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 Town Square

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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeThu 09 Jul 2009, 4:02 pm

Gin was waiting for somone but Gin wasn't sure who. "I wonder who this Bo bo is?" asked Gin while looking for a bench to sit on. "this better be worth it... " Gin's stomach started to growl. Gin the Screamed out "BO BO WHO EVER YOU ARE COME OUT RIGHT NOW!!!!". Everyone stared at Gin like he was a crazy man. Gin then breathe in and out hard.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeThu 09 Jul 2009, 4:11 pm

Bo-Bo heard a scream in the distance and the only thing he could thing of was, Gin. Tenderizing a piece of meat in his small hut of a restaurant, each pound making it oh so silky and delicious. He threw down his chef hat, dropped his meat tenderizer, grabbed a brown bag, and said to an old woman, which was his mother, to take over the shop for a few minutes. He rushed out the door of the hut and tried and followed the sound of Gin's voice. Bo-bo pushed through the crowd on the streets of a typical busy day in the Leaf Village. Spotting gin, he comes up to him, wide smile on his face, and gives him a firm hug with his left arm - considering his right was holding the bag. Bo-Bo spoke with a powerful yet cheerful voice, "Gin! Long time no see! How have you been old friend?"
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeThu 09 Jul 2009, 4:45 pm

Gin noticed a man running Towards him.Im guessing that is Bo Bo thought to himself. Gin then got a good look at Bo Bo.As he hugged Bo Bo back Hey old friend. Hey wait your old man Bo... Why do they call you Bo Bo?. asked Gin with a grin on his face.Never mind that So what are you doing for living now? asked Gin scratching his head . Gin looked around as he noticed that Bo Bo was holding. What is that as his stomach started to growl. I'm hungry want to go get something to eat.You could update me on what happening in your like and don't worry i know a good place to eat Its on me.. He then thought closely as he seen Bo Bo running to him from the Hut. I think ....Wait a minute are you a chef? asked Gin looking at Bo Bo chef clothes...Gin then smiled as he patted Bo Bo on the back..At least your doing something with your life being a ninja is hard work and the pay is sooooo bad said Gin laughing cheerfully .
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeThu 09 Jul 2009, 4:59 pm

Bo-Bo was delighted to see his old friend again. He snickered and laughed in the inside when he heard Gin wanting to get something to eat, and that it was on him. After Gin made his joke, Bo-Bo let out a low laugh - filled with delight. "Oh boy Gin... Your a card... You otta' be dealt with!" Bo-Bo said, laughing even harder. He opened his brown bag and pulled out a small soup container. It was ramen. Not ordinary ramen. The Daunori Family Recipe. Best ramen in the village. He handed it to Gin, along with a pair of chopsticks and simply said, "Enjoy good friend!"
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeFri 10 Jul 2009, 12:43 am

Gin started to laugh as he seen his old friend.Gin smiled at Bo Bo's remark. "I guess i am but to bad my dad died...I'm sure you heard" said Gin look at his shoes and some tears rolling down his cheek. Gin the took the bowl of noodles and smile "Thank you old friend you really helped me" said Gin smiling and scratching his head. Gin started to eat the noodles. He sucked the soup down he then took the bowl out of his face and he scratched his head saying "I was really hungry .But thanks to that delisous bull of noodles i am not full." said Gin scratching his head and telling Bo bo. "Let me help you by helping you make the food for your restaurant." said Gin
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeFri 10 Jul 2009, 8:27 pm

Bo-Bo was in shock. He had never seen Gin cry before. Sure he heard his father died, yet he never saw Gin's expression or reaction to so. He was hard at cheering people up that were the same gender as he was. The only thing he could really say, after he commented, was, "You would make a great cook." The comment rolled out of Bo-Bo's mouth with ease and reassurance; And with that, Bo-bo and Gin were off, back to the hut.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSat 11 Jul 2009, 3:45 am

Gin listened to Bo-Bo comment. Bo Bo you're not so bad you self replied Gin smiling and letting off a little laugh as his eyes seemed joyful. Gin was not the kind of person who show his emotions. Bo-Bo is the only one Gin can show his emotions to because Bo-Bo is a good friend of his. Gin then stopped Bo-Bo and said to Bo-Bo Before we go i have to ask you a important question... Said Gin looking down at his shoes. I..i..i..i..i need your help with somthing said Gin showing no emotion what so ever.. Will you teach me to cook? like you? said Gin kicking the rock ground frowning. Im the worst cook in the world. said Gin. I just said that to seem nice said Gin while scratching the back of his head and closing his eyes. Gin's laugh was really weird...I need that art of cooking so if i ever get lost on a mission i will know what to eat and make stated Gin
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSat 11 Jul 2009, 10:27 am

Bo-Bo stopped and listened to Gin's comments. After he was done Bo-Bo thought deeply, he had never trained anyone before, he had the skills and tools necessary, yet, he had never trained someone in culinary arts. This was his time. He looked Gin in the eyes and patted his right shoulder with his right hand and said with a blissful tone, "Gin... Old Friend... I'm going to make you the best cook around!"
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 1:43 am

Gin smiled when Bo-Bo agreed to help Gin cook. You better have alot of supplies i mess up alot said Gin with a big smile and his face while releasing a little laugh.Lets go? asked Gin while walking towards the hut with a big grin on his face
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 2:00 am

Bo-Bo watched the trainee run off to the hut. He watched him excitedly prepare for a great task, or series of tasks. He rubbed the back of his head, and smiled, what seemed, nervously. But, he was ready to teach a good friend some good lessons.

He entered the hut with Gin and lead him back to the kitchen area. Considering it was a busy day, they decided to go out back, after Bo-Bo got some supplies. He was carrying a jug of water, spices, noodles and large piece of beef. Gin was going to learn how to make some simple beef ramen. Bo-Bo thought this would be good training due to the fact he could teach Gin how to work with meat and noodles/soup - Kill two birds with one stone. He handed Gin the large amount of supplies and slowly, but surely, summoned a table made of rock with a small crater at the far end of it.


He quickly snagged back the supplies and spread them out on the table, looked Gin dead in the eyes, and said, "You ready?" The voice was slightly tired yet confident, as though they were about to engage in the last of many harsh battles.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 2:06 am

Gin entered . Gin watched Bo Bo summon a table of stone. I am ready said Gin showing no emotion. Gin eyes were half open. Gin then rubbed his 2 hands together and he then cracked his neck. Lets get this cooking started shall we? When Gin said that his eyes were closed and he was tired as hell. So what do we do now Old man Bo Bo When Gin said that statement his eyes began to open as he smiled a little bit.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 2:21 am

"Well first we..." Bo-Bo said impishly as he opened the top of the jug of water. "Wake Up!" He sprayed himself, along with Gin, with the ice-cold water, shocking their senses and fully awakening them. Bo-Bo let out a deep and powerful laugh as he grabbed another jug of water and a big pot. He filled the pot about 3/4s of the way with water and laid it above the small crater. He took out some small twigs and fitted them beneath the indent. He snapped his fingers and a small flame ejected and lit the small patch of tinder. The flame was small but hot, comparing to that of a range's. Bo-Bo observed the small fire and pot, as though he found some sense of beauty to it. He looked back at Gin and said, with an informational tone, "Usually this would be easier, because a common range would provide the flame... But you get my point here..." He withdrew multiple cloves of garlic, some spices, and multiple vegetables. Gin spotted them out and could tell they were going to be used for the broth, and they were.

Last edited by Bo-Bo the Chef on Sun 12 Jul 2009, 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 9:39 am

Xarias, the ruler of the forsaken landed out front. It left a small crater from the impact, but not too large. Her wings drooped down behind her back as she slammed on the broken grounds covered with a light amount of blood from possible recent feastings of her demonic creatures. She walked into the said, small restaurant and looked around. Impressive, it was. Despite the death, destruction, and bleak amount of chaos in the outer world; Bo-Bo had managed to fix the place up and make it look shifty and nice. Xarias looked at Gin, and then looked at Bo-Bo. "Hello, Bo-Bo." Then she looked at Gin once more. "Hello, one whom I do not know quite yet." Her voice was emotionless. Dull. Yet, explicitly beautiful for some reason. She walked into the back, and was surprised at the amount of yelling.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 8:41 pm

Bo-Bo was surprised at the arrival of Xarias. He turned to her and opened his arms, letting Gin stir the broth. He walked up to Xarias, content as ever, hugged her and kissed her cheek as though he hadn't seen her in ages. "Xaria's! Darling! How have you been?" Bo-Bo said smiling. He walked back over to the broth and said to Gin a low tone, yet still keeping an ear out for Xarias's response, "Remember, you want to spread the flavor through the water..." He signaled Gin to stir from the outside of the pot in a spiraling motion to the middle of the pot, and out again. He turned back to Xarias apologizing with his eyes.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 9:12 pm

Xarias hugged and kissed him back. He was certainly happy. "Why are you so happy, Bomen?" She asks, laughing lightly; bringing up an air seating, and sitting down on it.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 9:28 pm

Bo-Bo lightened up his smile, so as to not freak Xarias out with over happiness. He met her eyes and said with a grin, "You know those days where you just wake up and say to yourself, 'It's going to be a good day!", today was one of those days. I met two great friends I haven't seen in a long time, one of which I'm teaching for the first time... Oh, by the way, I have something for you." Bo-Bo ran into his hut and scavenged around for something. He came back out quickly with a bowl of what looked like a thick stew. It was curry, the Daunori Spicy Peanut Curry. He opened the top below Xarias's nose and an abundance of flavor and heat resonated through her senses. He handed her a bamboo spoon and a bowl of rice, and allowed her to dig in. Bo-Bo stepped back and smiled at her, awaiting her reaction.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 12 Jul 2009, 11:24 pm

kamoku ran down the street, his akatsuki robe in his pack, his metal box tied to his waist and his akatsuki ring coverd by heavy white gloves. he was decked out as a forgeiner from overseas. kamoku panted heavily, his skinny form underneath the veil not taking the exercise lightly, having no fat on his body nor muscle to power it. kamoku stopped in front of xarias and collapsed, falling straight on his back. "your... *pant pant* a hard chick ..*pant* to follow...." he gasped, trying to reach someting in his metal box.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jul 2009, 12:48 am

Bo-Bo was absolutely surprised about the number of customers coming to him personally. He saw the man collapsed and recognized him as the one and only Kamoku Willow, Xarias's good friend. Bo-Bo ran back into his hut and came out several minutes later with an ice tea. He handed it to Kamoku and said, "Drink up. The tea leaves and special syrup rejuvenate the body and aid in 'curing' exhaustion, an adrenaline shot if you will."
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jul 2009, 12:56 am

kamoku shook his head. "im fine. i dont drink tea." kamoku mumbled. getting up. since he was safe with these two, he changed back to his scrawny form. he hadnt eaten a human for months and was itching to get one of those vendors down the street...but he had t concentrate. "...but if you have raw liver i would pay kindly." kamoku mumbled again, giving xarias a package from his metal box. " these are the medcines for reiki, in 6 months (one month from now) her illness will hit its peak and you have to supply this for her 5 times a day.after that she will be able to see small shapes and forms. i couldnt get the eyes out so she will have the ability to see both sides of the world." his eyes wanderd to a kid playing ball. yes, it looked jucy and well built. not a fully developed muscle in him. just the way he liked it...kamoku was now drooling slightly at the sight of the kid.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jul 2009, 1:24 am

Gin took a good look at kamoku and Xarias and asked Bo Bo Who are those people Bo Bo? Gin heard how kamoku wanted a liver. He killed a cow and pulled out the liver and threw it at kamoku There you go do you want any thing else ? asked Gin. Gin then smiled O sorry how rude of me said Gin with a grin on his face and slightly letting out a little laugh as he turned to Kamoku and Xarias I am Gin introduced Gin as he went back into the hut and sitting on a chair and putting his feet on the stove that was not turned on he put a hat on covering his eyes. Gin started to snore.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeSun 19 Jul 2009, 11:28 pm

kamoku caught the liver and munched on it. the blood pouring onto the ground with a sickening splatter. he raised his bloodstained head from the meat for a second and pulled out a bag of something heavy. he handed it to bobo and continued eating. when bobo opend the sack, he saw it was filled with gold bars.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jul 2009, 1:18 am

Bo-Bo's heart almost stopped when he eyed the great golden bars. He dropped the bag as soon as he eyed their shiny, glossy-like feature along with the rejected tea. His eyes grew wide and wanted nothing more to do than to serve such a wealthy customer. He wasn't sure what it was for yet, so he said in a strict tone, desperately holding back his excitement, "What are these for? What would you have me do?" He eyed him dead in the eyes when he realized he had to get back to teaching Gin. He turned back to the table quickly and lowered the flame with a simple hand-seal. He distributed the same amount of salt and pepper throughout the broth. Handing it back to Gin, he slapped him, playfully, in the side of the head and said, "No killing our cows! We need those for the business! And remember, keep an eye on this broth, we'll be adding the ramen noodles soon." He turned back to Kamoku awaiting his answer.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jul 2009, 1:23 am

kamoku smiled. " just having the liver was a waste of a good cow. im prepared to pay for the rest of it." he said, wiping his bloody mouth. " i have a brother in law who is in need of your meat expertise also, i can only make gold and soft jewels for payment. but for your tender meats he would pay in large dimonds. both to help your shop so you can be a joint-stock companion. i have no such ambitions though. i was just suposed to send you that message and the gold was for the cow." kamoku laughed, switching to his grey haired teen form.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jul 2009, 1:41 am

"Well then... You stay here..." Bo-Bo said, ready to please a very wealthy customer. He hurried into his meat locker with a few, large plastic zip-lock bags, a meat tenderizer, spices, and a various amount of sauces. A few minutes went by and Bo-Bo came out with six huge flank steaks marinating in a wonderful, what looked like, soy sauce. He put them in a large leather bag, tied it up, and handed it to Kamoku. "Let those stay in that insulated bag. The warmth will let the stake soak up the sauce, giving you an amazingly delicious and raw steak! Enjoy!" Bo-Bo went to shake Kamoku's hand when he slipped him a very small vial that seemed liked it could only fit five teardrops. It was true. Bo-Bo seemed nervous when handing him the vial, shivered, and stepped back - awaiting his reward.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitimeTue 21 Jul 2009, 1:52 am

kamoku tased the delicouse meal. actually eating the plastic bags along with it. "hm.... very delicouse... im more of a would you like it if i turn your shop into a 5 star resturaunt? with you as the owner and head chef." kamoku said, sitting on the gound, retracting his claws and shaking them slighlty. sweat grew on his face as a white light apeard between them. growing. suddenly a large boom apeard and kam was sent flying on his back, but a dimond the size of bobo's butcher knife was on his chest.
kamoku laughed silently and looked up at bobo. "eh....please get this off me....its cracking my ribs...." he mumbled.
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Town Square Empty
PostSubject: Re: Town Square   Town Square Icon_minitime

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