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Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeFri 30 Jul 2021, 12:05 am by Nocturne

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 Request for the Hokage

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Request for the Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Request for the Hokage   Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeSun 27 Sep 2009, 11:32 am

Null walked up to the leafvillage noticeing all the people, a very lively place. Null walked in telling the guards that he was sent on a mission from the kusakage. Null walked forward to a very large building that happened to be bigger then the rest when he started to wonder if this building held the hokage's office. Null stood still when a shinobi from the village walked by and simply told Null that the building did hold the hokages office and the shinobi walked on. Null felt very lucky at that time and walked on with a smile into the doors feeling a gush of wind on his face Null walked forward stopping telling a shinobi walking by that he was in need of the hokage and that he would wait in the lobby unti his arrival. Null turned sitting down on one of the couches inside the lobby.
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Posts : 413
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Join date : 2009-02-12
Age : 32

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Ninja Rank: D rank
Village: Leaf, Hokage

Request for the Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request for the Hokage   Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeSun 27 Sep 2009, 9:34 pm

Kush walked into the lobby of his office, with his all white robes and his Hokage fitted hat, and walked past the man sitting down.

His assistent told him that the man sitting down was here to meet with him, and Kush looked at him.

"You must be the ninja from Kusakagakura, follow."

He walked the path into his office, and sat down behind the desk in the big room. After putting his hat down on the desk, he waited for the guy to come in.
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Request for the Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request for the Hokage   Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeThu 01 Oct 2009, 9:40 pm

You are correct, Null said as he followed the hokage. Null walked in closeing the door behind him and walked over to the vacant leather chair. Null sat and began to speak, sorry to interupt you on this fne day but my kusakage has instructed me to come here and other villages for your help.

We need to know everything you know about the yotobi clan. Null said in a sort of drastic tone but still firm awaiting the hokages answer
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Posts : 413
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Join date : 2009-02-12
Age : 32

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Ninja Rank: D rank
Village: Leaf, Hokage

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PostSubject: Re: Request for the Hokage   Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeThu 01 Oct 2009, 10:00 pm

The yotobi were something of a rumor to the Hokage, he didn't know if they were real or not.

"Well, seeing as the Kusakage wants infromation from me, can you tell me what the Yotobi clan is? I really have no idea."

He had a feeling about something, but he would leave that to himself. He looked up at the man as his Sharingan tomoe 3 glared at him.

He sat back alittle, and put his hands over his mouth and waited for the man's response.
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Request for the Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request for the Hokage   Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeSat 03 Oct 2009, 3:32 pm

Null crossed his hands a bit surprised, seeing how your the hokage i don't understand how you could not have heard about this group. Null said as he began to stand up. As far as i know the yotobi is a group of missing ninjas, but if you do not know anything about them i must leave to other villages i do not have much time.

I'm sorry for wasteing your time sir, but my mission requires information. Obviously you do not have the information i require, and i must go now good day to you. Null said as he began to walk out of the hokages office feeling like half the day was wasted by small talk.
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Posts : 413
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Ninja Rank: D rank
Village: Leaf, Hokage

Request for the Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request for the Hokage   Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeSun 04 Oct 2009, 8:09 pm

"No need to be hasty, I dont know anything except there a rouge group of S-ranked ninja."

Kush didn't move, but kept his eye's on the man.
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PostSubject: Re: Request for the Hokage   Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeMon 05 Oct 2009, 8:09 am

They are very deadly missing ninjas from what i hear, and i don't mean to bbe hastey or have an attitude but i must leave. I will make sure that we stay in touch.

Null then turned and began walking out of the building, he ran through the doors and jumped on his dragon fly taking to the skys. In a trip for the next village.
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Posts : 413
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Join date : 2009-02-12
Age : 32

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Ninja Rank: D rank
Village: Leaf, Hokage

Request for the Hokage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Request for the Hokage   Request for the Hokage Icon_minitimeMon 05 Oct 2009, 1:28 pm

"I'll keep that in mind. Goodbye Mr. Abarada."

Kush began to look through papers and files, wondering what the Yotobi were after. Either way, he had things to attend to in the village, so he got up and walked out.

Kush walked out of the building and walked into the village.

He had a feeling that something was coming his way.
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