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 A nice spar under the moon

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Hinin Twilian
Hinin Twilian

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeTue 10 Nov 2009, 10:16 pm

As he walked out, his Chunnin vest laying on the ground. The freshly fallen snow lay nicely under his bare feet. His toes sunk down into the whiteness softly and only slightly. His hair shown bright under the crescent moon. The cold air brushed his cheeks as thoughts of boredem seeped into his mind. His eyes closed as he sat down in the snow and layed his hands back to hold himself up. He brought up his knees up into his chest and he let a sigh escape his lips. His breath was visible in front of his face. There was nothing to do and he was only growing more bored by the minute. No mission. No teachings. No leading. No orders to give or receive. This sucked.
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The Fallen Angel
Legendary Swordsman
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The Fallen Angel

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeTue 10 Nov 2009, 10:33 pm

Hachi walked through the snow his body shaking violently his body being hugged tightly by his wings still looking like a robe. He had never been in the cold before but he now knew he hated it espectially the snow. As he walked through the snow his shaking seemed to become worse and worse. Hachi stopped in what he thought was the middle of the lack of body heat not even corssing his mind as he stood in one place his wings un wrapping from his body and his large antenna sticking up as he sensed another person in the area. Figuring out their location hachi wrapped his body back up with his wings making sure his antenna were back down and walked towards the person he sensed. He really had no interest in talking he would much rather train with the person. He haden't been in a good fight for a long time and he thought maybe the cold would take his mind off of it.
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Hinin Twilian
Hinin Twilian

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeTue 10 Nov 2009, 10:41 pm

He would hear the faint footsteps in the distence under the snow. The crunch of the icy white flakes under their feet. This brought a smile on his face. He would have been glad to just talk but he really didn't think there would be any talking involved. He pushed himself into a upright position then pulled himself up untill he was standing. He twisted his head lightly back and forth, raising his arms high into the air, stretching and yawing at the bordem. He finally had the person in his sights, his hand was already behind his back clenching the handle of his kunai.He raised his other hand and smiled slightly and said Hi, Welcome to this wonderful serenity. His voice reaked of sarcasm as he waited for a responce.
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The Fallen Angel
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Legendary Swordsman
The Fallen Angel

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeTue 10 Nov 2009, 10:50 pm

Hachi walking to man hearing him speak hachi had nothing to say. His large red eyes glowing as he looked at the man he didn't seem to be a missing ninja but it wouldn't stop him from attacking him as if he were an enemy ninja. Hachi walked until they were many meters a part and began to preform a string of handsigns and stopping but nothing actually happened. Hachi had actually summoned his bug nest underground as a few burrowing scarabs began to burrow through the earth above the snow and create hidden tunnel. Multiple instects then came from the holes and surround hachi but were visable being that there was snow covering all of the holes. As the burrow scarabs began to move further multiple tank insects began to surround the nest just in case of attack.

Name:Bug Nest Creation
Rank: S
Description: This jutsu creates a small nest that is almost constantly producing insects allowing hachi to save his chakra and allow the next to make the insects. The nest blends in with whatever area it is in and is always hidden in the area around hachi making it look like he is producing the insects.
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Hinin Twilian
Hinin Twilian

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeTue 10 Nov 2009, 11:09 pm

He would sigh once more as he slightly noticed that this man was on guard as well. He decided that this wasn't an attacker so he showed the kunai infront of him and slid the back into his pouch. His eyes remained stuck on this newcommer. Hinin was a long ways away from the Leaf Village and he didn't really want a complete all out war. He let his arms and hands pull behind his head and rub the back of his hair lightly. He felt like he was meeting some one new and not meeting some one who needed to die. He spoke again. Hm. Not much of a talker are ya? Anyway, I am Hinin. Hinin Uchiha. He knew that by saying this name would arouse suspicians about who he was but he didn't care. He wanted a reaction wether it be a positive reaction or negative reaction.
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The Fallen Angel
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The Fallen Angel

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeTue 10 Nov 2009, 11:47 pm

Hachi smirked as the word uchiha leaked from his mouth. Even though the smirk was not visable he now knew what he had to do. Being that the man was an uchiha that means that he would be able to harvest his eye and use it as his own. Hachi stood still as the nest produced multiple grenade insects that began to travel through the series of burrows and come up through the snow. Being that the snow was thick the small insects were able to travel through the snow without even being seen. As the ten of the insects arrived around the man they all suddenly exploded trapping the enemy in a powerful explosion coming from all directions. Hachi knew that if the ninja was caught in the trap it would probubly kill him but he hoped that it wouldn't blow up his head because that is all he wanted.
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Hinin Twilian
Hinin Twilian

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeWed 11 Nov 2009, 9:24 am

At this, he acted imediately, a log appearing in his place. Once the smoke cleared, the log would lay on fire in his spot. He, having completely dodged the attack, was leaning against a tree that faced in the opposite direction of his opponent. He realized now that this man was out for a fight. He now quietly reached back into his pouch and pull out a kunai and hold it at his side, ready to attack. He now threw the kunai from behind the tree and jumped to the next branch then made quick hand signs, holding two fingers to his lips and morphing his chakra inside of him from the pit of his stomach into his throat. Finally, in a burst of chakra, the fire ball shoots out of his mouth at the man. The fire ball was fairly large for a normal fire ball jutsu. It shot kinda slow but it was very wide so it would be difficult for any normal person to just dodge it.
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The Fallen Angel
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The Fallen Angel

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeWed 11 Nov 2009, 1:13 pm

Hachi's face turned from happyness to suprise as the ninja managed to dodged the explosion not being able to see the ninja in his frontal view he turned around again to see the ninja preparing a jutsu. Preforming a quick string of handsigns putting his arms in an X shape in front of his face hachi's body became covered in stones to protect him form the incoming fireball. While the armor was blocking the fire ball the bugs decided to act. Multiple ant lions created pits around the tree and hinnin so that if he tried to run he would surely fall into a put and be attacked by the ant lions. Five carrier beetles then brought ten bullet ants on each of their underbelly and began to drop the from overhead onto hinnin. After the fireball had ended hachi's earth armor had fallen off but under the snow there were now tank beetles around him to protect any incoming attack.

Name: Ant Lion
Species: Ant
Description: Large ants that create traps in the earth that seem like a large funnel that traps anyone who steps into making them fall into the mouth of the ant lion. Ant lions are rather small even though they are able to make large traps in mere moments.

Name: Carrier Beetle
Species: Beetle
Description: These beetles have no purpose but to carry other insects that have to walk on their underbelly to attack the enemy from the air. These insects are rather large and armored to protect them from being hit in the sku but are still able to fly at a very quick pace

Name: Tank Beetles
Species: Beetle
Description: These large beetles were made by hachi himself. They take on the form of hercules beetles but have what looks like a horn gun on their head and their body is heavily armored making it so that a normal stomp won't kill them. The horn gun does not shoot bullets but instead shoots a sticky liquid that looks like blood but quickly becomes an incredibly sticky and heavy liquid when it touches a humans body making it much harder for them to move.

Name: Bullet Ant
Species: Ant
Description: This large ants get their name from their powerful pincers that inject venom into the enemy and seem almost like they have been shot. The venom then causes excruciating pain to the enemies body needing only ten bites to make the enemy pass out from shock. These ants are rather large and are easy targets for people to step on if they are trying to attack.

Name: Earth Armor
Rank: B
Element: Earth
Description: After preforming a string of handsigns hachi's body becomes covered in a thick armor of rocks. This protects him from almost any incoming attack but it also makes him much slower make it much harder for him to attack.
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Hinin Twilian
Hinin Twilian

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeThu 12 Nov 2009, 9:26 am

He almost started laughing out of enjoyment as he noticed himself being trapped in. He decided to shake his head lightly and close his eyes. He began to do hand signs and then shot his finger tips out in front of him. This is all that insects deserve. A black gas eroded from the tips and quickly filled the area. If any one or any thing were to inhale even the smallest part of this jutsu, they would be cought in the genjutsu. He now flung four kunais out upward to catch a few of the beetles that were farthest away. He then threw two kunai in the air missing everything then he threw another kunai, it clanking against the first kunai and obscuring the track of the kunai making it go straight into another one of the beetles that were out of range of the gas.


Name:Flame illusion jutsu
Description:After the build up of chakra, it is released as a gas almost. It is released from the fingertips. It creates the illusion that everything that is precious to them is burining alive and being destroyed. They are in the place of their birth and everyone and everything that is precious is around him or her. Everything catches on fire and this happens once.
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The Fallen Angel
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The Fallen Angel

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A nice spar under the moon Empty
PostSubject: Re: A nice spar under the moon   A nice spar under the moon Icon_minitimeFri 13 Nov 2009, 7:36 pm

Hachi shook his head in disgust as all of his insects besides his ant lions were trapped into the genjutsu seeing their precious nest being destroyed by fire. Hachi continually tried to gain control of the insects but failed on multiple tries and finalyl just gave up on the insects that were scurrying around in distress. Hachi summoned another large group of flying fire ants this time the insects seperating one large cloud of red insects going to the back of the enemy while the remainder of the bugs charged the opponent from the front trying to land on him and bite him.

Name:Bug Swarm
Rank: B
Description: This is a basic abarada jutsu tha sends a cloud of flying insects or a large group of walking insects.

Name: Flying Fire Ant
Species: Ant
Description: These ants are high ranked soldier ants that are able to fly at a very quick speed. The ants have venom in their pincers that cause burning throughout the enemies body. The ants have a sturdy body but their wings are very frigile.
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