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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

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 Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]

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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 2:11 am

Kitaro walked into the room peaceful his long pelt touching the floor as he walked. He was permitted entrance into the Hokage's office however if he wasn't he would have made his way in. He had buisness he needed to attend to with the Hokage and it had to be done very soon otherwise it would not be as effective as before. Kitaro pulled a ciggerette case out of his coat pocket and shook it once causing a Ciggerete to come out into his hand. He threw it onto Kyogi's desk and held a lighter up and flipped it causing a small flame to come out of the top and then threw that to onto Kyogi's desk. "Take a load off Kyogi, have a nice smoke there and just relax. I have some things I need to discuss with you and I prefer to be brief. So brief you wouldn't know the half of the word if I didn't explain it to you. However I must insist we have this meeting talking so please come over here and stand next to me."

Kitaro then smiled at him and closed his eyes. He fingered the kunai in his pocket but then he let it go. He didn't want to seem hostile towards Kyogi the noble Hokage. Several clones of Kitaro then entered the room. They were all holding they're hands behind they're backs and had done something outside however it did not harm anything. They were just loyal water clones of Kitaro that did his bidding and his bidding had not been hostile to the point of the current meeting. Kitaro just put his hands in his robes his hands becoming covered by his robes and small ruffles occured under them a bit however Kitaro just continued smiling at Kyogi. It was a meeting of necessity.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 2:33 am

(You don't know my real name. No one does at this moment, I only go by Lord Vizer IC)

Lord Vizer had been doing stressing paperwork, hoping for anything to take his mind off this boring time of day. There had been a lot of work due to the war with the Stone which should be concluding soon in the future. But someone who he did not ever expect to see in his parts walked in. "Take a load off Kyogi, have a nice smoke there and just relax. I have some things I need to discuss with you and I prefer to be brief. So brief you wouldn't know the half of the word if I didn't explain it to you. However I must insist we have this meeting talking so please come over here and stand next to me."

"I'll stay here if you don't mind. But what is it that you wish to discuss Kitaro. Something that made you leave your beloved mountain?" Kyogi took a look at the clones looking at him as well. He paid them no mind. It was Kitaro who held his attention.
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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009, 2:45 am


Kitaro nodded his head. He didn't want to seem like he minded. However it was now time to show that this was not a meeting of diplomacy. There had been a rumor of a rumor that Kitaro was now acting on. He had plans for the future and he pulled a mask out of his pelt coat pocket and put it on his face. It looked like a cow skull however with no empty spaces in it. Kitaro had now been in eye contact with Kyogi for about 20 seconds. Kitaro had under his coat made the preparations as he walked into the room. He had commanded Kyogi's attention and he didn't devert it even while his clones piled in. Kitaro opened his eyes wide and locked Kyogi into his current position with his jutsu while the clones surrounded him and began to make there move.

The first two clones of the ten pulled there arms out from behind there backs and showed that they were holding Raikiri's in they're hands and they rushed forwards probably since the Hokage was locked due to Kitaro's jutsu slamming there lightning blades into the man's heart and stomach. The two clones then backed up and the next 4 stepped forward to preform the attacks they had been charging. A mist explosion from close range. The clones stood one on each side of the man and fired this move since he was probably still locked in his position or dead the clones stood touching him while they all breathed the mist on eachother and the hokage and then expelled fire from there mouths causing an explosion large enough to take out the entire hokage's office. However Kitaro preformed substitution since he was able to make handsigns and appeared again behind wherever the man was at this point whether he escaped or not. The remaining 4 clones attacked the man now by charging there blades with fire and swarming around him who was probably either dead or still stuck and sliced at him with there blades careful to stay away from his face but to make sure that he was cut into as many pieces as possible.

[What Kitaro looked like]

Name: Temporary Possession
rank: A
Element: none
Description: If the user locks eyes with an opponet the user can activate a chakra flow between the 2 people. If the eyes meet from 1-7 seconds the user may stop one limb from moving. If they lock eyes for 8-12 seconds the user may lock 2 limbs. If they lock eyes for 13-20 seconds the user can force them to make non lethal moves to anyone. IF they lock eyes for 21-30 seconds the user can force them to do complex actions that do not result in death to anyone. If they lock eyes for 31 seconds or more the user gains the ability to completely cut off all motions they make or force them to do any action including lethal ones to anyone other than the ones who locked eyes.

Name:lightning edge
Rank S
type: ninjutsu
a Ninjutsu technique developed by Hatake Kakashi utilizing the Lightning Element. Chidori allows him to cut through any foe. Later, Uchiha Sasuke used his Sharingan and the training of Kakashi to also learn the technique. It was given the nickname Raikiri after it was said Kakashi used the technique to cut a lightning bolt in two. Chidori is used for assassination purposes. Activating the body to focus chakra to the hand, Kakashi and Sasuke's hand become enveloped by an electrical force. This force is their chakra altered in nature to an electrical current. By altering the shape of the force, similar to an electrical discharge, they can decide the power and range of the attack.
After concentrating all the chakra into the arm, Kakashi and Sasuke use their quickness and the power of the thrust from the chakra to pierce any object with the extended forearm. Because their opponent can easily counter the attack, it requires a Sharingan user to make the technique worthwhile. The Sharingan will allow them to predict any moves their opponent decides to make and send their strike home into the target. Due to the high speed, the force emits a sound like a thousand birds chirping which gave the technique its name. Because of the great amount of chakra needed to utilize the technique, the technique can only be used so many times during the day.

mist waltz technique
rank B
a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and then proceeds to blow a large combustible mist at the target. When the mist hits flame, it will ignite in an explosion of fire.

Substitution technique
rank E
the user replaces himself with a nearby someone or something to avoid taking damage from an attack coming at the user.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Age : 32
Location : At the Akatsuki Base chillin like a villain

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Village: Village Hidden in the Rain

Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeSun 29 Nov 2009, 6:53 am

Lord Vizer was displeased. He had not expected supposedly the strongest ninja in the world at the moment. To try and kill him in such a dishonorable way. Something a coward would do. This world seriously needed to be remodeled if this was what the ninja today think of as matching to their strength against someone worthy enough to challenge. Things needed to changed. Things would change. The very first act in this defiance would be Kitaro's own death. Kitaro had deceived Kyogi into thinking the man had urgent news of some sort. But it was far different then that. The old man had come for his head. But his attempt was foolhardy at that. The man hadn't thought about exactly where he was he tried to kill him. He never possible stopped to think that he was in the Hokage's office. Mostly every Kage had a hidden passageway in and out of the building. The Hokage's happened to be a trapdoor hidden under where he was sitting at the moment.

When the Yotobi Leader had begun his attack, the moment he moved Kyogi had tapped the floor twice. A medium-sized whole appeared right below the Hokage, as Kitaro began his raid of attacks that hit nothing but air. Kyogi sunk into the chute that led to the second floor. As he was free falling through air an explosion was through the chute. Lord Vizer turned in the air and looked backwards as the explosion was going on. The Sandaime had quickly made some handsigns, a clone burst into life in the air in front of him. The clone stopped himself from falling by kicking off the side of the chute, he then began to run upwards back into the chute opening. He back-flipped and landed in a crouched position. Kitaro had foolishly stayed up in the room when one of the clones had sent in the mist. That would eventually be a fatal mistake. Kitaro had appeared right behind where Kyogi was just at only a second ago, and was attacking the air. He could not even see properly because the smoke from the Mist Waltz technique had not quite cleared, due to being indoors at the time. So he also could not see the clone jump back from the whole. Even if he did by some miracle. He wouldn't be able to escape the clone so quickly. Death was more then likely.

"Bang," muttered the clone as he appeared only a few inches away from Kitaro. An explosion erupted as the top half of the building was blown apart from the explosion of the clone. Being that close to the explosion. His escape was not likely. The man had also used more then one powerful techniques to no avail. His chakra though great was strenuous fighting against the Hokage. The man thought that he could kill me so cowardly. He was wrong.


Explosive Shadow Clone • [Bakuretsu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu]
Ninjutsu, Kinjutsu, General, Offensive, Mid Ranged, A Rank
Description: Bakuretsu kage Bunshin, is yet another kinjutsu derived from its original jutsu, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. Its said to be a very powerful Ninjutsu technique where the ninja creates a suicidal Kage Bunshin (shadow clone). After creating it, the clone can detonate himself and explode in combat, taking anyone immediately surrounding it out. When used in close combat, without the enemy noticing, this technique can be quite deadly.
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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeMon 30 Nov 2009, 7:14 pm

[I made a post getting this whole thing done however I just realized that you godmodded out of the way voiding my temporary possession making you dead since you didn't dodge it with that included.]
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Village: Village Hidden in the Rain

Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeMon 30 Nov 2009, 10:44 pm

[On the contrary..due to your improper use of words you actually saved my life. For example you said that you had used your Temporary Possession and that we had locked eyes for about 20 seconds. I looked at your tech and it said that you were able to make me do a non-lethal move and other things. But yet you didn't indicate locking any of my limbs. So I assumed you didn't. But you had said you locked Kyogi, which meant you locked my entire body, which is not of the abilities in that tech. Never indicated did you say you locked any of my limbs or any made me make a non-lethal move at all. And if you want to go on the non lethal move thing. I didn't make a lethal move. But my clone did.]
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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeMon 30 Nov 2009, 10:51 pm

[I wrote that I held you still with it. Implying I locked all the limbs that would allow you to move. your dead so edit your post to say that cause I held you still through that whole thing.]
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeMon 30 Nov 2009, 11:00 pm

[Did you say you locked my legs? No. You didn't say you locked anything but me in general. So I will not write a deathpost from your typo. What you imply can be challenge. You need to be more specific with your post. And your only able to lock two limbs..I can still move with other limbs if you haven't realized.]
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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 8:57 am

[ok I said I locked you up. I dont care if I said legs or arms or head or foot. I locked you, your dead, deal with it.]
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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 4:10 pm

((Kyogi, you are dead by my standards. In the begginning of the topic, you never said anything about a trap door. Only a button. Congratz! You just died almost the same way as Kasei did when Xarias killed him.))
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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeTue 08 Dec 2009, 11:53 pm

Kitaro nodded his head. [Head nodded]He didn't want to seem like he minded.[I was pretending I didn't care if he was in his seat] However it was now time to show that this was not a meeting of diplomacy[a twist!]. There had been a rumor of a rumor that Kitaro was now acting on[a trick!]. He had plans for the future and he pulled a mask out of his pelt coat pocket and put it on his face.[getting dressed] It looked like a cow skull however with no empty spaces in it.[description of clothing] Kitaro had now been in eye contact with Kyogi for about 20 seconds.[a knowledgable statement that becomes relative later] Kitaro had under his coat made the preparations as he walked into the room.[preforming the handsigns] He had commanded Kyogi's attention and he didn't devert it even while his clones piled in[Kyogi said in his post that he kept looking at me and not the clones. This is sad to back up that I had him for 20+ seconds]. Kitaro opened his eyes wide and locked Kyogi into his current position with his jutsu[right here he is damn frozen, I said locked him meaning I locked all his movements away so he can't escape or push his damn button] while the clones surrounded him and began to make there move.[the clones attacking]

[the rest is just me killing him]
The first two clones of the ten pulled there arms out from behind there backs and showed that they were holding Raikiri's in they're hands and they rushed forwards probably since the Hokage was locked due to Kitaro's jutsu slamming there lightning blades into the man's heart and stomach. The two clones then backed up and the next 4 stepped forward to preform the attacks they had been charging. A mist explosion from close range. The clones stood one on each side of the man and fired this move since he was probably still locked in his position or dead the clones stood touching him while they all breathed the mist on eachother and the hokage and then expelled fire from there mouths causing an explosion large enough to take out the entire hokage's office. However Kitaro preformed substitution since he was able to make handsigns and appeared again behind wherever the man was at this point whether he escaped or not. The remaining 4 clones attacked the man now by charging there blades with fire and swarming around him who was probably either dead or still stuck and sliced at him with there blades careful to stay away from his face but to make sure that he was cut into as many pieces as possible.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitimeFri 11 Dec 2009, 8:07 am

(You going to edit this or what)
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PostSubject: Re: Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi]   Meeting the Hokage [Kitaro and Kyogi] Icon_minitime

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