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» Memories
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

» Revy is a faggot
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Oct 2018, 3:13 am by Nocturne

» Anyone alive out there?
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 04 Jun 2015, 4:10 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirth of Slumbering Fire
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Jul 2013, 10:32 pm by Kai Fuuma

» Rebirthing a spirit
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 16 May 2013, 6:37 pm by Naizu Nimakee

» Naruto :: Shattered Dreams
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2012, 2:46 pm by Revy Izumi

» Update regarding Naruto-X Sequel [8/10/12]
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2012, 8:04 pm by Revy Izumi

» Me doing some No-Life Videos
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 28 Aug 2012, 11:53 am by Hirokai Hondo

» Searching Without a Trace
maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 25 Aug 2012, 1:44 pm by Naizu Nimakee

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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 2:45 pm

Swift followed the boy. She followed until he came to two doors on either side of the hallway. He turned in to the one that boys. Swift stopped and looked at the sign over the other door. She looked back and forth In between the two for moment then turned and yelled up the hall. “What is this. Some kind of sexist luxury shop. Girls should have equal rights as boys.” she looked at the door in anger. “thats it, im going in there.” swift said determinedly.” she started to open the door, but as soon as it was opened a crack a swift meet a ghastly smell. She quickly shut the door and panted for breath. “ and your locker rooms stink to.” she yelled up the hall to ki. She then opened the door to the girls room and was greet by a slightly perfumed smell. “Hmm not to shabby.” swift said out loud. Ohh I see its like separating pigs from…uh.. Diamonds.” she stuck her head out the door. “ never mind.” she yelled up the hall, Then she turned to the business at hand. She looked at the kimono. Do I really have to wear this. She thought. She sighed and put on the dress. Then went over to a mirror. Looked at her reflection. She looked at her hair. It was in a tight braid that was ran down past her shoulders and was wound around her waist. It was about ten feet long. Hmm swift thought. Should I leave it braided or not? She started to undo the braid. It took her quite some time. She looked at her self. “I don’t like it.” she said out loud, and then started to rebraid her hair. By the time she was done with that there was her face to look in to. An hour later she existed the locker room and reported to ki for duty. “ so what now she said smiling.” looking at ki.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 7:01 pm

Ki laughed. he then called down the hall. " I have two boys bathrooms, since Hito doesn't have any strong sense of smell and cant expell any bodily fluids he likes to sleep in there sometimes. Lets just call it his personal bedroom." ki giggled like a little girl with his high pithed voice, making some of the workers stare. he then went back to the kitchen and fired up the ovens and pulled off all of the cabinents so he could reach everything when he was cooking. He then placed a very large cooling tray in the peekhole area where he would be putting out food along with a small spike to put orders he already did and then a sticky tablet for the waiters and waitresses to put the orders that the customers made.
as swift came in ki smiled. " okay, you have a choice to greet the customers at the front, greet them nicely even if they treat you like a bug and give them a key if they want a room, give them a ticket if they want acupunture or a massage sending them to dellila upstairs, show them the way to the back if they want a bath or a sweat lodge or a seat if they want food. you can help delilia with acupunture or massage, you can clean rooms, you an clean bathrooms or you can be a waitress for food. though after the morning shift my workers take action in all of this and we go to intensive training with the rest of my family, we eat and then we send you to bed while we get ready for the next day and go over your performance. though you can stay up if you want." after ki said this he started to polish all of the silverware and chopsticks and when he finished he gave them to a worker to set them out along with white napkins with a red fringe. he pulled the china from the cabinet and gave it to another worker for them to set out also. he went down the hall a bit and took out the cushions for the customers to sit on and gave it to the first worker.
Delila then walked in (see signature for her picture) and took the casings for treated oils that ki had taken from his garden that morning along with scented flowers, berries and cristalized nuts. she bowed to the children and immediately went up the decorated staircase second door to the left. ki then pulled out a hot tray of food that had been simmering ever since 5 am. "okay, now for you two to go eat in the back garden near the koi fish and to figure out what you want to do for today. and what food is involved i made smoked salmon stuffed with lemoned couscous fil'aed with shrimp sauce, sweet green beans and half a grapefruit. ki set the two fancy plates on a tray and gave it to a worker to set it in the back garden on a low table. " follow him and you'll have your meal. the black tea is already back there with milk and sugar."
while she was going there, ki set out a large toolbox and went to hito, sewing up the skin that had ripped and oiled underneath his nails, fake eyes, inspected his ears for any bugs, and made sure everything ran smoothly. after that he gave hito his daily injection and patted him on the head. "okay, we're almost ready" he sighed.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 9:24 pm

Fish!!! Swift followed the worker to the back garden. With her mouth hanging open. The worker had not even set the tray down before swift was upon the food. She gobbled the fish and imminently started to choke on a bone. She waved the worker away as she hacked the and coughed. On the bone. Swift grabbed the tea pot and poored some of its contents down her throat trying to dislodge the object. After much hacking and coughing she managed to get the bone out, and she imminently started stuffing her face again, and as any intelligent person would have predicted she began to choke again. This cycle was repeated until the food was gone. Swift sat in the garden enjoying the feeling of a full stomach. Guess I better decide what I want to do. Swift thought. She reviewed the options. Greet people. By the sound of that some one would treat her like a bug. Swift was not sure she could keep her self from killing some. Better scratch that one. She thought. Cleaning rooms and bath rooms. Swift though of the smells of the locker room. “No.” she said out loud to her self. Waitress. This would be an okay job. If the food is good I can taste in and if I don’t the customer I can spit in his food. Swift thought. Then fell over laughing. But better not. She thought. If ki catches me he might not be so happy. Well that leaves acupuncture. Hmm I know a lot about that. Swift though. Her old master had trained her it this. He said the screams were good for the soul. She was never very sure about this theory but had excepted it. Swift reviewed the most painful places to be stuck with a needle in her mind. Her old master had stuck in those places several times to make sure she remembered them, and she had remembered them well. I’m surprised come here of there own free will for that. Usually master had the kidnap them so he could practice acupuncture. And to imagine they actually pay for it. This sounds like an easy way to make money. Swift thought. I should set up my own shop. Filled with joy knowing that she would get to do something she knew how to do, swift ran to find ki. She found him a few minute later. “Well I’m ready to work she said. Can I help… uhh …whats her name with acupuncture.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 9:49 pm

Ki smiled. " Its Delilia, her room is up on the banister second door to the left. Oh, and here." ki gave her a toothbrush. " clean those teeth and take these minerals so you can be healthy." ki also gave her a glass with 3 pills on them. one was an iron pill, secdond was was a fish oil pill and the third was a calcium pill.
ki then sat down with some icewater in the middle of the kitchen and began to meditate with what looked like rosary beads in his hands. he was a buddhist.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 10:16 pm

"what do i look unhealthy." swift said in shock. "but but..but im not supposed to look unhealthy." takieno my old master made sure i looked normal and heathly." swift said. se was lost in the memory of skin transplants fat implants and other operations that takieno had preformed on her. the she snapped back in to the present. " what.. whats wrong with my apprentices." she said desperately. feeling her face. "do i look older." she said horrified. thinking back to when takieno had increased her metabolism. he said it would make her look sixteen but she would also age faster. "do i look old." she said. clinging on to ki.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 10:23 pm

ki laughed. " healthy is when you are stable emotionally, physaclly and if your in a healthy enviorment. it doesnt matter about your apearance. even if you do surgery on your body to make it 'look' healthy, it'll just ruin you in the end. i have taken those pills, eaten right, slept right and im 160 years old. with no wrinkles, no aches and i feel like ive just come out of the warm womb. yes, you are unhealthy. thats why i didnt let the arrow hit the wallet and you go scurrying off like some street rat. you have skills and i want you to become a master of those skills." ki gave her a kind grin. " you remind me of a mangolia. the apologetic, fragile flower. it takes the best gardener to bring it to its best, and when it does it becomes so magnificent that not even a thug would want to crush it. so become a healthy mangolia, brush your teeth, take vitamins that you need to stay healthy and learn acupunture that helps humans in their daily lives. okay?" ki was about to pat he head, but hesitated and let his arm drop back into the meditative position.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 10:25 pm

"Fine Reiki Sensa you can be like that i didnt want to learn that stupid clone jutsu anyways ya old hag" meh sticks his tounge out at her through the door. "What a mean woman how could anyone get so mad for saving an animal. what the hell could they expect from a inuzuka. all these people think that animals are nothing but food and clothing but thats not the case.Well i guess it is unimportant im going see whats happening. shion heard voices coming from the resturant.he walked in and immediatly saw swift.............."Huh its U!!!!" he glared at her "Ur Meann!!" he pointed at her WHY YOU!!
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Mr. Snuggles
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 10:33 pm

ki opend his eye and turned black. he then turned into a blur, his black caws retracted and his roasry bead extended. he grabbed shion by the throat with the rosary beads as a sort of noose. ki then started to smile, his cats teeth stained red with his previous killings and the corners of his mouth nearly reaching his scary slitted eyes. he began to drag shion up the wall until his head bumped the ten foot ceiling. " NEVER CALL REIKI THAT." he growled. " she had been up for nearly 3 days preparing for your training, she is only a ten year old girl trying to teach you. she has risked her life, her health and her happiness trying to teach you and stay in the human world at the same time. if she worked any harder the village would burn her remains and pour acid over her eyes!!" he yelled at him. his voice lower than usual but also feeling as if his words struck bone.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 10:41 pm

ooc,oh yea y did i think she was old i guess my minds playing trics lol

ic.Kis voice shook the room as usual"sorry ki sensai." shion struggled himself free.Dont you think that mind have been a little overboard he thought to ask but decided to just look at him with his puppy dog eyes. But back to the point "Swiffftt Ill kill you" he was only half serious but he did want to fight her and her stupid bow.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 10:43 pm

swift shivered. wow she thought. she gulped down the pills and hoped that they weren't poison. " well i guess i'll go do my chores. yeah well good luck with that seen how your about to be eaten." she said smiling. she turned the corner and walked up the stares. once out of sight of ki the smile vanished. yikes she thought. better not mouth off to ki. poor whats his name. he deserved better than to get eaten. well maybe not. oh well not my problem. she thought and put the smile back on as she entered delilia's room. right now to help. she thought.
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Mr. Snuggles
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 10:56 pm

ki paused as he looked at the puppy dog eyes for a second. his eyes turned completely white/yellow and joyous. " oh you humans are so cute!!!" he gushed. he let go of swift and set him on a chair. " but really, please dont be so impaitent with reiki. due to her age, she is very weak. she can barely stand up without screaming, and with her doing all of this while holding onto that pain...well i couldve never acomplished it without going insane... so please go eat, get dressed in that kimono that i washed while you slept and get ready." ki walked back into the kitchen and resumed in the buddhist's meditation.

Delilia looked up from a man full of needles. "oh...swift, please shut the door you're letting the cold in." swift smelled a calming sweet odor, the lights were turned down low and she could hear a flute and a stringed insturment behing a curtain in the back. there was a tray of foods that the man was momentarily eating from. a tray of hot water with a towel and a box of coloured needles. " please sit down, do you know much about releasing stress from pores?"
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 11:03 pm

Shion turned back his head after being ignored by swift.Swift had robbed his friend and shot an arrow at them which nearly killed the time he started yelling at her she was gone."And another thing swift.....oh she gone". "sorry ki sensai what am i getting ready for.and where is that horrible girl going?"
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Mr. Snuggles
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 11:09 pm

ki sighed. " you are getting ready for working at the shop, and she's going to learn how to heal people using acupuncture. yes, she is a bit rotten but just like delicous cheese, those parts can be cut away, cured and still be good cheese. she is my student now as you are and rivalry makes the best goal than i can ever give you. there is swift, the sly underhanded girl, shion, the honest hardworker with a grudge, neko, the laidback workaholic, and hito, the calculating sweet one. a perfect team for a perfect goal. getting you all to be better than you think you are." ki did not once open his eyes or swayed in his meditation as he talked.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 11:13 pm

"of course a life long rivally what better way to prove im better than her than by bbeating her at everything hahaha this would be fun ill show her ki sensai ill beat her..... oh hes gone" he must have disappeared during my siliquy. but i listened to his story. Why the hell does everyone do that.Shion went to the changing room and changed into the outfit.i wonder what todays suck azz customers will be like
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 28 Dec 2009, 11:23 pm

Hito walked to Shion, looked up at his face and bowed quietly. he then turned to the meditating ki and pinched his nose to make him pay attention. his pale hands almost the same colour as his sensei's paper white ones. " people...lined front." he said, his voice sounding like a broken intercom. he then let go and plopped himself infront of ki to wait for orders.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Dec 2009, 12:13 am

shion wondered who this quoet kid was well getting on the slippers. "i hate working here i just want to get to some training."
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Dec 2009, 12:48 am

But if that stupid girls doing it i will do it way better ill serve a a million ppl if thats what it takes. "Im not going to lose to her, ah who am i kidding even that wont make this any better"
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Dec 2009, 12:00 pm

Maneki put on his uniform and then went over to ki.He said to ki "okay i have the suit thing on what do you need me to do."Maneki then waited for him to reply back.
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Mr. Snuggles
Mr. Snuggles

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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Dec 2009, 12:05 pm

Ki put the icewater away in the fridge and looked down at neko. " you either greet guests, clean, or serve people. okay?" he then moved out of the way as workers came in and took out the condiments from a cabinet to place on teh tables. " you go to the back garden for your food and eat before you tell me what you want to do." Desperate.. (so short!!)
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Dec 2009, 1:35 pm

((OCC: Maneki and shotty, try to Rp better by posting stuff with detail. Try to make the posts longer))
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 29 Dec 2009, 5:15 pm

Shion put on his fake smile as he walked into the place."I know ill stand outside and greet people maybe i can provide entertainment". shion put a hat down and started to sing he was a great singer a few people put a dollar into the hat.The wind began to blow and take the hat away. but shion found a weight he could use to stop that. He would be rich in no time he thought. as he sang the greatest songs of the time.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 01 Jan 2010, 5:35 pm

Swift shut the door and looked at Delilia. “ uhh… I know were not to stick them.” she said sitting down and smiling. “But I learn fast. My old master did teach me a little bit about acupuncture.” Swift looked at the patient and memorized the where the needles were stuck in to the flesh. Swift hoped she wouldn’t have to place the needles in a certain order. “Right, so where do I start.” she said. “ and then flinched as she heard something out side. “ I could kill that bird or what ever is out there making that noise, if you want me to.”
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Mr. Snuggles
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 01 Jan 2010, 11:17 pm

Ki nodded and set the rest of the servants at their stations. ki went to the kitchen and worked up the food. one of the workers brought in the customers that shion was bringing in. they went to the hotsprings, made reservations for acupuntire and massage, bought rooms and had breakfast. ki worked hard in making foods and made sure each and every one of them were delectable.

Delilia blinked. "you're not going to do anything at the moment. just please watch. here are a few scrolls to read from as i take care of this man. in order to understand acupunture you need not know which needle goes where, but to know how to get a certain reaction from someone using your hands, foot or needles. even rocks will do. acupunture is simply medicenal. to help humans, the learning of the nervous system is used for several things, including torture."
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 02 Jan 2010, 2:38 pm

Swift sighed. The thing she disliked the most was reading. It did not come easily to her. She could not write and barely read. But her old master had insisted that she learn to read, and so she had. She could read most codes and had even made up her own letter system so that she could write to takieno. But she had always disliked the normal type of writing. She picked up the scroll trying to remember the letters. Ever sense she had killed her master she had quit practicing reading, And could hardly remember and of the letters. She slowly unrolled the scroll, and looked aghast at the tiny writing. “Umm.. Whats this word.” swift said pointing to the word acupuncture on the scroll.
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maneki and swift. - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: maneki and swift.   maneki and swift. - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 02 Jan 2010, 5:26 pm

We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)

Kewashii shura no michi no naka Hito no chizu wo hirogete doko e yuku?
Gokusaishoku no karasu ga Sore wo ubaitotte yaburisuteta

Saa kokoro no me Mihiraite Shika to ima wo mikiwamero! (Yeah!)
Ushinau mono nante nai sa Iza mairou!

We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)

Oto wo tatezu shinobiyoru kage ga Itsumo bokura wo madowaseru
Yuugenjikkou Ooki na kaze ga Uneri wo agete fukiareru

Kazashita surudoi katana de Onore no asu Kirihirake! (Yeah!)
Hoshou nante Doko ni mo nai sa Naa Sou daro!?

We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!

We are Fighting Dreamers Kono nakama-tachi to
Fighting Dreamers Subete wo makikomi
Fighting Dreamers Kokorozashi Takaku
Oli Oli Oli Oh-!

We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!

(Don't forget your first impulse ever)
(Let's keep your adventurous ever)

Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!

shion decided to pick up the intensity of the songs by doing something a little more faster.The people were now flocking to see this talented shinobi. when shion was finished he noticed a shoefly out the window and hit him in the head. then a shrill voice yelling shut up!!!
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