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 Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))

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Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Empty
PostSubject: Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))   Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 8:47 pm

General Information:
Name: Talis, Horus


Weight: 140 lbs.

Height: 5' 8"

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Horus is a very dark person. His skin is extremely pale, almost white, and his hair is pitch black. His eyes, like all members of his clan, are golden in color. He enjoys wearing dark clothing, though this is very illogical for his home. On his bare chest he bares a lightning-bolt. It is pitch black, and streaks from his right shoulder to his bottom left rib. Along his body there are other, various, tattoos that he has collected. They are mainly black in color, and morbid. However, he doesn't go over-the-top with them. They are usually in places he hides well, not very large, and small in number. He generally wears a black button-down shirt, and black jeans, topping it off with a black trench coat that has a collar so high it practically covers his head. On his feet he enjoys wearing black, steel-toed, combat boots.

Personality: Sarcasm, it beats killing people. Horus was once a kind, gentle, and loving person. He soon grew out of that. He became sarcastic, cold, unloving, and vicious. While he does remain loyal to the Sand and its inhabitants, he would never show it to anyone else. He would give his life for anyone in the village, but if they weren't in trouble they'd hardly get a passing glance from him. Horus almost always has a sarcastic remark, or a bored expression that implies that he has stopped paying attention to the person he was talking to; which he probably had. He has a short attention span when it comes to conversations, and an even shorter one when the conversation is idle of the person is stupid. Having little patience for those beneath his intelligence, Horus will often strike out at them or just declare them hopeless and leave them. If someone is deemed unworthy of his presence, they might as well be dead in his eyes. He can hold a grudge with the best of them, and has a very difficult time trusting people. A cynic to the core, he does not believe in any concept or person unless given proof that will convince him to. He has lost all hope for humankind, and voices this often. As a result, he does not do well in relationships. However, he is also very intelligent and charismatic. He knows what to say and when to say it to swoon a girl or guy, and so he is often in relationships. These relationships just happen to last a month at maximum. When they are done Horus doesn't dwell on the past, he moves on to the next one without giving past relationships a second thought. He is very guarded and chooses not to get close to people to protect himself from getting hurt.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Talis

Kekei Genkai: The Talis clan ability is a complicated form of lightning manipulation, the ability manifests it’s self in 4 stages ((I’ll most likely add more clan jutsu later, I cut down the number to sppeed up my app.))

Stage 1

How to achieve: nothing, is born into, is mainly seen to manifest in the wielders early years.

Abilities in this stage; The user can generate lightning from there charka without the use of hand signs. The draw back to this ability is the fact that they must discharge the lightning into an external location or risk serve burning as the users body is unable to contain it the energy with out the use of an external jutsu.
The user may also change small amounts of lightning in to chakra.

Appearance changes: the only change in appearance in this stage is that the user now has permanently golden eyes.

Jutsu learnable in this stage

Name: Storm raid
Rank: C
Element: Lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user charges 2 reserves of chakra into lightning and merges them in a powerful static explosion, if a person is hit head on by this tech, they will have 1 post paralysis of 1 limb

Name: Raiden
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user unleashes a bolt of lightning from there body, that spirals in a upwards fashion and sends four powerful spinning tendrils out of each of the users four sides, the blot will remain over the users body for 3 posts.

Stage 2

How to achieve: The user, in stage one must train with in a storm allowing their selves to be hit my lighting multiple times, many died during the process due to the inability to contain their power.

Appearance chance, the users hair color will now most likely be a dark color, if wasn’t already, some believe it’s due to the training required to achieve this form .

Abilities in this stage: The user is able to contain lightning with their bodies to the point in which any type of lightning is attracted to it and if the lightning with in their bodies remains at a controllable amount, is able to redirect it however they wish. The user is unable to control the amount of energy that comes on to their body at any one time and may end up burning themselves if they are unable to keep the lightning at a controllable level. The lightning may also be absorbed into charka, the users power increases by a large amount during a storm, but so does the danger.

Jutsu learnable in this stage

Name: Tremor bolt
Rank: B
Element: lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user absorbs an external source of lightning and transfers into the ground, until the point in which a literal earth quake of lightning is being unleashed around everyone. The justu may be used to electrocute someone far away.

Stage 3
How to achieve: one must absorb an extreme amount pf lightning and meditate during the process, eventually forcing the lightning to subside, giving them control.

Appearance changes; along with the previous changes, the Talis member now, gains a lightning like make on their chest.

Abilities in this stage: the user has now the ability to absorb an extreme amount of lightning and has almost telepathic control over it, but due to the large amount of lightning their body constantly generates, they must discharge some lightning every 3 posts in a dangerous explosion, that could hurt those they are around and even themselves if they are not careful. In this stage the user is considered a master of lightning base jutsu and can easily change their chakra into lightning and Vice versa, but face a dangerous draw back.

Name: Raijin
Rank: A
Element: lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user unleash a small ball of lightning that disperses and appears in the form of 3 clones of the user, when the clone is destroyed it explodes in a small lightning storm around the user.

Stage 4
How to achieve: The user must train, with another member of clan (whether it be in a dream like world in the real shinobi world) and learn the wrath of Susanoo jutsu.

Appearance changes: along with the previous changes the user now gains two red diagonal strips along their cheeks, a side effects from their clans ultimate jutsu .

Abilities in this stage: The user has now has gained full control over their ability to control lightning, though the user must still discharge their extra lightning every five post, but now it’s in a much small refined form about the size of a tennis ball. If they fail to allow the discharge to occur the user will suffer from serve internal burning. Due to the extreme amount of lightning the user produces they have ability to summon small lightning storms (no rain snow, hail etc.) that last about 2 post, but also due to the constant amount of lightning the users body is generating they run the constant risk of quickly running out of chakra if they are not careful.

Name: Wrath of Susanoo
Rank: S
Element: lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user charges up their chakra for one post, after this they unleash it into the sky in the form of lightning. The said lightning triggers a storm which after raging for one posts, two large swords made of lightning physically emerge from the clouds with equally as large hands made from lightning holding them. The swords last for 3 posts, they can launch powerful balls of lightning, swing that there opponents, and if charge for the whole there posts, a demonic face appears along with the swords which unleashes a large blot of lightning from it’s the mouth the lightning is to great to be absorbed into the ground so it travels for a small distance. This jutsu can only be used once per battle.

Clan Symbol: (none at the moment)

Clan History: The is an ancient clan created to protect the jutsu of the storm god, some scholars believe in originated Sunagakure while other argue that it was founded in Kumogakure due to it’s common association with lightning, but either way here’s how the story goes:

There was once a young ninja, who spent years learning the secret of the lightning release, this process was a long and painful one that involved the ninja allowing himself to hit by lightning and such, but after all the training and pain it had happened. The ninja had learned the jutsu of the storm god, the truth behind this jutsu was known only to him, and one since him has learned the true secret. As the discovery of the jutsu became known a small number of ninja vowed to protect the jutsu and it’s secrets and these people soon where around the jutsu’s user a lot , after a while they seemed to absorb some of the Justus key features, giving birth to the Talis clan.

The clan continued to protect the jutsu for ages, until once in a great battle a member used the jutsu he had sworn to protect, and with the release, all the clans powers and the jutsu faded away. After this event the members of the clan scattered into different villages. The power had seemed lost but one man would not give up he repeated the process that his ancestors went through and after decades he had used the jutsu once again. Though the power was recovered the man paid a price with his life, but soon the power began to appear in the clans scattered descendants all over the world.

Rank Information:
Rank: Jounin

Village: Sunagakure no Sato

Skill Information:
Skill Specialty: Main: Ninjutsu Sub: Fuuinjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Main: Raiton Sub: Doton

Special Characteristics: KKG


History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story: (Put your character's history here. Please put them in Arcs like academ arc, genin arc, etc)

Rp Sample: (Give us a sample of how you RP)

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Wed 26 Aug 2009, 10:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))   Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 9:16 pm

Ayatsuito no Jutsu - String Reeling Technique
Rank: E
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Ayatsuito no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing wire. This string can be used in rappelling, or as a method to tie down and restrict the movement of an opponent.

Bikou Ninjutsu - Shadowing Stealth Technique
Rank: E
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Bikou Ninjutsu is the technique ninjas use to follow their targets covertly. The manner in which the ninja shadows their target can differ, from the basic hiding under a nearby object, to using a jutsu to turn oneself invisible.

Bunshin no Jutsu - Clone Technique
Rank: E
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse.

Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique
Rank: E
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents.

Kakuremino no Jutsu - Magic Cloak of Invisibility Technique
Rank: E
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Kakuremino no Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja uses a camouflage cloth to cloak themselves in the background.

Kawarimi no Jutsu - Change of Body Stance Technique
Rank: E
Range: -
Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.

Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill
Rank: E
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Nawanuke no Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to escape from rope binds.


Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu - Haze Clone Technique
Rank: D
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Oboro Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by Horus. Oboro Bunshin is a normal Bunshin technique that created approximately a hundred clones of himself. When the clones are attacked they will take on an oil-like appearance before reforming.

Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu - Double Suicide Decapitation Technique
Rank: D
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Doton • Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will travel through the ground to appear below their target. They will then surprise their target by then pulling them into the ground. Once in the ground their target is thus immobilized.

Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique
Rank: D
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.

Name: Storm raid
Rank: C
Element: Lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user charges 2 reserves of chakra into lightning and merges them in a powerful static explosion, if a person is hit head on by this tech, they will have 1 post paralysis of 1 limb.

Shikoku Fuuin - Finger Engraving Seal
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Supplementary
Shikoku Fuuin is a Fuuinjutsu technique used by Horus. By forming the needed sealing chakra on his finger, he can engrave a message into an object.

Dochuu Eigyo - Underground Fish Projection
Rank: C
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Doton • Dochuu Eigyo is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. Using the Oboro Bunshin, the ninja use the clones to confuse their enemies and then hide within the earth. From the shadows of the clones, the actual ninja can then attack their target.

Dochuu Senkou - Underground Submarine Voyage
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Doton • Dochuu Senkou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After forming the needed hand seals, Horus can sink below ground and quickly travel through the earth.

Doro Gaeshi - Mud Overturn
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Defense
Doton • Doro Gaeshi is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with their hands, a large wall of earth will rise into place as defense. The defense is not perfect though, a hard or drilling impact can puncture the wall.

Doryuu Taiga - Earth Flow River
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack, Defense
Doton • Doryuu Taiga is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and transform the ground upon which the enemy stands into a river of mud.

Doryuudan - Earth Dragon Projectile
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack
Doton • Doryuudan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and create a dragon from the river of mud made after using the Doryuu Taiga technique. This dragon will then spew mud projectiles from its mouth.

Fuubaku Houjin - Exploding Seal Method Formation
Rank: C
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Fuubaku Houjin is a Ninjutsu technique used by Iruka. Arranging the seals in a square formation, Iruka will draw his target within the array. He can then form handseals to activate the tags and prep them for explosion.

Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Summoning Technique
Rank: C
Range: -
Type: Attack, Defense, Supplementary
A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal species, which allows him to summon different size and skill levels of creature.

Name: Raiden
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user unleashes a bolt of lightning from there body, that spirals in a upwards fashion and sends four powerful spinning tendrils out of each of the users four sides, the blot will remain over the users body for 3 posts.

Name: Tremor bolt
Rank: B
Element: lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user absorbs an external source of lightning and transfers into the ground, until the point in which a literal earth quake of lightning is being unleashed around everyone. The justu may be used to electrocute someone far away.

Fuuka Houin - Fire Sealing Method
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Fuuka Houin is a Fuuinjutsu technique that allows the ninja to seal away a nearby fire. After unrolling a scroll to hold the fire, the ninja writes the needed sealing incantation onto the scroll. Then by forming the needed handseals, a vapor will emanate from the scroll to encompass the fire and take it back to the scroll for sealing.

Doryuu Heki - Earth Style Wall
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m)
Type: Defense
Doton • Doryuu Heki is a defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals and then spew a line of mud onto the ground. The mud will then grow into a large mud wall to help defend against incoming attack.

Doryuu Katsu - Earth Style Split
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Doton • Doryuu Katsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will do the necessary hand seals, then place their hand to the ground. This will cause the earth to rise up and split apart. Once the ninja removes their hand from the ground, the earth parting will end.

Raiton Kiba - Lightning Style Wolf
Rank: B
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m)
Type: Attack
This unnamed Ninjutsu technique utilizes the Lightning Element. After creating Raiton in his hand, the user will send out a wolf made of lightning to attack his target. Lightning will run from the user's hand to the wolf itself, limiting its range.

Kekkai Houjin - Barrier Method Battle Array
Rank: B
Range: -
Type: Attack
Kekkai Houjin is a high-level Ninjutsu trap technique. An array of explosive markers are jointly placed around the boundary of an area. If any opponent walks through the boundary, the seals will activate and explode.

Name: Raijin
Rank: A
Element: lightning
Clan: Talis
Description: The user unleash a small ball of lightning that disperses and appears in the form of 3 clones of the user, when the clone is destroyed it explodes in a small lightning storm around the user.

Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - Lightning Element Shadow Clone Technique
Rank: A
Range: -
Type: Supplementary
Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes lightning to create a Kage Bunshin clone. Because it is a Kage Bunshin, the Raiton version shares the ability to interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Raiton Kage Bunshin is injured, the clone will revert into its natural lightning state. Like in other Lightning Element attacks, should the target come into contact with the electricity, they will be momentarily stunned.

Yomi Numa - Swamp of the Underworld
Rank: A
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack
Doton • Yomi Numa is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Sannin Jiraiya utilizing the Earth element. After forming the needed handseals, a vast swamp can appear beneath his target to sink and kill it.


Shichuu Shibari - Four Pillar Binding
Rank: S
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m), Mid (5m ~ 10m), Far (10m+)
Type: Attack, Supplementary
Raiton • Shichuu Shibari is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Lightning Element. To utilize this technique, the ninja will form the needed hand seal. Four large earthen pillars will rise to surround the target summon or group of shinobi. Lightning will then be unleashed to stun the target.
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Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))   Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 9:22 pm


Rank: A
Looks: These fans are two metal fans. They can only be used by Talis clan members, as any other who tried what they are utilized for would die. These fans are made of blackened cold steel, and look like regular paper hand-fans. They are connected by a chain which has several spikes running along it. The chain is about four feet in length.
Abilities: The fan has no abilities. However, its used for one specific function. The user catches a lightning-based attack with one fan, directs it either through the chain or his body, and releases it out the other fan. This can only be used twice per battle without the fan being damaged.
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Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))   Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 11:00 pm

Early Life:

Horus was born on a night void of anything within the sky. There were no clouds, stars, or moon for some odd reason. It was a phenomena that, to this day, no one has ever been able to explain. In honor of this phenomena, he was jokingly named Horus. They would often kid that their son was able to control the sky, though this was obviously not true. Horus's mother was born of a ninja clan in Sunagakure, his father a wandering ninja hailing from the clan Talis. His father was chased out of Sunagakure when they discovered him three days after his son's birth. Since then, his mother raised Horus on his own. She never re-married, or even thought of other men. Horus went into the academy and graduated a year ahead of his class.

Horus joined a squad as the genin with two female shinobi. Their male jounin led the squad without fail on every mission they went through. He truly was a genius strategist and wonderful leader. Seeing their talents, the kazekage sent them on an A-ranked mission. The mission was to protect a very rich man from a group of shinobi that called themselves the "Serpentine Seven". Each dealt with a different reptilian jutsu style and summoning, the leader being a snake specialist. They took down six out of the seven shinobi as each came on their own to attempt and kill their client. However, one kunoichi who specialized in salamanders escaped from them. Shortly after returning they entered the Chuunin exams. Horus was the only one of his teammates to pass.

As a Chuunin, Horus led many squads made up of various ranks of shinobi that had no squad of their own. He became a successful leader, and failed very few missions that he went on. However, on one mission which he had chosen to take alone, he faced a very difficult challenge. At this point in time he had already unlocked the second stage of his kekkei genkei, but even that was hardly enough. The kunoichi salamander summoner had come back for revenge. He fought her until he was at the point of nearly passing out. When he thought he couldn't make it any longer, he finally connected with a killing blow. He was found and recovered by Suna ninja on border patrol a day later. For three more weeks he was a chuunin, before he became a Jounin.

The first thing he did as a Jounin was go out on a training mission. This he had gotten special permission from the Kazekage for. He went off to the mountains bordering Kumogakure, and trained up in them for three years. Two years into it a massive storm broke out. Still determined to train, he trained through the storm. He was struck by lightning several times, but found the strength in his bloodline trait. He unlocked the third stage of his kekkei genkei. Upon his return, he was given a squad of genin to train. He did well with them, taking them on many a mission and raising them to be strong individuals. However, after they each became chuunin Horus was left without a job. When he requested a new rank, the Kazekage denied him. So, in retaliation, Horus left Kumogakure and traveled to Iwagakure.

In exchange for all of the intelligence he had on his former village, Horus was made an ANBU. He joined their ranks, but never become accustomed to wearing their outfit. The main driving force behind his attempts at grabbing more power was that if he were made a Captain no one could tell him how to dress or how to do his job. So, he became the best ANBU he could possibly be, climbing the ranks within the organization and becoming the Captain of the ANBU for Iwagakure.
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Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))   Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Icon_minitimeWed 26 Aug 2009, 11:01 pm

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Shishika no Hyuuga
Shishika no Hyuuga

Posts : 231
Points : 439
Join date : 2009-07-28

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: S rank
Village: Konohagakure

Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))   Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Icon_minitimeThu 27 Aug 2009, 6:05 am

No. Cant have an app. Too OP.
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Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))   Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Icon_minitimeThu 27 Aug 2009, 8:41 am

Look. I understand that having more than two words is a bit overpowered, but could you please just ignore that and approve? ^.-
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PostSubject: Re: Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP))   Horus Talis((In case of death, WIP)) Icon_minitime

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