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Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle Icon_minitimeMon 29 Jul 2024, 3:32 pm by Hirokai Hondo

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 Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle

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Ikusen Yaiba

Posts : 23
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Age : 32
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Village: Kirigakure

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PostSubject: Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle   Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle Icon_minitimeWed 17 Feb 2010, 11:27 pm

A gust of wind blows through the trees and into a field full of tall grasses, making each blade sing a melodic, yet melancholy harmony. Perhaps it was how nature foreshadowed the fight to come: graceful, yet saddening. From the darkness of the trees walks a single shinobi, his back bulging unnaturally and nearly his entire body hidden by his black clothes, save for his icy blue, piercing eyes. As he comes to the field of grass, he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, relaxing slightly. "Mmmm..." Ikusen sinks down onto his knees, resting hidden among the grasses like a snake coiled to strike, yet also like a rock, unmoving and willful against the elements of time. He takes another deep breath and silences himself, carefully pulling his puppet out from behind his cloak without a single noise that would be considered out of place. Ikusen gently brushes the hair away from the puppet's face, revealing the beautiful face, marred as it was by the fact that it had no eyes, and that its mouth was full of razor-sharp metal fangs. He leans down to whisper in its ear. "Go now and make me proud, Ama-no-Zuka." Lightly touching the back of the puppet, he pulls his hand back, connecting his hand with the body of the puppet, and Ikusen lays on his back in the tall grass, using his chakra strings to keep Ama-no-Zuka above, making sure that the breezes wouldn't ruffle her hair too much to reveal her face.


Last edited by Ikusen Yaiba on Fri 19 Feb 2010, 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle   Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle Icon_minitimeFri 19 Feb 2010, 5:49 pm

Maneki was relaxing on the top of a tree when he saw a guy using a puppet. Maneki decided to attack the guy and see how long it would take to kill him. Maneki drew his sword and concentrated wind chakra into it and fired off 5 shots at the guy. Maneki then put his sword infront of himself and got ready to control each wave of chakra.

Name:Wind Release: Beast Wave Palm
Description: A powerful jutsu that uses large amounts of wind nature chakra that can cut and slash through any material. Sora activates it by summoning chakra in his right hand, and then swipes a slicing chakra wave which appears to be controlled by Sora's will and thoughts. Sora is able to use this jutsu in rapid succession.

Name: Keyblade [Origin Form]


Abilities: To use the Keyblade, Maneki summons upon the blade at will. Within seconds, the blade will appear in his dominate hand. If he gets seperated from the blade, the blade will disappear and then re-appear back in his hand. By channeling his chakra through the blade, this blade can pierce through almost anything. Even though this blade is considered the weakest of the Keyblades, it seems to be the most mysterious of the blades, so most of its abilities still yet remain unknown. Although, if someone else tries to infuse their chakra through the blade, the Keyblade will reject it and nothing will happen.

History: Maneki received this sword well on a mission. He was send to escort an old sword maker back to his small town. When he arrived back he noticed that maneki was a swordsmen. He said to maneki "thank you for getting me here safely wait here i have a gist fro you." Maneki waited there for about 2 minutes and the guy then walked out with a big sword. He then said to maneki "take the sword if you can use your chakra with it its meant to be yours." Maneki started to channel his chakra into the blade and got ready to try it out. He went up to a tree and slashed it with little effort. It then completely cut the tree down. The man then said "you are the swords true owner the sword is now a part of you. It will disappear if you don't want to use it and will reappear in your had if you concentrate and it is separated from you it will disappear and reappear in your hand." He then said "go and use the sword wisely." Maneki decided to stop using the sword and it disappeared, He then went back to the village.

Last edited by Maneki Neko on Fri 19 Feb 2010, 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ikusen Yaiba

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PostSubject: Re: Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle   Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle Icon_minitimeFri 19 Feb 2010, 5:55 pm

Ikusen just barely catches the sound of a quick, sudden gust that's different from the other small breezes, coming from a different direction. Moving Ama-no-Zuka quickly, he uses the puppet's body to block the wind attacks, though the puppet gets cut after each block and becomes a pile of wood. While the puppet gets cut apart by the wind jutsu, Ikusen himself moves silently through the grass, then throws a kunai up at where the blasts of wind jutsu came from, hoping to distract his opponent. After throwing the small knife, Ikusen pulls a scroll from behind his back and lays it on the ground, placing his hand on the seal to unleash his second puppet, Ao-Andon, which towers over the grass blades, his hollow eye sockets looking directly at where the kunai was thrown. Ikusen sinks down onto his stomach, watching and waiting for the next attack.

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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle   Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle Icon_minitimeSat 20 Feb 2010, 1:16 pm

Maneki saw the moves cut the puppet into pieces but the guy had escaped. Maneki tried to look around the grass where the guy had escaped to but then a kunai was coming from him. Maneki had one of his wind waves knock the kunai away and he then fired 2 of the wind blast at where the kunai had come from.
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Ikusen Yaiba

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PostSubject: Re: Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle   Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle Icon_minitimeSat 20 Feb 2010, 2:07 pm

Ikusen moves soon after summoning up Ao-Andon, but he gets hit with one of the wind blasts, cutting off one of his feet. Stifling a scream of pain, he instead makes the deadly-looking obake puppet jump up at Maneki, pinpointing where the ninja is based on where the jutsu are coming from. Pullling a few of the chakra strings, Ikusen makes the puppet's hair stand on end while he rushes towards Maneki with his metal fangs spread wide, the unnaturally blue eyes seeming to shine like spotlights at his face, the arms spread wide to keep him from moving around the puppet to where Ikusen is.
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Maneki Neko
Maneki Neko

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PostSubject: Re: Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle   Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle Icon_minitimeSat 20 Feb 2010, 2:52 pm

Maneki saw the guy get hit by one of the attacks and lose a foot. In his moment of celebration he almost didn't notice that the guy had summoned up a 2ed puppet. Maneki sent a wind wave at a puppet and a 2ed wind wave at the chakra string controlling it. He then send a 3rd one at the guy himself.
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Ikusen Yaiba

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Location : Right behind you... Boo!

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Ninja Rank: C Rank
Village: Kirigakure

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PostSubject: Re: Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle   Maneki Neko vs. Ikusen Yaiba Off-RPG Battle Icon_minitimeSat 20 Feb 2010, 5:10 pm

Ikusen sees the win wave coming at him, and makes a single handsign, letting go of his puppet and letting it drop while he focuses his chakra. "Shunshin no Jutsu!" He disappears just before the wind chakra hits the ground where he had once been. Suddenly, Ao-Andon stands back up, without any chakra strings outside of it. Its blue glowing eyes look up at Maneki evilly, then slashes the tree with its nails, cutting it clean through the trunk.

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