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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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 The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]

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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 8:07 pm

The rain was light, yet a booming thunder was in the distance. Stylx was positioned on a large boulder, jetting out from the earth, overlooking a huge lake. He was sewing a piece of human flesh onto a wooden carcass. Each bloody puncture staining his already stained gray robe. He stared out into the lake, watching each rain drop making a ripple throughout the large body of water, his hands working quickly, as if they had eyes themselves. He looked back down at his soon to be masterpiece and smiled maniacally, the haunting jaw compartment opening wide. He was told to wait near a lake by his new partner, Artemis, and that another partner would show herself soon. Stylx was surprised by the fact that they had a female team member, and thought to himself how she would make a great collection to his slaughtered female aliases. However... Being too engulfed in his work, he continued to sew away. Each thread securing the skin to its new structure.
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 8:17 pm

Xarias quickly sprinted through the trees, over rocks, making dirt paths create large clouds of dense dust and dirt, the booming thunder and cracking lightning chasing her, as well as a large sheet of heavy rain. Her light footsteps carried her in such a speed that resembled that of pure lightning, as her feet hardly even touched the ground as her body disappeared and reappeared throughout the large and wide-spread lands.

Coming along a huge lake, her primal instinct began to make way, and her foot smashed into the ground so hard, a large and noticeable crater in front of the lake, sending a watery shockwave throughout the area, drenching everything before the rain even hit. Her body, which was now half-way over the large body of water, was doing a steady flip, which in short moments later was stopped as she landed directly in front of a strange ninja, sewing what seemed to be the skin of a human into a wooden carapace.

She looked into the sky after looking at the ninja and sighed. ".. Rains coming.."
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PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 8:27 pm

The raw exertion of power actually caught Stylx's attention. The figure dashed and flipped over the land and the water, finally ending in front of him. It was a woman. A pale skinned individual with noticeable attributes. Slowly lifting himself up, Stylx towered over the woman. "Golden, caramel eyes... Ghost white, diamond hair... Untouched skin... You will be a great add-on to my collection..." Stylx hissed into her ear. He loathed anyone who disturbed him during his work, so he decided to kill this human with no questions asked. A small, table saw ejected from his wrist and started buzzing violently, muffling her comment about the weather. In what seemed like an instant, two tall, lanky puppets were behind the woman, seals along their hands which spelt out: 'Weaken'. They touched her neck. Now, usually this would send a human collapsing, but not this 'human'. No matter what, Stylx lashed out at her neck with the saw, but it bent and snapped like a twig on impact, do nothing to her complexion. Stylx was curious now, and with a haunting and defeated tone asked, "And you are...?"
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 8:40 pm

As the two puppets touched her neck, she quickly and swiftly activated her Mangekyou Sharingan, exerting a large white flame from her back which didnt burn the weapons, rather catapult them far into the air within a milisecond. She looked at him as her eye quickly reverted back into its soft goldenrod eye color. Suddenly as she spoke a large lightning bolt shot from the sky, piercing a nearby tree that was just across the lake. The tree erupted in flames, but they were easily smothered by the following rain, which was currently just moving overhead for a brief and short moment, as she could clearly see the sun about a mile off.

She looked at him, and her ghost-white lips began to move. As her tongue shifted inside of her mouth, a melodious sound came tumbling from her lips, effectively, this was her name. ".. Xarias. Although many call me, Hourglass.." She smiled, already noting that this ninja was much like the ninja Sasori, another puppeteer whom used human bodies as living puppets. Judging from how quickly he reacted hes obviously quick tempered, and powerful to say the least..
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 8:51 pm

"... I am nothing like Sasori..." Stylx said with a snippy, lifeless tone. Xarias was caught off guard with Stylx's ability to read an individual's thoughts, and so quickly at that. Stylx turned and hopped off of the boulder quite quickly. His back was now faced to the woman and he mumbled, "... So your the woman Artemis was talking about..." He walked slobbishly over to a tree, dragging the unfinished puppet with him. He sat beneath a tree, for the water was starting to annoy him. He beckoned her over to sit next to him so they could speak. Stylx wanted had alot of time until Artemis showed, so he thought it would be a win-win deal if he could get some information out of the powerful individual, while he made his puppet. "... I am nothing like Sasori... He was so... Hmph... He was... He was a toy... He was so... So... Weak..." The comments slipped out of his mouth so ominously but lifelessly. It was amazing how Stylx, a lifeless and emotional figure could express so much feeling. It was scary... Yet beautiful. "... But tell me... Hourglass... What are you doing here... With us?"
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 10:03 pm

She smiled, it was certainly amazing to see a puppeteer who could read minds as well as act quickly. As she listened to his deadened snappy and lifeless tone, she also noted that he himself, may just be a puppet as well. As she watched him trot towards the tree, the carapace that was being dragged, was dragging the sheet of human skin as it rubbed across the ground. As he sat and gave signal that he wanted her to join him, she walked quietly, the rain drops pounding in every direction, not heavy - But lightly surprisingly.

Sunlight began to slowly spread across the land, splashing the skies with various hues of purples, reds, and yellows with oranges. All colors evenly shifted into each other like a beautiful silhouette, stitched perfectly. She sat next to him. "I am here because I have the same goal as you, Puppeteer." She smiled and looked up, laying back on the grass, but elevating her body lightly with a small channelation of wind chakra onto the backside of her body, allowing her body to potentially levitate.
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeMon 12 Oct 2009, 10:20 pm

Stylx laid his head back against the soft wood of the tree. He closed his eyes, and allowed his body to fall limp before taking a breath and responding to Xarias again. "You... Your goal is to rape and pillage? To slaughter hundreds, if not thousands of innocent victims... To scrape the flesh of their body and listen to their hopeless screams... To watch each human fight for each other... To treat them like lab rats... That is your goal...?" Stylx opened his eyes, the combination of sunset colors reflecting off the glossy ocular cavity. "... You... You're nothing like me... No one is... I make people suffer... I bring out their true emotions... You pathetic humans have so much emotion and don't have any idea what to do with it... You take it out like insecure, confused little children... I... You're nothing like me..." The voice was calm now, a slightly soft and defeated one at that. He twisted his head and fixated on Xarias's face. He had always been one to fixate on detail, and Stylx was astonished at such detail her face brought to the table. His hand creaked up towards Xarias's face. He was inches away from her soft complexion when he jerked back his hand and quickly turned away from her. "You... You remind me of..." Stylx stopped in the middle of his sentence, letting a cool breeze interrupt him.
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 7:12 pm

She laughed at his idea of true pain and suffering. "I have been known to cause total death and destruction to even the most innocent of humans, even the newborn. I find great joy in pain and I find great joy in causing pain to said humans. As i'm more than sure you have atleast slightly figured out from your act of hostility.. That I am far upon that of a mere human." She laughed once more. She tossed over the arms of Zaku Abumi, a former ninja of the Sound Village under the command of Orochimaru. "You can have those for one of your future puppets, for I have no need to keep such a weapon.. By the way.. My goal is far beyond what any could possibly understand."

It seemed as if she was depressed and shattered by her statement, but she did all she could to shield and put a veil over her torn emotions. As the wind silenced the human puppet, her curiosity befell her, making her truly wonder who she reminded him of. Blinking her eyes, and looking at the face of the puppet, gazing deep into his eyes, her melodious voice rang out once more. ".. Who could I possibly remind you of? Your latest female victim?" She laughed once more.
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 7:44 pm

Stylx's head jerked and spasmed in a malicious manner back at Xarias. "We... Maybe we do have some similarities... Maybe we do relate..." Stylx felt foiled by having a demented nature that shared with someone else, yet he felt warmed by the fact he wasn't alone. Besides, at least it wasn't a human he was sharing these attributes with. Hoping she wouldn't respond to his final comment, he shut his eyes and tilted his head townwards; Turning it slowly to an open area in the field. A small, light voice was heard out of nowhere. It grew, ominously, into a lonely whimpering. It sounded much like a small, innocent girl. It was. A patched up puppet woman rose slowly from the ground. She was slightly translucent, but retained a full, solid form seconds later. Red, ruby hair covered her face as she cried and hobbled over to Stylx's side. He put his arms around her and 'kissed' her head. "It's ok... She's... She is... Like me... Like us..." Stylx said to the small puppet. "Are... Are you sure?" She responded. "Would I lie to you?" With that, Stylx retracted his arms, returning to the sloppy seating he was once in. The small, patched up puppet whispered to Stylx as she went to go greet Xarias. "Is... Can I?". "Of course..." Stylx replied with an ease tone. The small girl approached Xarias hesitantly. Her hand by her face, wiping any tears that had fallen from her gentile complexion. She looked up at Xarias, and slowly removed the ruby hair from her face... ... ...

... ... ... The face was... Astonishing. Every detail was exact. She was beautiful. Her face - untouched. Her complexion - breathtaking. She was perfect. Her glossy, doughy eyes peered into Xarias's. They were so beautiful, they seemed to hypnotize even Xarias. The two faces of the beautiful women seemed to match up exactly. She had a cute, powdery nose that rounded perfectly at the tip. Her lips puckered every now and again, while her sparkling white teeth seemed to vice grip on the bottom lip as a sign of sheer shyness. Her ears arced perfectly, as well, each one identical. Overall her face was immaculate and beautiful. Every single detail was exactly like a perfect human being's. In an instant, she let her hair droop over her face and she hurried back over to Stylx's side. Before leaving, Xarias caught a glimpse of Stylx's accomplice and it seemed like she was patched together by multiple individuals, all making up a demigod in sheer beauty and form.

"Actually... You remind me of... All of them..." Stylx said in a lifeless tone, so quiet it was almost inaudible.
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 7:53 pm

Xarias. wrote:
As the two puppets touched her neck, she quickly and swiftly activated her Mangekyou Sharingan, exerting a large white flame from her back which didnt burn the weapons, rather catapult them far into the air within a milisecond. She looked at him as her eye quickly reverted back into its soft goldenrod eye color.
((Ummm......You can activate and de-activate your Sharingan eye because your not a Uchiha. It always remains activated for the rest of your characters life.

By the way, don't mention Orichimaru please. He isn't even alive, none of his followers are either.))
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 8:26 pm

Kasei Uchiha wrote:
Xarias. wrote:
As the two puppets touched her neck, she quickly and swiftly activated her Mangekyou Sharingan, exerting a large white flame from her back which didnt burn the weapons, rather catapult them far into the air within a milisecond. She looked at him as her eye quickly reverted back into its soft goldenrod eye color.
((Ummm......You can activate and de-activate your Sharingan eye because your not a Uchiha. It always remains activated for the rest of your characters life.

By the way, don't mention Orichimaru please. He isn't even alive, none of his followers are either.))

((You do notice I wrote I activated my MANGEKYOU SHARINGAN, RIGHT????))

((By the way, I can mention him. Just because he isnt alive doesnt mean he NEVER was. Cus, well, he was.))
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 9:03 pm

As she caught note of the malicious manner that Stylx was so obviously showing. ".. Well.. Seeing as how you have many things that you enjoy.. Killing, and tantalizing, being two of them - Which are also two of mine, I guess we do have atleast some things in common. After all, you are a machine that was created for mass destruction and I, a being bred for the very meaning of pain itself.. I'd say we have good.. Chemistry."

Just as she finished, her head immediately jerked to where the rustling of the grounds was, as an ominous voice of an innocent progressed from the shaded corners of the small area of patched land, now soaked due to climatic rainfall. As what seemed to be a young girl exposed her true looks from the shade, she seemed quite shy to say the least, and even at that; trying to so blatantly efface such a beautiful and truthfully immaculate facial structure, it would easily take the breath of any one or two men. Taking notice to the stitching, however, almost immediately - Told Xarias one thing and one thing only, and although she didn't think it, she whispered it so low, that not even Stylx's increased hearing senses could hear it.

.. Alone.. Like me..
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 9:11 pm

"That we do..." Stylx said in, what seemed like, a distracted tone. He arose like a vampire from his coffin, and held out his boney hand for Xarias, letting Skin run up his back and onto his shoulder. His hand jetted out and hung so blandly, waiting for a spark of life by Xarias to embrace it. From there he would help her up and they would take a walk, to observe the spacious, wide open, and quite beautiful lake.
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 9:35 pm

As the puppet king, Stylx reached his hand to lift Xarias, her long and slender fingers met with his wooden palm, and grasping the rough surface, her hands glided across his wooden exterior, sending what seemed to be shocks down his spine. As she surfaced, and sent a wind pulse to her ass, it uplifted her, blowing a large amount of grass everywhere.

As her feet hit the ground, she smiled at him, her perfect lucious lips pushing against each other. As they began to work, she through a few pebbles into the water, but instead of small little uprushes from the lake, a large geyser appeared, which seemed to sprout water from many-a-direction. The spacious and large lake was now transformed into a beautiful fountain. Taking her clothes off, except her bra and underwear, exposing every inch of her beautifully aligned and smooth skin, she stepped onto the side of the large lake, allowing her feet to gently postpone themselves in the deep and soothing waters beneath her. She tapped the side of the rock.

".. Come. Sit with me.."
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 9:48 pm

Stylx looked down at her, her body submerged in the cold lake. Her comment reached out to him yet disappeared and crashed with a simple and lifeless, "No.". It was obvious Xarias was trying to flirt with Stylx, and it would work perfectly... If only Stylx had emotion or feeling for humans. Instead he walked out on the lake. His agile, wooden feet making a dripping noise every time he took a step. Skin tugged on Stylx's shoulder to move away from Xarias. It was obvious this shy puppet was a scared and self-conscious, and being with someone as elegant as Xarias, Skin was jealous and insecure. Drawing back to a state of relax, both Stylx and Skin pecked on their lifeless, wooden lips and continued to walk out on the lake. The more they walked, Skin lowered herself from Stylx's back and walked with Stylx, threading her fingers through his. They turned and held each other at the waist, both of them now smiling lightly. They gazed into each other's eyes for a few minutes and Skin slowly crawled back onto his back. Stylx then activated his Feathered Feet skill, and he soared into the air with Skin, her body tightly wrapped around him. He cruised across the lake at such high speeds he caused a shock wave to erupt behind him. Skin let her hand down into the water, letting it glide through her fingers. In a rounded arc, Stylx flew back to Xarias's side. Skin hopped off his back and melded into the ground, disappearing completely. His legs felt strain from the small engines working, so he moved next to Xarias, sat down next to her, and let his legs soak in the cold, refreshing water.

Last edited by Stylx on Thu 15 Oct 2009, 5:46 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeWed 14 Oct 2009, 11:42 pm

Xarias. wrote:
Kasei Uchiha wrote:
Xarias. wrote:
As the two puppets touched her neck, she quickly and swiftly activated her Mangekyou Sharingan, exerting a large white flame from her back which didnt burn the weapons, rather catapult them far into the air within a milisecond. She looked at him as her eye quickly reverted back into its soft goldenrod eye color.
((Ummm......You can activate and de-activate your Sharingan eye because your not a Uchiha. It always remains activated for the rest of your characters life.

By the way, don't mention Orichimaru please. He isn't even alive, none of his followers are either.))

((You do notice I wrote I activated my MANGEKYOU SHARINGAN, RIGHT????))

((By the way, I can mention him. Just because he isnt alive doesnt mean he NEVER was. Cus, well, he was.))
((Yes I did realize that. I know you activated your Mangekyou, its just the part where you said " She looked at him as her eye quickly reverted back into its soft goldenrod eye color" is the part I only worried about.))
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The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias]   The Team Meets [Private - Artemis/Styx./Xarias] Icon_minitimeThu 15 Oct 2009, 5:33 pm

Kasei Uchiha wrote:
Xarias. wrote:
Kasei Uchiha wrote:
Xarias. wrote:
As the two puppets touched her neck, she quickly and swiftly activated her Mangekyou Sharingan, exerting a large white flame from her back which didnt burn the weapons, rather catapult them far into the air within a milisecond. She looked at him as her eye quickly reverted back into its soft goldenrod eye color.
((Ummm......You can activate and de-activate your Sharingan eye because your not a Uchiha. It always remains activated for the rest of your characters life.

By the way, don't mention Orichimaru please. He isn't even alive, none of his followers are either.))

((You do notice I wrote I activated my MANGEKYOU SHARINGAN, RIGHT????))

((By the way, I can mention him. Just because he isnt alive doesnt mean he NEVER was. Cus, well, he was.))
((Yes I did realize that. I know you activated your Mangekyou, its just the part where you said " She looked at him as her eye quickly reverted back into its soft goldenrod eye color" is the part I only worried about.))

Just drop it already... >_>... Oh and Chelsea check the post again because I edited it.
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