock the hell out of you, Sage had no smile on his face. He sent Chakra surging through his hands then squished his hands together, as he opened them a purple liquid goo stood in his hand. His hands didn't seemed burned at all, when Cyrus held out his hands and the plasma rolled onto his hands he nearly let out a scream. Sage told him to send his Chakra throguh the plasma and the burning and shocking would stop, Cyrus wanted to choke him because he couldn't even feel his hands but he knew to respect his elders. Day after day rolled by, Cyrus didn't want to go to sleep in fear of the plasma dropping on him. He didn't want to put it down, or he would think Sage would have thought of him as a failure. At the end of the one week period, Sage finnaly told Cyrus to place the plasma down. The outcome was that his hands where burnt all over and whenever he moved them electrical currents would run up his arms. "Now that you know what it feels like, lets make some of our own." Said Sage as he brought some ointment and handed it to Cyrus. As Cyrus rubbed the ointment on his hands immediatly the effects seemed to change and Cyrus's hands seemed to be cured. Cyrus was impressed and was ready to start combining his elements, Sage broke it down into some easy steps. First Cyrus had to build up fire Chakra in his left hand and Lightning Chakra in his right. He then would place his hands together and send a steady flow of Chakra through them. Then upon release he would shoot his Chakra through his hands quickly and from there the plasma would be formed. Cyrus heard all of the instructions and memorized them, his first attempt seemed to work out very wrong. When he opened husband hands smike came out, this was a clear example of his chakra being unbalanced and it favoring the fire. Of the next month Cyrus stayed up to all times in the night trying to perfect his Combination. Day after day and month after month passed, this just seemed like one of the only things Cyrus couldn't master. Thats when Sage gave him a little hint, he needed to try building up both of his chakras in one hand and cover it with his free hand. Cyrus worked on this method for another month when he Finnaly got it, he had produced a big blob of purple plasma. Sage congratulated him and told him that the real fun was about to begin. Cyrus was to now start learning different Ninjutsu with his plasma, he was told that plasma was a very flexible element and could be used to do almost anything. Over the next course of two months Cyrus had learned pretty much all that was needed to know about the plasma element. For completing Sage's training Sage took Cyrus out for dinner, thats when Cyrus asked Sage why he had put him through this training. Sage replied "Because the Hokage was preparing a new Sannin" Cyrus looked confused and awstruck when Sage said that. All through that night Cyrus and Sage didn't speak of him becoming Sannin, they talked about there futures and arranged that the next morning they would return to Konoha first thing in the morning.

Returning of a New Power Arc.: The last twelve days that Sage and Cyrus had together expressed alot about Cyrus. Upon arrival to the Konoha gates Sage and Cyrus said there good bys, when Cyrus asked if they would see each other again sage gave a weak smile and started walking in the other direction. When Cyrus got through the gates of Konoha a crowd greeted him in, the Hokage was on his look out tower that was above the crowd, he gestured for Cyrus to come up there. Cyrus was all to happy, he teleported up there in less than a second. The Hokage told cyrus to give him his Jounin jacket, he then handed cyrus his orange and black robes, this indicated that he was now the Sannin of Konoha. This was both an honor to Cyrus and to what he represented, Cyrus vowed to protect Konoha with all his power.

Sannin Arc.: -Nothing Has Happened Yet-
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 1:03 am


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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 1:05 am


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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeMon 08 Jun 2009, 1:06 am

Approved go have fun brother
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug 2009, 11:53 am

Not Approved
Other Uzumaki's aren't allowed because Naruto isn't married and IS currently the only Uzumaki. Even on this site.
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PostSubject: Re: Cyrus Uzumaki   Cyrus Uzumaki Icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug 2009, 5:56 pm

unapproved, LOCKED this is Legend trying to break the rule of only 1 rp character allowed
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