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 Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)

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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

Posts : 88
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Village: Hidden Mist

Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeWed 16 Sep 2009, 8:02 pm

Oriena was in the midst of doing daily stretches and accuracy routines to start the day for she was outside her village and clans area to do so. This was natural for most of the Nimakee clansmen for they were quite strict and selective about whom saw their way of training and were encouraged to find a personal spot for themselves. She had all but wrapped up her warm ups for the day, so she decided to sit down and take a little breather for a moment. The day seemed perfect as the clouds were nicely shading the sun and the the overall feel to the weather was nice for her taste. She took a drink from her bottle of water, observing the surroundings and listened to the birds and leaves as they made harmonizing sounds amongst each other as she sat in a tree for the time beings, fiddling with scrolls.
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeWed 16 Sep 2009, 8:44 pm

As Artemis was passing through he gazed over Forrest quickly, as he did he did not detect any signs of life or chakra. He quickly launched himself off the tree jumping further and further into the deep Forrest, As he carried his rather large sword it started to become a burden as its weight was tremendous. He stopped instantly as he landed on a flimsy branch. "dam" he thought as he Gazed over the female shinobi Below him. His eyes Ran over her body, and thousands of thoughts slammed into Artemis's Brain. " did the sand village send someone after me already?" Artemis stayed on the branch longer waiting for her to react as he knew she had already found him out, He lunged from the small branch to another tree directly in front of the previous one, "why couldn't i tell she was there?, damit looks like ill have to fight......" Artemis Was now directly in front of her, the space between the two trees was at least fifty Yards, giving them both enough room to effectively defend themselves. Artemis slid the large sword off his back stabbing it into the massive tree branch he stood on, now that he freed himself of the dead weight he would be able to form a decent strategy.... " looks like i have the advantage, there's plenty of shadows in this Forrest." As he waited he slowly crouched forming a single hand sign, this sign was know well among Nara clan members, as The symbol of the Rat.

Artemis opened his mouth letting out a few soft words "so what a girl doing out in the woods all alone??" He paused waiting a reply,
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeWed 16 Sep 2009, 9:14 pm

"She's doing whatever she wants to do" Oriena replied with a smart response and with a smile on her face as her eyes locked on the boy. "Don't you think you need your parents permission to be out here kid? I mean I wouldn't expect that they'd allow you to run off by yourself" she said. Oriena was familiar with the Nara clan, but was not too sure of if this kid just looked like one of them or if he actually was one. She continued to drink from her bottle and stared at the one before her, presenting a state of cockiness that was deceiving to most for that was not her actual way of presenting herself to most among her. But she knew nothing of the individual in front of her, as she hopped up high, tossing the bottle up as well. She made a few signs as a large butterfly came and swooped her up, just as she caught the bottle. "Who are you?"

Name: Butterfly
Rank: B
Element: Earth
Description: Using the earth affinity, a large butterfly is created from hard minerals from the earth. This butterfly is typically used to fly on but at the users request, can detonate and turn to large spikes aimed at the opponent.
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeWed 16 Sep 2009, 9:48 pm

As Artemis listened to the girls reply the thought, "great just what i need a mouthy little girl..." soon after he quickly replied to her first question, "the names Artemis nara" Arty paused for the longest time, unfolding the conversation into nothing but a long awkward silence. The ex-chuunin might have acted careless in his speech but he had not relaxed a moment, he still was crouched holding the single hand sign. But what was unknown to the girl was that his Shadow imitation technique was in effect, He had grown his shadow down and around the tree but it seemed to be stopped only a few inches shy of reaching the trunk, as arty waited for her to make the first move... Even thought she was high in the air on her Butterfly, she could not escape Artemis's Technique no matter how high she flew, she would still cast a shadow Although Artemis could not Put her in the Shadow technique because it was not her shadow being cast it was the strange butterfly. Artemis spoke as he kept a serous face, "so this is the part where you tell me your name....." Artemis watched as the elegant butterfly flapped its wings, Artemis could do nothing but marvel at the strangeness of the technique and even the manner she used it.

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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeThu 17 Sep 2009, 4:14 am

"Nara's are known for strategy and mastery of shadows so basically, I'm at a bit of a disadvantage right now in this area. I do have a bit of lee way however, being that I have so a great deal of deceptive toys at my disposal right now so as long as I keep with the smart-ass routine, I might be able to keep him off his game a bit" said the young Nimakee to herself. She had a great deal of smarts in her own right and could easily come up with quite a few strategies from what she'd studied on specific clans, weapons and what not. Luckily, the Nara clan had a good deal of info on them and she was able to study up though she wasn't sure about just how well her clans last name carried so she figured a way around the question Artemis asked her. "Well, well, a Nara huh? Well, I'm Oriena, so why are you here shadow boy?" she ask as she made two seals. Tiny fireflies scattered about the grounds, a good mass of them at that, some that found there way around the Nara clansman and aimed toward his looser portions of his clothes to avoid detection while on him though the were tiny enough, and light enough as is. Giving her first name spoke truth, for she didn't like to lie and she suspected that it wouldn't bring up any type of correspondence to a last name that may give away strategy of hers.

Name: Ember flies
Rank: B
Description: These are tiny fire flies that are close to un noticable to the naked eye that attach to the opponent. These
have multiple purposes, for when alone, they are used as tracking mechanisms and when in large swarms can detonate over the
area that they cover.
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeSun 20 Sep 2009, 9:19 pm

As Arty stood on the branch of the tree he looked over the strange girl watching her every move, As he released a breath of air from his lungs he closed his eyes for a moment as cleared his mind, But as only a few thoughts ran through his head.... "first ill Test her long ranged abilities, then ill move in and see how her taijutsu fairs..." As he did Artemis Raised his arms on his opposite shoulders resting them for a moment, then quickly focusing His shadow chakra to them.... Keeping his sword close to him he looked down over to make sure everything was still going according to plan, as He released his previous shadow that stretched down the tree he was then able to focus even more chakra to his hands. the Black Chakra Started to become even more Darker as it soon enveloped both of his hands entirely, He said nothing only smirking as he swiped both of his hands quickly directing the blunt of his attack at Oriena. As the shadow Released from his hands it sent a massive Wave of Shadow Sebon's That Raced quickly, As they bursted from his hands they acted like a wall taking out everything in its path even the unseen Ember fly's. As The needles ranging in the hundreds shot up into the air they looked like a cloud of black from a distance, As all Hundred of them speed twords Oriena, Artemis wondered how she would escape the needles wrath he jumped off his branch back onto a tree fifty or so yards previous to the one he was on....

Jutsu Used:

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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

Posts : 88
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Shinobi Info
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Village: Hidden Mist

Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeMon 21 Sep 2009, 2:41 am

Oriena flew around for a moment and looked at the dark cloud that seemed to approach her and at a rapid pace at that. She didnt know exactly what it was but instincts told her to fly higher, as she did so immediately as the the body of the butterfly faced the incoming cloud as she ascended higher. Just as she reached a steady speed, the senbon connected with the bottom portion of the creation, inserting deeply into it but not through it. Only about a third a fourth of the attack connected with the flying art piece, yet it was enough to grab Oriena's attention. She quickly looped upside down and came face front towards the Nara and had already compiled a plan for her next attack. Oriena quickly pulled out a scroll and darted past from above, flinging open the scroll as a mass of shurriken sprang from it and toward Artemis from all angles as she passed him by. " Lets play a game shall we?" she said in her head.

Name: Hidden scroll: Exploding Shurriken Jutsu
Description: Using her mass scroll knowledge, Oriena has scrolls that when used, are enforced with fire chakra. Two shrurrikens are wrapped in explosive tags and tied with wires that are almost invisible to the naked eye and sealed into the scrolls by elder Nimakee clansmen. Oriena will sling the scroll open and 10 shurriken, 2 on each finger,it will launch around the opponent. Upon her infusing the string with her chakra, both shurriken equipped to that string will explode.
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeMon 21 Sep 2009, 7:06 pm

Artemis Watched as his slew of Sebons fired upon her, as they barely graised the The Large Earth Made Butterfly Arty gritted his teeth, Watching over her intently Artemis Saw her reveal the scroll. As she flew over Releasing the large amount of Shurikens, Artemis Simply Jerked his left hand back quickly, As he did it yanked his large sword from the tree branch he had left it on, At that moment the Steel wire he had been tied around his hand connecting to the hilt of the sword became visible. As the large Sword flew through the air it was caught quickly by the right hand of Art, He paused waiting for the Projectiles to reach him, as the first wave of weapons came in he drew his sword up high As He channeled his chakra into his large sword The greyish blade start to turn blue as it filled with his chakra. Arty soon swiped his sword in a upward motion Releasing the mass of built up Energy, as the wave released it blew the weapons off course sending the blunt of the attack back to Oriena. But Artemis was no fool, he jumped back farther into the tree's attempting to avoid more attacks, As he thought "mmmm her taijutsu skills are obviously weak, she hasn't attack me once.... i will make my move.."

Jutsu Used:

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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeMon 21 Sep 2009, 7:38 pm

Oriena quickly guided the butterfly in a separate direction as she hemmed up he wires to prepare to swing them back towards the man. As the slack tightened, she picked brought the shurriken back around and spun them around her head twice before re-firing them back towards the man, this time as they came at him she sent fire chakra through them and detonated them as about in a calculated manner amongst there arrival towards him. Once again, they were sent in from all directions as she manipulated them like puppets for her attack, "There's no reason to try him on the ground right now for I'd be at a disadvantage and would have to resort to some of my tricks that I'd rather not use as of right now" she thought to herself. As they approached to withing 3 ft, the shurriken detonated from her command..."KAHTS".
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeMon 21 Sep 2009, 8:49 pm

Artemis Watched as he Easily had figured her technique out, The Weapons had been attached to Steel wire much like his own So he new he could expect more like this such technique. The incoming Shurikens spun with great speed but as they reached near three foot to Artemis, He paused and watched as they exploded searing a wave of Fire his way, Artemis quickly jumped flashing out of the way as the fire burned even more intense it started to consume the area. Artemis looked down at his hand, noticing just now that he didn't escape the fire completely seeing as it had burnt his arm leaving Minor wounds. He brought his left hand over wrapping it up quickly, as he did not have much time to waste. The bandage was loosely strung up and down his arm but as it dint seem to bother him much, Even though his hand was confined he still was able to maneuver well. As Artemis squatted down he formed a single hand sign that only required one free hand, A large cloud of smoke appeared suddenly consuming the branch As a swift wind blew it plowed the smoke away revealing Five Shinobi....

Artemis Took his large sword and drove it deep into the tree bark as he did his Four shadow Clones Started to Bustle around a little getting into formation. As There were two clones stationed on both sides of Artemis they where able to work in a partnership to successfully pull of devastating attacks. The Two clones to his right acted first, Clone A. quickly grasped Clone B. Throwing him up high into the air As clone B. soared threw the air he was able to Reach Oriena and even Jolt high above her, And as the clones to his Left Acted simultaneously with the first two, Clone C. quickly repeated the firsts actions throwing clone D. high up above Oriena as well. As The Two clones in the air soared down twords her they both Revealed there Kunai's, Both Clone B. And D. Shot down with tremendous force attempting to jab there blades deep into There opponents neck. The first clone shot down bringing his kunai to Oriena's Left side only a few inches away from striking her Delicate soft skin. The second Repeated the same actions only Coming down On their opponents right side, Only shying away form the opponents neck a inch or so. The clone attack was swift and articulate defiantly a skillful and well planned attack. The two clones that stayed behind swiftly unsheathed there weapons as well, only their purpose was not to attack only to defend Their creator.

But As Artemis Was not finished with his Attack, He Formed a single hand sign, As the shadow he cast of the Forrest floor started to grow, it sprouted off the ground becoming a Three dimensional object. As the black shadow figure started to form it too the shape of a large Hand, It was extremely large taking the size of a full grown tree both in Width and Height. The hand Grew up darting through the air, to the bottom of the of the strange butterfly. From the finger tips of the hand grew large Sharp claws that could easily slice through most metals easily, As the hand Reached only a few feet away from the bottom of the Butterfly Oriena couldn't of expected a attack from all directions.

Jutsus Used:

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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Village: Hidden Mist

Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeMon 21 Sep 2009, 9:33 pm

As the attack began to unfold, Oriena began to see things clearer, the mans attack was precise indeed but she could monitor the movements easily, as she quickly broke out two kunai from her side in preparation for the attack. She leaped into the air meeting the two head on as she blocked their attacks simultaneously as she spun as she leaped. While doing so, she could see a shadow forming but that's about it, for she focused on the task at hand, the clones. Oriena's left arm connected with the clone to the left as the right did with the other clone to block the attack as she kicked the two as she spun, stopping after she did so. "KAHTS" she said as the large butterfly broke down into a mass of large needles that would have been aimed at Artemis, but was block by the incoming hand. The attacks canceled each other out as Oriena's eyes had changed, she had reached the second stage of her oakegan, though she wasn't quite sure of the the reasoning for her ability to seemingly see things slower and react better. As the clones fell, the young nimakee did as well, stomping on them to leap back into the air forming hand signs as she did so. Another large butterfly came underneath her and caught her though this kind was different, she used her Fire affinity to create this one.

"So what are you doing in my territory?" She asked Artemis as her eyes went back to normal and she put away her kunai. The butterfly decended, and she hopped off seemingly presenting no threat. She stood there with her arms crossed and looking at the man trying to get a better read of him for she wasn't understanding of his motives. She decided to do a little questioning, noticing the head band showing and thinking what one from the sand village was doing by the grass. "Who are you looking to see?" she asked as he tone at this point had changed completely from when the two first met.

Name: Firefly
Description:Creates a large butterfly composed of fire chakra. This can be flewn on as well as detonated by the user

Piercing Mind: The possesors genjutsu uses more a great deal more chakra but also inflicts bodily wounds through genjutsu. the prior preminitions are enhanced 25% more and time seems at a slowed pace
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeThu 24 Sep 2009, 9:49 pm

Artemis Solemnly Gazed over The girl as she avoided his attacks with ease, He clinched his fist as a knot started to grow in his stomach.. She had simply destroyed the clones and Slipped past The shadow hand with The slightest of whims Which infuriated Artemis to the core. His eyes glanced as he quickly summoned the fire Butterfly, he played his reactions through his head as it would be best to work out his options. A thought ran through his head as she hopped off standing on the ground before him.. "ill just see what she does then ill act according..." As she spoke Artemis flinched almost falling off the tree branch all together, his pitch black eyes grew wider he listened as the words flew from her soft gentle lips. But as he gave no thought to timing he sent the clones off, As the clone to his right darted off the branch he flew through air landing almost instantly beside Oriena, Waiting for just a second the clone located to his left jumped seemingly higher in the air, This time the clone Grasped his kunai tighter as he landed even closer to her.. Artemis took in her words and he thought carefully before speaking..

"uhhh im just passing through."

He said carelessly.. As the clones stood they guarded her carefully, But they started to back off as she spoke letting down their guard showing comom courtesy.

"im looking for a person,, A yotobi.... His name is Kitaro..."
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Village: Hidden Mist

Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeFri 25 Sep 2009, 6:20 am

Oriena looked at the shinobi with an odd look as he spoke for the tone in his voice gave off somewhat of an intimidated feel. She no longer felt threatened by him and actually broke a smile, almost laughing as he was talking though she managed to keep that in. "You're cute, it seems that you haven't had combat with a female before and didn't know what to expect...we kinochi are as skilled as any shinobi you can think of. I do believe you however, I just don't know anything of this 'Yotobi' you speak of. I assume you are on a personal mission, judging by the look on your face when you said this 'Kitaro's' name to me. I don't believe I've seen someone show a look of anguish and vengeance while being nervous" she said beginning to walk toward Artemis. "I know that my leader was looking for a forming alliance of sorts he heard of, so maybe you maybe talking of the same set of individuals."
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeSat 03 Oct 2009, 4:33 pm

The wind started to pick up as she drew near Him, But as the sun Glisined throught the tree tops the light broke threw two the shinobi. Artemis took a deep breath as the clones that stood around the female shinobi exploded in a cloud of Smoke. Soon the smoke drifted away and disperced into the air like pollem from flowers, As Oriena started to speek Artemis listened tentivly. He spoke quickly " Aliance i have heard of no such thing to be honest, and im not looking to stick around... If anything im looking to train and then pursue my goal that is all..." As the air begain to become stifinling He coughed looking up throught the branches gazing over the miday sun.....

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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeTue 06 Oct 2009, 5:52 am

"Well if its training you want, I'm pretty sure I know of one of the better places to get that done, however you'd have to be a hundred percent committed to the exercises. Not only will the training test you physically, but mentally as well" said the young Nimakee with a slight smile as she continued to the shinobi. She walked around him aand behind him as well as where her body was as close to one could be without actually touching them, " So do you think this would be something you'd be interested in?" she asked in his ear.
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeTue 06 Oct 2009, 6:17 pm

Every step the girl took seemed to bring her closer and closer to him, As she did every bone in his body started to tingle. He listened intently as she spoke softly, he was a bit slow to reply but soon he was able to speak. " i will put my all into whatever i doo, if you wish you can take me now...." His right eye looked her body over carefully, from afar she looked less attractive but the closer she came it sparked his interests. After he awaited her reply, but as he did he grasped his sword tightly sheathing it almost instantly..
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeTue 06 Oct 2009, 7:52 pm

"Hmmm, if that's true..." she said as she suddenly appeared in front of the young man, "I think you migt have an opportunity to succeed in your journey to concor this personal mission of yours. However, not only does one have to acknowledge what needs to be done, but acting on it is also required, its manditory to take action to be successful in ones agenda. My clan has no problem taking actions to complete tasks at hand for the fact that recognition of these guidelines means to tackles and obide by them" she said in a flirtatious manner. Though young, Oriena knows what it takes to get into a persons head, hence her current strategy...problem was, she didn't think of the possibility of her feelings becoming involved, nor did she expect to have any in general.
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeWed 07 Oct 2009, 8:09 pm

Listening intently Artemis Replied back to her comment, "thanks, but i am serious i want nothing more to kill kitaro. ill do it at any costs...." As she got closer to him he started to breath heavily, as he was not used to being so intimate with girls. But only ignoring it Arty jumped down onto the ground waiting for her to lead the way....... But as his mind kept reverting back to her, she smelled of sweet lavender and roses... "lead the way" he said bluntly.
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeWed 07 Oct 2009, 10:17 pm

(We were already on the ground lol)

Oriena walked passed Artemis, before stopping directly in front of him and forming hand seals and creating another earth butterfly, "Hop on, it'll be quicker like this" she said softly before getting on the large figure. She saw a sense of displacement amongst the fellow young ninja and almost felt compelled to help him on his journey completing this self agenda for what ever reason it may be. As she boarded the creature, it began to ascend a bit, though slowly in order to allow Artemis the opportunity to get on for the ride as well. "I promise I won't bite, I'm too young to do that sort of thing anyway" she said joking to him...sort of. In truth, she was honestly too young to be doing that sort of thing or even think about it but the maturity she possessed allowed her to make comments like that as she saw fit... besides, her leader would have to give permission to allow that sort of thing anyway.

Name: Butterfly
Rank: B
Element: Earth
Description: Using the earth affinity, a large butterfly is created from hard minerals from the earth. This butterfly is typically used to fly on but at the users request, can detonate and turn to large spikes aimed at the opponent.

Last edited by Oriena Nimakee on Sun 11 Oct 2009, 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeFri 09 Oct 2009, 7:28 pm

Artemis opened his eyes widely as the butterfly was made before him, Oriena extending the open invitation for a free ride. He thought as the butterfly flapped its wings, "....ride on that...." A cocky smirk came over his face suggesting distaste in the form of travel but stepping forward anyway Arty boarded the Bug saying "so.. where we going..", as he stepped on he looked up as he knew where they would soon travel.
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 8:36 pm

"Don't ask questions Artemis, try to just relax and enjoy the ride because if were doing this training, you'll have very few things that you'll be enjoying during. We're going to a few places to have some fun, then you're going to meet someone special, and quite important to my clan and the entire shinobi nation for that matter. So first up, we're going to go get something to eat because I'm hungry from that little're paying by the way" said the lady Nimakee. The creature began to lif quicker and took off at a medium pace and took to there journey, as they looked to start their training.
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeSun 11 Oct 2009, 9:09 pm

Artemis set to the right of the Butterfly as he looked off to his right he gazed down on the ground below with his only exposed eye, but what was unknown to Oriena was Artemis was hiding something from her under the bandages on his right eye lay the power of the uchiha clan at his disposal. But as they rose higher he listened to her make small talk, he replied to her first comment. "alright" As they flew some more the two let some time pass, but soon she spoke again, and as he listened intently he replied once more. " i suppose i will" As they treeked along on there journey her words puzzled him making him think, "meeting someone important mmm i wonder..."
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Oriena Nimakee
Oriena Nimakee

Posts : 88
Points : 148
Join date : 2009-08-31

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank: A rank
Village: Hidden Mist

Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 9:12 pm

"Ok then, I suppose we should be off" said Oriena as he large winged creation took to the clouds at a massive speed and heading to a location yet to be determined at the moment. "So hees the deal, were going to head to the village hidden in the grass and talk to someone that I know you would have an interest in meeting" she said as her hair blew with the wind as it massaged her face. She held a positioning of sitting on her knees with both hands on the back and spine of the butterfly staring off into the distance. Not having very many thoughts, a single subject popped into her head...what happened in the interaction with the individual opposite her on the flying creature.
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Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeSun 18 Oct 2009, 8:23 pm

Artemis Rode The creature quietly without any remorse but he couldn't concentrate as his mind was somewhere else, The Creatures wings flapped wildly as they seemed to fly up higher into the clouds, While he stared off into the earth below him he sighed as he could only think of the future and what it held for him. But looking over to Oriena he only had good thoughts as he was excited for there training to come.
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Morbokai Nimakee
Morbokai Nimakee

Posts : 75
Points : 186
Join date : 2009-08-12

Shinobi Info
Ninja Rank:
Village: Wandering the nations

Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitimeMon 19 Oct 2009, 5:43 am

A wind blew across the area with very little force, combing threw the trees, separating the clouds and bringing along an unexpected visitor along the way. A figure began to form with the breeze as it met the two little ones in a gentle manner, though it would not seem to gentle for much longer for the two. The gusty breeze finished up, as did the individuals forming of their body, turning out to be a fellow clansmen of the girls as his eyes were low and held a stance of disapproval, but not anger. "You're weak girl". Following those words, an explosion destroyed the butterfly, blowing it sky high as another figure emerged from beside tree below, it was Morbokai. "Well now, I suppose why Naizu loves those clones of his so much, heh heh heh heh hehh". Immediately after, his body caught a gust of wind and disappeared in it, simply leaving one to wonder his motives, who sent him and or what would cause him to do something like attack one of his own people.

Name: Shifting Winds (Rp only version)
Description: His wind affinity allows him to disapate with the wind going else where at the drop of a dime.

Name:Rush explosion
Description:This is a detonation of the wind clone when its destroyed or at the command of the clone creater

Name:Wind Clone
Description:This is a clone made up of wind chakra that can use any of the creaters abilities up to B level.
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PostSubject: Re: Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar)   Oriena vs Arty (Rp spar) Icon_minitime

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