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 Shirou the Blade

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PostSubject: Shirou the Blade   Shirou the Blade Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 6:32 pm

General Information:

Name: Shirou Yamaarashi

Nickname/Alias: Shirou the Blade

Weight: 150 lbs

Height: 6'2"

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Looks: Shirou the Blade Sex
He has a clan mark on his back.

Personality: He is a very indecisive person. He tends to second guess himself often. Generally all of the desicions he has ever made make him a bit worrisome on his view of life. He hates many things... but he loves more things than hates. He tends to growl at any insult, but doesn't really stand up for himself on such petty disputes.

Clan Information

Clan Name: Iki (Originally was Ookami-Iki but clan evolve to take on more than just a wolf familiar)

Kekei Genkai: Shinzui-Akuba ( Spirit's Curse )
The Iki Curse Mark Kekkai Genkai-
Shirou the Blade NormalNormal, this is the curse in its birth form. It has no effect on the person who wears it. This curse can be found anywhere on the bodies (arms, legs or neck and head.)

Shirou the Blade LevelI Level I, this is the curse in the second stage. The users strength, speed and senses are increases by about thirty percent of the clan member's normal. The wearer of this curse now begins to feel a slight sting on every nerve of their body.Their mind twisted picking on false pain signals. The Wearer's heart rate slows somewhat. The user's life span is shortened to about 6o year maximum. These effects are permanent throughout the wearer's life. This stage is usually activated at the age of eleven years old. The curse mark will move slightly toward the wearer's torso.

Shirou the Blade LevelII Level II, this the third stage of the curse. The user's Strength, speed, and sense are increased by about fifty percent of the clan member's normal. The wearer of the curse will now feel extremely sore in all the muscles of their body. Their heart slows ever more, Faltering, beginning to give out. The user's life span is cut to forty-five to fifty years maximum. At this stage the wearer will begin to second guess themselves periodically. These effects are permanent throughout the wearer's life. This stage activates at the age of twelve to thirteen years old. The curse mark will move just outside the wearer's torso in this stage.

Shirou the Blade LevelIII Level III, this is the fourth stage of the curse mark. In this stage the wearer's strength, speed and senses are increased by about seventy percent of tthe clan member's normal. At this stage the wearer will receive intense pain on every movement they make. (This includes breathing and blinking).The wearer's heart rate in now one third of what it once was. They are nearing death, ever closer. The wearer's life span is now cut to about thirty-five to forty years old. At this stage the wearer now begins to not trust in there selves and their own abilities. These effects are permanent throughout the wearer's life. The curse mark moves down to just next the wearer's heart at this stage.

Shirou the Blade LevelIV Level IV, this is the fifth stage of the curse mark. At this stage the wearer's strength, speed and senses are doubled to that of the Clan member's normal. At this stage the wearer's every nerve in their body is in extreme pain. It would be like living with your skin torn off your body. At this stage the Wearer's heart rate is almost non-existant. It stops almost and their life is very near it's end. At this stage the wearer's life span is cut to twenty-five years to thirty years maximum. At this stage the wearer now begins to regret every decision that they have made in their life and every one that they know they will have to make. The effects of this stage are permanent throughout the wearer's life. This stage activates at the age of eighteen to nineteen years old. At this stage the curse mark moves directly over the wearer's heart.

The Sealings

First Sealing:
The member and familiar can talk freely between each other in their minds. The clan member and familiar also share the same field of vision.

2-3 years after sealing:
In addition to the first stage the clan member and familiar can share full thoughts and feelings freely between each other. At this stage the familiar can take over the clan member's body for a short amount of time in case they are asleep or knocked out.(This lasts only up to three posts) The familiar's chakra can now be used in short sporadic bursts. This small burt is about the amount of chakra needed to use one C rank jutsu.

3-4 years after sealing:
In addition to the first and second stages the clan member and familiar can share full memories and life knowledge freely between each other. At this stage the familiar can fully take over the clan member's body for an extended amount of time if they are asleep or knocked out.( up to 5-6 posts max. ) The familiar can now take control of the body during normal life for restricted amounts of time.(2-3 posts) The familiar's chakra can now be more controlled and better used. These chakra control adds chakra equal to about that of a high academy student or low genin. Though it is used up twice as fast as normal chakra.

5-6 years after sealing:
In addition to the first, second and third stages the clan ember and familiar are now in full harmony. The clan member can now fully use their familiar's chakra.The amount of chakra is about that of a high genin or very low chunin. Used up twice as fast as normal chakra. As well they can fully merge their spirits. ( body control by the familiar lasts a battle.) The transformation can only be held for a short amount of time though and drains the user's stamina faster than normal body movement. ( up to 4-5 posts)

7-8 years after sealing:
In addition to the other stages the clan member and familiar can merge their spirits in transformation for an extended amount of time without any more drain than normal on the body. ( the time of a battle) This is the final stage of the Kekkai Genkai. This is a total understanding between clan member and familiar.

10-11 years after sealing:
The connection between familiar and clan member is beyond all else. It is like one person at all times. At this point the Familiar spirit can exit the clan member in it's Body form and fight along side them. While this occurs the Familiar can use all the " In Transformation " KKG techniques the clan member knows. While outside the body the familiar can still speak with the clan member through telepathy. Though while in this form any damage the familiar takes can be drastic as it is almost like damaging its soul itself. Because of this draw back, this is very rarely used.

Clan Symbol: Shirou the Blade LevelIV

Clan History: The Ookami-Iki clan started as a simple clan that used familiars. They fought along side these animals for hundreds of years, and never thought anything more was needed in their lives. They felt a strong connection to the animals they had packed with. When one Ookami-Iki clan member was born the Chief and animal elder was summoned. They would look over the child and decide which animal was best suited for the clan member. This process was always accurate for the elder had a keen sense for the will of the humans even at very young ages. This continued for the hundreds of years the clan was created and lived without any mishaps of the chosen familiar.

The Ookami-Iki clan had also had a very strict religion. They prayed to many gods, all of whom were the ancient animals of the land. The animals even though wild they were had a human form. They were the true form of the animal, Beautiful beyond any mere human. These gods often told them to travel the land. Therefore the clan was one of travel. Always moving together they traveled the land in large circles on end. They were always thought as nomads and were treated as such. But the Ookami-Iki were a proud people and did not take such things lying down. Because of this they were often at war with many villages, towns and other nomads groups. They were victorious in many battles but were always confronted with the choice of fighting and losing many lives or running and defying the gods. The fight though would be to great as some cases and the clan would have to turn back and run from a larger, more powerful force.

This never ending rhythm of travel fighting and running caused the clan to covet speed as the biggest part of their life. The slow were often left behind or slaughtered by the larger forces that they could not outrun. Traveling was no exception to this. If one was lagging behind the clan they were left behind no matter how young the person was. So because of this speed was the most valued attribute in the Ookami-Iki clan. Most all debates that could not be decided by simple words were settled by a race between the arguing parties. This was also an easy way to cease civil uprisings within the clan, for the angered side would be challenged to a race to decide the matter to save bloodshed. All losers must hand over their power to the victor. This was also the handing of power from clan chiefs. There was no known chief that passed on his title by dying from old age. Though if a chief died in battle the willing contestants for the title would all race for it.

As the years went on tradition never changed. No bend in the laws of the clan were ever made. Travel when the gods demanded. When confronted by a village or nomad group, fight or run accordingly. These things were never changed as all the years went by. But the world around them did. Villages, towns and other clans became more and more powerful. The way of life that the clan always followed began to be threatened. Soon after this knowledge was known the clan began a battle with what is now known as the sand country. The battle was short and the Ookami-Iki lost quickly. They were forced to retreat and move around to the rock country. Though something happened during the battle that the Ookami-Iki did not expect.

One warrior of the clan, Sousui, while in the heat of the battle was greatly wounded. Without anything left to do the warrior performed the clan's transformation jutsu. Though Sousui was not able to perform the justu alone and his familiar helped him by giving him some of his chakra. The justu known to the clan was a permanent transformation and the addition the Sousui's familiar caused a reaction he did not expect. His familiar's chakra and spirit was transferred into Sousui. Sousui was able to live but his familiar's body lay motionless at his feet. Sousui escaped the battle and ran back to the clan.

When the clan had heard what Sousui had heard the clan began to become angry. The clan fell into chaos and began to fight. Half the clan thought that what Sousui had doe was murder of his familiar and the sacred animal. They thought if defiance of the gods was anything it was this. The other half thought it was the true meaning of what the gods had hoped of them. To become one with your familiar, a true bonding. This Sousui thought as well, for he could feel and speak with the familiar inside of him. Though when he told them this the others went in rage. They thought he was spilling lies. A civil brawl broke forth between the clan and many were slaughtered.

When the battle died down Sousui was trapped in and bound by a jutsu. Unable to move the survivors of the battle deliberated on his fate. But even after the battle the votes were still tied. They began to argue yet again. The clan chief stepped in then and offered another choice, banishment. They clan agreed but those who thought him a murderer insisted on putting a curse on him so that he would regret what he did and feel the pain that his familiar did and so his children would not forget what he did as well. They began the curse but the others intervened and began infuse him with their chakra and energy in hopes of lifting the curse that was being put on him. A battle of wills occurred and the end result was the death of all those involved in the struggle. The result was Sousui receiving the curse that was hoped for but because of the interference he was imbued with the power of those who had died trying to save him.

The Ookami-Iki clan was now dead. Sousui and the chief were the only survivors. They parted ways shortly after, Sousui traveled out towards the rock country as the clan had intended while the clan chief headed back down the path the clan had traveled. Sousui traveled for many days going from village to village. Among his travels he found that his familiar inside him grew and matured as he did. It was still alive and was communicating with him through a transfer of words through their connected minds. It lived inside him and it grew and matured as he did. With this knowledge he continued onward as the god commanded him.

All along his travels he also discovered another thing. His curse still hurt and pained him and he refused to let his familiar ease his pain. The further and longer he travels he found that his curse affected him more greatly. The pain grew ever more powerful and it was nearly crippling him. As the pain increased he found that his speed, strength and senses increased as well. And no matter how much he willed it to stop his pain continued to build in power and strength. He did not know when it would kill him but he knew it would.He felt his mind pick up pain from places that he could not find. His mind was tricking him. For the pain only grew as time went on. He felt his heart slow and falter as if it was giving out. Soon he knew is would overcome him and there was nothing he could do about it. It would not stop only continue.

He traveled for two years and when was 19 he entered what is now known as the Fire country. Here he settled, growing stronger and weaker all the while as his curse built inside him. Soon he began to regret his actions the longer he lived. Doubt began to creep into his mind. He began to question every choice that he ever made in his life time. As well as every choice he knew that he was going to have to make. The doubt and pain lasted his entire life. When he was about twenty three he met a woman.

His pain and doubt kept him from fully accepting her, but he felt his life becoming ever shorter. He knew he had five maybe seven years left of existence. With his family and clan dead he was the only one left, for he had long guessed that the chief was dead, he knew he must carry on the family name. He settled down around twenty four and had three children, all of whom were boys. He lived grievingly for all the years afterward. It was a short time to live for he died seven years later.

His children and wife were devastated but Sousui did have time to pass what he knew to his children. They knew of his accomplishment and the clan's. They understood most of the clan's religion and ways, the rest they did not know Sousui had left for them in scrolls he had begun to write when his first son was born. Sousui was afraid for his sons for he noticed that two of them had inherited the curse that he had carried most of his life. Only be teaching them the clan ways would they understand the pain and self doubt he knew they would endure as he had. He hoped to give them all the information that he could so that they could be protected as much as possible.

Sousui was also able to call back the contract of the clan and the animal elders. He made the same promise of loyalty and blood that his ancestors had to renew the bond and give his sons the familiars they deserved and believed they should have. He could only hope that they would be able to fulfill the true bonding that he had with his familiar. But he knew they would have to figure that out on their own.

His sons began reading the scrolls that were left for them by their father. When his eldest son was twelve years old the curse he had activated itself and pain and power flooded his veins and body. The three sons read up further on this and found the truth of how their father received the curse. Working together they followed their father's footsteps. That is they performed the same justu that their father had and put their familiars inside them. They found the connection that their father had. They felt the bond with their familiar inside them.

They lived peacefully for twelve more years until the eldest brother died because of the curse. They were devastated of course but also afraid. It seemed clear now that the middle son because of this curse had twenty-five to thirty years to live. For the youngest son was the one who was born without the curse. The second son was afraid of death and began fighting the curse inside him. It was his wish not to die and so he began to use the familiar inside him to feed the curses rage. He got the same power as his brother had with no cost to the length of his life. The familiar inside him was now dying instead. Weak and fragile it could barely hold on to the brother's body and he could no longer he or connect to it.

Although the death of their brother, the other two were able to carry on and have children of their own. The youngest brother had two children; both were born with the curse. The second son also had two children, one with the curse and born without it. It seemed to them that the curse was passed on to the children wither or not their parent had it. If it was in their blood their children were at risk. They became afraid for their children as their father had for them and they told them of the curse that they held and also when they were old enough they gave them the choice they had taken with their brother. To accept the familiar sealing ritual. All agreed to it of course it seemed to become tradition even in the small amount of time the clan had been reborn.

Of the three who were born with the curse only one followed suit of the second brother and used their familiar to fuel the curse's power. The other two died along with the eldest brother and Sousui at young ages but were able to have children before they died in order to let the clan live on. The Ookami-Iki clan thus was able to form again. They began to return to most of the old clan ways. They worshipped the same gods and thought the same ways. Speed began to be the most to be the prominent ability for even more than before it was needed by the clan.

The Ookami-Iki clan took the phrase "Life Is Short" to heart like some others did not. Many of their clan died at young ages, this meant that they knew there was no time to waste in life. Physical speed became a must in the Ookami-Iki clan. They also thought of ways to shorten lengthy tasks. The most noticeable from the outside of the clan are the tattoos that began to popularize in the clan. These tattoos were found on the fingers and palms of the clan members. They were they hand seals used by jutsu, tattooed on to the finger tips and palms that made hand seals unnecessary for the tattoos aloud the clan members to simply, send pulses of chakra to the tattoos in substitution to the actual movements. They were found on each finger and palm; ten for the fingers and two for the palms made up the twelve signs. These chakra pulses were found to take almost no time at all to activate at all. ut it was also found that this way of performing jutsu caused a searing pain in the hands that lasted up to one minute. This was usually a way to perform jutsu in a short time when needed.

Physical attributes were not the only uses of speed used by then clan. Clan members began to learn to accept and trust people more quickly. One reason was to find a wife swiftly before death and also to have more friends than enemies in such a clan that was always in chaos. Of course the clan members also began to learn more about the familiars inside them more than any other clan before them. That fact that they were inside them let them truly understand and accept one another. Soon members began to let the familiars take control of their mind and subconscious for short periods of time or if they were knocked out by another ninja. This allowed the clan members also to stay alert even while sleeping for their familiars could take over the body functions while they were asleep.

The chakra of the familiars also became more usable as these connections grew. Also when they utterly trusted and understood each other they could truly merge their spirits. When this happened the body overtook a transformation and would become the form of the familiar inside them.

Shared feelings were at the peak while in this form between clan members and familiar. This understanding and true spirit merge of the familiar was only accessible to half the clan. For some the members who were born with the curse where able to take the transformation. Those who used their familiar to feed the curse damaged their spirit to a point where even being able to communicate through words to it was impossible. From this discovery the clan began to be split into three branches.

The Main branch, which were the members of the Ookami-Iki clan whom were unlucky enough to be born with the inheritable curse of the clan and had accepted their death that was to come by it. They by doing this were able to keep their familiar alive and lived to understand and cherish that half of their being.

The Second branch, which were the members of the Ookami-Iki clan whom were also unlucky enough to inherit the curse. Though they are the members of the clan that used their familiars to feed the curse and therefore keeping themselves alive. But of course at the price of, in short, murdering their familiar and half of themselves. This is frowned on by the clan though and therefore the smallest branch of the Ookami-Iki clan.

The Third branch who were the few lucky members of the Ookami-Iki clan that were born without the curse of the clan. They were left without the choice of life without half themselves or pure death and therefore were able to follow the Main branch in the connection of their familiar and themselves. The third branch are the ones who usually are the ones given the job of passing on the knowledge of the clan to those who lost their parents from the curse.

Rank Information:

Rank: Genin

Village: Stone Village

Skill Information:

Skill Specialty: Weaponry, and Ninjutsu

Elemental Affinity: Lightning

Special Characteristics: There is a mark on his back that is a part of his bloodline. He is also extremely strong and fast. His chakra reserves are immense as are his handseal speed. He is very skilled at fighting in general.

Clone, Transformation, Replacement jutsus, Art of Tree Climbing, and Art of Water Walking

Name: Ha-Tsume Kire no jutsu ( Tooth, Claw SLash Technique )
Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Rank: D
Clan: Iki Bloodline
While a clan member is in their familiar form they can perform this jutsu. Using chakra the clan member strengthens either talon, tooth, claw or horn on their body and makes it very sharp. Once this is done they can cut and slash their opponent with these sharp weapons. The cutting power of these claws and teeth is able to damage stone lightly. And cut through skin and flesh with ease.

Name: Hada-Nikui no jutsu ( Skin and Fur Harden Technique )
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Clan: Iki Bloodline
While a clan member is in their familiar form they can perform this jutsu. Using chakra the clan member hardens their fur, feathers, hide etc. so that they can take moderate physical hits. And bdeflect C-Rank and lower weapons. While this technique is used if the clan member's familiar form has fur the points are sharp and can cut and puncture the opponents skin on contact. If the clan member's familiar form has feathers then the sides become sharp so that they can cut the opponents skin on contact.

Name: Fuzen Animaru no Jutsu (Partial Animal Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Clan: Iki Bloodline.
This technique increases chakra flow to the users arms legs and back. This makes the users eyes more animalistic as well as lengthening their nails into claws/talions ( depending on the Familiar spirit one has ) Users of this technique tend to act more feral when using it. This technique gives an increase of strength and speed to the user by 30%. This technique can only be held for 3 posts.

History/RP Sample:

History/Background Story:

Acadamy Arc

The Erased Clan Ark

Rp Sample:

Shirou walked back up onto the arena. It was the championship match, and he was already cleaning up with his fights. The entire crowd screamed in cheer as Shirou's opponent began to climb up the stairs to the arena as well. It was an anticipated match. Shirou knew by looking at the guy he had much more of a chance against him than the rest of the shildren who tried to fight him earlier. The boy was at least 11 and glared down on the short, young Shirou with murderous intent in the iris of his eyes. Shirou stared into them boredly. The intent to kill was not even close to the eyes of the people who killed his family. The boy suddenly swung an arm during the bell ringing.

Shirou backed away a little bit and struck at the guy with a light jab to the stomach. The boy was knocked back a bit, not sure what had happened. Shirou looked at the man with continuous boredom. He shook his head and made a thumbs down at the older child. Suddenly a flurry of punches was thrown at Shirou. He boredly dodged the whole barrage. "Pathetic whelp!" he said as he jumped over a kick and roundhoused the guy in the side, sending his opponent flying off of the arena. Shirou dropped one foot onto the ground and skidded a 360 degrees and faced completly away from the kid. The bell rung at the ring out and Shirou scoffed as he walked off of the arena and into the back.

Last edited by Stoner on Wed 02 Dec 2009, 11:00 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Shirou the Blade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou the Blade   Shirou the Blade Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 7:24 pm

Need more opinion on the KKG.
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Lord Vizer
Lord Vizer

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Shirou the Blade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou the Blade   Shirou the Blade Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 7:48 pm

It looks good to me.
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Revy Izumi
Revy Izumi

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Shirou the Blade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou the Blade   Shirou the Blade Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 8:09 pm

Stoner wrote:

Rank Information:

Skill Specialty: Extremely fond of any and all weapons. He is also proficient in some pet combat jutsu.

does this mean your Weaponry, and Taijutsu?

Elemental Affinity: Lightning

Special Characteristics: There is a mark on his back that is a part of his bloodline. He is also extremely strong and fast. His chakra reserves are immense as are his handseal speed. He is very skilled at fighting in general.

All basic jutsu.

gotta add the Jutsu if you want to know them

Name: Ha-Tsume Kire no jutsu ( Tooth, Claw SLash Technique )
Type: Ninjutsu/Taijutsu
Rank: D
Clan: Iki Bloodline
While a clan member is in their familiar form they can perform this jutsu. Using chakra the clan member strengthens either talon, tooth, claw or horn on their body and makes it very sharp. Once this is done they can cut and slash their opponent with these sharp weapons. The cutting power of these claws and teeth is able to damage stone. And cut through skin and flesh with ease.

Damaging stone is slightly to powerful for a Genin

Name: Hada-Nikui no jutsu ( Skin and Fur Harden Technique )
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Clan: Iki Bloodline
While a clan member is in their familiar form they can perform this jutsu. Using chakra the clan member hardens their fur, feathers, hide etc. so that they can take moderate physical hits. And bdeflect C-Rank and lower weapons. While this technique is used if the clan member's familiar form has fur the points are sharp and can cut and puncture the opponents skin on contact. If the clan member's familiar form has feathers then the sides become sharp so that they can cut the opponents skin on contact.

That would be B rank

Name: Fuzen Animaru no Jutsu (Partial Animal Technique)
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Clan: Iki Bloodline.
This technique increases chakra flow to the users arms legs and back. This makes the users eyes more animalistic as well as lengthening their nails into claws/talions ( depending on the Familiar spirit one has ) Users of this technique tend to act more feral when using it. This technique gives an increase of strength and speed to the user by 30%. This technique can only be held for 3 posts.

You would be pretty tired after this, right?

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Shirou the Blade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou the Blade   Shirou the Blade Icon_minitimeWed 02 Dec 2009, 10:24 pm

I forgot the key detail in the first jutsu, I added Lightly to the end of that damaging stone thingie.

Pet Combat means that he has a familiar.

Okay on the B rank thing.

And yes I assume he would be suffering from the effects of the jutsu like anyone else would suffer from a soldier pill.
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Shirou the Blade Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou the Blade   Shirou the Blade Icon_minitimeThu 03 Dec 2009, 10:17 am

Name: Hada-Nikui no jutsu ( Skin and Fur Harden Technique )
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: D
Clan: Iki Bloodline
While a clan member is in their familiar form they can perform this jutsu. Using chakra the clan member hardens their fur, feathers, hide etc. so that they can take moderate physical hits. And bdeflect C-Rank and lower weapons. While this technique is used if the clan member's familiar form has fur the points are sharp and can cut and puncture the opponents skin on contact. If the clan member's familiar form has feathers then the sides become sharp so that they can cut the opponents skin on contact.

If this is going to be a B-rank, you cant use it until Chuunin.
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PostSubject: Re: Shirou the Blade   Shirou the Blade Icon_minitime

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