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 Suna Training Battle

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Zenaku Uchiha
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Zenaku Uchiha

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PostSubject: Suna Training Battle   Suna Training Battle Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 5:29 pm

Zen scopes out the area as he walks about. Trees tower overhead as he leaves the treeline into an open area. The field was open with scattered large trees all over the place. Zen thinks to himself.

I suppose this place will do nicely.

He closes his eyes to slowly reopen them.


His eyes appear red reflecting the sunlight. Instantly he begins taking in more details of the battlefield. A fallen tree to his left lodged over a large rock face caught his eye. Looking out of the corner of his eye to his right he sees a stream trickling through a small rock formation connecting to a stream which becomes a river after a short distance. Zen takes in all these facts and visuals and waits for some kind of action.
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PostSubject: Re: Suna Training Battle   Suna Training Battle Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 5:39 pm

Sephiroth walked around. He was about 20 years old. He smiled. It did not take that long for him to go from genin to ANBU captain of the sand. Sephiroth was proud of himself for that. He walked around some more and found a place with trees. Sephiroth sighed. He looked and it was kinda hot out. But to Sephiroth it was nothing. Sephiroth looked over and found a guy standing there. Sephiroth smiled and walked up to him a little. Sephiroth was behind the man. "Hay, You. Yeah, You." Sephiroth said. He smiled and then was in front of the man in a flash. Sephiroth loved his speed that he got from his teacher Kostas. Kostas has been his teacher for about...three or four years now. Sephiroth looked around with a blank face and knows this place all to well. He mite have never been here before but it dose not take long to know what all is there and who all is there for someone like him. Sephiroth poped his neck and put his hand on the scythe and pulled it out. Sephiroth had two other swords on him but he was not going to use them. not yet. Sephiroth started to spin the blade around his hand and it was moving fast. "You ready?" He asked. Sephiroth stoped spining it and when he did Fire shot out of the blade and went to the man At a vary fast speed. "Sephiroth Akira. Last of my clan and ANBU captain of the sand. Now who the hell are you?" Sephiroth asked.
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Zenaku Uchiha
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Zenaku Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Suna Training Battle   Suna Training Battle Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 6:05 pm

Zenaku watches as an shinobi approaches from behind while he surveys the area.

"Hay, You. Yeah, You."

Zen didn't let the words distract him from his scoping of the area until the shinobi was in front of him.

He doesn't make a move as the ninja cracks his neck and takes out a weapon. A large scythe that he played with as if it was a toy.

"You ready?"

After spinning it he stops and a trail of fire rushes out towards Zen. Zen hops back in a defensive stance ready to attack as the ninja spoke again.

Sephiroth Akira. Last of my clan and ANBU captain of the sand. Now who the hell are you?

Zen raised an eyebrow after hearing the name.

Ah, so you're Sephiroth? Kos told me i should look out for you for some decent training. Fine, I'm Zenaku Uchiha of Suna. Lets let the fun begin!

Upon shouting those words Zen drops a smoke bomb vanishing from sight. Only Zen's voice is heard in the smoke.

Kage Bushin no Jutsu!

Two copies of Zen appear running in opposite directions out of the smoke. One Zen forms katas as he circles around Seph while the other bushin continues running neither taking their eyes off Seth until the one finishes his katas.

Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu

It fires a very large ball of fire at Seph.

Jutsu used

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
(Shadow Replication Technique) Unlike the normal Replication Technique, this jutsu creates not merely an illusion but multiple real bodies of yourself. The strength of the clones is evenly distibuted among the user and every clone, making it impossible to decipher which is the original. Since these are real clones, unlike regular Bunshin no Jutsu, they can cause damage to a target; however, they will disappear if hit.

Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu
("Fire Element: Great Fireball Technique") Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilzing the Fire Element. The ninja does the necessary hand seals, draws chakra from their mouth into their chest and them immediately exhales it. They then blow a stream of fire which erupts into a large sphere of flames. To better manage the flames the ninja will bring their hand to their mouth to control it. [C-Rank]
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PostSubject: Re: Suna Training Battle   Suna Training Battle Icon_minitimeWed 18 Nov 2009, 7:13 pm

Sephiroth smiled at the man. He looked at the clones the smoke. All of it. Sephiroth put his hand out to the ball. Sephiroth stoped the ball in it's tracks. He tossed it aside as if it was nothing. "Fire can't hert me and with something that weak? You must be joking." He said. Sephiroth sighed and spun his blade around some more. the blade started to tern red from how hot the blade was geting. by how fast it was moving it looked like a ring. He shot another blast of fire at the man ever faster. He ran at him fast and had a smile on his face. "Show me what the uchiha Sharingan can do." Sephiroth said. He's never seen the Sharingan and never heard of it. when he did was when his friend Art showed him about it. It had powers to copy all moves from people but not there clan jutsus. Sephiroth laughed. Just about all his jutsus were clan. Sephiroth swung his blade down at the mans chest and if it hit he would cut open his chest but before it was close to hiting him, Sephiroth was gone and behind him. Sephiroth swung it again and laughed. "This will be fun." Sephiroth said. the blade was still red and burning. He wanted to see what the uchiha can do. "Let me ask you something. Why did Kostas want you to train with me?" He asked.
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Zenaku Uchiha
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Zenaku Uchiha

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PostSubject: Re: Suna Training Battle   Suna Training Battle Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 12:05 am

(ooc: i want to know how you saw me through the smoke bomb Suna Training Battle 86368 lol)

Zen appears motionless as Seph attacks head long as the other two Zen's stop running. Seeing how close Seph was to attacking the other Zen who hadn't thrown the ball of fire simply grinned forming a single kata and whispered.

Bunshin Daibakuha

The version of Zen Seph was attacking ignited into a massive explosion with shockwaves strong enough to blast a person a distance away or possibly kill a human as Zen spoke.

Honestly. I'd think that one such as yourself would try to be more careful when dealing with kage bushin. To answer your question, I'm supposed to fight with you so that we can be sure that all suna shinobi are at the top of their game. What better way to stay strong than to fight each other to push ourselves harder.

As Zen finishes his words both remaining versions of Zen stand side by side scanning the area for signs of the outcome.

Jutsu Used

Bunshin Daibakuha
(Clone Great Explosion) This jutsu works in combination with the kage bushin jutsu to create a shadow clone that will explode on command. The blast created is considerable, and could potentially kill an attacker engaged in hand-to-hand combat.
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Village: Cloud

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PostSubject: Re: Suna Training Battle   Suna Training Battle Icon_minitimeThu 19 Nov 2009, 6:15 pm

(Sorry i was in a hurry)

Sephiroth jumped back and smiled. His arm was starting to blade by the power of the clone. Sephiroth had fire go all around his arm and made the wounds stop bleeding by the fire burning them shut. Sephiroth looked over at him. "Hmmmm, well i gess he's right. I have not been fighting for some time now. All i've done is help him out." Sephiroth said. He looked at the fire around his arm and the it started to form into a dragons arm. Sephiroth laughed a bit and pointed his hand at him with the fire around it and the other clones. Sephiroth smiled a crazy smile. He shot the fire out and it went at a vary fast speed to the clones. the fire left his arm but then it went around his arm again. Sephiroth had it in a fist and and shot himself at Zen going fast. He laughed alot and went to punch him in the face but stoped and jumped back. He sighed. "I'm not going to fall for that. Well seeing as how there is three of you. I'll kill all of you." He said and shot his hand into the sky. He shot all the fire out in the sky and then it rained down on the two of them. Sephiroth had the rain going fast down to all of them. Sephiroth had the fire miss him by a little so that he can't hide next to him. Sephiroth waits for him to do something.
(sorry they are short.)

Name: Fire rain
Rank: unknown
Element: Fire nin
Clan: Akira
Description: Sephiroth will use his fire powers to make fire in the air and it will start to look like a cloud. After that, Sephiroth will have the fire tern into a long needle sort of like senbon and rain down on the person from all points

Name: Dragons arm
Rank: C
Clan: Akira
Description: Sephiroth will use his fire powers to cover his hole arm in fire and will have claws at the end of it. It can cut people like a blade and will burn them at the same time
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